#' generateTrans
#' Generate the transparencies from data and colours
#' @param cols The colours to make transparent
#' @param values The data to set transparency by
#' @name generateTrans
#' @keywords internal
generateTrans <- function(cols, values) {
tt <- values / max(values)
cols <- sapply(seq_along(cols), function(x) {
makeTrans(cols[x], alpha = tt[x])
#' funLegend
#' Generate some interesting legend labels.
#' @name funLegend
#' @keywords internal
funLegend <- function() {
names <- list(
c("Jimmy Cliff", "Jimi Hendrix"),
c("Neil Sedaka", "Neil Young"),
c("James Blunt", "James Chance"),
c("David Gray", "David Byrne"),
c("John Mayer", "John Bonham")
sample(names, 1)[[1]]
#' branchColours
#' Generates the edge colours to colour edges by total rate.
#' @name branchColours
#' @keywords internal
branchColours <- function(PP, opts) {
plot.dat <- list(
scale_pc = PP$scalars$pRate[2:nrow(PP$scalars)],
mean = log(PP$scalars$meanRate[2:nrow(PP$scalars)]),
median = log(PP$scalars$medianRate[2:nrow(PP$scalars)]),
mode = PP$scalars$modeRate[2:nrow(PP$scalars)],
sd = PP$scalars$sdRate[2:nrow(PP$scalars)]
if (opts$edge.colour != "none") {
xx <- plot.dat[[opts$edge.colour]]
ss <- seq.int(from = min(xx), to = max(xx), length.out = length(xx))
if (length(opts$edge.palette) > 1) {
edge.cols <- plotrix::color.scale(xx, extremes = opts$edge.palette)
scale.cols <- plotrix::color.scale(ss, extremes = opts$edge.palette)
} else {
edge.cols <- colourvalues::colour_values(xx, palette = opts$edge.palette)
scale.cols <- colourvalues::colour_values(ss, palette = opts$edge.palette)
scale.lims <- range(ss)
} else if (opts$edge.colour == "none") {
edge.cols <- rep("black", length(xx))
scale.cols <- NA
if (opts$edge.transparency != "none") {
edge.cols <- generateTrans(edge.cols, plot.dat[[opts$edge.transparency]])
if (opts$coloured.edges == "threshold") {
tree <- PP$tree_summary$tree_summaries$original_tree
names(plot.dat$scale_pc) <- PP$scalars$branch[2:nrow(PP$scalars)]
nodes <- as.numeric(
names(plot.dat$scale_pc[plot.dat$scale_pc < opts$threshold])
null_edges <- tree$edge[, 2] %in% nodes
if (opts$edge.colour != "none" && opts$coloured.edges == "threshold") {
edge.cols[null_edges] <- opts$na.colour
return(list(edge.cols = edge.cols, scale.cols = scale.cols,
scale.lims = scale.lims))
#' shapeCols
#' Generates colours for shapes for either node or branch scalars.
#' @name shapeCols
#' @keywords internal
shapeCols <- function(opts, plot.dat, mode) {
if (mode == "nodes") {
if (opts$node.colour == "none") {
cols <- scale.cols <- opts$node.fill
scale.lims <- c(0, 0)
} else {
xx <- plot.dat[[opts$node.colour]]
ss <- seq.int(from = min(xx), to = max(xx), length.out = length(xx))
if (length(opts$node.palette) > 1) {
cols <- plotrix::color.scale(xx, extremes = opts$node.palette)
scale.cols <- plotrix::color.scale(ss, extremes = opts$node.palette)
} else {
cols <- colourvalues::colour_values(xx, palette = opts$node.palette)
scale.cols <- colourvalues::colour_values(ss,
palette = opts$node.palette)
scale.lims <- range(ss)
} else if (mode == "branches") {
if (opts$branch.colour == "none") {
cols <- scale.cols <- opts$branch.fill
scale.lims <- c(0, 0)
} else {
xx <- plot.dat[[opts$branch.colour]]
ss <- seq.int(from = min(xx), to = max(xx), length.out = length(xx))
if (length(opts$branch.palette) > 1) {
cols <- plotrix::color.scale(xx, extremes = opts$branch.palette)
scale.cols <- plotrix::color.scale(ss, extremes = opts$branch.palette)
} else {
cols <- colourvalues::colour_values(xx, palette = opts$branch.palette)
scale.cols <- colourvalues::colour_values(ss,
palette = opts$branch.palette)
scale.lims <- range(ss)
return(list(cols = cols, scale.cols = scale.cols, scale.lims = scale.lims))
#' plotShapes
#' Generates the node labels, edge.colours and transparencies to plot the
#' location of transformations in a posterior.
