
#' @title Whales in an Ocean

#' @description R6 Object for simulating a population of whales.
#' @rdname Ocean
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @keywords data
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for simulation.
#' @export
#' @author Homer White \email{homerhanumat@gmail.com}
#' @section Properties:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{dimensions}: }{A vector of length two giving the
#' dimensions of the ocean.}
#' \item{\code{males}: }{A list of R6 objects of class Male
#' containing the current population of male whales.}
#' \item{\code{females}: }{A list of R6 objects of class Female
#' containing the current population of female whales.}
#' \item{\code{malePop}: }{Current number of males in the population.}
#' \item{\code{femalePop}: }{Current number of females in the population.}
#' \item{\code{starveParameter}: }{Helps determine probability for each
#' whale to die by starvation in the current generation.}
#' \item{\code{distance}: }{Computes distance between any two whales.}
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{new}: }{Instantiates an Ocean object.  Parameters are:}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{dims}: }{A numeric vector of length 2 setting the length
#' and width
#'  of the ocean.}
#' \item{\code{males}: }{An integer giving the number of males (to be
#' created with
#' defaults) or a list of \code{\link{Male}} whale objects.}
#' \item{\code{females}: }{An integer giving the number of females (to be
#' created with
#' defaults) or a list of \code{\link{Female}} whale objects.}
#' \item{\code{starve}: }{A non-negative number, used to determine
#' probability that an individual starves in a given
#' generation. The larger the
#' value, the lower the carrying-capacity of the population
#' will be.}
#' }
#' \item{\code{advance}: }{Advances the simulation by one generation.
#' Takes no arguments.}
#' \item{\code{plot}: }{Plots the current population.  Takes no arguments.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(ggplot2)
#' oceanSim <- function(
#'   steps = 100, males = 10,
#'   females = 10, starve = 5,
#'   animate = FALSE, seed = NULL
#'   ) {
#'  if ( !is.null(seed) ) {
#'    set.seed(seed)
#'   }
#'   ocean <- Ocean$new(dims = c(100, 100), males = males,
#'                      females = females, starve = starve)
#'   population <-numeric(steps)
#'   for ( i in 1:steps ) {
#'     population[i] <- ocean$malePop + ocean$femalePop
#'     if ( animate ) ocean$plot()
#'     if ( population[i] == 0 ) break
#'     ocean$advance()
#'     if ( animate ) {
#'         ocean$plot()
#'         Sys.sleep(0.5)
#'       }
#'   }
#'   pop <- population[1:i]
#'   df <- data.frame(time = 1:length(pop),
#'                   pop)
#'   ggplot(df, aes(x = time, y = pop)) + geom_line() +
#'     labs(x = "Time", y = "Whale Population")
#' }
#' oceanSim(seed = 5050)
Ocean <- R6::R6Class("Ocean",
                     public = list(
                       dimensions = NULL,
                       males = NULL,
                       females = NULL,
                       malePop = NULL,
                       femalePop = NULL,
                       starveParameter = NULL,
                       distance = function(a, b) {
                         sqrt((a[1] - b[1])^2 + (a[2] - b[2])^2)
                       initialize = function(dims = c(100, 100),
                                             males = 10,
                                             females = 10,
                                             starve = 5) {
                         self$dimensions <- dims
                         xMax <- dims[1]
                         yMax <- dims[2]
                         if (mode(males) == "list") {
                           maleWhales <- purrr::map(males, function(x) x$clone())
                           self$malePop <- length(males)
                         } else {
                           maleWhales <- replicate(
                             Male$new(age = 10,
                                      position = c(runif(1, 0, xMax),
                                                   runif(1, 0, yMax))))
                           self$malePop <- males
                         if (mode(females) == "list") {
                           femaleWhales <- purrr::map(females, function(x) x$clone())
                           self$femalePop <- length(females)
                         } else {
                           femaleWhales <- replicate(
                             Female$new(age = 10,
                                        position = c(runif(1, 0, xMax),
                                                     runif(1, 0, yMax))))
                           self$femalePop <- females
                         self$males <- maleWhales
                         self$females <- femaleWhales
                         self$starveParameter <- starve
                       starvationProbability = function(popDensity) {
                         self$starveParameter * popDensity

