
Defines functions empirical_coverage ranks_to_empirical_pit empirical_pit u_scale ecdf_intervals alpha_quantile p_interior adjust_gamma_simulate adjust_gamma_optimize adjust_gamma

Documented in empirical_coverage

# Note that this function is memoized in .onLoad
adjust_gamma <- function(N, L, K=N, conf_level=0.95) {
  if (any(c(K, N, L) < 1)) {
    abort("Parameters 'N', 'L' and 'K' must be positive integers.")
  if (conf_level >= 1 || conf_level <= 0) {
    abort("Value of 'conf_level' must be in (0,1).")
  if (L==1) {
    gamma <- adjust_gamma_optimize(N, K, conf_level)
  else {
    gamma <- adjust_gamma_simulate(N, L, K, conf_level)

# Adjust coverage parameter to find silmultaneous confidence intervals for the
# ECDF of a sample from the uniform distribution.
# N - length of samples
# K - number of equally spaced evaluation points, i.e. the right ends of the
# partition intervals.
adjust_gamma_optimize <- function(N, K, conf_level=0.95) {
  target <- function(gamma, conf_level, N, K) {
    z <- 1:(K - 1) / K
    z1 <- c(0,z)
    z2 <- c(z,1)

    # pre-compute quantiles and use symmetry for increased efficiency.
    x2_lower <- qbinom(gamma / 2, N, z2)
    x2_upper <- c(N - rev(x2_lower)[2:K], 1)

    # Compute the total probability of trajectories inside the confidence
    # intervals. Initialize the set and corresponding probasbilities known
    # to be 0 and 1 for the starting value z1 = 0.
    x1 <- 0
    p_int <- 1
    for (i in seq_along(z1)) {
      tmp <- p_interior(
        p_int, x1 = x1, x2 = x2_lower[i]: x2_upper[i],
        z1 = z1[i], z2 = z2[i], gamma = gamma, N = N
      x1 <- tmp$x1
      p_int <- tmp$p_int
    abs(conf_level - sum(p_int))
  optimize(target, c(0, 1 - conf_level), conf_level, N = N, K = K)$minimum

# Adjust coverage parameter to find silmultaneous confidence intervals for the
# ECDFs of multiple samples (chains) from the uniform distribution.
# N - length of samples (chains).
# L - number of samples (chains).
# K - number of equally spaced evaluation points, i.e. the right ends of the
# partition intervals.
# M - number of simulations used to determine the 'conf_level' middle quantile.
adjust_gamma_simulate <-function(N, L, K, conf_level=0.95, M=5000) {
  gamma <- numeric(M)
  z <- (1:(K - 1)) / K
  if (L > 1){
    n <- N * (L - 1)
    k <- floor(z * N * L)
    for (m in seq_len(M)) {
      u = u_scale(replicate(L, runif(N)))
      scaled_ecdfs <- apply(outer(u, z, "<="), c(2,3), sum)
      gamma[m] <- 2 * min(
          scaled_ecdfs, 1, phyper, m = N, n = n, k = k
          scaled_ecdfs - 1, 1, phyper, m = N, n = n, k = k, lower.tail = FALSE

  else {
    for (m in seq_len(M)) {
      u <- runif(N)
      scaled_ecdf <- colSums(outer(u, z, "<="))
      gamma[m] <- 2 * min(
        pbinom(scaled_ecdf, N, z),
        pbinom(scaled_ecdf - 1, N, z, lower.tail = FALSE)
  alpha_quantile(gamma, 1 - conf_level)

p_interior <- function(p_int, x1, x2, z1, z2, gamma, N) {
  z_tilde <- (z2 - z1) / (1 - z1)

  N_tilde <- rep(N - x1, each = length(x2))
  p_int <- rep(p_int, each = length(x2))
  x_diff <- outer(x2, x1, "-")
  p_x2_int <- p_int * dbinom(x_diff, N_tilde, z_tilde)

  list(p_int = rowSums(p_x2_int), x1 = x2)

# 100 * `alpha` percent of the trials are allowed to be rejected.
# In case of ties, return the largest value dominating at most
# 100 * (alpha + tol) percent of the values.
alpha_quantile <- function(gamma, alpha, tol = 0.001) {
  a <- unname(quantile(gamma, probs = alpha))
  a_tol <- unname(quantile(gamma, probs = alpha + tol))
  if (a == a_tol) {
    if (min(gamma) < a) {
      # take the largest value that doesn't exceed the tolerance.
      a <- max(gamma[gamma < a])

# Compute simultaneous confidence intervals for one or more samples from the
# standard uniform distribution.
# N - sample length
# L - number of samples
# K - size of uniform partition defining the ECDF evaluation points.
# gamma - coverage parameter for the marginal distribution (binomial for
# one sample and hypergeometric for multiple rank transformed chains).
ecdf_intervals <- function(N, L, K, gamma) {
  lims <- list()
  z <- seq(0,1, length.out = K + 1)
  if (L == 1) {
    lims$lower <- qbinom(gamma / 2, N, z)
    lims$upper <- qbinom(1 - gamma / 2, N, z)
  } else {
    n <- N * (L - 1)
    k <- floor(z * L * N)
    lims$lower <- qhyper(gamma / 2, N, n, k)
    lims$upper <- qhyper(1 - gamma / 2, N, n, k)
  lims$lower <- c(rep(lims$lower[1:K], each=2), lims$lower[K + 1])
  lims$upper <- c(rep(lims$upper[1:K], each=2), lims$upper[K + 1])