#' @name plotShapes
#' @keywords internal
plotShapes <- function(PP, opts, mode) {
if (opts$threshold == 0) {
opts$threshold <- 1 / PP$niter
if (opts$transformation == "rate") {
if (mode == "branches") {
brates <- PP$origins$branches[-1 , 3:ncol(PP$origins$branches)]
plot.dat <- list(
scale_pc = PP$scalars$nOrgnBRate[-1] / PP$niter,
mean = log(rowMeans(brates)),
median = log(apply(brates, 1, median)),
mode = apply(brates, 1, modeStat),
sd = apply(brates, 1, sd)
} else if (mode == "nodes") {
nrates <- PP$origins$nodes[-1 , 3:ncol(PP$origins$nodes)]
plot.dat <- list(
scale_pc = PP$scalars$nOrgnNRate[-1] / PP$niter,
mean = log(rowMeans(nrates)),
median = log(apply(nrates, 1, median)),
mode = apply(nrates, 1, modeStat),
sd = apply(nrates, 1, sd)
} else if (opts$transformation == "delta") {
plot.dat <- list(
scale_pc = PP$scalars$pDelta,
mean = log(PP$scalars$meanDelta),
median = log(PP$scalars$medianDelta),
mode = PP$scalars$modeDelta,
sd = PP$scalars$sdDelta
} else if (opts$transformation == "lambda") {
plot.dat <- list(
scale_pc = PP$scalars$pLambda,
mean = log(PP$scalars$meanLambda),
median = log(PP$scalars$medianLambda),
mode = PP$scalars$modeLambda,
sd = PP$scalars$sdDelta
} else if (opts$transformation == "kappa") {
plot.dat <- list(
scale_pc = PP$scalars$pKappa,
mean = log(PP$scalars$meanKappa),
median = log(PP$scalars$medianKappa),
mode = PP$scalars$modeKappa,
sd = PP$scalars$sdKappa
node_tf <- plot.dat$scale_pc > opts$threshold
if (mode == "nodes") {
nodes <- PP$scalars$descNode[-1][node_tf]
} else if (mode == "branches") {
nodes <- PP$scalars$branch[-1][node_tf]
# this needs to be changed to return something useful.
if (length(nodes) == 0) {
ret <- list(nodes = NULL,
colours = NULL,
scale.cols = opts$na.colour,
scale.lims = c(0, 1))
} else {
plot.dat <- lapply(plot.dat, function(x) x[node_tf])
plot.cols <- shapeCols(opts, plot.dat, mode)
if (mode == "nodes" && opts$node.transparency != "none") {
plot.cols$cols <- generateTrans(plot.cols$cols,
} else if (mode == "branches" && opts$branch.transparency != "none") {
plot.cols$cols <- generateTrans(plot.cols$cols,
if (mode == "nodes") {
if (opts$node.scale != "none") {
scl <- plot.dat[[opts$node.scale]]
if (any(scl < 0)) {
scl <- scl + min(scl)
pcex <- as.numeric(opts$node.cex) * scl
} else {
pcex <- as.numeric(opts$node.cex)
} else if (mode == "branches") {
if (opts$branch.scale != "none") {
scl <- plot.dat[[opts$branch.scale]]
if (any(scl < 0)) {
scl <- scl + min(scl)
pcex <- as.numeric(opts$node.cex) * scl
} else {
pcex <- as.numeric(opts$branch.cex)
ret <- list(nodes = as.numeric(nodes),
colours = plot.cols$cols,
scale.cols = plot.cols$scale.cols,
scale.lims = plot.cols$scale.lims,
nodecex = pcex)
#' legendInfo
#' Generates legend info for colour scale legends
#' @name legendInfo
#' @keywords internal
legendInfo <- function(tree, opts, cols) {
if (opts$legend != "numeric") {
leg <- funLegend()
} else {
leg <- round(cols$scale.lims, 2)
if (length(opts$legend.pos) == 1) {
if (opts$legend.pos == "auto") {
pos <- c(0,
round((max(ape::node.depth.edgelength(tree)) / 4), 2),
round((length(tree$tip.label) / 60), 2))
} else {
pos <- opts$legend.pos
return(list(legend = leg, pos = pos, cols = cols$scale.cols,
lims = cols$scale.lims))
#' makeLegendTitle
#' Generates legend title for scale bars.
