
vim.logicFS <- function (log.out, neighbor = NULL, adjusted = FALSE, useN = TRUE, 
                         onlyRemove = FALSE, prob.case = 0.5, addInfo = FALSE, 
                         score = c("DPO", "Conc", "Brier", "PL"), ensemble = FALSE,
                         addMatImp = TRUE) 
  if (!is(log.out, "logicBagg")) 
    stop("log.out must be an object of class logicBagg.")
  type <- log.out$type
  if (!type %in% c(1:4, 9)) 
    stop("Currently only available for classification and\n", 
         "linear, (multinomial) logistic and Cox regression.")
  if(!(type %in% c(1:4)) & (adjusted | !is.null(neighbor)))
    stop("Noise adjusted and/or LD adjusted measure only available for type 1-4.")
  if (type == 4){
      useN <- TRUE
      warning("In the survival case useN is ignored.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!onlyRemove){
      onlyRemove <- TRUE
      warning("In the survival case the prime implicants are only removed from the trees. \n",
              "Therefore, onlyRemove is set to TRUE.", call. = FALSE)
  score <- match.arg(score)
  if (ensemble){
    out <- vim.ensemble(log.out, score = score, adjusted = adjusted, 
                        neighbor = neighbor, addMatImp = addMatImp,
                        addInfo = addInfo)
  if (type != 1) 
    onlyRemove <- TRUE 
  if(!onlyRemove & (adjusted | !is.null(neighbor)))
    stop("Noise adjusted and/or LD adjusted measure not available for onlyRemove = FALSE.")
  list.primes <- logic.pimp(log.out)
  if (type == 4){
    allNull <- function (x) all(sapply(x, is.null))
    if (any(sapply(list.primes, allNull))){
      whichNull <- which(sapply(list.primes, allNull))
      log.out$logreg.model <- log.out$logreg.model[-whichNull]
      log.out$inbagg <- log.out$inbagg[-whichNull]
      list.primes <- logic.pimp(log.out)
      warning("Since ", length(whichNull), " of the models contain no variables, ", 
              "they are removed.", call. = FALSE)
  if ((type != 1 | onlyRemove) & (type != 4)) 
    list.primes <- check4NullModels(list.primes)
  B <- length(list.primes)
  if (type == 1)
    vec.primes <- unlist(list.primes) 
    vec.primes <- unlist(lapply(list.primes, function (x) unique(unlist(x))))
  prop <- table(vec.primes)/B 
  vec.primes <- unique(vec.primes) 
  data <- as.data.frame(log.out$data)
  colnames(data) <- paste("X", 1:ncol(data), sep = "")
  mat.eval <- getMatEval(data, vec.primes, check = FALSE) 
  if (ncol(mat.eval) < length(vec.primes)){
    ids <- which(!vec.primes %in% colnames(mat.eval))
    mono <- vec.primes[ids]
    vec.primes <- vec.primes[-ids]
    rmMonoPI <- function (lpi, mono, type){
      if (type == 9) 
        lapply(lpi, function (x) x[!x %in% mono])
        lpi[!lpi %in% mono]
    for (i in 1:B) 
      list.primes[[i]] <- lapply(list.primes[[i]], rmMonoPI, mono = mono, type = type)
  cl <- log.out$cl
  inbagg <- log.out$inbagg
  if (class(cl) != "Surv"){
    n.cl <- length(cl)
  } else {
    n.cl <- length(cl[, 1])
  mat.imp <- matrix(0, length(vec.primes), B)  
  rownames(mat.imp) <- colnames(mat.eval)
  if (!is.null(neighbor)){
    if (length(unique(unlist(neighbor))) != length(unlist(neighbor)))
      stop("There are SNPs that have more than one neighborhood.")
