
Defines functions coldend gGlobalAncova.hierarchical hiertest

Documented in gGlobalAncova.hierarchical

### GAhier class definition

setClassUnion("matrixOrNULL", c("matrix", "NULL"))

         slots = c(clustervariables = "list", 
                   p.values = "list", 
                   alpha = "numeric", 
                   n.variables = "numeric",
                   permstats = "matrixOrNULL")

### hierarchical testing

## workhorse
hiertest <- function(H, Tobs, Tperm, sumstat, alpha){
  # go through dendrogram
  p.values <- clustervariables <- out <- Levels <- NULL
  m <- length(Tobs)
  clusters.k <- rep(1, m)
  for(k in 2:m){
    # only move on when there are significant clusters left
    if(length(out) == m)
    clusters <- dendextend::cutree(H, k=k)
    clusters <- clusters[names(Tobs)]  # cutting dendrogram in subhierarchies might have changed the order...
    # set variables from previously non-significant clusters to NA
    clusters[out] <- NA
    # get new clusters to be tested (at each level there are only 2 new clusters, the others shall not be processed again)
    tab <- table(clusters.k, clusters)
    tmp <- apply(tab, 1, function(x) sum(x > 0) > 1)
    # don't move on when the new partition concerns only previous non-significant clusters
    # = when there is no new partition among the variables still under consideration
    print(paste("  level", k))
    Levels <- c(Levels, k)
    tmp <- tab[tmp,] > 0
    newclusters <- colnames(tab)[tmp]
    clusters.k <- clusters
    clusters[!(clusters %in% newclusters)] <- NA
    # observed global statistic for each cluster
    Sobs.k <- tapply(Tobs, clusters, sumstat)
    # global permutation statistic for each cluster
    Sperm.k <- apply(Tperm, 2, function(x) tapply(x, clusters, sumstat))
    # mid p-values
    p.k <- rowMeans(apply(Sperm.k, 2, function(x) x > Sobs.k)) + 0.5 * rowMeans(apply(Sperm.k, 2, function(x) x == Sobs.k))
    # Shaffer improvement: clusters with leaf node as sibling have larger effective size -> recieve less penalty (Meinshausen, p.272) 
    n.vars <- table(clusters)
    shaffer <- rev(n.vars == 1)
    # Meinshausen adjustment
    p.k[names(n.vars)] <- p.k[names(n.vars)] * m / (n.vars + shaffer)
    p.k <- pmin(p.k, 1)
    p.values <- c(p.values, list(p.k))
    # for non-significant clusters, remove respective variables from further testing
    nonsig <- p.k > alpha
      out <- c(out, na.omit(names(clusters)[clusters %in% names(nonsig)[nonsig]]))
    # variables per tested cluster
    clustervars.k <- tapply(names(clusters), clusters, list)
    clustervariables <- c(clustervariables, list(clustervars.k))
  names(p.values) <- names(clustervariables) <- paste("level", Levels, sep="")
  return(list(p.values=p.values, clustervariables=clustervariables))

## main function
gGlobalAncova.hierarchical <- function(data, H, formula.full, formula.red=~1, model.dat, sumstat=sum, 
                                       alpha=0.05, K, perm=10000, returnPermstats=FALSE, permstats){
  # data: data.frame (columns=variables)
  # H: dendrogram object specifying the hierarchy of the variables 
  # formula.full, formula.red: models to be compared
  # model.dat: data.frame of regressors, containing variables specified in formula.full and formula.red
  # family: type of response; defines suitable univariate statistics; ignored if alternative 'unistat' is given or if 'data' contains variables of mixed types
  # unistat: optional function for calculating univariate test statistic - ignored if 'data' contains variables of mixed types
  # sumstat: function for summarizing univariate test statistics
  # alpha: global alpha level   
  # K: real number; if this is specified, "short cut" on hierarchical testing will be applied on K subhierarchies
  #     -> correction for multiplicity: replace alpha by alpha / tau with tau = m / m.k
  #         with m = total number of variables, m.k = number of variables in k'th subtree
  # returnPermstats: if TRUE, the variable-wise statistics for all permutations are returned
  # permstats: if variable-wise permutation statistics were calculated previously, they can be provided in order
  #         not to repeat permutation testing (but only the hierarchical prodcedure)
  #         -> useful if procedure is run again w. different alpha and/or hierarchy H
  #         NOTE: data, formula.full and formula.red have to be identical to the previous call!
  if(!identical(sort(labels(H)), sort(colnames(data))))
    stop("'data' and 'H' do not seem to contain the same variables ('colnames(data)' and 'labels(H)' must coincide)")
    perm <- 0

