
Defines functions WaterfallPlot_Calc WaterfallPlot.default WaterfallPlot.Seurat

Documented in WaterfallPlot.default WaterfallPlot.Seurat

#' @include generics.R

#' @param seu A Seurat object. Only applicable when using the Seurat method.
#' @param features Features to be plotted, which can include gene expression, metrics, PC scores, or any other data that can be retrieved using the `FetchData()` function. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param group.by A variable from `meta.data` for grouping, or a character vector of the same length as the number of cells. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param cell Cell identifiers to be used in the plot. Defaults to all cells. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param slot Slot from which to retrieve feature data. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param assay Name of the assay to use. If not specified, the active assay will be used. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param priority If set to "expr", the function will fetch data from the expression matrix rather than `meta.data`. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @rdname WaterfallPlot
#' @export

WaterfallPlot.Seurat <- function(
    group.by = NULL,
    cell = NULL,
    slot = "data",
    assay = NULL,
    priority = c("expr","none"),
    ident.1 = NULL,
    ident.2 = NULL,
    exp.transform = (length == "logFC"),
    order = TRUE,
    length = "logFC",
    color = "p",
    len.threshold = 0,
    col.threshold = 0,
    color_theme = c(low = muted("blue"), mid = "white", high = muted("red")),
    top.n = NULL,
    flip = FALSE,
    y.label = NULL,
    angle = NULL,
    hjust = NULL,
    vjust = NULL,
    title = NULL
) {

  Std.matr <- Seu2Matr(
    seu = seu,
    features = features,
    group.by = group.by,
    cells = cell,
    slot = slot,
    assay = assay,
    priority = priority

  p <- WaterfallPlot.default(
    matr = t(Std.matr$matr),
    f = Std.matr$f,
    ident.1 = ident.1,
    ident.2 = ident.2,
    exp.transform = exp.transform,
    order = order,
    length = length,
    color = color,
    len.threshold = len.threshold,
    col.threshold = col.threshold,
    color_theme = color_theme,
    top.n = top.n,
    flip = flip,
    y.label = y.label,
    angle = angle,
    hjust = hjust,
    vjust = vjust,
    title = title


#' @param matr A matrix or data frame where rows represent features and columns represent cells.
#' @param f A factor or vector indicating the identity of each cell. The length should match the number of columns in `matr`.
#' @param ident.1 The primary identity class. If not specified, the first class will be used.
#' @param ident.2 An optional secondary identity class for comparison. If NULL, comparisons will be made against all other cells.
#' @param exp.transform Indicates whether to transform data using `expm1`. This is particularly useful when calculating the log fold change of normalized gene counts. Defaults to FALSE for matrix input and TRUE for Seurat object input.
#' @param order Determines whether the features should be ordered. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param length Specifies the statistic to determine the length of the bar. Possible values are "tscore" (default for matrix input), "p", or "logFC" (default for Seurat object input).
#' @param color Specifies the statistic to determine the color of the bar. Possible values are "tscore" (default), "p" (default for Seurat object input), or "logFC".
#' @param len.threshold Excludes features with a value for the `length` parameter below this threshold. Defaults to 0.
#' @param col.threshold Excludes features with a value for the `color` parameter below this threshold. Defaults to 0.
#' @param color_scheme Specifies the color gradient for the heatmap visualization.
#'   This parameter accepts multiple input formats to provide flexibility in defining color schemes:
#'   - Predefined color schemes: Users can specify "A", "B", "C", "D", or "E" to use color schemes from the `viridis` package.
#'   - Named vector for three-point gradients: Provide a named vector with keys "low", "mid", and "high" to define colors at these specific data points. The "mid" value is typically centered at zero, allowing for a diverging color scheme.
#'     Example: `c(low = "blue", mid = "white", high = "red")`
#'   - Two-point gradient: Provide a named vector with keys "low" and "high" to create a simple two-color gradient. Example: `c(low = "blue", high = "red")`
#'   - Custom color gradient: Users can provide a vector of colors to generate a custom gradient across multiple values. This is suitable for more complex data ranges and visual preferences.
#' @param top.n Retains only the top `n` bars in both positive and negative directions. If `length(top.n)` is 1, the function retains `top.n` bars for both positive and negative directions. If `length(top.n)` is 2, it retains `top.n[1]` positive bars and `top.n[2]` negative bars. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param flip Determines whether the plot should be flipped. Defaults to TRUE for matrix input and FALSE for Seurat object input.
#' @param y.label Label for the y-axis. Defaults to "length".
#' @param angle Angle of the x-axis labels. This argument is passed to `element_text()`.
#' @param hjust Horizontal justification for the x-axis labels. This argument is passed to `element_text()`.
#' @param vjust Vertical justification for the x-axis labels. This argument is passed to `element_text()`.
#' @param title Title of the plot. Defaults to NULL.
#' @rdname WaterfallPlot
#' @export