# Transform observations in 'x' into their corresponding fractional ranks.
u_scale <- function(x) {
  array(rank(x) / length(x), dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x))

# for each value in 'y', compute the fractional ranks (empirical pit values)
# with respect to 'yrep'.
empirical_pit <- function(y, yrep) {
  (1 +  apply(outer(yrep, y, "<="), 3, sum)) / (1 +length(yrep))

ranks_to_empirical_pit <- function(ranks, max_rank){
  (1 + ranks) / (1 + max_rank)

#' Compute observed coverage of posterior credible intervals.
#' Uses ranks to compute coverage and surrounding uncertainty of posterior credible intervals.
#' The uncertainty is only approximate (treating coverage for each interval as a set of independent
#' Bernoulli trials, while in fact they are not independent), so for making claims on presence/
#' absence of detectable discrepancies we strongly recommend using [plot_ecdf()] or [plot_ecdf_diff()].
#' The uncertainty about the coverage can however be useful for guiding decisions on whether
#' more SBC steps should be performed (i.e. whether we can rule out that the coverage of
#' the given backend differs too much for our purposes from the optimal value).
#' Note that while coverage of central posterior intervals (with the default `type = "central"`)
#' is often of the biggest practical interest, perfect calibration of central intervals
#' still leaves space for substantial problems with the model (e.g. if the posterior 25% - 50% intervals
#' contain 50% of the true values and the posterior 50% - 75% interval never contains the true value,
#' the central 50% interval still has the ideal 50% coverage), so investigating central
#' intervals should always be accompanied by checks with [plot_ecdf()] or [plot_ecdf_diff()]
#' or by using `type = "leftmost"`, because if all leftmost credible intervals are well calibrated,
#' then all intervals are well calibrated.
#' @param stats a data.frame of rank statistics (e.g. as returned in the `$stats` component of [SBC_results]),
#'   at minimum should have at least `variable`, `rank` and `max_rank` columns)
#' @param width a vector of values between 0 and 1 representing widths of credible intervals for
#'   which we compute coverage.
#' @param prob determines width of the uncertainty interval around the observed coverage
#' @param inteval_type `"central"` to show coverage of central credible intervals
#'   or `"leftmost"` to show coverage of leftmost credible intervals (i.e. the observed CDF).
#' @return A `data.frame` with columns `variable`, `width` (width of the interval as given
#'   in the `width` parameter), `width_represented` the closest width that can be represented by
#'   the ranks in the input (any discrepancy needs to be judged against this rather than `width`),
#'   `estimate` - observed coverage for the interval, `ci_low`, `ci_high` the uncertainty
#'   interval around `estimate` (width of the interval is given by the `prob` argument).
#' @seealso [plot_coverage()]
#' @export
empirical_coverage <- function(stats, width, prob = 0.95, interval_type = "central") {
  # Ensuring backwards compatibility
  if("parameter" %in% names(stats)) {
    if(!("variable" %in% names(stats))) {
      warning("The stats parameter contains a `parameter` column, which is deprecated, use `variable` instead.")
      stats$variable <- stats$parameter

  if(!all(c("variable", "rank", "max_rank") %in% names(stats))) {
                   "The stats data.frame needs a 'variable', 'rank' and 'max_rank' columns"))

  stopifnot(all(width >= 0) && all(width <= 1))

  stopifnot(interval_type %in% c("central", "leftmost"))

  get_low_rank <- function(max_rank, n_ranks_covered) {
    if(interval_type == "central") {
      round(max_rank / 2 - n_ranks_covered / 2)
    } else if(interval_type == "leftmost") {
      rep(0, max(length(n_ranks_covered), length(max_rank)))
    } else {
      stop("Invalid interval_type")

  # Some juggling to reduce memory footprint
  stats_trimmed <- dplyr::select(stats, variable, rank, max_rank)

  variable_was_character <- is.character(stats_trimmed$variable)
  if(variable_was_character) {
    stats_trimmed <- dplyr::mutate(stats_trimmed, variable = factor(variable))

  long <- dplyr::full_join(stats_trimmed, data.frame(width = width), by = character())
  long <- dplyr::mutate(long,
                        n_ranks_covered = round((max_rank + 1) * width),
                        low_rank = get_low_rank(max_rank, n_ranks_covered),
                        high_rank = low_rank + n_ranks_covered - 1,
                        width_represented =  (high_rank - low_rank + 1) / (max_rank + 1),
                        is_covered = rank >= low_rank & rank <= high_rank)

  summ <- dplyr::summarise(
    dplyr::group_by(long, variable, width),
    post_alpha = sum(is_covered) + 1,
    post_beta = dplyr::n() - sum(is_covered) + 1,
    width_represented = unique(width_represented),
    # Special handling if width_represented is either 0 or 1 as in such case,
    # the result can never be different from 0 / 1 and so the CI should collapse to a point
    representable = width_represented > 0 & width_represented < 1,
    ci_low =  dplyr::if_else(representable,
                             qbeta(0.5 - prob / 2, post_alpha, post_beta),
    estimate = mean(is_covered),
    ci_high = dplyr::if_else(representable,
                             qbeta(0.5 + prob / 2, post_alpha, post_beta),
    .groups = "drop"

  if(variable_was_character) {
    summ <- dplyr::mutate(summ, variable = as.character(variable))

  dplyr::select(summ, -post_alpha, -post_beta, -representable)
hyunjimoon/SBC documentation built on March 15, 2024, 3:18 a.m.