  n.variables <- ncol(data)
  # univariate observed/permutation statistics 
  cat("testing global hypothesis...\n")
  unistats <- gGAteststats(data=data, formula.full=formula.full, formula.red=formula.red, model.dat=model.dat, perm=perm)
    Tobs  <- unistats$Tobs
    Tperm <- unistats$Tperm
    Tobs  <- unistats
    Tperm <- permstats
  # global p-value
  Sobs <- sumstat(Tobs)
  Sperm <- apply(Tperm, 2, sumstat)
  p <- mean(Sperm > Sobs) + 0.5 * mean(Sperm == Sobs)
  print(paste("global p-value =", p))
  if(p > alpha){
    print(paste("p >", alpha, "- no hierarchical testing is done"))
  cat("hierarchical testing...\n")
  # hierarchical testing on complete hierarchy
    out <- hiertest(H=H, Tobs=Tobs, Tperm=Tperm, sumstat=sumstat, alpha=alpha)
  # short cut - hierarchical testing on K subhierarchies
    # subdendrograms
    d <- dendextend::get_nodes_attr(H, "height", include_leaves=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE)
    d <- rev(sort(d))
    Hsub <- cut(H, h=d[K])$lower
    subtreevars <- sapply(Hsub, labels, simplify=FALSE)
    n.vars <- sapply(subtreevars, length)
    # alpha levels for subtrees
    #subtrees <- dendextend:::cutree(H, k=K)
    tau <- n.variables / n.vars
    alphas <- alpha / tau
    names(alphas) <- paste("subtree", 1:K, sep="")
    out <- list(p.values=NULL, clustervariables=NULL)
    for(i in 1:K){
      print(paste("subtree", i))
      #ind <- which(subtrees == i)
      ind <- subtreevars[[i]]
      # global tests for subtree roots
      Sobs.i <- sumstat(Tobs[ind])
      Sperm.i <- apply(Tperm[ind, , drop=FALSE], 2, sumstat)
      p.i <- mean(Sperm.i > Sobs.i) + 0.5 * mean(Sperm.i == Sobs.i)
      # only move on with subtrees where root is 'significant' - corrected for starting with subtrees
      if(p.i < alphas[i]){
        out.k <- hiertest(H=Hsub[[i]], Tobs=Tobs[ind], Tperm=Tperm[ind, , drop=FALSE], sumstat=sumstat, alpha=alphas[i])
        # re-adjust p-values by p * tau (to correspond to the global alpha)
        out.k$p.values <- lapply(out.k$p.values, function(x) x * tau[i])  
        out.k$p.values <- lapply(out.k$p.values, function(x) pmin(x, 1))
        names(out.k$p.values) <- names(out.k$clustervariables) <- paste(paste("K", i, sep=""), names(out.k$p.values), sep="_")
        out$p.values <- c(out$p.values, out.k$p.values)
        out$clustervariables <- c(out$clustervariables, out.k$clustervariables)
    obj <- new("GAhier", clustervariables=out$clustervariables, p.values=out$p.values, alpha=alpha, n.variables=n.variables)
    obj <- new("GAhier", clustervariables=out$clustervariables, p.values=out$p.values, alpha=c(global=alpha, alphas), n.variables=n.variables)
    obj@permstats <- Tperm

### get significant end/leave nodes 

setGeneric("sigEndnodes", function(object, ...) {

setMethod("sigEndnodes", signature="GAhier", function(object, onlySingleton=FALSE) {
  # onlySingleton: shall only single variables (leave nodes) be returned? in this case, or if all 
  #         significant end nodes are singletons anyways, a vector of variable names is returned; otherwise a list
  clusters <- object@clustervariables
  p        <- object@p.values
  alpha    <- object@alpha[1]
  m <- length(p)
  signodes <- sigp <- candidates <- NULL
  for(i in m:1){
    # get respective alpha for subtrees in case that hierarchical procedure was done w. shortcut 
#    if(length(alpha) > 1){
#      isub <- as.numeric(substr(names(p)[i], 2, 2))
#      a <- alpha[isub + 1]
#    }
#    else
#      a <- alpha
#    sig <- p[[i]] < a
    sig <- p[[i]] < alpha
      sigclust <- clusters[[i]][sig]
      sigp.i <- p[[i]][sig]
      names(sigclust) <- names(sigp.i) <- paste(names(p)[i], names(sigclust), sep=".")
      # don't move on where there was already a significant subcluster
      sigoffspring <- sapply(sigclust, function(x) any(candidates %in% x))
      sigclust <- sigclust[!sigoffspring]
      sigp.i <- sigp.i[!sigoffspring]
      signodes <- c(signodes, sigclust)
      sigp <- c(sigp, sigp.i)
      candidates <- c(candidates, unlist(sigclust))
  # if there are only leave nodes, return a vector
  if(length(signodes) == length(unlist(signodes)))
  # if only singletons shall be returned
  else if(onlySingleton){
    singletons <- Biobase::listLen(signodes) == 1
  #return(list(endnodes=signodes, p=sigp))