    set <- checkSet(NULL, ncol(log.out$data), colnames(log.out$data))
    set <- lapply(set, function (x) paste0("X", x))
  } else {
    set <- NULL
  if (type == 1){
    vim.fun <- ifelse(onlyRemove, "vim.singleRemove", "vim.singleBoth") 
    FUN <- match.fun(vim.fun)
    for (i in 1:B){
      oob <- which(!(1:n.cl) %in% inbagg[[i]])
      if (adjusted)
        mat.imp[, i] <- vim.singleAdjusted(list.primes[[i]][[1]], mat.eval[oob, ], 
                                           cl[oob], neighbor, set, useN = useN)
      else if (!is.null(neighbor))
        mat.imp[, i] <- vim.singleNeighbor(list.primes[[i]][[1]], mat.eval[oob, ], 
                                           cl[oob], neighbor, set, useN = useN)
        mat.imp[, i] <- FUN(list.primes[[i]][[1]], mat.eval[oob, ], cl[oob], useN = useN)
  if (type == 2){
    cat("Note: Since version 1.15.8 log2(MSEP) instead of MSEP is used to quantify", 
        "\n", "the importance of the interactions for predicting a ", 
        "quantitative response.", "\n\n", sep = "")
    list.primes <- check.listprimes(list.primes, log.out$ntrees, B)
    for (i in 1:B){
      if (adjusted)
        mat.imp[, i] <- vim.lmAdjusted(list.primes[[i]], mat.eval, inbagg[[i]], 
                                       cl, neighbor, set)
      else if (!is.null(neighbor))
        mat.imp[, i] <- vim.lmNeighbor(list.primes[[i]], mat.eval, inbagg[[i]], 
                                       cl, neighbor, set)
        mat.imp[, i] <- vim.lm(list.primes[[i]], mat.eval, inbagg[[i]], cl)
  if (type == 3){
    list.primes <- check.listprimes(list.primes, log.out$ntrees, B)
    for (i in 1:B){
      if (adjusted)
        mat.imp[, i] <- vim.multipleAdjusted(list.primes[[i]], mat.eval, inbagg[[i]], cl, 
                                             prob.case = prob.case, neighbor, set, useN = useN)
      else if (!is.null(neighbor))
        mat.imp[, i] <- vim.multipleNeighbor(list.primes[[i]], mat.eval, inbagg[[i]], cl, 
                                             prob.case = prob.case, neighbor, set, useN = useN)
        mat.imp[, i] <- vim.multiple(list.primes[[i]], mat.eval, inbagg[[i]], 
                                     cl, prob.case = prob.case, useN = useN)
  if (type == 4){
    list.primes <- check.listprimes(list.primes, log.out$ntrees, B)
    for (i in 1:B){
      if (adjusted)
        mat.imp[, i] <- vim.SurvAdjusted(list.primes[[i]], mat.eval, inbagg[[i]], 
                                         cl, neighbor, set, score)
      else if (!is.null(neighbor))
        mat.imp[, i] <- vim.SurvNeighbor(list.primes[[i]], mat.eval, inbagg[[i]], 
                                         cl, neighbor, set, score)
        mat.imp[, i] <- vim.Surv(list.primes[[i]], mat.eval, inbagg[[i]], 
                                 cl, score)
  if (type == 9){
    n.reg <- length(levels(cl)) - 1
    list.primes <- lapply(list.primes, check.listprimes, ntrees = log.out$ntrees, B = n.reg)
    lmodel <- log.out$logreg.model
    for (i in 1:B) mat.imp[, i] <- vim.MLR(lmodel[[i]], list.primes[[i]], 
                                           mat.eval, log.out$data, cl, 
                                           inbagg[[i]], useN = useN)$vec.out
  vim <- rowMeans(mat.imp, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(neighbor) | adjusted){
    prop <- getProp(list.primes, vec.primes, mat.eval, 
                    set, neighbor, adjusted)
  } else{
    prop <- prop[vec.primes]
  primes <- getNames(vec.primes, colnames(log.out$data))
  param <- if (addInfo) 
    list(B = B, ntrees = log.out$ntrees, nleaves = log.out$nleaves, 
         sampling = log.out$sampling)
  else NULL
  if (!addMatImp) 
    mat.imp <- NULL 
  if (type == 9) 
    measure <- "Multiple Tree"
  else measure <- switch(type, "Single Tree", "Quantitative Response", "Multiple Tree", 
                         switch(which(c("DPO", "Conc", "Brier", "PL") %in% score), 
                                "DPO", "Conc", "Brier", "Cox")) 
  if (type == 1 && onlyRemove && is.null(neighbor) && !adjusted)
    measure <- paste(measure, "\n (Only Removing)", sep = "")
  if (any(c(!is.null(neighbor), adjusted))){
    idm <- as.numeric(!is.null(neighbor)) + 2 * as.numeric(adjusted)
    measure <- paste(measure, switch(idm, "\n (LD adjusted)", "\n (noise adjusted)", 
                                     "\n (LD and noise adjusted)"), sep = "")
  vim.out <- list(vim = vim, prop = prop, primes = primes, type = type, 
                  param = param, mat.imp = mat.imp, measure = measure, 
                  neighbor = neighbor, useN = useN, threshold = NULL, 
                  mu = NULL)
  class(vim.out) <- "logicFS"
holgerschw/logicFS documentation built on April 15, 2020, 10:42 p.m.