
## plot alpha diversity
plotAlphaBoxplotButton <- eventReactive(input$alpha_boxplot,{
  alpha_div_boxplot(MAE = vals$MAE,
                  tax_level = input$taxl.alpha,
                  condition = input$select_alpha_div_condition,
                  alpha_metric = input$select_alpha_div_method)
output$AlphaDiversity <- renderPlotly({

# # Alpha diversity table
# do_alpha_table <- function() {
#   shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
#   physeq1 <- shinyInput$pstat
#   if (input$taxl.alpha !="no rank")  {
#     physeq1 <- tax_glom(physeq1, input$taxl.alpha)
#   }
# <- physeq1@sam_data
#$ <- rownames(
#$richness <- suppressWarnings(estimate_richness(physeq = physeq1, split = T, measures = input$select_alpha_div_method)[,1])
#   colnames([which(colnames( == input$select_alpha_div_condition)] <- "condition"
#   rownames( <- seq_len(nrow(
#   DT::datatable( %>% dplyr::select(, condition, richness))
# }
# plotAlphaBoxplotButton2 <- eventReactive(input$alpha_boxplot,{
#   do_alpha_table()
# })
# output$table.alpha <- DT::renderDataTable({
#   plotAlphaBoxplotButton2()
# })
# # Download alpha diversity table
# output$download_table_alpha <- downloadHandler(
#   filename = function() { paste('Alpha_diversity_table', '.csv', sep='') },
#   content = function(file) {
#     shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
#     physeq1 <- shinyInput$pstat
#     if (input$taxl.alpha !="no rank")  {
#       physeq1 <- tax_glom(physeq1, input$taxl.alpha)
#     }
# <- physeq1@sam_data
#$ <- rownames(
#$richness <- suppressWarnings(estimate_richness(physeq = physeq1, split = T, measures = input$select_alpha_div_method)[,1])
#     colnames([which(colnames( == input$select_alpha_div_condition)] <- "condition"
#     rownames( <- seq_len(nrow(
# <- as_tibble(
# <- %>% select(, condition, richness)
#     write.csv(data.frame(, file)
#   }
# )

## do alpha diversity statistical test
plotAlphaBoxplotButton3 <- eventReactive(input$alpha_boxplot,{
  do_alpha_div_test(MAE = vals$MAE,
                  tax_level = input$taxl.alpha,
                  condition = input$select_alpha_div_condition,
                  alpha_metric = input$select_alpha_div_method,
                  alpha_stat = input$select_alpha_stat_method)
output$alpha.stat.test <- DT::renderDataTable({
}, options = list(paging = TRUE, 
                  scrollX = TRUE, 
                  pageLength = 5,
                  sDom  = '<"top">t<"bottom">ip'))

## beta diversity heatmap
plotBetaHeatmapServerButton <- eventReactive(input$beta_heatmap,{
  diversity_beta_heatmap(MAE = vals$MAE,
                       tax_level = input$taxl.beta,
                       input_beta_method = input$beta_method,
                       input_bdhm_select_conditions = input$bdhm_select_conditions,
                       input_bdhm_sort_by = input$bdhm_sort_by)
output$BetaDiversityHeatmap <- renderPlotly({

## beta diversity boxplot
plotBetaBoxplotServerButton <- eventReactive(input$beta_boxplot,{
  diversity_beta_boxplot(MAE = vals$MAE,
                       tax_level = input$taxl.beta,
                       input_beta_method = input$beta_method,
                       input_select_beta_condition = input$select_beta_condition)
output$BetaDiversityBoxplot <- renderPlotly({

# # Beta diversity table
# do_beta_table <- function() {
#   shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
#   physeq1 <- shinyInput$pstat
#   if (input$taxl.beta=="no rank")  {
#       if (input$select_beta_div_method == "bray"){
#       #First get otu_table and transpose it:
#       dist.matrix <- t(data.frame(otu_table(physeq1)))
#       #Then use vegdist from vegan to generate a bray distance object:
#       dist.mat <- vegdist(dist.matrix, method = "bray")
#   }else{
#       dist.mat = phyloseq::distance(physeq1, method = input$select_beta_div_method)
#   }
#   } else{
#     physeq2 <- tax_glom(physeq1, input$taxl.beta)
#       if (input$select_beta_div_method == "bray"){
#       #First get otu_table and transpose it:
#       dist.matrix <- t(data.frame(otu_table(physeq2)))
#       #Then use vegdist from vegan to generate a bray distance object:
#       dist.mat <- vegdist(dist.matrix, method = "bray")
#       }else{
#       dist.mat = phyloseq::distance(physeq2, method = input$select_beta_div_method)
#       }
#   }
#   dist.mat <- as.matrix(dist.mat)
#   return(dist.mat)
# }
# plotBetaBoxplotServerButton2 <- eventReactive(input$beta_heatmap,{
#   do_beta_table()
# })
# output$table.beta <- DT::renderDataTable({
#   plotBetaBoxplotServerButton2()
# }, options=list(paging = TRUE, scrollX = TRUE))
# # Download beta diversity table
# output$download_table_beta <- downloadHandler(
#   filename = function() { paste('Beta_diversity_table', '.csv', sep='') },
#   content = function(file) {
#       shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
#     physeq1 <- shinyInput$pstat
#     if (input$taxl.beta=="no rank")  {
#       dist.mat = phyloseq::distance(physeq1, method = input$select_beta_div_method)
#     } else{
#       physeq2 <- tax_glom(physeq1, input$taxl.beta)
#       dist.mat = phyloseq::distance(physeq2, method = input$select_beta_div_method)
#     }
#     dist.mat <- as.matrix(dist.mat)
#     write.csv(data.frame(dist.mat), file)
#   }
# )

plotBetaBoxplotServerButton3 <- eventReactive(input$beta_boxplot, {
  diversity_beta_test(MAE = vals$MAE,
                    tax_level = input$taxl.beta,
                    input_beta_method = input$beta_method,
                    input_select_beta_condition = input$select_beta_condition,
                    input_select_beta_stat_method = input$select_beta_stat_method,
                    input_num_permutation_permanova = input$num_permutation_permanova)
output$beta.stat.test <- DT::renderDataTable({
}, options = list(sDom  = '<"top">t<"bottom">ip'))
hiplot/animalcules documentation built on March 1, 2021, 12:04 a.m.