
Defines functions get_efdc_grids_as_sf

Documented in get_efdc_grids_as_sf

#' Get EFDC grids from lxly or dxly file and convert it to the sf object
#' @import data.table
#' @import stringr
#' @importFrom magrittr `%>%`
#' @importFrom readr read_lines
#' @import glue
#' @import sf
#' @import ncdf4
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @param flxly Character. Name of the lxly.inp
#' @param fdxdy Character. Name of the dxdy.inp
#' @param fnc Character. Name of the \code{.nc} file.
#' @param defult_crs integer. EPSG code for projection
#' @return an object of class \code{sf}, which is a classed list-column with simple feature geometries 
#' @export
get_efdc_grids_as_sf <- function(flxly, fdxdy, fnc, defult_crs = 32650) {
  if (!missing(fnc)){
    cat(glue::glue('Generate grids from {fnc}\n'))
    nc <- ncdf4::nc_open(fnc)
    lon_varname <- ifelse('lon_bnds' %in% names(nc$var), 'lon_bnds', 'lng_bnds')
    lon_bnds <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, lon_varname)
    # longitudes of 4 corners of the grid
    lat_bnds <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, 'lat_bnds')
    lon_bnds_melt <- efdcr::melt_nc(lon_bnds, var = lon_varname, var_out = 'lon', nc = nc, na.rm = T)
    lat_bnds_melt <- efdcr::melt_nc(lat_bnds, var = 'lat_bnds', var_out = 'lat', nc = nc, na.rm = T)
    lon_lat_df <- merge(lon_bnds_melt, lat_bnds_melt, by = .EACHI)
    lon_lat_df <- na.omit(lon_lat_df)
    n_grids <- sum(!is.na(lon_bnds))/4
    col_name <- rlang::sym(colnames(lon_lat_df)[2])
    row_name <- rlang::sym(colnames(lon_lat_df)[3])
    setorderv(lon_lat_df, colnames(lon_lat_df)[c(2, 3, 1)])[, id := rep(1:n_grids, each = 4)]
    sf::st_as_sf(lon_lat_df, coords = c('lon', 'lat')) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(!!col_name, !!row_name) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(geometry = sf::st_combine(geometry)) %>%
      sf::st_cast('POLYGON') %>%
      sf::st_set_crs(4326) -> grids
    if ('ZBOT' %in% names(nc$var)) {
      ZBOT_dt <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, varid = 'ZBOT') %>%
        efdcr::melt_nc(var = 'ZBOT', var_out = 'ELEV', nc = nc, na.rm = T)
    } else {
      ZBOT_dt <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, varid = 'Bottom') %>%
        efdcr::melt_nc(var = 'Bottom', var_out = 'ELEV', nc = nc, na.rm = T)
    grids <- merge(grids, ZBOT_dt)
  } else {
    cat(glue::glue('Generate grids from {flxly} and {fdxdy}\n'))
    lxly_colnames <- readr::read_lines(flxly, skip = 3, n_max = 1) %>%
      stringr::str_split(' ', simplify = T) %>%
      `[`(which(. != ''))
    lxly <- data.table::fread(flxly, skip = 4, col.names = lxly_colnames[-1])
    dxdy_colnames <- readr::read_lines(fdxdy, skip = 3, n_max = 1) %>%
      stringr::str_split(' ', simplify = T) %>%
      `[`(which(. != ''))
    dxdy <- data.table::fread(fdxdy, skip = 4, col.names = dxdy_colnames[c(-1, -length(dxdy_colnames))])
    grids_dt <- merge(lxly, dxdy, by = c('I', 'J'))
    grids_dt[, ':='(X1 = X - DX / 2,
                    Y1 = Y + DY / 2,
                    X2 = X + DX / 2,
                    Y2 = Y + DY / 2,
                    X3 = X + DX / 2,
                    Y3 = Y - DY / 2,
                    X4 = X - DX / 2,
                    Y4 = Y - DY / 2)]
    X_dt <- grids_dt[, .(I, J, CUE, CVE, CUN, CVN, X1, X2, X3, X4)] %>% 
      data.table::melt(id.vars = c("I", "J", 'CUE', 'CVE', 'CUN', 'CVN'), 
                       value.name = "X", variable.name = "Ctag")
    Y_dt <- grids_dt[, .(I, J, CUE, CVE, CUN, CVN, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4)] %>% 
      data.table::melt(id.vars = c("I", "J", 'CUE', 'CVE', 'CUN', 'CVN'), 
                       value.name = "Y", variable.name = "Ctag")
    X_dt[order(I, J), `:=`(ID, rep(1:NROW(grids_dt), each = 4))]
    Y_dt[order(I, J), `:=`(ID, rep(1:NROW(grids_dt), each = 4))]
    X_dt[, `:=`(Ctag, stringr::str_replace_all(Ctag, "X", "C"))]
    Y_dt[, `:=`(Ctag, stringr::str_replace_all(Ctag, "Y", "C"))]
    coords_dt <- merge(X_dt, Y_dt, by = .EACHI)
    grids <- sf::st_as_sf(coords_dt, coords = c("X", "Y")) %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(I, J) %>% 
      dplyr::summarise(geometry = sf::st_combine(geometry), 
                       CUE = mean(CUE), 
                       CVE = mean(CVE), 
                       CUN = mean(CUN), 
                       CVN = mean(CVN)) %>% 
      sf::st_cast("POLYGON") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(ang1 = atan2(CUN, CUE), 
                    ang2 = atan2(-CVE, CVN), 
                    ang = 0.5 * (ang1 + ang2), 
                    ang = Vectorize(correct_ang)(ang1, ang2, ang), 
                    CUE = cos(ang), 
                    CVE = -sin(ang), 
                    CUN = sin(ang),
                    CVN = cos(ang)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(cntrd = sf::st_centroid(geometry)) %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(I, J) %>% 
      summarise(geometry = 
                  (geometry - cntrd) * solve(matrix(c(CUE, CVE, CUN, CVN), 2, 2, byrow = T)) + cntrd) %>%
      sf::st_set_crs(defult_crs) %>% 
    grids <- merge(grids, grids_dt[, .(I, J, ELEV)])

#'@rdname get_efdc_grids_as_sf
correct_ang <- function(ang1, ang2, ang) {
  if (sign(ang1) != sign(ang2)) {
    if (abs(ang1) > 1.57 | abs(ang2) > 1.57) {
      ang <- ang + acos(-1.0)

utils::globalVariables(c('cnr', 'geometry', 'ELEV', 'X', 'Y', 'DX', 'DY', 'J', 'X1', 
                         'X2', 'X3', 'X3', 'X4', 'Y1', 'Y2', 'Y3', 'Y4', 'Ctag'))
hxfan1227/efdcr documentation built on July 21, 2023, 9:50 p.m.