#' summariseTrees
#' Summarise a posterior sample of trees from a rate-varible or RJ local
#' transformation BayesTraits MCMC analysis.
#' @param reftree A tree that provides the reference topology (in most cases
#' this is time-tree the analysis was run on). Can be a filename of a tree in
#' the working directory or an object of class "phylo"
#' @param trees The posterior sample of trees from a rate-variable or
#' RJlocaltransformation MCMC BayesTraits analysis. Typically will have the
#' .Output.trees extension. Either the filename of the posterior, or an object
#' of class "multiPhylo".
#' @param verbose If TRUE a progress bar will be shown when ladderizing the
#' posterior trees (this step can be time consuming).
#' @param burnin Number of trees to discard as burnin (if, for example, the MCMC
#' chain had not converged until later in the run).
#' @param thinning If >1 then every nth tree will be sampled - useful if the
#' sampling interval of the original MCMC analysis was too small. Note that is
#' it preferable to ensure proper chain convergence prior to analysis of the
#' results, in which case the default settings of burnin and thinning will be
#' appropriate.
#' @export
#' @name summariseTrees
summariseTrees <- function(reftree, trees, burnin = 0, thinning = 1,
verbose = TRUE) {
pbapply::pboptions(type = "timer", style = 3, char = "*")
if (class(reftree) != "phylo") {
reftree <- ape::read.nexus(reftree)
reftree <- ape::ladderize(reftree)
if (class(trees) == "multiPhylo") {
trees <- trees
} else {
if (verbose) {
cat("Reading posterior trees...")
trees <- ape::read.nexus(trees)
trees <- trees[seq.int(burnin, length(trees), thinning)]
# ladderize trees.
if (verbose) {
cat("Ladderizing posterior trees:")
trees <- pbapply::pblapply(trees, ape::ladderize)
class(trees) <- "multiPhylo"
} else {
trees <- lapply(trees, ape::ladderize)
class(trees) <- "multiPhylo"
# and check topology
for (i in seq_along(trees)) {
if (sum(
reftree$tip.label == trees[[i]]$tip.label) != length(reftree$tip.label
)) {
stop(paste("Tip labels on tree", i, "do not mactch reference tree"))
if (sum(reftree$edge == trees[[i]]$edge) != length(reftree$edge)) {
stop(paste("Tree", i, "has a different topology to reference tree"))
bls <- sapply(trees, function(x) x$edge.length)
meanbl <- apply(bls, 1, mean)
medianbl <- apply(bls, 1, median)
modebl <- apply(bls, 1, modeStat)
sdbl <- apply(bls, 1, sd)
rangebl <- apply(bls, 1, function(x) max(x) - min(x))
meantree <- mediantree <- modetree <- reftree
meantree$edge.length <- meanbl
mediantree$edge.length <- medianbl
modetree$edge.length <- modebl
summarytrees <- list(original_tree = reftree,
mean_tree = meantree,
median_tree = mediantree,
mode_tree = modetree)
class(summarytrees) <- c("trees_summary", "multiPhylo")
bls <- tibble::tibble(original_bl = reftree$edge.length,
mean_bl = meanbl,
median_bl = medianbl,
mode_bl = modebl,
range_bl = rangebl,
sd_bl = sdbl)
res <- list(tree_summaries = summarytrees,
branchlength_info = bls)
class(res) <- append("rj_trees", class(res))
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