### show/get results in a table 

setGeneric("results", function(object, ...) {

setMethod("results", signature="GAhier", function(object){
  # significant end nodes
  signodes <- sigEndnodes(object)
  # variables per node
  #nvars <- NULL
    nvars <- Biobase::listLen(signodes)
    signodes <- sapply(signodes, function(x) ifelse(length(x) < 4, paste(x, collapse=";"), 
                                                    paste(paste(x[1:3], collapse=";"), "...", sep=";")))
    nvars <- rep(1, length(signodes))
  # p-values
  pvals <- unlist(object@p.values)[names(signodes)]
  data.frame(variables=signodes, n.variables=nvars, p.value=pvals)

setMethod("show", signature="GAhier", function(object){
  cat(paste("results of hierarchical testing procedure for", object@n.variables, "variables\n"))
  alpha <- object@alpha
  cat(paste("global alpha =", alpha[1], "\n\n"))
  K <- length(alpha) - 1
  if(K > 0){
    cat(paste("procedure was split up into", K, "sub-hierarchies at alpha levels:", paste(base::format.pval(alpha[-1], digits=2), collapse=", "), "\n\n"))
    cat("significant end nodes (p-values are re-adjusted to global alpha):\n")
    cat("significant end nodes:\n")

### visualization

## highlight significant end nodes

coldend <- function(tree, siglist, col=1:2, lwd=1:2, pch=20){
  # tree: dendrogram object
  # siglist: list where each element contains the names of members in selected nodes
  # col: colors of non-selected and selected nodes
  # lwd: line width of branches to non-selected and selected nodes
  # significant node?
  uit <- tree
  sig <- any(sapply(siglist, function(x) all(x %in% labels(uit))))
  # end node?
  end <- any(sapply(siglist, function(x) setequal(x, labels(uit))))
  # set colors
  attr(uit, "edgePar") <- list(col=ifelse(sig, col[2], col[1]), lwd= ifelse(sig, lwd[2], lwd[1]))
  if(sig && end)
    attr(uit, "nodePar") <- list(col=col[2], pch=pch)
  # continue with the child branches
  if (!is.leaf(tree)) {
    select.branch <- 1:length(tree)
    for (i in 1:length(select.branch)) 
      uit[[i]] <- Recall(tree[[select.branch[i]]], siglist, col, lwd, pch)

setGeneric("Plot.hierarchy", function(object, ...) {

setMethod("Plot.hierarchy", signature="GAhier", function(object, dend, col=1:2, lwd=1:2, collab, returndend=FALSE, cex.labels=1.5, ...) {
  # dend: dendrogram object specifying the hierarchy of the variables 
  # col: colors for significant and non-significant nodes + branches
  # lwd: line width for branches to non-significant and significant nodes
  # collab: vector of colors for coloring labels (can be chosen differently from sigleaves...);
  #         has to be named according to variable names; if missing same coloring as 'col' is made
  # returndend: shall adjusted dendrogram be returned?
  # cex.labels: size of leave labels
  # significant end nodes
  siglist <- sigEndnodes(object)
  # color for nodes + branches
  dend <- coldend(dend, siglist, col, lwd)
  # colors for labels - if not specified, highlight significant leave nodes
    collab <- ifelse(labels(dend) %in% siglist, col[2], col[1])
  else   # make sure to have the same order as in dendrogram
    collab <- collab[labels(dend)]
  dend <- dend %>% set("labels_col", collab) %>% set("labels_cex", cex.labels) 
  plot(dend, ...)
hummelma/GlobalAncova documentation built on Feb. 4, 2021, 8:25 a.m.