
Defines functions LOB_lpsolveAPI

LOB_lpsolveAPI <- function(peakdata, choose_class = NULL, save.files = FALSE, use_ms2 = TRUE, plot_data = FALSE, use_weight = TRUE, hijacking = FALSE, max_solutions = 10, presolve = "mergerows") {

  ### Check Inputs ###

  if (!class(peakdata) %in% c("data.frame","LOBSet")) {
      "Input 'peakdata' is not an 'data.frame' or 'LOBset' object.\n",
      "Please use one of these formats for your peakdata."

  #Rename our peak list so we can modify it and keep the complete one
  if (is.data.frame(peakdata)) {
    LOBpeaklist <- peakdata
    LOBpeaklist <- LOBSTAHS::peakdata(peakdata)

  if (is.null(LOBpeaklist$match_ID)) {
      "Peakdata does not contain a 'match_ID' column.",
      "Please use a data.frame generated by 'getLOBpeaklist' or a LOBSet."

  if (is.null(LOBpeaklist$compound_name)) {
      "Peakdata does not contain a 'compound_name' column.",
      "Please use a data.frame generated by 'getLOBpeaklist' or a LOBSet."

  if (is.null(LOBpeaklist$LOBdbase_mz)) {
      "Peakdata does not contain a 'LOBdbase_mz' column.",
      "Please use a data.frame generated by 'getLOBpeaklist' or a LOBSet."

  if (is.null(LOBpeaklist$peakgroup_rt)) {
      "Peakdata does not contain a 'peakgroup_rt' column.",
      "Please use a data.frame generated by 'getLOBpeaklist' or a LOBSet."

  if (is.null(LOBpeaklist$FA_total_no_C)) {
      "Peakdata does not contain a 'FA_total_no_C' column.",
      "Please use a data.frame generated by 'getLOBpeaklist' or a LOBSet."

  if (is.null(LOBpeaklist$FA_total_no_DB)) {
      "Peakdata does not contain a 'FA_total_no_DB' column.",
      "Please use a data.frame generated by 'getLOBpeaklist' or a LOBSet."

  if (is.null(LOBpeaklist$Flag) & isTRUE(use_ms2)) {
      "Peakdata does not contain a 'Flag' column despite 'use_ms2' being set too TRUE. ",
      "Please run LOB_RTFsort on your data.frame or LOBSet to produce Flag column with retention time info."

  if (isFALSE(use_weight)) {
    cat("use_weight is set to FALSE. All lipids will be weighted equally.")
    LOBpeaklist$weights <- rep(1,nrow(LOBpeaklist))

  ### Define Helper Functions ###

  showplots <- function(X, extra) {
    # for (i in 1:length(unique(X$species))){

    # run <- X[X$species == unique(X$species)[i],]
    # run <-run[run$match_ID %in% LOBpeaklist$match_ID,]

    print(ggplot(X, aes(x = peakgroup_rt, y = LOBdbase_mz, color = lpSolve)) +
            scale_color_manual(values = c("Maybe" = "#fdbd4c", "No" = "#e55934", "Yes" = "#9bc53d")) +
            geom_point(size = 3) +
              label = paste0(
                as.character(X$FA_total_no_C), ":",
              hjust = 1,
              vjust = 2,
              size = 3,
              color = "black"
            ) +
            ggtitle(paste0("Rt Pattern Screening for ", as.character(X$species), "-", extra)) +
            xlab("Peak Group Retention Time (sec)") +
            ylab("Peak Group m/z"))

  screen <- function(X) {
    # for (k in 1:length(unique(X$species))) {

    run <- X
    return <- done
    # Binary string for each point
    Binary_String <- rep(1, nrow(run))

