
#' @include JDBCResult.R
#' @include java_utils.R

#' JDBCQueryResult class
#' @param res,dbObj an \code{\linkS4class{JDBCQueryResult}} object.
#' @param n optional maximum number of records to retrieve per fetch. Use \code{-1} to 
#'    retrieve all pending records; use \code{0} for to fetch the default 
#'    number of rows as defined in \code{\link{JDBC}}
#' @param fetch_size a hint to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database in a single block.
#'    See \url{http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#setFetchSize(int)}.
#' @param what a character vector indicating which info to return.
#'   Expected is a subset of \code{c("name", "field.type", "data.type", "label", "nullable")}.
#' @param ... Ignored. Needed for compatibility with generic.
#' @family result classes
#' @export
JDBCQueryResult <- setClass("JDBCQueryResult",
  contains = c("JDBCResult"),
  slots = list(
    state = "environment",
    statement = "character",
    j_result_set = "jobjRef",
    j_result_set_meta = "jobjRef",
    j_result_pull = "jobjRef",
    connection = "JDBCConnection")

setMethod("initialize", "JDBCQueryResult", function(.Object, j_result_set, connection, ...) {
  .Object <- callNextMethod()
  if (nargs() > 1) {
    assert_that(j_result_set %instanceof% "java.sql.ResultSet")
    assert_that(is(connection, "JDBCConnection"))

    .Object@j_result_set_meta <- get_meta_data(j_result_set)
    if (is.jnull(.Object@j_result_set_meta)) stop("j_result_set_meta is null")
    .Object@j_result_pull <- create_resultpull(j_result_set)
    if (is.jnull(.Object@j_result_pull)) stop("j_result_pull is null")
    .Object@state$row_count <- 0
    .Object@state$completed <- FALSE


#' @rdname JDBCQueryResult-class
#' @inheritParams DBI::sqlColumnToRownames
#' @section Methods:
#' \code{dbFetch}: Fetch n results
#' @export
setMethod("dbFetch", signature(res = "JDBCQueryResult", n = "numeric"),
  function(res, n = -1, fetch_size = 0, ..., row.names = NA) {

    cols <- jdbc_rsmeta_column_count(res@j_result_set_meta)
    if (cols < 1L) {
    column_info <- dbColumnInfo(res, c("label", "nullable", "jdbc.type"))

    infinite_pull <- (n == -1)
    stride <- if (infinite_pull) {
      32768L  #start fairly small to support tiny queries and increase later
      # TODO does the increaing stride srategy really has any performnace / memory benefit?
    } else {

    chunks <- list()
    repeat {    
      fetched <- resultpull_fetch(
        res@j_result_pull, stride, column_info,
        dbGetDriver(res)@read_conversions, fetch_size) 
      chunks <- c(chunks, list(fetched))  

      if (nrow(fetched) < stride) {
        res@state$completed <- TRUE

      if (infinite_pull) {
        if (res@state$completed) {
        } else {
          stride <- 524288L # 512k
      } else {

    ret <- do.call(rbind, chunks)
    res@state$row_count <- res@state$row_count + nrow(ret)

    ret <- sqlColumnToRownames(ret, row.names)


#' @rdname JDBCQueryResult-class
#' @export
setMethod("dbClearResult", signature(res = "JDBCQueryResult"),
  function(res, ...) {
    closed <- jdbc_result_set_is_closed(res@j_result_set)
    if (!closed) {
      j_statement <- jdbc_result_set_get_statement(res@j_result_set)
      if (!is.jnull(j_statement)) {
      } else {
    } else {
      warning("Result has already been closed")

#' @section Methods:
#' \code{dbColumnInfo}: Get info about the result set data types.
#'   Returns a data.frame with one row per output field in \code{res}.
#'   Includes \code{name}, \code{field.type} (the SQL type)
#'   and \code{data.type} (the R data type) columns for the default what.
#'   Additionally, \code{label} (The field label)
#'   and \code{nullable} (0 = disallows NULL, 1 = allows NULL, 2 = unknown) can be fetched.
#' @rdname JDBCQueryResult-class
#' @export
setMethod("dbColumnInfo", signature(res = "JDBCQueryResult"),
  function(res, what = c("name", "field.type", "data.type", "jdbc.type"), ...) {

    if (length(what) == 0) {
    column_count <- jdbc_rsmeta_column_count(res@j_result_set_meta)
    column_info <- list()

