#' @title Genotype calling
#' @description Detect SNP probes which do not fit into on of the three categories (AA,AB,BB).
#' A mixture model (3 Beta distributions, 1 uniform distribution for outliers) is fitted to all SNP probes.
#' After learning the model parameters via EM algorithm, the probability of being an outlier is computed for each SNP.
#' @author Jonathan A. Heiss
#' @rdname call_genotypes
#' @param snpmatrix Matrix of beta-values for SNP probes. Provide SNPs probes as rows and samples as columns.
#' @param genotypes Output of \code{call_genotypes}
#' @param maxiter Maximal number of iterations of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm learning the mixture model
#' @return For \code{call_genotypes}, a list containing
#' \item{par}{Parameters of the mixture model}
#' \item{loglik}{Log-likelihood in each iteration of the EM algorithm}
#' \item{outliers}{A-posteriori probability of SNP being an outlier}
#' \item{gamma}{A-posteriori probabilities for each of the three genotypes}
#' @return For \code{snp_outliers}, a metric assessing the outlierness of the SNP beta-values. High values may indicate either contaminated or failed samples.
#' @return For \code{mxm_}, a histogram showing the distribution of beta-values for SNP probes with the density function of the mixture model overlaid.
#' @export
call_genotypes <- function(snpmatrix,learn=FALSE,maxiter=50){
snps = snpmatrix
dim(snps) = NULL
# Drop NAs to be able to compute likelihoods, but keep
# score of which entries to reinsert them again later
NAs = which(is.na(snps))
snps = na.omit(snps)
n = length(snps)
# Use predefined model parameters
# (might work better if training set is small or contains many outliers)
# Class probability for outliers
alpha = 0.06646095
# Class probabilities for homozygous and heterozygous genotypes
pi = c(0.2818387,0.4330363,0.2851250)
# Beta distribution parameters
shapes1 = c(2.206479,80.830012,40.640821)
shapes2 = c(38.043029,84.411900,3.315509)
# Uniform distribution representing outliers
p = 1
loglik = NULL
gamma = cbind(
pi[1] * dbeta(snps,shape1=shapes1[1],shape2=shapes2[1])
,pi[2] * dbeta(snps,shape1=shapes1[2],shape2=shapes2[2])
,pi[3] * dbeta(snps,shape1=shapes1[3],shape2=shapes2[3])
gamma = (1-alpha) * gamma
tmp = rowSums(gamma)
gamma = gamma/tmp
outliers = (alpha*p) / ((alpha*p) + tmp)
}else{ # Learn dataset-specific model parameters using the EM algorithm
alpha = 1e-2
outliers = rep(alpha,times=n)
pi = c(1/3,1/3,1/3) # Class probabilities
shapes1 = c(10,80,80)
shapes2 = c(80,80,10)
p = 1 # Uniform distribution
gamma = NA
e_step = function(){
gamma = cbind(
pi[1] * dbeta(snps,shape1=shapes1[1],shape2=shapes2[1])
,pi[2] * dbeta(snps,shape1=shapes1[2],shape2=shapes2[2])
,pi[3] * dbeta(snps,shape1=shapes1[3],shape2=shapes2[3])
gamma = (1-alpha) * gamma
tmp = rowSums(gamma)
gamma <<- gamma/tmp
outliers <<- (alpha*p) / ((alpha*p) + tmp)
loglik = (alpha*p) + tmp
loglik = sum(log(loglik))
m_step = function(){
gamma = gamma * (1-outliers)
s1 = eBeta(snps,gamma[,1])
s2 = eBeta(snps,gamma[,2])
s3 = eBeta(snps,gamma[,3])
shapes1 <<- c(s1$shape1,s2$shape1,s3$shape1)
shapes2 <<- c(s1$shape2,s2$shape2,s3$shape2)
# MLE of class priors
pi = apply(gamma,2,sum)
pi <<- pi/sum(pi)
alpha <<- sum(outliers)/n
loglik = rep(NA_real_,times=maxiter)
loglik[1] = e_step()
i = 2; gain=Inf;
while(i<maxiter & gain>1e-4){ # stop if maxiter reached or improvement is below threshold
loglik[i] = e_step()
gain = loglik[i]-loglik[i-1]
## Re-insert missing values
tmp = rep(NA_real_,times=length(snpmatrix))
tmp[-NAs] = outliers
outliers = tmp
dim(outliers) = dim(snpmatrix)
gamma = lapply(1:3,function(k){
tmp = rep(NA_real_,times=length(snpmatrix))
tmp[-NAs] = gamma[,k]
tmp = gamma[,k]
dim(tmp) = dim(snpmatrix)
#' @rdname call_genotypes
mxm_ = function(genotypes){
#' @rdname call_genotypes
#' @export
snp_outliers = function(genotypes){
if(!"outliers"%in%names(genotypes)) stop('Invalid argument')
# Average log odds of beta-values being outliers across all SNP probes
log_odds = genotypes$outliers / (1-genotypes$outliers)
log_odds = colMeans(log2(log_odds),na.rm=TRUE)
#' @rdname call_genotypes
eBeta = function(x,w){
# Beta distribution parameter estimation
n = length(w)
w = n*w/sum(w)
sample.mean = mean(w*x)
sample.var = (mean(w*x^2)-sample.mean^2) * n/(n-1)
v = sample.mean * (1-sample.mean)
if (sample.var < v){
shape1 = sample.mean * (v/sample.var - 1)
shape2 = (1 - sample.mean) * (v/sample.var - 1)
} else {
shape2 = sample.mean * (v/sample.var - 1)
shape1 = (1 - sample.mean) * (v/sample.var - 1)
list(shape1 = shape1, shape2 = shape2)
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