    # Empty String we will build a restrictions from
    Empty_String <- rep(0, nrow(run))

    # Matrix of our Exclusions
    Exclusion_Matrix <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = nrow(run))

    # Run a loop to find what to exclude for each point
    for (i in 1:nrow(run)) {

      # Get our row
      subject <- run[i, ]
      Exclusion_Table <- run

      # Make a table to store our exclusion info
      Exclusion_Table$Exclude <- rep(FALSE, nrow(run))

      # lets add more info about the peaks to our exclusion table based on info in it
      Exclusion_Table$C_num_diff <- Exclusion_Table$FA_total_no_C - subject$FA_total_no_C
      Exclusion_Table$DB_num_diff <- Exclusion_Table$FA_total_no_DB - subject$FA_total_no_DB
      Exclusion_Table$diff_factor <- Exclusion_Table$C_num_diff / Exclusion_Table$DB_num_diff

      # Lets sort the compounds run above and below our point in terms of rt
      lower_rt <- Exclusion_Table[which(Exclusion_Table$peakgroup_rt < subject$peakgroup_rt), ]
      higher_rt <- Exclusion_Table[which(Exclusion_Table$peakgroup_rt > subject$peakgroup_rt), ]

      # Now find ones that break the rules for lower and higher and set Exclude to TRUE in the Exclusion_Table

      # Exclude the lower with more carbon and less double bonds
      lower_match_ID <- lower_rt[lower_rt$FA_total_no_C >= subject$FA_total_no_C & lower_rt$FA_total_no_DB <= subject$FA_total_no_DB, "match_ID"]
      Exclusion_Table[which(Exclusion_Table$match_ID %in% lower_match_ID), "Exclude"] <- TRUE

      lower_diff <- lower_rt[which(lower_rt$diff_factor > 0 & lower_rt$diff_factor <= 1 & lower_rt$C_num_diff < 0), ]
      lower_diff_exclude <- lower_diff[which(lower_diff$C_num_diff == -1 & lower_diff$DB_num_diff == -1), ]
      if (nrow(lower_diff_exclude) > 0) {
        lower_diff <- lower_diff[!(lower_diff$match_ID %in% lower_diff_exclude$match_ID), ]
      lower_diff_names <- row.names(lower_diff)
      Exclusion_Table[lower_diff_names, "Exclude"] <- TRUE

      # Exclude the higher
      higher_match_ID <- higher_rt[higher_rt$FA_total_no_C <= subject$FA_total_no_C & higher_rt$FA_total_no_DB >= subject$FA_total_no_DB, "match_ID"]
      Exclusion_Table[higher_match_ID, "Exclude"] <- TRUE

      higher_diff <- higher_rt[which(higher_rt$diff_factor > 0 & higher_rt$diff_factor <= 1 & higher_rt$C_num_diff > 0), ]
      higher_diff_exclude <- higher_diff[which(higher_diff$C_num_diff == 1 & higher_diff$DB_num_diff == 1), ]
      if (nrow(higher_diff_exclude) > 0) {
        higher_diff <- higher_diff[!(higher_diff$match_ID %in% higher_diff_exclude$match_ID), ]
      higher_diff_names <- row.names(higher_diff)
      Exclusion_Table[higher_diff_names, "Exclude"] <- TRUE

      # Exclude the compounds with the same name
      Exclusion_Table[which(Exclusion_Table$compound_name == subject$compound_name), "Exclude"] <- TRUE

      Exclusion_String <- Empty_String

      for (j in 1:nrow(run)) {
        if (j != i) {
          if (Exclusion_Table[j, "Exclude"] == TRUE) {
            Exclusion_String <- Empty_String
            Exclusion_String[j] <- 1
            Exclusion_String[i] <- 1
            Exclusion_Matrix <- rbind(Exclusion_Matrix, Exclusion_String)
            rownames(Exclusion_Matrix) <- NULL
            Exclusion_Matrix <- unique(Exclusion_Matrix)
        cat("Writing rules for", as.character(unique(X$species)), "compound number", i, "of", nrow(run), ". Number of Rules created:", nrow(Exclusion_Matrix) - 1, "...")
    Final_Exclusion_Matrix <- Exclusion_Matrix[-1, ]

    if (NROW(Final_Exclusion_Matrix) == 0) {
      cat("\n No rules created. Compound class is to small or any lacks noise to screen. Returning all points as Yes")
      return[return$match_ID %in% run$match_ID, "lpSolve"] <- "Yes"
    } else {
      if (NCOL(Final_Exclusion_Matrix) == 1) {
        rows <- 1
        Final_Exclusion_Matrix <- t(matrix(Final_Exclusion_Matrix))
      } else {
        rows <- nrow(Final_Exclusion_Matrix)

