
Defines functions cross_validate_ create_grid_ set_cv

Documented in set_cv

# This file is part of the `locus` R package:
#     https://github.com/hruffieux/locus

#' Gather settings for the cross-validation procedure used in \code{locus}.
#' The cross-validation procedure uses the variational lower bound as objective
#' function and is used to select the prior average number of predictors
#' \code{p0_av} expected to be included in the model. \code{p0_av} is used to
#' set the model hyperparameters and ensure sparse predictor selections.
#' This cross-validation procedure is available only for
#' \code{link = "identity"}.
#' @param n Number of samples.
#' @param p Number of candidate predictors.
#' @param n_folds Number of number of folds. Large folds are not recommended for
#'   large datasets as the procedure may become computationally expensive. Must
#'   be greater than 2 and smaller than the number of samples.
#' @param size_p0_av_grid Number of possible values of p0_av to be compared.
#'   Large numbers are not recommended for large datasets as the procedure may
#'   become computationally expensive.
#' @param n_cpus Number of CPUs to be used for the cross-validation procedure.
#'   If large, one should ensure that enough RAM will be available for parallel
#'   execution. Set to 1 for serial execution.
#' @param tol_cv Tolerance for the variational algorithm stopping criterion used
#'   within the cross-validation procedure.
#' @param maxit_cv Maximum number of iterations allowed for the variational
#'   algorithm used within the cross-validation procedure.
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, messages are displayed when calling
#'   \code{set_cv}.
#' @return An object of class "\code{cv}" preparing the settings for the
#'   cross-validation settings in a form that can be passed to the
#'   \code{\link{locus}} function.
#' @examples
#' seed <- 123; set.seed(seed)
#' ###################
#' ## Simulate data ##
#' ###################
#' ## Example using small problem sizes:
#' ##
#' n <- 150; p <- 200; p0 <- 50; d <- 25; d0 <- 20
#' ## Candidate predictors (subject to selection)
#' ##
#' # Here we simulate common genetic variants (but any type of candidate
#' # predictors can be supplied).
#' # 0 = homozygous, major allele, 1 = heterozygous, 2 = homozygous, minor allele
#' #
#' X_act <- matrix(rbinom(n * p0, size = 2, p = 0.25), nrow = n)
#' X_inact <- matrix(rbinom(n * (p - p0), size = 2, p = 0.25), nrow = n)
#' shuff_x_ind <- sample(p)
#' X <- cbind(X_act, X_inact)[, shuff_x_ind]
#' bool_x_act <- shuff_x_ind <= p0
#' pat_act <- beta <- matrix(0, nrow = p0, ncol = d0)
#' pat_act[sample(p0*d0, floor(p0*d0/5))] <- 1
#' beta[as.logical(pat_act)] <-  rnorm(sum(pat_act))
#' ## Gaussian responses
#' ##
#' Y_act <- matrix(rnorm(n * d0, mean = X_act %*% beta, sd = 0.5), nrow = n)
#' Y_inact <- matrix(rnorm(n * (d - d0), sd = 0.5), nrow = n)
#' shuff_y_ind <- sample(d)
#' Y <- cbind(Y_act, Y_inact)[, shuff_y_ind]
#' ########################
#' ## Infer associations ##
#' ########################
#' list_cv <- set_cv(n, p, n_folds = 3, size_p0_av_grid = 3, n_cpus = 1)
#' vb <- locus(Y = Y, X = X, p0_av = NULL, link = "identity", list_cv = list_cv,
#'             user_seed = seed)
#' @seealso \code{\link{locus}}
#' @export
set_cv <- function(n, p, n_folds, size_p0_av_grid, n_cpus, tol_cv = 0.1,
                   maxit_cv = 1000, verbose = TRUE) {

  check_structure_(n_folds, "vector", "numeric", 1)

  if (!(n_folds %in% 2:n))
    stop("n_folds must be a natural number greater than 2 and smaller than the number of samples.")

