
Defines functions tabfreq simumix simugeno

Documented in simugeno simumix tabfreq

# Hinda Haned, December 2008
# haned@biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
# forensim  classes constructors definitions 
#making sure that the simulations are reproducible
#simugeno class constructor :  simugeno function 
simugeno <-
		stop("tab must be a tabfreq object")
	X <- tab@tab
	M <- tab@which.loc
	#cheking that marker.names are correct
		which.loc <- M
		if(identical(which.loc, character(0)))
			stop("invalid markers names")
		if(!all(which.loc %in% M))
			stop("uknown markers  chosen, please check the markers names")
	popfac <- tab@pop.names
	#n <- as.integer(n)
	#locn is a local variable defining the number of genotypes 
		locn <- 1
	if(any(n  < 0) )
		stop('n must be a positive integer, or a list of positive integers')
	if(identical(length(n),1) & identical(n,0))
		stop("0 is not a valid value for n ")
	# one population 
	if(is.null(popfac) & length(n) >= 1 )
		popind <- NULL
		if(length(n) > 1) 
			locn <- n[1]
			if(locn == 0)
				stop("0 is not a valid value for n ")
				warning("only the first element of n will be considered")
		if(length(n)==1  )
			locn <- n 
			locn <- 1
		geno <- matrix(0,ncol=length(which.loc),nrow=locn)
		rownames(geno) <- paste("Ind",1:locn,sep='')
		colnames(geno) <- which.loc
		for(i in which.loc)
			a1 <- sample(names(X[[i]]),locn,prob=X[[i]],replace=TRUE)
			a2 <- sample(names(X[[i]]),locn,prob=X[[i]],replace=TRUE)
			geno[,i] <- paste(a1,a2,sep="/")
		freq <- X[which.loc]#if one pop
	# if multiple pops
		if(length(n) > length(popfac))
			locn <- n[1:length(popfac)]
				stop("n is empty for all populations ")
			warning("n contains too many elements, only the first ",length(popfac), " are considered" )
		if(length(n) < length(popfac))
			stop("n must be of length ",length(popfac))
		#verif end
			locn <- n
		freq <- vector('list',length(popfac))
		names(freq)<- popfac
		nombL <- length(which.loc)
		names(locn) <- popfac
		X <- tab@tab
		geno0 <- NULL
		geno <- NULL
		popind <- NULL
		tempfreq <- NULL
			for(i in popfac)
				geno0 <- matrix(0,ncol=nombL,nrow=locn[i])#changes at each iteration, different number of sampeled individuals
				for(m in which.loc)
					colnames(geno0) <- which.loc
						geno0[ , m] <- 0
						avec1 <- sample(names(X[[i]][[m]]),locn[i],prob=X[[i]][[m]],replace=TRUE)
						avec2 <- sample(names(X[[i]][[m]]),locn[i],prob=X[[i]][[m]],replace=TRUE)
						ty <- paste(avec1,avec2,sep='/')
						geno0[ , m] <- ty 
						tempfreq <- c(tempfreq,X[[i]][m])#concatenation for all markers for one pop
				geno <- rbind(geno,geno0)
				freq[[i]]<- tempfreq
				tempfreq <- NULL#free 
				#names(freq[i]) <- i
		if(length(popfac) > 1)
			for(i in popfac)
				geno0 <- matrix(0,ncol=nombL,nrow=locn[i])#changes at each iteration, different number of sampeled individuals
				popind <- c(popind,rep(i,locn[i]))
				for(m in which.loc)
					colnames(geno0) <- which.loc
						geno0[ , m] <- 0
						avec1 <- sample(names(X[[i]][[m]]),locn[i],prob=X[[i]][[m]],replace=TRUE)
						avec2 <- sample(names(X[[i]][[m]]),locn[i],prob=X[[i]][[m]],replace=TRUE)
						ty <- paste(avec1,avec2,sep='/')
						geno0[ , m] <- ty 
						tempfreq <- c(tempfreq,X[[i]][m])#concatenation for all markers for one pop
					#freq[[g]] <<- tempfreq
					geno <- rbind(geno,geno0)
					freq [[i]]<- tempfreq
					tempfreq <- NULL#free 

	popind <- as.factor(popind)
	ID <- paste('ind',1:sum(locn),sep='')
	rownames(geno) <- ID
	res <- new('simugeno')
	res@tab.freq <- freq 
	res@nind <- sum(locn) 
	res@which.loc <- which.loc
	res@tab.geno <- geno
	res@pop.names <- popfac
	res@popind <- popind 
	res@indID <- ID