      # time to screen

      cat("\nApplying lpSolveAPI algorythm...")

      num_con <- rows
      num_points <- nrow(run)

      lpmodel <- make.lp(num_con, num_points)
      set.constr.type(lpmodel, rep("<=", num_con))
      set.rhs(lpmodel, rep(1, num_con))
      set.type(lpmodel, columns = c(1:num_points), "binary")
      lp.control(lpmodel, sense = "max", presolve = presolve)
      for (i in 1:num_points) {
        set.column(lpmodel, i, rep(1, length(which(Final_Exclusion_Matrix[, i] == 1))), which(Final_Exclusion_Matrix[, i] == 1))
      set.objfn(lpmodel, run$weights)

      # find first solution
      status <- solve(lpmodel)
      cat(" First solution reached!")
      sols <- matrix(ncol = num_points)
      sols <- sols[-1, ] # create list for more solutions
      obj0 <- get.objective(lpmodel)
      counter <- 1 # construct a counter so you wont get more than 100 solutions
      # find more solutions
      while (counter < max_solutions) {
        cat("Looking for more solutions... ",counter+1," of ",max_solutions,"total solutions...")
        sol <- get.variables(lpmodel)
        sols <- rbind(sols, sol)
        add.constraint(lpmodel, 2 * sol - 1, "<=", sum(sol) - 1)
        rc <- solve(lpmodel)
        counter <- counter + 1
        if (status != 0) break
        if (get.objective(lpmodel) < obj0) break

      cat(" Done!")

      bar <- data.frame(colSums(sols))
      run$Type <- rep(0, nrow(run))
      run[which(bar == 0), "Type"] <- "No"
      run[which(bar != nrow(sols) & bar != 0), "Type"] <- "Maybe"
      run[which(bar == nrow(sols)), "Type"] <- "Yes"
      for (g in 1:nrow(run)) {
        return[which(return$match_ID == run[g,"match_ID"]), "lpSolve"] <- run[g,"Type"]
    # }

  ##this helper function is used to allow the "optim" function to evaluate how well the model fits the points.
  evaluate_distance = function(par, df, species){
    ##first we read in the paramaters provided by optim
    rt_30 <- par[1]
    rt_per_acyl <- par[2]
    rt_per_db <- par[3]
    rt_db <- par[4]
    ##initialize distance (the score optim is trying to minimize)
    total_distance <- 0
    ##subset the dataframe to only include the lipid species we are interested in, and no degrees of oxidation
    df <- df[which(df$species == species & df$degree_oxidation == 0),]
    ##initilize the loop
    i <- 1
    n <- 0
    ##this loop evaluates how well the model fits rtf_confirmed points and manually kept points.
    while(i <= nrow(df)){
      if(df$code[i] == "RTF_Confirmed" | df$Final_cut[i]  == "keep" | df$Final_cut[i] == "Keep" | df$code[i] == "hijacked"){
        n <- n + 1
        mz_distance <- df$LOBdbase_ppm_match[i]
        rt_guess <- rt_30 + rt_per_acyl*(df$FA_total_no_C[i]-30) + rt_per_db*df$FA_total_no_DB[i] + rt_db^df$FA_total_no_DB[i]
        rt_distance <- rt_guess - df$peakgroup_rt[i]
        total_distance <- sqrt(mz_distance^2 + rt_distance^2) + total_distance
      i <- i + 1
    return(total_distance / n)

