
Defines functions subtypeVector

Documented in subtypeVector

#' @rdname subtypeVector
#' @title subtypeVector
#' @description Automatic clustering based on expression matrix and gene expression profiles
#' @param geneSet List. Gene expression profiles - Co-expressed modules from WGCNA, etc
#' @param outlier.filter Integer. Set a small integer to remove outlier samples
#' @param k the number of clusters you want. Default is the same as the number of \code{geneSet} types
#' @inheritParams PAD
#' @importFrom luckyBase mergeMatrixDup
#' @importFrom luckyBase convert
#' @importFrom plyr ldply
#' @importFrom stats hclust
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom stats cutree
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom WGCNA labels2colors
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @return A list: \cr
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{Repeat} Basic parameters
#'   \item \code{Data} mean expression of each GEP in each sample cluster
#'   \item \code{logloss} negative log-likelihood function
#'   \item \code{MissGene} Missing genes
#'   \item \code{Plot} a \code{\link[ComplexHeatmap]{Heatmap}} object
#' }
#' @author Weibin Huang<\email{hwb2012@@qq.com}>
#' @export
subtypeVector <- function(
    cluster.method = c("ward.D2",'complete')[1],
    extra.annot = NULL,
    # extra.annot = ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(),
    plot.title = NULL,
    k = NULL,
    outlier.filter = 2,
    verbose = T

  # Test

    np <- c('tidyr','plyr','dplyr','stringr','ComplexHeatmap'); Plus.library(np)

    # set.seed(200); expr <- readRDS("E:/Sync/@Analysis/PanCan_Data/Other/Level_02/tcga_RSEM_gene_tpm.rds"); expr <- expr[sample(1:ncol(expr),1000, replace = F)];
    expr <- readRDS("E:/Sync/@Analysis/PanCan_Data/Other/Level_02/tcga_RSEM_gene_tpm.rds")
    geneSet <- readRDS('E:/RCloud/database/Signature/report/Signature_PanCanWGCNA-Top10.rds')
    cluster.method = "ward.D2"
    k = NULL
    extra.annot = NULL
    plot.title = NULL
    verbose = T
    outlier.filter = 2

  # Gene expression profiles (geneSet)
    if(verbose) LuckyVerbose('subtypeVector: Data preparation...')
    geneSet_Gene <- unlist(geneSet)
    coGene <- intersect(geneSet_Gene,rownames(expr))
    # ID match test
    if(length(coGene) < length(geneSet_Gene)){
      lack <- setdiff(geneSet_Gene,coGene)
      if(verbose) LuckyVerbose('subtypeVector: Gene match:',sprintf('%.1f',length(coGene)*100/length(geneSet_Gene)),'%. Lack of ',paste0(lack,collapse = ', '),'.')
    } else {
      lack <- NULL
      if(verbose) LuckyVerbose('subtypeVector: Gene match: 100%.')
    for (i in 1:length(geneSet)) { # i=1
      geneSet[[i]] <- geneSet[[i]][geneSet[[i]] %in% coGene]
    x <- as.matrix(expr)[as.character(unlist(geneSet)),]
    xZ <- t(scale(t(x),center = T, scale = T))

  # Subtypes
    if(verbose) LuckyVerbose('subtypeVector: Clustering...')
    dis <- dist(t(xZ), method = "euclidean")
    hc <- hclust(dis, method =  cluster.method)
      k <- length(geneSet)
    subtype_vector <- cutree(hc, k)

  # Alignment
    if(verbose) LuckyVerbose('subtypeVector: Alignment...')
    gene_annot <- ldply(geneSet,cbind)
    colnames(gene_annot) <- c('module', 'gene');

    xZ_meanExpress <- mergeMatrixDup(
      x = xZ,
      mergeCol = T,
      fun_col = function(x)median(x,na.rm = T),
      refCol = as.character(subtype_vector[colnames(x)]),
      mergeRow = T,
      fun_row = function(x)median(x,na.rm = T),
      refRow = convert(rownames(x),'gene','module',gene_annot),
      verbose = F

    xZ_align <- apply(xZ_meanExpress, 2, function(x){names(x)[x == max(x, na.rm = T)][1]})

    df_align <- data.frame(
      clusterSubtype = names(xZ_align),
      geneSetubtype = str_extract(as.character(xZ_align), '[0-9]{1,4}'),
      stringsAsFactors = F
    subtype_vector_aligned <- convert(subtype_vector, 'clusterSubtype', 'geneSetubtype', df_align)
    names(subtype_vector_aligned) <- names(subtype_vector)

    # Remove outliers
    subtype_vector_aligned <- subtype_vector_aligned[]
    target_cluster <- names(table(subtype_vector_aligned))[table(subtype_vector_aligned) > outlier.filter]
    abandon_cluster <- names(table(subtype_vector_aligned))[table(subtype_vector_aligned) <= outlier.filter]
    if(verbose) LuckyVerbose('subtypeVector: Target clusters: ', paste(target_cluster, collapse = ', '),'. Abandoned cluster: ', paste(abandon_cluster, collapse = ', '),'.')
    subtype_vector_aligned <- subtype_vector_aligned[subtype_vector_aligned %in% target_cluster]


  # Heatmap

    if(verbose) LuckyVerbose('subtypeVector: Heatmap...')

    # data
    module_number <- str_extract(gene_annot$module, '[0-9]{1,4}')
    xZ <- xZ[as.character(gene_annot$gene), names(subtype_vector_aligned)]

    # row annotation
    ra <- rowAnnotation(
      geneSet = module_number,
      col = list(
        geneSet = {cl <- WGCNA::labels2colors(as.numeric(module_number)); names(cl) <- module_number; cl}
      annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 13, fontface = "bold"),
      annotation_name_side = "top"

    ht_opt$message = FALSE # Turn off warning message
      p <- Heatmap(xZ,
                   name = 'z-score',
                   cluster_rows = F,
                   cluster_columns = F,
                   show_column_names = F,
                   show_row_names = F,
                   column_split = as.character(subtype_vector_aligned),
                   row_split = module_number,
                   clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean",
                   clustering_distance_columns = "euclidean",
                   column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 12, fontface = "bold"),
                   row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8, fontface = "bold"),
                   row_title = plot.title,
                   row_title_side = 'left',
                   row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 15, fontface = "bold"),
                   left_annotation = ra

    if(!is.null(extra.annot)) p <- p %v% extra.annot
    # if(verbose) print(p)

  # Output
  res <- list(
    Repeat = list(
      geneSet = geneSet,
      cluster.method = cluster.method,
      plot.title = plot.title,
      extra.annot = extra.annot
    Data = list(
      # meanExpressMatrix = xZ_meanExpress,
      expr = x[,names(subtype_vector_aligned)],
      subtype = subtype_vector_aligned
    MissGene = lack,
    Plot = p
  if(verbose) LuckyVerbose('Done!')

huangwb8/GSClassifier documentation built on July 12, 2024, 5:10 p.m.