  # 16 may correspond to (a multiple of) the number of cores available
  if (n_folds > 16) warning("n_folds is large and may induce expensive computations.")

  check_structure_(size_p0_av_grid, "vector", "numeric", 1)
  if (size_p0_av_grid < 2) stop(paste0("size_p0_av_grid must be at greater 1 ",
                                      "to allow for comparisons."))
  if (size_p0_av_grid > 10) stop(paste0("size_p0_av_grid is large and may ",
                                       "induce expensive computations. Choose ",
                                       "size_p0_av_grid in {2, 3, ..., 10}."))

  p0_av_grid <- create_grid_(p, size_p0_av_grid)

  new_size <- length(p0_av_grid)
  if (size_p0_av_grid > new_size) {
    if (verbose) cat(paste0("Cross-validation p0_av_grid reduced to ", new_size,
                           " elements as p is small.\n"))
    size_p0_av_grid <- new_size

  check_structure_(tol_cv, "vector", "numeric", 1)
  check_positive_(tol_cv, eps=.Machine$double.eps)

  check_structure_(maxit_cv, "vector", "numeric", 1)

  check_structure_(n_cpus, "vector", "numeric", 1)
  if (n_cpus > n_folds){
    message <- paste0("The number of cpus in use will be at most equal to n_folds.",
                     "n_cpus is therefore set to n_folds = ", n_folds, ". \n")
    if(verbose) cat(message)
    else warning(message)
    n_cpus <- n_folds

  if (n_cpus > 1) {

    n_cpus_avail <- parallel::detectCores()
    if (n_cpus > n_cpus_avail) {
      n_cpus <- n_cpus_avail
      warning(paste0("The number of CPUs specified exceeds the number of CPUs ",
                    "available on the machine. The latter has been used instead."))
    if (verbose) cat(paste0("Cross-validation with ", n_cpus, " CPUs.\n",
                           "Please make sure that enough RAM is available. \n"))

  n_cv <- n
  p_cv <- p

  list_cv <- create_named_list_(n_cv, p_cv, n_folds, p0_av_grid, size_p0_av_grid,
                                tol_cv, n_cpus, maxit_cv)
  class(list_cv) <- "cv"



# Internal function creating input grid values for the cross-validation procedure.
create_grid_ <- function(p, size_p0_av_grid) {

  if (p < 75) { # a different treatment to avoid having a single element in the grid
    p0_av_grid <- unique(round(seq(max(floor(p/4), 1), max(ceiling(p/3), 2),
                                   length.out = size_p0_av_grid), 0))
  } else {

    p0_av_grid <- seq(max(min(1000, p/4), 1),
                      max(min(1500, p/2), 1),
                      length.out = size_p0_av_grid)

    base_round_ <- function(x, base){
      sapply( round(x / base) * base, function(el) max(el, 1) )

    p0_av_grid <- unique(base_round_(p0_av_grid, 25))



# Internal core function for the cross-validation procedure.
cross_validate_ <- function(Y, X, Z, link, ind_bin, list_cv, user_seed, verbose) {

  d <- ncol(Y)
  n <- nrow(Y)
  p <- ncol(X)

  if (!is.null(Z)) q <- ncol(Z)
  else q <- NULL

  with(list_cv, {

    folds <- rep_len(1:n_folds, n)

    evaluate_fold_ <- function(k) {
      if (verbose) { cat(paste0("Evaluating fold k = ", k, "... \n"))

      current <- which(folds == k)

      Y_tr <- Y[-current,, drop = FALSE]
      Y_test <- Y[current,, drop = FALSE] # drop = FALSE for the case where n_folds = n

      X_tr <- X[-current,, drop = FALSE]
      X_test <- X[current,, drop = FALSE]

      # rescale X_tr as the algorithm then uses sample variance 1
      X_tr <- scale(X_tr)
      bool_cst_x <- is.nan(colSums(X_tr))
      if (any(bool_cst_x)) {
        X_tr <- X_tr[, !bool_cst_x, drop = FALSE]
        # remove the corresponding columns in X_test too so that the lower bound
        # obtained with X_tr can be evaluated on X_test
        X_test <- X_test[, !bool_cst_x, drop = FALSE]
        p <- ncol(X_tr)

      if (link == "identity") {

        Y_tr <- scale(Y_tr, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
        Y_test <- scale(Y_test, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)