          function() {
            malePop <- self$malePop
            femalePop <- self$femalePop
            population <- malePop + femalePop
            if ( population == 0 ) {
            males <- self$males
            females <- self$females
            babyMales <- list()
            babyFemales <- list()
            if ( malePop > 0 && femalePop > 0 ) {
              for ( female in females ) {
                if ( female$age >= female$maturity &&
                     female$timeToFertility <= 0 &&
                     female$maleNear(males = males,
                                     dist = self$distance)) {
                  outcome <- female$mate()
                  if ( outcome == "male" ) {
                    baby <- Male$new(age = 0, position = female$position)
                    babyMales <- c(babyMales, baby)
                  } else {
                    baby <- Female$new(age = 0, position = female$position)
                    babyFemales <- c(babyFemales, baby)

            # augment the male and female lists if needed:
            lmb <- length(babyMales); lfb <- length(babyFemales);

            # throw in the babies:
            if ( lmb > 0 ) {
              males <- c(males, babyMales)
            if ( lfb > 0 ) {
              females <- c(females, babyFemales)

            # revise population for new births:
            population <- length(males) + length(females)

            # starve some of them, maybe:
            popDen <- population/prod(self$dimensions)
            starveProb <- self$starvationProbability(popDensity = popDen)
            maleDead <- logical(length(males))
            femaleDead <- logical(length(females))
            # starve some males
            for ( i in seq_along(maleDead) ) {
              male <- males[[i]]
              maleDead[i] <- (runif(1) <= starveProb)
              male$age <- male$age + 1
              if ( male$age >= male$lifespan ) maleDead[i] <- TRUE
              if ( maleDead[i] ) next
              # if whale is not dead, he should move:
              male$move(dims = self$dimensions)
            # starve some females
            for ( i in seq_along(femaleDead) ) {
              female <- females[[i]]
              femaleDead[i] <- (runif(1) <= starveProb)
              female$age <- female$age + 1
              if ( female$age >= female$lifespan ) femaleDead[i] <- TRUE
              if ( femaleDead[i] ) next
              if ( female$sex == "female" ) {
                female$timeToFertility <- female$timeToFertility - 1
              # if female is not dead, she should move:
              female$move(dims = self$dimensions)

            # revise male and female whale lists:
            malePop <- sum(!maleDead)
            self$malePop <- malePop
            femalePop <- sum(!femaleDead)
            self$femalePop <- femalePop
            if ( malePop > 0 ) {
              self$males <- males[!maleDead]
            } else {
              self$males <- list()
            if ( femalePop > 0 ) {
              self$females <- females[!femaleDead]
            } else {
              self$females <- list()
          }, overwrite = TRUE)

          function() {
            males <- self$males
            females <- self$females
            whales <- c(males, females)
            if ( length(whales) == 0) {
              plot(0,0, type = "n", main = "All Gone!")
              box(lwd = 2)
            len <- length(whales)
            df <- purrr::map_dfr(whales, function(x) {
              list(x = x$position[1],
                   y = x$position[2],
                   sex = as.numeric(x$sex == "male"),
                   mature = as.numeric(x$age >= x$maturity))
            df$color <- ifelse(df$sex == 1, "red", "green")
            # mature whales have cex = 3, immature whales cex 0.7
            df$size <- ifelse(df$mature == 1, 1.3, 0.7)
                 plot(x, y, xlim = c(0, self$dimensions[1]),
                      ylim = c(0, self$dimensions[1]), pch = 19, xlab = "",
                      ylab = "", axes = FALSE, col = color, cex = size,
                      main = paste0("Population = ", nrow(df))))
            box(lwd = 2)
          }, overwrite = TRUE)
homerhanumat/bcscr documentation built on Jan. 14, 2023, 4 a.m.