
Defines functions changer

Documented in changer

#' Change Name of Existing R Package
#' Changing the name of an existing R package is annoying but common task 
#' especially in the early stages of package development. Function \code{changer} 
#' tries to automate this task. See README for more information. 
#' Note that if the package is already published in CRAN, then the name change 
#' is more problematic (you need to ask CRAN for permission first).
#' If the package is also available in Github, then you need to do the following:
#' Go to the URL of your Github package, click Settings near the top-right, change the name under "Repository name", and finally click Rename.
#' Warnings: 
#' If the current name of your package is just some commonly used word (such as "package"), then you are in trouble, as 
#' find and replace will change all of those words to \code{new_name} as well. 
#' If you have a function with same name as your package, that will change as well.
#' It is strongly recommended to make backups before proceeding.
#' Inspired by Nick Tierney's blog post: https://www.njtierney.com/post/2017/10/27/change-pkg-name/
#' @param path Path of the package.
#' @param new_name Desired name of the package.
#' @param check_validity Check first if the package name is valid and available by running the 
#' function \code{available} from the package \code{available} Default is TRUE. This will prompt a warning about
#' potentially offensive results from Urban Dictionary which is used to check the validity of the package name.
#' @param change_git If \code{TRUE} (default), changes the remote url of the remote. Note that
#' you still need to change the name of the GitHub repository manually as follows: 
#' Go to the URL of your Github package, click Settings, change the name under "Repository name", and click Rename.
#' @param run_roxygen Should the package documentation be updated via roxygen? If \code{TRUE}, removes all old \code{Rd} files 
#' in \code{man} directory.
#' @param remote_name Name of the remote. Defaults to \code{git2r::remotes(path)[1]}.
#' @param ask Ask confirmation before starting the rename process. Default is TRUE.
#' @param replace_all If \code{TRUE}, replace all occurences of the old package name in files, 
#' also in parts of the word. Default is \code{FALSE}, so only whole words are replaced.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' content <- letters
#' package.skeleton("package.with.boring.name", path = tempdir())
#' readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "package.with.boring.name", "DESCRIPTION"))
#' changer(file.path(tempdir(), "package.with.boring.name"), 
#'   new_name = "superpack", check_validity = FALSE, ask = FALSE)
#' readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "superpack", "DESCRIPTION"))
#' unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "superpack"), recursive = TRUE)
changer <- function(path, new_name, check_validity = TRUE, change_git = TRUE, 
  run_roxygen = FALSE, remote_name = NULL, ask = TRUE, replace_all = FALSE) {
  path <- normalizePath(path)
  if (!file.exists(f <- path)) 
    stop(paste0("Path '", f, "' does not exist. "))