#' @name makeLegendTitle
#' @keywords internal
makeLegendTitle <- function(opts) {
if (opts$edge.colour == "mean" | opts$edge.colour == "median") {
edge_leg <- Hmisc::capitalize(paste("ln", opts$edge.colour,
} else {
edge_leg <- Hmisc::capitalize(paste(opts$edge.colour,
if (opts$node.colour == "mean" | opts$node.colour == "median") {
node_leg <- Hmisc::capitalize(paste("ln", opts$node.colour,
} else {
node_leg <- Hmisc::capitalize(paste(opts$node.colour,
if (opts$branch.colour == "mean" | opts$branch.colour == "median") {
branch_leg <- Hmisc::capitalize(paste("ln", opts$branch.colour,
} else {
branch_leg <- Hmisc::capitalize(paste(opts$branch.colour,
return(list(edge_leg = edge_leg,
node_leg = node_leg,
branch_leg = branch_leg))
#' scaleTree
#' Scales the tree for plotting
#' @name scaleTree
#' @keywords internal
scaleTree <- function(PP, opts) {
if (opts$edge.scale == "none") {
tree <- PP$tree_summary$tree_summaries$original_tree
} else if (opts$edge.scale == "mean") {
tree <- PP$tree_summary$tree_summaries$mean_tree
} else if (opts$edge.scale == "median") {
tree <- PP$tree_summary$tree_summaries$median_tree
} else if (opts$edge.scale == "mode") {
tree <- PP$tree_summary$tree_summaries$mode_tree
if (opts$edge.scale != "none" && opts$scaled.edges == "threshold") {
psc <- PP$scalars[-1, ]
sc <- psc$pScalar < opts$threshold
tree$edge.length[sc] <-
#' plotShifts
#' Plots the locations of the origins of scalars from the postprocessor output
#' of bayestraits.
#' @param PP The output of the rjpp function.
#' @param plot.options A list of control options. See details.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotPhylo
#' @details The default behaviour of plotShifts depends on the transformations
#' present in the rjpp output. If variable rates, then 3 trees will be plotted:
#' the first has branches coloured according the log of the mean rate, the
#' second shows all node scalars present more than once in the posterior,
#' coloured according to the mean log rate and the third shows the same for
#' branch scalars. If delta, kappa or lambda are present then a single tree is
#' plotted showing all nodes that receive a scalar, coloured according to mean
#' magnitude. If multiple transformations are present then the user will be
#' prompted to select one.
