
## ---------------------------
## A class that handles the display of
## plots in a gnotebook and stores information
## about the tabs(plots
## ---------------------------

iNZPlotWidget <- setRefClass(
    fields = list(
        GUI = "ANY",
        plotNb = "ANY",
        tabDevLink = "numeric" # vector with the link between device and nb nr.
    methods = list(
        initialize = function(gui) {
                GUI = gui,
                tabDevLink = numeric()
            plotNb <<- gnotebook(expand = TRUE)
        addPlot = function() {
            add(plotNb, ggraphics(expand = TRUE),
                label = "plot",
                close.button = FALSE
            tabDevLink <<- c(tabDevLink, dev.cur())
        closePlot = function() {
            if (length(plotNb$children) > 1) {
                tabDevLink <<- tabDevLink[-svalue(plotNb)]
        renamePlot = function() {
            input <- ginput("Name Plot as:",
                text = names(plotNb)[svalue(plotNb)],
                title = "Input",
                icon = "question",
                parent = GUI$win
            if (length(input) > 0) {
                names(plotNb)[svalue(plotNb)] <<- input
        savePlot = function(fun = GUI$updatePlot) {
            w <- gwindow("Save plot",
                parent = GUI$win,
                width = 500,
                height = 250
            g <- gvbox(spacing = 15, container = w)


            tbl <- glayout()
            ii <- 1

            lbl <- glabel("File type :")
            font(lbl) <- list(weight = "bold")
            filetypes <- list(
                "JPEG (.jpg)" = jpeg,
                "PNG (.png)" = png,
                "Bitmap (.bmp)" = bmp,
                "TIFF (.tiff)" = tiff,
                "PDF (.pdf)" = pdf,
                "SVG (.svg)" = iNZightPlots:::exportSVG.function,
                "Interactive HTML (.html)" = iNZightPlots:::exportHTML.function

            fileType <- gcombobox(names(filetypes))
            tbl[ii, 1, anchor = c(1, 0), expand = TRUE] <- lbl
            tbl[ii, 2:6, expand = TRUE] <- fileType
            ii <- ii + 1

            lbl <- glabel("Save location :")
            font(lbl) <- list(weight = "bold")
            initial.dir <- switch(GUI$OS,
                "windows" = file.path(path.expand("~"), "iNZightVIT", "Saved Plots"),
                "mac" = ,
                "linux" = file.path(path.expand("~"), "Documents", "iNZightVIT", "Saved Plots")
            if (!file.exists(initial.dir)) initial.dir <- getwd()
            fLoc <- gedit(initial.dir, editable = TRUE)
            fBrowse <- gbutton("Browse",
                handler = function(h, ...) {
                    ff <- gfile("Select save location ...",
                        type = "selectdir",
                        initial.dir = svalue(fLoc)
                    if (length(ff) == 1) {
                        svalue(fLoc) <- ff
            tbl[ii, 1, anchor = c(1, 0), expand = TRUE] <- lbl
            tbl[ii, 2:4, anchor = c(-1, 0), expand = TRUE] <- fLoc
            tbl[ii, 5:6, expand = TRUE] <- fBrowse
            ii <- ii + 1

            lbl <- glabel("File name :")
            font(lbl) <- list(weight = "bold")
            fName <- gedit("")
            fExt <- glabel(gsub(".+\\(|\\)", "", svalue(fileType)))
            tbl[ii, 1, anchor = c(1, 0), expand = TRUE] <- lbl
            tbl[ii, 2:4, expand = TRUE] <- fName
            tbl[ii, 5, anchor = c(-1, 0), expand = TRUE] <- fExt
            ii <- ii + 1

            add(g, tbl)

            addSpace(g, 5)

            ## Additional options for various components (scatter plots)
            gHTML <- gvbox(container = g)
            visible(gHTML) <- FALSE
            if (GUI$plotType %in%
            ) {
                labHTML <- glabel("Select additional variables to export",
                    container = gHTML
                font(labHTML) <- list(size = 12, weight = "bold")

                tabHTML <- gtable(
                        Variable = names(GUI$getActiveData(lazy = TRUE)),
                        stringsAsFactors = TRUE
                    container = gHTML, multiple = TRUE
                size(tabHTML) <- c(-1, 160)
                subHTML <- glabel("Hold CTRL to select multiple",
                    container = gHTML
                font(subHTML) <- list(size = 9)
                    function(h, ...) {
                        visible(gHTML) <- grepl("html", svalue(h$obj))