    if ("name" %in% what) { # TODO: return lables as names?
      column_info <- c(column_info, list(name = vapply(seq(column_count), function(i) {
        jdbc_rsmeta_column_name(res@j_result_set_meta, i)
      }, "")))

    if ("field.type" %in% what) {
      column_info <- c(column_info, list(field.type = vapply(seq(column_count), function(i) {
        jdbc_rsmeta_column_typename(res@j_result_set_meta, i)
      }, "")))

    if ("jdbc.type" %in% what) {
      column_info <- c(column_info, list(jdbc.type = vapply(seq(column_count), function(i) {
        jdbc_rsmeta_column_type(res@j_result_set_meta, i)
      }, 0L)))

    if ("data.type" %in% what) {
      read_conversions <- dbGetDriver(res)@read_conversions
      column_info <- c(column_info, list(data.type = vapply(seq(column_count), function(i) {
        jdbc.type <-
        if ("jdbc.type" %in% names(column_info)) {
        } else {
          jdbc_rsmeta_column_type(res@j_result_set_meta, i)
        read_conversions[sapply(read_conversions, function (x) {
          x$condition(jdbc.type = jdbc.type)
      }, "")))

    if ("label" %in% what) {
      column_info <- c(column_info, list(label = vapply(seq(column_count), function(i) {
        jdbc_rsmeta_column_label(res@j_result_set_meta, i)
      }, "")))
    if ("nullable" %in% what) {
      column_info <- c(column_info, list(nullable = vapply(seq(column_count), function(i) {
        jdbc_rsmeta_column_nullable(res@j_result_set_meta, i)
      }, 0L)))

    as.data.frame(column_info, row.names = seq(column_count), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)   

#' @rdname JDBCQueryResult-class
#' @section Methods:
#' \code{dbGetRowCount}: Count rows in result set
#' @export
setMethod("dbGetRowCount", signature(res = "JDBCQueryResult"),
  function(res, ...) {

#' @rdname JDBCQueryResult-class
#' @section Methods:
#' \code{dbGetRowsAffected}: This function returns the number of rows
#' that were added, deleted, or updated by data modifying query.
#' For a selection query, this function returns 0.
#' @export
setMethod("dbGetRowsAffected", signature(res = "JDBCQueryResult"),
  function(res, ...) {

#' @rdname JDBCQueryResult-class
#' @section Methods:
#' \code{dbHasCompleted}: Check if all results have been fetched
#' @export
setMethod("dbHasCompleted", signature(res = "JDBCQueryResult"),
  function(res, ...) {

#' @rdname JDBCQueryResult-class
#' @section Methods:
#' \code{dbGetInfo}: Get info
#' @export
setMethod("dbGetInfo", signature(dbObj = "JDBCQueryResult"),
  function(dbObj, ...) {
    default_list <- callNextMethod(dbObj, ...)
    supplements <- list(
      col.count = jdbc_rsmeta_column_count(dbObj@j_result_set_meta),
      is.select = TRUE
    c(default_list, supplements)

#' @rdname JDBCQueryResult-class
#' @section Methods:
#' \code{dbIsValid}: Is the result valid
#' @export
setMethod("dbIsValid", signature(dbObj = "JDBCQueryResult"),
  function(dbObj, ...) {
    closed <- jdbc_result_set_is_closed(dbObj@j_result_set)

checkValid <- function(res) {
  if (!dbIsValid(res)) {
    stop("The result set has been closed")

#' List fields in specified table.
#' @param conn an \code{\linkS4class{JDBCQueryResult}} object.
#' @param  name Ignored. Needed for compatiblity with generic.
#' @param  ... Ignored. Needed for compatiblity with generic.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
setMethod("dbListFields", signature(conn = "JDBCQueryResult", name = "missing"),
  function(conn, name, ...) {
    dbColumnInfo(conn, "name")$name

#' @rdname JDBCQueryResult-class
#' @export
setMethod("dbGetDriver", signature(dbObj = "JDBCQueryResult"),
  function(dbObj, ...) {

#' @rdname JDBCQueryResult-class
#' @section Methods:
#' \code{dbGetStatement}: Returns the statement that was passed to dbSendQuery
#' @export
setMethod("dbGetStatement", signature(res = "JDBCQueryResult"),
  function(res, ...) {

#' @rdname JDBCQueryResult-class
#' @section Methods:
#' \code{dbGetRowsAffected}: Returns 0
#' @export
setMethod("dbGetRowsAffected", signature(res = "JDBCQueryResult"),
  function(res, ...) {
hoesler/dbj documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:36 p.m.