#' The plot.options list provides a high degree of control over what
#' is plotted, allowing the default behaviour to be customised. The options, and
#' values that they can take, are as follows.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{threshold:}{ [0-1] The threshold of presence in the posterior over which
#' a node and/or branch scalar is plotted. Also the threshold referenced by
#' coloured.edges and scaled.edges.}
#' \item{transformation:}{ [rate, delta, lambda, kappa] The transformation to
#' plot.}
#' \item{edge.colour:}{ [none, mean, median, mode, sd, scale_pc] The metric to
#' colour edges by. If none branches default to the na.colour option. Mean,
#' median, mode and sd correspond to the appropriate branch lengths from the
#' posterior of trees and scale_pc colours edges according to the percentage of
#' time they are scaled in the posterior.}
#' \item{edge.transparency:}{ [none, scale_pc, sd] The measure to make edges
#' proportionally transparent by. None results in uniform solid branches,
#' scale_pc gives edges that are scaled less frequently in the posterior higher
#' transparency, and sd gives branches that have higher SD of estimated branch
#' lengths more solid colours.}
#' \item{coloured.edges:}{ [all, threshold] The edges to colour. If "all" then
#' all edges are coloured according to edge.colour, otherwise if "threshold"
#' then only edges that are scaled over the specified threshold are coloured.
#' Uncoloured edges default to na.colour}
#' \item{edge.palette:}{ [viridis, magma, inferno, plasma, viridis,
#' c("<colour1>", "<colour2>")] The colour palette for edges. If not using a
#' named palette then a vector of at least two colours must be specified - the
#' first will be the low end of the palette and the last the top end. Any other
#' colours in the vector will be included in the gradient.}
#' \item{edge.scale:}{ [none, mean, median, mode]}
#' \item{scaled.edges:}{ [all, threshold]}
#' \item{node.colour:}{ []}
#' \item{node.scale:}{ []}
#' \item{node.transparency:}{ []}
#' \item{node.palette:}{ [viridis, magma, inferno, plasma, viridis,
#' c("<colour1>", "<colour2>")] The colour palette for node symbols. If not
#' using a named palette then a vector of at least two colours must be
#' specified - the first will be the low end of the palette and the last the top
#' end. Any other colours in the vector will be included in the gradient.}
#' \item{node.fill:}{ []}
#' \item{node.border:}{ []}
#' \item{node.shape:}{ ["circle"] The shape for the node labels - "circle",
#' "square", "diamond", "uptriangle", "downtriangle".}
#' \item{node.cex:}{ [0-??] The scaling factor for node symbols. This is the
#' scaling factor that the symbols start at before any subsequent scaling (i.e.
#' if a node symbol receives no scaling, this is what it's scaling factor will
#' be.)}
#' \item{branch.colour:}{ []}
#' \item{branch.transparency:}{ []}
#' \item{branch.palette:}{ [viridis, magma, inferno, plasma, viridis,
#' c("<colour1>", "<colour2>")] The colour palette for branch symbols. If not
#' using a named palette then a vector of at least two colours must be
#' specified - the first will be the low end of the palette and the last the top
#' end. Any other colours in the vector will be included in the gradient.}
#' \item{branch.fill:}{ []}
#' \item{branch.border:}{ []}
#' \item{branch.scale:}{ []}
#' \item{branch.shape:}{ ["circle"] The shape for the branch labels - "circle",
#' "square", "diamond", "uptriangle", "downtriangle".}
#' \item{branch.cex:}{ [0-??] The scaling factor for branch symbols. This is the
#' scaling factor that the symbols start at before any subsequent scaling (i.e.
