
#PDRH's dashboard
#read in BIOFIRE RESULTS txt data & parse
#start with libraries

# note for future task - have all .txt files in a single folder

# read list of files into a vector to establish length
files <- list.files(path = "C:/Users/laurjohn/Rcode/Biofire", pattern = "*.txt")

#create clean_biofire function
clean_biofire <- function(file){
  lns<- readLines(file)
  df <- read.csv(text=lns, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, skip = 8L, strip.white = TRUE)
  id <- df[1,]
  df$sampid <- as.numeric(str_trim(str_sub(id,15,18))) 
  df$rundate <- dmy(str_sub(id,-11,-1))
  df$Run.Summary[grepl("N/A", df$Run.Summary)]<- "Not Detected E. coli O157"
  df$result <- !grepl("Not Detected", df$Run.Summary)
  numpos <- (sum(df$result)-13)/2
  delrows<-numpos +4
  df<-df[delrows:nrow(df),] # keeps from delrows to end
  df <-filter(df, grepl("Detected ", Run.Summary))
  df <-df%>% separate(Run.Summary, c("detect","bug"), sep="ed ")
  df$detect<- paste0(df$detect, "ed")
  df$pathogen <-str_trim(df$bug)
  df <-df%>% select(sampid, rundate, pathogen, result, detect) 

# read list of files into a vector
#PDRH's    files <- list.files(path = "/Users/peterhiggins/Documents/Rcode/biofire", pattern = "*.txt")

# read list of files into a vector to establish length
files <- list.files(path = "C:/Users/laurjohn/Rcode/Biofire", pattern = "*.txt")

#now overwrite dataframe
fulldata <- NULL #create fulldata file, empty

for(file in files){
  df <- clean_biofire(file)
  fulldata <- rbind(fulldata, df)
df<- NULL #remove small df
# iterate over for(i in 1:length(vector)) {read file, process, clean up, rbind to big datafile, empty df}

fulldata <- fulldata %>% mutate(group = case_when(.$sampid<1000 ~ round(sampid/100),
                                                  .$sampid >=1000 ~ round (sampid/1000)))

#two test files
file <- "FilmArray_Run_Date_2017_06_27_Sample_153_SN_09937928.txt"
#file <- "FilmArray_Run_Date_2017_06_28_Sample_301_SN_09937893.txt"
lns<- readLines(file)
#print (lns)

#read file to dataframe
df <- read.csv(text=lns, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, skip = 8L, strip.white = TRUE)

# extract Sample ID
id <- df[1,]
df$sampid <- as.numeric(str_trim(str_sub(id,15,18))) 
#captures 4 digits as some are 3, some are 4, then trims and makes numeric

# Get RUNDATE, put in new col
df$rundate <- dmy(str_sub(id,-11,-1))
# subset last 11 chars, convert to date with dmy in lubridate

#replace N/A if present in Ecoli 0157:H7 row with grep logical
df$Run.Summary[grepl("N/A", df$Run.Summary)]<- "Not Detected E. coli O157"

# extract result to result column - TRUE if not equal to "Not Detected"
df$result <- !grepl("Not Detected", df$Run.Summary)

#determine how many header rows to drop - TRUE results - dummy rows, then divide by 2 as pos results listed twice = numpos
#then add 4 to numpos to get # of header rows
numpos <- (sum(df$result)-13)/2
delrows<-numpos +4

#drop header rows
df<-df[delrows:nrow(df),] # keeps from delrows to end

#filter out rows with no results
df <-filter(df, grepl("Detected ", Run.Summary)) #filters to keep only those with the word "Detected"

df <-df%>% separate(Run.Summary, c("detect","bug"), sep="ed ")
df$detect<- paste0(df$detect, "ed")
df$pathogen <-str_trim(df$bug)
#clean up Run.Summary (pathogen) column - removed detect/not detct, trim spaces
#df$pathogen <-df$Run.Summary %>% str_replace("Detected ", " ") %>% str_replace("Not ", " ") %>% str_trim()
df <-df%>% select(sampid, rundate, pathogen, result, detect) #keep only interesting columns, in order

#create df for flexdasboard
flex <- df %>% select(pathogen)
flex$count <- c(11,22,5,15,1,2,3,7,9,11,12,8,14,5,3,2,4,4,3,23,3,8)
saveRDS(flex, "flex.rds")

#testing pdftools
pdtext<- pdf_text("/Users/peterhiggins/Documents/Rcode/biofire/FilmArray_Run_Date_2017_06_27_Sample_153_SN_09937928.pdf")
text2<- str_extract(pdtext, "Bacteria\n[\\s\\S]*Sapovirus")
text2 <- read.csv(text=text2, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, strip.white = TRUE)
text2$Bacteria[grepl("N/A", text2$Bacteria)] <- "Not Detected E. coli O157"
text2 <- text2 %>% separate(Bacteria, c("detect","bug"), sep="ed ")
text2$detect<- paste0(text2$detect, "ed")
text2<-filter(text2, text5$bug != "NA")
text2$bug<- str_trim(text2$bug)

# new version for data from CDR query for GIPAN
dfclin <- read_csv('clinical_biofire_CDR.csv')
dfclin <- filter(dfclin, RESULT_TEXT != "NA")

dfclin <- dfclin[1:27,] #needs to be modified to be robust to true number of rows
dfclin$RESULT_TEXT <- str_extract(dfclin$RESULT_TEXT, "Campylobacter [\\s\\S]*Sapovirus [\\s\\S]*etected")
#cleans out junk - now only results
dfclin$RESULT_TEXT <- str_replace(dfclin$RESULT_TEXT, "\n \n", "\n")
# cleans out extra newline after Campylobacter

dfclin<- dfclin %>% transform(RESULT_TEXT = strsplit(RESULT_TEXT, "\n ")) %>% unnest(RESULT_TEXT)
# splits on newlines, then unnests

dfclin$RESULT_TEXT <- str_replace(dfclin$RESULT_TEXT, "Detected", "NDetected")
#attach N to beginning of detected, so can do split

dfclin <- separate(dfclin, RESULT_TEXT, c("bug","detect"), sep=" N")
#separate into two columns

dfclin$detect <- str_replace(dfclin$detect, "ot", "Not") # add back N to Not
dfclin$bug <- str_trim(dfclin$bug) #trims off extra spaces
dfclin <- filter(dfclin, bug != "NA")
higgi13425/biofire_pkg documentation built on April 19, 2024, 11:17 a.m.