WaterfallPlot.default <- function(
    ident.1 = NULL,
    ident.2 = NULL,
    exp.transform = FALSE,
    order = TRUE,
    length = "tscore",
    color = "tscore",
    len.threshold = 0,
    col.threshold = 0,
    color_theme = c(low = muted("blue"), mid = "white", high = muted("red")),
    top.n = NULL,
    flip = TRUE,
    y.label = NULL,
    angle = NULL,
    hjust = NULL,
    vjust = NULL,
    title = NULL
  scores <- WaterfallPlot_Calc(
    matr = matr,
    f = f,
    ident.1 = ident.1,
    ident.2 = ident.2,
    exp.transform = exp.transform,
    order = order,
    length = length,
    color = color,
    len.threshold = len.threshold,
    col.threshold = col.threshold,
    top.n = top.n

  titles <- WaterfallPlot_Title(
    f = f,
    ident.1 = ident.1,
    ident.2 = ident.2,
    title = title,
    length_label = length,
    y.label = y.label,
    flip = flip)

  p <- WaterfallPlot_Plot(
    scores = scores,
    color = color,
    color_theme = color_theme,
    flip = flip,
    y.label = titles[[2]],
    angle = angle,
    hjust = hjust,
    vjust = vjust,
    title = titles[[1]]



#' @title WaterfallPlot_v3
#' @description Alias of \code{\link[SeuratExtend:WaterfallPlot]{WaterfallPlot()}}, Seurat version
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratExtend:WaterfallPlot]{WaterfallPlot()}}
#' @rdname WaterfallPlot_v3
#' @export

WaterfallPlot_v3 <- WaterfallPlot.Seurat

# Internal ----------------------------------------------------------------

WaterfallPlot_Calc <- function(
) {

  f <- factor(f)
  ident.1 <- ident.1 %||% levels(f)[1]
  cell.1 <- (f == ident.1)
  cell.2 <- if(is.null(ident.2)) f != ident.1 else f == ident.2
  if(exp.transform) matr <- expm1(matr)

  scores <- list()
  if("tscore" %in% c(length, color)){
    scores[["tscore"]] <-
      apply(matr, 1, function(x) t.test(x[cell.1], x[cell.2])[["statistic"]], simplify = TRUE)
  if("p" %in% c(length, color)){
    scores[["p"]] <-
      apply(matr, 1, function(x){
        -log10(t.test(x[cell.1], x[cell.2])[["p.value"]]) * ifelse(mean(x[cell.1]) > mean(x[cell.2]), 1, -1)
      }, simplify = TRUE)
  if("logFC" %in% c(length, color)){
    scores[["logFC"]] <-
      apply(matr, 1, function(x) log(mean(x[cell.1]+1)/mean(x[cell.2]+1)), simplify = TRUE)
  scores <- as.data.frame(list.cbind(scores))
  scores <- scores %>%
    mutate(rank = rownames(.),
           length = .[[length]],
           color = .[[color]])
  scores <- scores[
    abs(scores$length) > len.threshold &
      abs(scores$color) > col.threshold,

  if(order) {
    scores <- arrange(scores, desc(length))
  if(!is.null(top.n)) {
    if(length(top.n) == 1) top.n <- c(top.n, top.n)
    scores2 <- split(scores, ifelse(scores$length > 0, "pos","neg"))
    scores <- rbind( head(scores2[["pos"]], top.n[1]), tail(scores2[["neg"]], top.n[2]) )

WaterfallPlot_Plot <- function(
) {
    scores <- scores[nrow(scores):1, ]
    angle <- angle %||% 0
    hjust <- hjust %||% 0.5
    vjust <- vjust %||% 1
    angle <- angle %||% -90
    hjust <- hjust %||% 0
    vjust <- vjust %||% 0.5
  scores$rank <- factor(scores$rank, levels = unique(scores$rank))
  if(color == "p") lab_fill <- "-log10(p)" else lab_fill <- color
  p <- ggplot(scores, aes(x = rank, y = length, fill = color)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    theme_classic() +
    labs(fill = lab_fill, x = element_blank(), y = y.label, title = title) +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = angle, hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"))
  p <- p + scale_fill_cont_auto(color_theme)
  if(flip) p <- p + scale_x_discrete(position = "top") + coord_flip()

WaterfallPlot_Title <- function(f, ident.1, ident.2, title, length_label, y.label, flip) {
  f <- factor(f)
  ident.1 <- ident.1 %||% levels(f)[1]
  ident.2 <- ident.2 %||% paste0("non-", ident.1)
  title <- title %||% paste0(ident.1, " vs. ", ident.2)
  if(is.null(y.label)) {
    y.label <- length_label
    if(isTRUE(flip)) {
      y.label <- paste0(ident.2," ← ",y.label," → ",ident.1)
  return(list(title, y.label))
huayc09/SeuratExtend documentation built on July 15, 2024, 6:22 p.m.