  if (check_validity) {
    valid <- available::available(new_name, browse = FALSE)
  if (ask) {
    keep_going <- utils::askYesNo(paste0("Warning! This function modifies the contents and names of the files within the path '", path, "'. Do you wish to continue?"))
    if (isFALSE(keep_going)) return()
  dir_path <- dirname(path)
  old_name <- basename(path)
  if (file.exists(new_path <- file.path(dir_path, new_name))) 
    stop(paste0("Path '", new_path, "' already exists. "))
  # check that the path actually contains R package
  if(!file.exists(paste0(path, "/DESCRIPTION")))
    stop("The path does not seem point to an R package as there is no DESCRIPTION file present.")
  # all files and dirs:
  R_files <- list.files(path, all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE, 
                        ignore.case = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "\\.R$")
  c_or_cpp_files <- list.files(path, all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE, 
                               ignore.case = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "\\.(cpp|c|h)$")
  fortran_files <- list.files(path, all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE, 
                              ignore.case = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "\\.(f|f90|f95)$")
  stan_files <- list.files(path, all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE, 
                           full.names = TRUE, pattern = "\\.stan$")
  md_files <- list.files(path, all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE, 
                         full.names = TRUE, pattern = "\\.(md|Rmd|Rnw|html|bib)$")
  yml_files <- list.files(path, all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE, 
                         full.names = TRUE, pattern = "\\.(yml|yaml)$")
  files <- c(R_files, c_or_cpp_files, fortran_files, stan_files, md_files, yml_files,
             file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION"), file.path(path, "NAMESPACE"),
             if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, ".Rbuildignore"))) f, 
             if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, ".gitignore"))) f,
             if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "inst/CITATION"))) f,
             if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, paste0(old_name, ".Rproj")))) f)
  # change contents
  pattern <- paste0('\\b', old_name, '\\b')
  if (replace_all) pattern <- old_name
  for (f in files) {
    old_content <- readLines(f)
    new_content <- gsub(pattern, new_name, old_content)
    cat(new_content, file = f, sep = "\n")
  # change file names
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, paste0(old_name, ".Rproj")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, paste0(new_name, ".Rproj")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "R", paste0(old_name, ".R")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "R", paste0(new_name, ".R")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "src", paste0(old_name, ".c")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "src", paste0(new_name, ".c")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "src", paste0(old_name, ".cpp")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "src",  paste0(new_name, ".cpp")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "src",  paste0(old_name, ".h")))) {
    file.rename(f,  file.path(path, "src",  paste0(new_name, ".h")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "src",  paste0(old_name, ".f")))) {
    file.rename(f,  file.path(path, "src",  paste0(new_name, ".f")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "src",  paste0(old_name, ".f90")))) {
    file.rename(f,  file.path(path, "src",  paste0(new_name, ".f90")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "src",  paste0(old_name, ".f95")))) {
    file.rename(f,  file.path(path, "src",  paste0(new_name, ".f95")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "exec",  paste0(old_name, ".stan")))) {
    file.rename(f,  file.path(path, "exec",  paste0(new_name, ".stan")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "vignettes",  paste0(old_name, ".md")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "vignettes",  paste0(new_name, ".md")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path,  paste0(old_name, ".md")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path,  paste0(new_name, ".md")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "vignettes",  paste0(old_name, ".Rmd")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "vignettes",  paste0(new_name, ".Rmd")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path,  paste0(old_name, ".Rmd")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path,  paste0(new_name, ".Rmd")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "vignettes",  paste0(old_name, ".Rnw")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "vignettes",  paste0(new_name, ".Rnw")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "vignettes",  paste0(old_name, ".pdf")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "vignettes",  paste0(new_name, ".pdf")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "vignettes", paste0(old_name, ".html")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "vignettes", paste0(new_name, ".html")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "vignettes",  paste0(old_name, ".bib")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "vignettes",  paste0(new_name, ".bib")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "R", paste0(old_name, "-package.R")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "R", paste0(new_name, "-package.R")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "R", paste0(old_name, "-defunct.R")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "R", paste0(new_name, "-defunct.R")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "R", paste0(old_name, "-deprecated.R")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path, "R", paste0(new_name, "-deprecated.R")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path,  paste0(old_name, ".yml")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path,  paste0(new_name, ".yml")))
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path,  paste0(old_name, ".yaml")))) {
    file.rename(f, file.path(path,  paste0(new_name, ".yaml")))
  if (run_roxygen) {
    # remove old Rd files
    Rd_files <- list.files(file.path(path, "man"), pattern = "\\.(Rd)$", full.names = TRUE)
    for (f in Rd_files) {
  # remove to force rebuild, just to be safe...
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "src", paste0(old_name, ".o")))) {
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "/src", paste0(old_name, ".so")))) {
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "/src", paste0(old_name, ".dll")))) {
  # warning on detecting rda files in data
  if (file.exists(f <- file.path(path, "data", paste0(old_name, ".rda")))) {
    warning(".rda files were detected in data/. Load and resave these files.")
  # rename directory

  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    shell(paste("rename", utils::shortPathName(normalizePath(path)), new_name))
  } else {
    system2("mv", args = c(path, new_path))
  if (change_git & !is.null(p <- git2r::discover_repository(new_path))) {
    repo <- git2r::repository(p, FALSE)
    remote <- git2r::remote_url(repo)
    if (is.null(remote_name)) remote_name <- git2r::remotes(repo)[1]
    git2r::remote_set_url(repo, name = remote_name, url = gsub(old_name, new_name, remote))
  # change repo name in GitHub
  # Can you do this securely? Maybe with tokens,
  # but fetching the token from Github website takes
  # same amount of time as renaming via website...
  # calling system curl doesn't activate prompt in Windows..
  # Maybe we could check whether user has set GitHub token?
  # if (grepl("github.com", remote)) {
  #   split_repo <- strsplit(remote, "/")[[1]]
  #   owner <- split_repo[length(split_repo) - 1]
  #   httr::PATCH(url = paste0("https://api.github.com/repos/", owner, "/", new_name),
  #               httr::accept_json(), httr::content_type_json(), encode = "json",
  #               body = list(name = old_name), 
  #               httr::authenticate(user = "me", password = "idontwanttogiveittoyou", type = "basic"))
  # }
  if (run_roxygen) {
    devtools::document(pkg = new_path, roclets = 
                         c("namespace", "rd", 
                           if (any(grepl("Collate", c(readLines("DESCRIPTION"))))) "collate"))
helske/changer documentation built on May 6, 2022, 3:37 a.m.