# simumix class constructor: simumix function 
simumix <- 

		stop("\n tab must be a simugeno object\n")
	M <- tab@which.loc
	# cheking marker names
		which.loc <- M
	#if not null names, than check for possible errors
		if(identical(which.loc, character(0)))
			stop("markers names must be a character string")
		if(!all(which.loc %in% M))
			#if the user's markers are not the same that those of the tabfreq object 
			stop("uknown marker names")
	popfac <- tab@pop.names
	popind <- tab@popind
	nsimugeno <- tab@nind
	prof <- tab@tab.geno
	tabfreq <- tab@tab.freq
	nmark <- length(which.loc)
	mix.all <- vector('list',nmark)
	names(mix.all) <- which.loc
	indID <- tab@indID
	N <- ncontri 
	if(sum(ncontri) > nsimugeno)
		stop("too much contributors in the mixture")
	if(any(ncontri < 0))
		stop("ncontri must be a positive integer, or a list of positive integers")
			if(identical(ncontri, 0))
				stop("0 is not a valid value for ncontri ")
			if(length(ncontri) > 1)
				N <- ncontri[1]
					stop("0 is not a valid value for ncontri ")
				warning("only the first element of ncontri will be considered")
			#sampling individuals
			samp0 <- sample(indID,N,replace=FALSE)#chosen profiles to ssimulate the mixture
			mixprof <- prof[samp0,which.loc] 
			mixprof <- as.matrix(mixprof)
			indnames  <- samp0
			if(length(which.loc)>1 & N==1)
				mixprof <- t(mixprof)
				#colnames(mixprof) <- which.loc	
			rownames(mixprof) <- indnames
			popinfo <- NULL
			colnames(mixprof) <- which.loc	
	#multiple populations case
		if(length(ncontri) <= 1)
				stop("ncontri must be of length ", length(popfac))
		if(length(ncontri) > 1 & all(ncontri==0))
			stop("ncontri is empty for all populations ")
		if(length(ncontri) > length(popfac))
			warning("only the ", length(popfac), " elements of ncontri are considered")
			ncontri <- ncontri[1:length(popfac)]
		if(length(ncontri) < length(popfac)){
			stop("ncontri must be of length ",length(popfac))}
		#case where the number of conributors is greater of the profiles present in the simugeno object
		names(N) <- popfac
		temprof <- NULL
		temp0 <- NULL
		popinfo <- NULL
		poptemp <- as.character(unique(popind))
		for(p in popfac)
				samp1 <- sample(indID[popind == p  ],N[p],replace=FALSE)#chosen profiles to ssimulate the mixture
				temp0 <- c(temp0,samp1)
				temp1 <- prof[samp1,]
				temprof <- rbind(temprof,temp1) 
				popinfo <- c(popinfo,rep(names(N[p]), N[p]))
	indnames <- temp0
	mixprof  <- temprof
	mixprof <- mixprof[,which.loc]
	mixprof <- as.matrix(mixprof)
		rownames(mixprof)<- indnames
	rownames(mixprof) <- indnames
	colnames(mixprof) <- which.loc
	popinfo <- as.factor(popinfo)
	# alleles present in the mixture
	 for(i in which.loc)
			 loc <- sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(mixprof[,i],'/'))))
			 temp.loc<- as.character(sort(as.numeric(loc)))
			 mix.all[[i]] <- temp.loc
	res <- new('simumix')
	res@mix.all <- mix.all
	res@mix.prof <- mixprof
	res@ncontri <- sum(N)
	res@which.loc <- which.loc
	res@popinfo <- popinfo

#tabfreq class constructor: tabfreq function 
tabfreq <-
	#  single  population  case
	if( !inherits(tab,"list") )#if it's not a list, it must be a data.frame or a matrix
		res <- vector('list',1)
		if( !inherits(tab,"data.frame") & !inherits(tab,"matrix") )
		{#if tab is not a matrix or data.frame 
			stop("tab must be a of types  matrix or  data.frame")
		if (is.null(colnames(tab))) 
			stop("tab columns have no name")
		#cheking pop.names : one cold want to specify the population name, even for a single population
		if(length(pop.names)  > 1)
				stop("a factor is expected for pop.names")
			warning("only the first element of pop.names is considered")
			popfac <- pop.names[1]
			names(res) <- popfac
			res[[popfac]] <- naomitab(tab)
		if(length(pop.names) == 1)
				stop("a factor is expected for pop.names")
			popfac <- pop.names
			names(res) <- popfac
			res[[popfac]] <- naomitab(tab)
			popfac <- pop.names
			res <-0 
			res <- (naomitab(tab))
		mark<- colnames(tab)[-1]
	# multiple populations  case 
	if( inherits(tab,"list") )
		p <- length(tab)
		res <- vector('list',p)
		mm <- vector('list',p)
		popfac <- pop.names
			stop("a factor is expected for pop.names")

		if(length(pop.names) != p || length(pop.names) < p)
			stop("tab and pop.names must have the same length")
		if(length(pop.names) > p){
			popfac <- pop.names[1:p]
			warning("only the first ", p," elements of pop.names are considered")
		for(i in popfac)
			if( !inherits(tab[[i]],"data.frame") & !inherits(tab[[i]],"matrix") )
				stop("all elements of tab must be of types matrix or data.frame")
			if (is.null(colnames(tab[[i]]))) 
				stop("columns of element ", i, " of tab have  no name ")
			res[[i]] <- naomitab(tab[[i]])
			mm[[i]] <- colnames(tab[[i]])[-1]
		names(res) <- popfac
		#checking markers between populations
		maxloc <- max(sapply(mm,function(y) length(y)))
		lpop <- length(popfac)
		comloc <- names(which(table(unlist(mm))==lpop))
			stop("There is no shared markers between the ", lpop," populations. Please check your data.")
		if(length(comloc) != 0 )
			if(length(comloc) < maxloc)
				warning("Only ", length(comloc)," markers are common between the ", lpop," populations. You might want to check your data.")
				for(w in popfac)
					names(res[[w]]) <- popfac
				mark <- comloc
				mark <- mm[[1]]#for example, no need to complicate
				#if condition not met "res"  doesn't change
	#object tabfreq to construct
	freq <- new('tabfreq')
	freq@pop.names <- popfac
	freq@tab <- res
	freq@which.loc <- mark
	#freq@theta <- theta

# Alias Method
as.simugeno <- simugeno
as.simumix <- simumix
as.tabfreq <- tabfreq
hindantation/forensim documentation built on Oct. 8, 2022, 4:42 a.m.