      } else if (link == "mix") {

        Y_tr[, -ind_bin] <- scale(Y_tr[, -ind_bin], center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
        Y_test[, -ind_bin] <- scale(Y_test[, -ind_bin], center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)


      if (!is.null(Z)) {
        Z_tr <- Z[-current,, drop = FALSE]
        Z_test <- Z[current,, drop = FALSE]
        Z_tr <- scale(Z_tr)
        bool_cst_z <- is.nan(colSums(Z_tr))
        if (any(bool_cst_z)) {
          Z_tr <- Z_tr[, !bool_cst_z, drop = FALSE]
          Z_test <- Z_test[, !bool_cst_z, drop = FALSE]
          q <- ncol(Z_tr)
      } else {
        Z_tr <- Z_test <- NULL

      lb_vec <- vector(length = size_p0_av_grid)

      for(ind_pg in 1:size_p0_av_grid) {

        pg <-  p0_av_grid[ind_pg]

        if (verbose) cat(paste0("Evaluating p0_av = ", pg, "... \n"))

        list_hyper_pg <- auto_set_hyper_(Y_tr, p, pg, q, link = link, 
                                         ind_bin = ind_bin, struct = FALSE, 
                                         vec_fac_gr = NULL)
        list_init_pg <- auto_set_init_(Y_tr, G = NULL, p, pg, q, user_seed,
                                       link = link, ind_bin = ind_bin)

        nq <- is.null(q)

        if (link != "identity") { # adds an intercept for probit/mix regression

          if (nq) {

            Z_tr <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(X_tr), ncol = 1)
            Z_test <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(X_test), ncol = 1)

            # uninformative prior
            list_hyper_pg$phi <- list_hyper_pg$xi <- 1e-3

            list_init_pg$alpha_vb <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = d)

            if (link == "probit") {

              list_init_pg$sig2_alpha_vb <- 1

            } else {

              list_init_pg$sig2_alpha_vb <- matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = d)


          } else{

            Z_tr <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(Z_tr)), Z_tr)
            Z_test <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(Z_test)), Z_test)

            # uninformative prior
            list_hyper_pg$phi <- c(1e-3, list_hyper_pg$phi)
            list_hyper_pg$xi <- c(1e-3, list_hyper_pg$xi)

            list_init_pg$alpha_vb <- rbind(rep(0, d), list_init_pg$alpha_vb)

            if (link == "probit") {

              list_init_pg$sig2_alpha_vb <- c(1, list_init_pg$sig2_alpha_vb)

            } else {

              list_init_pg$sig2_alpha_vb <- rbind(rep(1, d), list_init_pg$sig2_alpha_vb)


          colnames(Z_tr)[1] <- colnames(Z_test)[1] <- "Intercept"

        if (link == "identity") {

          if (nq) {
            vb_tr <- locus_core_(Y_tr, X_tr, list_hyper_pg,
                                 list_init_pg$gam_vb, list_init_pg$mu_beta_vb,
                                 list_init_pg$sig2_beta_vb, list_init_pg$tau_vb,
                                 tol_cv, maxit_cv, anneal = NULL,
                                 verbose = FALSE, full_output = TRUE)

            lb_vec[ind_pg] <- with(vb_tr, {

              mat_x_m1 <-  X_test %*% beta_vb

              elbo_(Y_test, a, a_vb, b, b_vb, beta_vb, eta, gam_vb, kappa,
                    lambda, nu, sig2_beta_vb, sig2_inv_vb, tau_vb, 
                    m2_beta, mat_x_m1, sum_gam)