  ##this helper function will provide the predicted retention times of every lipid in the class, based on the model, in a column called rt_prediction
  calculate_predictions = function(par, df, species){
    ##this creates the column if there is no column called rt_prediction yet
      df["rt_prediction"] <- NA
    ##first we read in the paramaters provided by the model
    rt_30 <- par[1]
    rt_per_acyl <- par[2]
    rt_per_db <- par[3]
    rt_db <- par[4]
    ##now we use the model to calculate predicted rts for every point
    i <- 1
    while(i <= nrow(df)){
      if(df$species[i] == species){
        df$rt_prediction[i] <- rt_30 + rt_per_acyl*(df$FA_total_no_C[i]-30) + rt_per_db*df$FA_total_no_DB[i] + rt_db^df$FA_total_no_DB[i]
      i <- i + 1

  ##This simple helper function computes how well each each point fits the final model.
  calculate_scores = function(df){
    df["grid_scores"] <- sqrt((df$rt_prediction - df$peakgroup_rt)^2 + df$LOBdbase_ppm_match^2)

  ##This helper function should be run once for each lipid species and will fit a model and calculate how well each point fits that model.
  score_grid = function(data, species, params = c(800, 16, -20, 1.3), standard_devs = 2.8, print_out = TRUE, hijacking = FALSE, hijacking_level = 2.8){

    data <- data[which(data$species == species & data$degree_oxidation == 0),]

    ##this creates the Final_cut column if there is none yet
      data["rt_prediction"] <- NA

    if(nrow(data[which(data$code == "RTF_Confirmed" | data$Final_cut  == "keep" | data$Final_cut == "Keep"),]) < 3){
      data$weights <- 1

    solution <- optim(par = params, fn = evaluate_distance, df = data, species = species)


    data <- calculate_predictions(par = solution$par, df = data, species = species)
    data <- calculate_scores(data)

    ##this creates the Final_cut column if there is none yet
      df["rt_prediction"] <- NA

    std <- sd(data[which(data$code == 'RTF_Confirmed' | data$Final_cut == 'Yes'),"grid_scores"])

      print("hijacking . . .")
      hijacked_data <- data
      hijacked_data[which(data$grid_scores <= hijacking_level*std + solution$value),"code"] <- 'hijacked'
      if(all(hijacked_data$code == data$code)){
        print("no points found for hijacking... hijacking terminated.")
        solution <- optim(par = params, fn = evaluate_distance, df = hijacked_data, species = species)

        data <- calculate_predictions(par = solution$par, df = data, species = species)
        data <- calculate_scores(data)

        std = sd(data[which(hijacked_data$code == 'RTF_Confirmed'),"grid_scores"])

    data$predict <- data$grid_scores
    data[which(data$predict <= standard_devs * std + solution$value),"predict"] <- 1
    data[which(data$predict > standard_devs * std + solution$value),"predict"] <- 0

      pplot <- ggplot(data, aes(x=peakgroup_rt, y=peakgroup_mz, shape=Final_cut, color = grid_scores)) +
      print(pplot + scale_color_gradient2(low="green", mid = "orange", high="red", midpoint = range/2))

      data[which(data$code == "Double Check"),"code"] <- "LP_Solve_Failure"
      pplot <- ggplot(data, aes(x=peakgroup_rt, y=peakgroup_mz, shape=code, color = as.character(code))) +

      pplot <- ggplot(data, aes(x=peakgroup_rt, y=peakgroup_mz, shape=Final_cut, color=predict)) +
      print(pplot + scale_color_gradient(low="red", high="green"))

    data$grid_scores[which(data$grid_scores > standard_devs * 2 * std + solution$value)] <- mm[2] + 1
    data$weights <- (mm[2] - data$grid_scores)^3


