#' Create report with summary of variables in dataset.
#' Creates the report 'html' or 'pdf' in the directory chosen at the beginning of the current
#' Hugo Investigation in the subfolder 'gallery' in .rda file and a summary in .md file.
#' This reports summarizes the contents of a dataset
#' and flags potential problems.
#' To generate report is used function \code{dataMaid::makeDataReport}.
#' While using hugo_summarise_data user is prompted and asked to choose additional parameters - report format , decide to overwrite existing report,
#' decide to automatically open report ,
#' decide whether numeric and integer variables with
#' less than 5 unique values are treated as factor variables
#' and type max decimals .
#' If hugo remembers previuos answer, user will be prompted and asked if he wishes to use previous
#' parameters or choose new ones.
#' @param data R dataset which you wish to summary. This dataset should be of class \code{data.frame},
#' \code{tibble} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param overwrite_params logical. If \code{TRUE} (the default) parameters used to generate report will be saved.
#' @return The function does not return anything. Its side effect (the production
#' of a data report) is the reason for running the function.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create report for iris dataset
#' hugo_summarise_data(data = iris)
#' # create report for cars dataset with no overwrite parameters
#' hugo_summarise_data(data = cars, overwrite_params = FALSE)
#' }
#' @importFrom dataMaid makeDataReport
#' @export
hugo_summarise_data <- function(data,
overwrite_params = TRUE
if (!file.exists(.hugoEnv$path)) {
stop('Call hugo_start_investigation() for starting the new investigation.')
if (! class(data) %in% c("data.frame", "tibble", "matrix")){
stop("Incorrect data class. It\'s not a data.frame or tibble.")
if (! is.logical(overwrite_params)){
stop("Incorrect argument type. ")
data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
if (substr(data_name, 1, 11) == "data.frame(") {
data_name <- "unnamed_data"
default_filename <- paste0( "hugo_summary_", data_name)
path <- normalizePath(paste0("./",.hugoEnv$path, "/gallery"))
if (!dir.exists(path)) {
cat(' Hugo\'s trying to prepare report for you. \n')
names_parameters <- c("Output format ", "Replace output ", "Smart factor ", "Max Decimals ", "Open report ")
if (!getOption("hugo.know_summary_parameters" )){
parameters_to_replace <- list(output = "html",
replace = TRUE,
smartNum = TRUE,
maxDecimals = 2,
openResult = TRUE)
hugo_menu <- menu_first_settings (parameters_to_replace, names_parameters)
else {
parameters_to_replace <- .hugoEnv$summarise_data_default_params
hugo_menu <- menu_prev_settings(parameters_to_replace, names_parameters)
if (is.null(hugo_menu)) {return()}
if (!hugo_menu) {
used_parameters <- get_parameters_from_user()
used_parameters <- parameters_to_replace
filename <- filename_input(default_filename, path = path)
report_title <- title_input(data_name)
filepath <- paste0(path, "/", filename, ".Rmd")
parameters <- c(list(data = quote(data), reportTitle = report_title,
file = filepath , codebook = TRUE,
quiet = "silent"), used_parameters )
results <- tryCatch({suppressWarnings(do.call('makeDataReport',
args = parameters
warning = function(warning_communicate) {
warning("From package \"dataMaid\" while creating a report: ", warning_communicate)
}, error = function(error_communicate) {
error_communicate$message <- paste0("From package \"dataMaid\" while creating a report: ", error_communicate)
add_path_to_history(paste0(.hugoEnv$path, "/gallery/",filename,".", parameters$output))
if (overwrite_params){
options(hugo.know_summary_parameters = TRUE)
cat("Report ", filename, " saved in ", paste0(.hugoEnv$path, "/gallery/"), "\n")
get_parameters_from_user <- function(){
output <- get_output_from_user()
if(is.null(output)) {
output <- 'html'
message("Default value will be used: html")
replace_output <- get_replace_from_user()
if(is.null(replace_output)) {
replace_output <- TRUE
message("Default value will be used: TRUE")
open_output <- get_open_from_user()
if (is.null(open_output)) {
open_output <- FALSE
message("Default value will be used: FALSE")
if (open_output) {
message("Close previous report!")
smart_factor <- get_smart_factor_from_user()
if (is.null(smart_factor)) {
smart_factor <- TRUE
message("Default value will be used: TRUE")
cat("Please type max decimals: > ",file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))
max_decimals <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readLines(con = getOption('hugo.connection_in'), n = 1)))
if ((! max_decimals %% 1 == 0) | (is.na(max_decimals)) |( max_decimals > 10)||( max_decimals < 0)){
message("Incorrect value. Default 2 will be used.")
max_decimals <- 2
return(list(output = output,
replace = replace_output,
smartNum = smart_factor,
maxDecimals = max_decimals,
openResult = open_output))
hugo_choose_menu <- function(text_options, value_options, title){
hugo_menu <- switch(utils::menu(text_options, title = title), value_options[1], value_options[2])
menu_first_settings <- function(default_parameters, names_parameters){
hugo_menu <- hugo_choose_menu(text_options = c('Use default settings for report.','Enter new settings.'), value_options = c(TRUE, FALSE),
title = paste0("Default settings: ", paste(names_parameters,"= ", unlist(as.character(default_parameters)), collapse = ", ")))
menu_prev_settings <- function(default_parameters, names_parameters){
hugo_menu <- hugo_choose_menu(c('Use previous settings for report.','Enter new settings.'), value_options = c(TRUE, FALSE), title = paste0("Found previous settings: ",
paste(names_parameters,"= ", unlist(as.character(default_parameters)), collapse = ", "))
get_output_from_user <- function (){
output <- hugo_choose_menu(c('pdf','html'), c('pdf','html'), 'Please choose report format: > ')
get_replace_from_user <- function (){
replace_output <- hugo_choose_menu(c('TRUE', 'FALSE'), c(TRUE, FALSE), 'Do you want to replace existing report with the same name: >')
get_open_from_user <- function (){
open_output <- hugo_choose_menu(c('TRUE', 'FALSE'), c(TRUE, FALSE), 'Do you want to open report after creating: > ')
get_smart_factor_from_user <- function (){
smart_factor <- hugo_choose_menu(c('TRUE', 'FALSE'), c(TRUE, FALSE), 'Do you want to numeric columns with less than 5 unique values are treated as factor variables?: > ')
filename_input <- function(default_filename, path){
cat(paste0("To use \"", default_filename, "\" name type 0 or type your name of report (without path): > "), file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))
filename <- readLines(con = getOption('hugo.connection_in'), n = 1)
if (! filename %in% c("NULL", "", "0", "null")){
filename <- basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(filename))
message("Default filename will be used")
filename <- default_filename
title_input <- function(data_name){
cat(paste0("To use \"", data_name, "\" as title type 0 or type your report title: > "),file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))
report_title <- readLines(con = getOption('hugo.connection_in'), n = 1)
if (report_title %in% c("NULL", "", "0", "null")){
message("Default title will be used")
report_title <- data_name
save_parameters <- function(parameters){
.hugoEnv$summarise_data_default_params <- parameters
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.