          } else {
            vb_tr <- locus_z_core_(Y_tr, X_tr, Z_tr, list_hyper_pg,
                                   list_init_pg$gam_vb, list_init_pg$alpha_vb,
                                   list_init_pg$mu_beta_vb, list_init_pg$sig2_alpha_vb,
                                   list_init_pg$sig2_beta_vb, list_init_pg$tau_vb,
                                   tol_cv, maxit_cv, verbose = FALSE, full_output = TRUE)

            lb_vec[ind_pg] <- with(vb_tr, {

              mat_z_mu <-  Z_test %*% alpha_vb
              mat_x_m1 <-  X_test %*% beta_vb

              elbo_z_(Y_test, Z_test, a, a_vb, b, b_vb, beta_vb, eta, gam_vb,
                      kappa, lambda, alpha_vb, nu, phi, phi_vb,
                      sig2_alpha_vb, sig2_beta_vb, sig2_inv_vb, tau_vb, xi,
                      zeta2_inv_vb, m2_alpha, m2_beta, mat_x_m1,
                      mat_z_mu, sum_gam)

        } else if (link == "probit") {

          vb_tr <- locus_probit_core_(Y_tr, X_tr, Z_tr, list_hyper_pg,
                                      list_init_pg$gam_vb, list_init_pg$alpha_vb,
                                      list_init_pg$mu_beta_vb, list_init_pg$sig2_alpha_vb,
                                      list_init_pg$sig2_beta_vb, tol_cv, maxit_cv,
                                      verbose = FALSE, full_output = TRUE)

          lb_vec[ind_pg] <- with(vb_tr, {

            mat_z_mu <-  Z_test %*% alpha_vb
            mat_x_m1 <-  X_test %*% beta_vb

            elbo_probit_(Y_test, X_test, Z_test, a, a_vb, b, b_vb, beta_vb, gam_vb,
                         lambda, nu, phi, phi_vb, sig2_alpha_vb, sig2_beta_vb,
                         sig2_inv_vb, xi, zeta2_inv_vb, alpha_vb, 
                         m2_alpha, m2_beta, mat_x_m1, mat_z_mu, sum_gam)

        } else if (link == "mix") {

          vb_tr <- locus_mix_core_(Y_tr, X_tr, Z_tr, ind_bin, list_hyper_pg,
                                   list_init_pg$gam_vb, list_init_pg$alpha_vb,
                                   list_init_pg$mu_beta_vb, list_init_pg$sig2_alpha_vb,
                                   list_init_pg$sig2_beta_vb, list_init_pg$tau_vb,
                                   tol_cv, maxit_cv, verbose = FALSE, full_output = TRUE)

          lb_vec[ind_pg] <- with(vb_tr, {

            mat_z_mu <-  Z_test %*% alpha_vb
            mat_x_m1 <-  X_test %*% beta_vb

            elbo_mix_(Y_test[, ind_bin, drop = FALSE],
                      Y_test[, -ind_bin, drop = FALSE], ind_bin, X_test, Z_test,
                      a, a_vb, b, b_vb, beta_vb, eta, gam_vb, kappa, lambda, alpha_vb,
                      nu, phi, phi_vb, sig2_alpha_vb, sig2_beta_vb, sig2_inv_vb,
                      tau_vb, log_tau_vb, xi, zeta2_inv_vb, m2_alpha, 
                      m2_beta, mat_x_m1, mat_z_mu, sum_gam)



        if (verbose) { cat(paste0("Lower bound on test set, fold ", k, ", p0_av ",
                                 pg, ": ", format(lb_vec[ind_pg]), ". \n"))
          cat("-------------------------\n") }

    RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") # ensure reproducibility when using mclapply

    lb_mat <- parallel::mclapply(1:n_folds, function(k) evaluate_fold_(k),
                                 mc.cores = n_cpus)
    lb_mat <- do.call(rbind, lb_mat)

    rownames(lb_mat) <- paste0("fold_", 1:n_folds)
    colnames(lb_mat) <- paste0("p0_av_", p0_av_grid)

    p0_av_opt <- p0_av_grid[which.max(colMeans(lb_mat))]

    if (verbose) {
      cat("Lower bounds on test sets for each fold and each grid element: \n")
      cat(paste0("===== ...end of cross-validation with selected p0_av = ",
                p0_av_opt, " ===== \n"))

hruffieux/locus documentation built on Jan. 10, 2024, 10:07 p.m.