#' if a branch symbol receives no scaling, this is what it's scaling factor will
#' be.}
#' \item{na.colour:}{ []}
#' \item{layout:}{ [c("e", "n", "b")] This controls the layout of the plots. The
#' option takes the form of a vector of letters - "e", "n" and/or "b". Each
#' element of the vector is a new panel in the plot, and the composition of
#' letters in the element determins whether coloured edges - "e" - node labels -
#' "n" - and/or branch labels - "b" - are plotted. e.g. c("e", "n", "b") gives a
#' three panel plot - one panel with coloured edges, one with node labels and
#' one with branch labels. c("en", "b") produces two plots - one with coloured
#' edges and node labels and one with branch labels. c("enb") produces a single
#' plot with edges, node labels and branch labels.}
#' \item{show.legend:}{ [TRUE, FALSE] Whether or not to show legends. Legends
#' can be drawn seperately using the plotLegends function and then added to
#' plots using some other graphics software. This is useful if the legend butts
#' up against the lower branches of scaled phylogenies, if the type = "fan"
#' option is used (the automatic legend placement puts it in a weird place) or
#' if a more complex legend is needed (e.g. a histogram).}
#' \item{legend.pos:}{ [auto, c(xl, yb, xr, yt)] The legend position on the
#' plot. If "auto" then the legend position will be in the bottom right at
#' "best guess" coordinates. Otherwise a vector of coordinates for bottom left
#' and top right corner of the legend.}
#' \item{legend:}{ []}
#' \item{save.plot:}{ [TRUE, FALSE] If TRUE then the plot will be saved to the
#' working directory as a pdf and NOT plotted to the screen.}
#' \item{filename:}{ [<some_filename>] The filename to save the plot to. If not
#' specified then a filename will be generated based on the time and date.
#' There's no need to specify file extension.}
#' \item{plot.size:}{ [c(<width>, <height>)] The width and height of the saved
#' plot. If plot.format = "png" then the unit is in pixels.}
#' \item{legend.only}{ [TRUE, FALSE] When TRUE only the legend(s) corresponding
#' to all the other options are plotted. When this option is called two legends
#' are plotted per plot - the one that normally appears on the plot, and one
#' accompanied by a histogram showing the same data used to generate the
#' colours. This option is useful for when the legend is to be combined with the
#' plot in seperate graphical software (e.g. GIMP, Inkscape). This option is
#' compatible with save.plot.}
#' }
#' @name plotShifts
#' @import plotrix
#' @export
plotShifts <- function(PP, plot.options = list(), ...) {
# TODO - check the cex values for nodes/branches - seem to be messed up.
# TODO - include option to plot node labels for specified node(s).
transformation <- names(PP$origins)
if ("nodes" %in% transformation) {
transformation <- c("rate",
transformation[!transformation %in% c("nodes", "branches")])
opts <- list(
threshold = 0,
transformation = transformation,
edge.colour = "mean",
edge.transparency = "none",
coloured.edges = "threshold",
edge.palette = "viridis",
edge.scale = "none",
scaled.edges = "threshold",
node.colour = "mean",
node.scale = "none",
node.transparency = "none",
node.palette = "plasma",
node.fill = "red",
node.border = "black",
node.shape = "circle",
node.cex = 2,
branch.colour = "mean",
branch.transparency = "none",
branch.palette = "cividis",
branch.fill = "red",
branch.border = "black",
branch.scale = "none",
branch.shape = "diamond",
branch.cex = 2,
na.colour = "black",
layout = c("e", "n", "b"),
show.legend = TRUE,
legend.pos = "auto",
legend = "numeric",
save.plot = FALSE,
filename = NULL,
plot.size = NULL,
legend.only = FALSE
opts[names(plot.options)] <- plot.options
opts <- lapply(opts, function(x) gsub("circle", 21, x))
opts <- lapply(opts, function(x) gsub("square", 22, x))
opts <- lapply(opts, function(x) gsub("diamond", 23, x))
opts <- lapply(opts, function(x) gsub("uptriangle", 24, x))
opts <- lapply(opts, function(x) gsub("downtriangle", 25, x))
# apply converts to matrix so reset logical and NULLS, where needed.
opts$show.legend <- as.logical(opts$show.legend)
opts$save.plot <- as.logical(opts$save.plot)
opts$legend.only <- as.logical(opts$legend.only)
if (length(opts$filename) == 0) {
opts[names(opts) == "filename"] <- list(NULL)
if (length(opts$plot.size) == 0) {
opts[names(opts) == "plot.size"] <- list(NULL)