  ### Format our input in a 'run' dataframe

  done <- LOBpeaklist
  done$lpSolve <- rep(NA, length(done$match_ID))
  LOBpeaklist <- LOBpeaklist[which(LOBpeaklist$degree_oxidation == 0), ]

  if (is.null(choose_class) == FALSE) {
    if (any(!(choose_class %in% unique(LOBpeaklist$species)))) {
      stop("Chosen 'choose_class' does not appear in the 'species' column of data.frame.")
    } else {
      LOBpeaklist <- LOBpeaklist[which(LOBpeaklist$species %in% choose_class), ]
  } else {
    LOBpeaklist <- LOBpeaklist[which(is.na(LOBpeaklist$FA_total_no_DB) == FALSE), ]

  for (k in 1:length(unique(LOBpeaklist$species))) {
    LOBrun <- LOBpeaklist[which(LOBpeaklist$species == unique(LOBpeaklist$species)[k]), ]

    LOBrun <- score_grid(LOBrun, species = unique(LOBpeaklist$species)[k], print_out = use_weight, hijacking = hijacking)

    # Put what we need in a dataframe, only include RtF data if it exists
    if (is.null(LOBrun$Flag) == FALSE) {
      PRErun <- data.frame(
      # Re-name our column names
      colnames(PRErun) <- c(
    } else {
      PRErun <- data.frame(
      # Re-name our column names
      colnames(PRErun) <- c(

    # If we have elected to use MS2 data, limit our options based on that
    Final_Switch <- FALSE
    if (use_ms2 == TRUE) {
      if (any(PRErun$Flag %in% "5%_rtv" | PRErun$Flag %in% "ms2v")) {
        Final_Switch <- TRUE
        cat("\nPerforming Prescreen of MS2 data for use later for", as.character(unique(LOBpeaklist$species)[k]))

        # find ms2v and %5v points from the data set
        ms2v <- PRErun[which(PRErun$Flag == "ms2v"), ]
        rtv <- PRErun[which(PRErun$Flag == "5%_rtv"), ]
        ms2v <- rbind(ms2v, rtv)

        # Screen for points within that that dont fit and plot the results
        ms2v_screened <- screen(ms2v)
        ms2v_screened_noNA <- ms2v_screened[which(is.na(ms2v_screened$lpSolve) == FALSE & ms2v_screened$species == unique(LOBpeaklist$species)[k]), ]

        if (plot_data == TRUE) {
          showplots(ms2v_screened_noNA, extra = "RtF Confirmed Only")

        # Take only the yes points
        use2screen <- ms2v_screened_noNA[ms2v_screened_noNA$lpSolve == "Yes", ]

        cat("\nWill use", nrow(use2screen), "verified points for screening.")

        # For each class eliminate everything that doesn't fit with the yes points

        run <- use2screen
        final_cut <- integer()
        for (i in 1:nrow(run)) {

          # Get our row
          subject <- run[i, ]
          Exclusion_Table <- PRErun

          # Make a table to store our exclusion info
          Exclusion_Table$Exclude <- rep(FALSE, nrow(Exclusion_Table))

          # lets add more info about the peaks to our exclusion table based on info in it
          Exclusion_Table$C_num_diff <- Exclusion_Table$FA_total_no_C - subject$FA_total_no_C
          Exclusion_Table$DB_num_diff <- Exclusion_Table$FA_total_no_DB - subject$FA_total_no_DB
          Exclusion_Table$diff_factor <- Exclusion_Table$C_num_diff / Exclusion_Table$DB_num_diff

          # Lets sort the compounds run above and below our point in terms of rt
          lower_rt <- Exclusion_Table[which(Exclusion_Table$peakgroup_rt < subject$peakgroup_rt), ]
          higher_rt <- Exclusion_Table[which(Exclusion_Table$peakgroup_rt > subject$peakgroup_rt), ]

          # Now find ones that break the rules for lower and higher and set Exclude to TRUE in the Exclusion_Table

          # Exclude the lower
          lower_match_ID <- lower_rt[lower_rt$FA_total_no_C >= subject$FA_total_no_C & lower_rt$FA_total_no_DB <= subject$FA_total_no_DB, "match_ID"]

          lower_diff <- lower_rt[which(lower_rt$diff_factor > 0 & lower_rt$diff_factor <= 1 & lower_rt$C_num_diff < 0), ]
          lower_diff_exclude <- lower_diff[which(lower_diff$C_num_diff == -1 & lower_diff$DB_num_diff == -1), ]
          if (nrow(lower_diff_exclude) > 0) {
            lower_diff <- lower_diff[!(lower_diff$match_ID %in% lower_diff_exclude$match_ID), ]

          final_cut <- c(lower_diff$match_ID, lower_match_ID, final_cut)

          # Exclude the higher
          higher_match_ID <- higher_rt[higher_rt$FA_total_no_C <= subject$FA_total_no_C & higher_rt$FA_total_no_DB >= subject$FA_total_no_DB, "match_ID"]

          higher_diff <- higher_rt[which(higher_rt$diff_factor > 0 & higher_rt$diff_factor <= 1 & higher_rt$C_num_diff > 0), ]
          higher_diff_exclude <- higher_diff[which(higher_diff$C_num_diff == 1 & higher_diff$DB_num_diff == 1), ]
          if (nrow(higher_diff_exclude) > 0) {
            higher_diff <- higher_diff[!(higher_diff$match_ID %in% higher_diff_exclude$match_ID), ]

          final_cut <- c(higher_diff$match_ID, higher_match_ID, final_cut)

          cat("Eliminating points that do not fit. Point number", i, "of", nrow(run), ". Number of points excluded:", length(unique(final_cut)), "...")
        ms2_excluded_matchids <- PRErun[PRErun$match_ID %in% final_cut, "match_ID"]
        PRErun <- PRErun[!(PRErun$match_ID %in% final_cut), ]
      } else {
        cat("\nNo points within 5% of a retention time window. Moving to next class")

    # Screen everything
    cat("\nPerforming screening of complete dataset for", as.character(unique(LOBpeaklist$species)[k]))
    screened <- screen(PRErun)
    if (Final_Switch == TRUE) {
      screened[screened$match_ID %in% ms2_excluded_matchids, "lpSolve"] <- "No"
    screened_plot <- screened[which(is.na(screened$lpSolve) == FALSE & screened$species == unique(LOBpeaklist$species)[k]), ]

    if (plot_data == TRUE) {
      showplots(screened_plot, extra = "Final")

    # if (save.files==TRUE){
    #   ggsave(filename = paste0(as.character(run$species), "_LP_solve.tiff"),
    #          plot = last_plot(),
    #          device = "tiff",
    #          width = 22, height = 17)
    # }
    a <- NULL
    if (use_ms2 == TRUE & Final_Switch == TRUE) {
      test <- unique(screened[which(screened$match_ID %in% use2screen$match_ID), "lpSolve"])
      if ("No" %in% test) {
        warning("Not all MS2v peaks included in solution.")
        for (a in 1:nrow(screened_plot)) {
          done[which(done$match_ID == screened_plot[a,"match_ID"]), "lpSolve"] <- screened_plot[a,"lpSolve"]
      if ("Maybe" %in% test) {
        warning("Not all MS2v peaks included in solution.")
        for (a in 1:nrow(screened_plot)) {
          done[which(done$match_ID == screened_plot[a,"match_ID"]), "lpSolve"] <- screened_plot[a,"lpSolve"]
      cat("All MS2v peaks included in solution!")
      for (a in 1:nrow(screened_plot)) {
        done[which(done$match_ID == screened_plot[a,"match_ID"]), "lpSolve"] <- screened_plot[a,"lpSolve"]
    } else {
      for (a in 1:nrow(screened_plot)) {
        done[which(done$match_ID == screened_plot[a,"match_ID"]), "lpSolve"] <- screened_plot[a,"lpSolve"]
      cat("Class Screened without MS2 data.")

  if (is.data.frame(peakdata)) {
    peakdata@peakdata <- done

hholm/LOB_tools documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 12:08 p.m.