# change layout if legend.only.
if (opts$legend.only) {
opts$layout <- paste0(
unique(strsplit(paste0(opts$layout, collapse = ""), "")[[1]]),
collapse = ""
if (length(opts$transformation) > 1) {
message("Multiple transformations detected. Please select one to plot:")
opts$transformation <- select.list(choices = opts$transformation)
if (opts$transformation == "rate") {
edge.cols <- branchColours(PP, opts)
node.shapes <- plotShapes(PP, opts, mode = "nodes")
branch.shapes <- plotShapes(PP, opts, mode = "branches")
} else if (opts$transformation == "delta" | opts$transformation == "lamba" |
opts$tranformation == "kappa") {
if (opts$edge.colour != "none") {
edge.cols <- branchColours(PP, opts)
node.shapes <- plotShapes(PP, opts, mode = "nodes")
tree <- scaleTree(PP, opts)
leg.tit <- makeLegendTitle(opts)
panels <- strsplit(opts$layout, "")
if (opts$save.plot) {
if (is.null(opts$filename)) {
filename <- paste0("BTprocessR_plot_",
paste0(strsplit(date(), " ")[[1]], collapse = "_"), ".pdf")
} else {
filename <- paste0(opts$filename, ".pdf")
if (is.null(opts$plot.size)) {
opts$plot.size <- c(width = 10 * length(panels), height = 10)
pdf(filename, width = opts$plot.size[1], height = opts$plot.size[2])
par(mfrow = c(1, length(panels)))
} else {
par(mfrow = c(1, length(panels)))
for (i in seq_along(panels)) {
content <- panels[[i]]
legends <- list()
if ("e" %in% content) {
if (!opts$legend.only) {
plotPhylo(tree, edge.col = edge.cols$edge.cols, ...)
#plotPhylo(tree, edge.col = edge.cols$edge.cols)
content <- content[!content == "e"]
legends <- append(legends,
list(c(legendInfo(tree, opts, edge.cols), label = "Edges:",
title = leg.tit$edge_leg))
} else {
if (!opts$legend.only) {
plotPhylo(tree, ...)
for (j in seq_along(content)) {
if (content[j] == "n") {
if (!opts$legend.only) {
ape::nodelabels(node = node.shapes$nodes,
bg = node.shapes$colours,
col = opts$node.border,
cex = node.shapes$nodecex,
pch = as.numeric(opts$node.shape))
legends <- append(legends,
list(c(legendInfo(tree, opts, node.shapes), label = "Nodes: ",
title = leg.tit$node_leg))
} else if (content[j] == "b") {
if (!opts$legend.only) {
ape::edgelabels(edge = branch.shapes$nodes,
bg = branch.shapes$colours,
col = opts$branch.border,
cex = branch.shapes$nodecex,
pch = as.numeric(opts$branch.shape))
legends <- append(legends,
list(c(legendInfo(tree, opts, branch.shapes), label = "Branches: ",
title = leg.tit$branch_leg))
legends <- rev(legends)
if (opts$show.legend) {
if (opts$legend.only) {
#par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
offset <- 0.1
m <- 5
lcex <- 1
} else {
offset <- legends[[1]]$pos[4]
m <- 2
lcex <- 0.7
for (j in seq_along(legends)) {
leg <- legends[[j]]
if (opts$legend.only) {
leg$pos[3] <- 1
leg$pos[4] <- 0.1
if (j > 1) {
leg$pos[2] <- prev + (strheight("H", cex = 2) * m)
leg$pos[4] <- leg$pos[2] + offset
prev <- leg$pos[4]
} else {
prev <- leg$pos[4]
plotrix::color.legend(leg$pos[1], leg$pos[2], leg$pos[3], leg$pos[4],
leg$legend, rect.col = leg$cols, align = "rb", cex = lcex)
labx <- (leg$pos[1] + leg$pos[3]) / 2
laby <- leg$pos[4] + strheight("H")
if (length(legends) == 1) {
text(labx, laby, leg$title, cex = 1.428571)
} else {
text(labx, laby, paste0(leg$label, leg$title), cex = 1.428571)
# if (opts$legend.only) {
# plot.new()
# # do the histograms here...
# }
# reset the pane layout and close devices, if saving.
if (opts$save.plot) {
} else {
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
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