                addSpace(gHTML, 5)
                localChk <- gcheckbox("Save for offline use",
                    checked = FALSE,
                    container = gHTML
                lbl <- glabel(
                        "This will save an additional 'assets'",
                        "folder in the chosen location."
                    container = gHTML,
                    anchor = c(-1, 0)
                font(lbl) <- list(size = 8)

            addSpace(g, 5)
                    "Developmental - only working for base plots.",
                    "\nWill overwrite any existing file."
                container = g

            btnGrp <- ggroup(container = g)

            e <- environment()

            cnclBtn <- gbutton("Cancel",
                handler = function(h, ...) dispose(w),
                container = btnGrp,
                expand = TRUE
            saveBtn <- gbutton("Save",
                container = btnGrp,
                expand = TRUE,
                handler = function(h, ...) {
                    if (svalue(fName) == "") {
                        if (!interactive()) stop("No file name")
                        gmessage("No file name", icon = "error", parent = w)

                    dir <- svalue(fLoc)
                    f <- file.path(dir, paste0(svalue(fName), svalue(fExt)))

                    if (grepl("html|svg", svalue(fileType))) {
                        ## exportXXX will produce a warning if the required packages aren't installed.
                        ## If that is the case, we need to catch the error and ask the user
                        ## if they'd like to install the packages.
                        fp <- ""
                                dat <- NULL
                                vars <- character()

                                if (visible(gHTML) && length(svalue(tabHTML)) > 0) {
                                    dat <- TRUE
                                    vars <- as.character(svalue(tabHTML))

                                plot.settings <- GUI$getActiveDoc()$getSettings()

                                if (isTRUE(length(plot.settings$locate.id) > 0)) {
                                    if (isTRUE(plot.settings$locate.settings$txtVar != "id")) {
                                        dat <- TRUE
                                        vars <- c(vars, plot.settings$locate.settings$txtVar)

                                    if (isTRUE(plot.settings$locate.settings$matchChk)) {
                                        dat <- TRUE
                                        vars <- c(vars, plot.settings$locate.settings$matchVar)
                                if (!is.null(dat) && isTRUE(dat)) {
                                    dat <- GUI$getActiveData(lazy = FALSE)

                                if (length(vars) == 0L) vars <- NULL
                                args <- list(fun, f, data = dat, extra.vars = vars)
                                if (visible(gHTML)) {
                                    args$dir <- dir
                                    args$local <- svalue(localChk)

                                fp <- do.call(filetypes[[svalue(fileType)]], args)
                            error = function(e) {
                                if (!interactive()) stop("Error", e$message)
                                if (grepl("Required packages aren't installed", e$message)) {
                                    ## Ask use if they want to install:
                                    conf <- gconfirm(
                                            "To export HTML and SVG, you need to install a few additional packages.",
                                            "Would you like to do that now?",
                                            sep = "\n\n"
                                        title = "Install dependencies?",
                                        parent = GUI$win
                                    if (conf) {
                                        ## Display confirmation message while packages are installed
                                        w <- gbasicdialog("Installing packages",
                                            do.buttons = FALSE,
                                            container = GUI$win
                                        gg <- gvbox(container = w)
                                        addSpace(gg, 10)
                                        ggg <- ggroup(spacing = 15, container = gg)
                                        addSpace(ggg, 0)
                                        gimage(stock.id = "gtk-info", size = "dialog", cont = ggg)
                                            "Please wait while packages are installed...",
                                            container = ggg,
                                            anchor = c(-1, 1)
                                        addSpace(ggg, 10)
                                        addSpace(gg, 10)
                                        utils::install.packages("iNZightPlots", dependencies = TRUE)
                                            "Done! You can try saving as HTML or SVG again.",
                                            title = "Installing packages complete",
                                            parent = GUI$win
                                } else {
                                            "There was an error trying to save the plot as HTML.",
                                            "\n\nTry restarting iNZight, and if you continue to see this",
                                            "message, copy the contents of the R Console and send a",
                                            "copy to inzight_support@stat.auckland.ac.nz, along with",
                                            "an explanation of what you were trying to do."
                                        parent = GUI$win,
                                        icon = "error"
                            finally = {
                                # do.nothing

                        if (fp == "") {
                        ## `fp` is of class `inzHTML` and has a print method that'll open it in a browser
                    } else {
                            "PDF (.pdf)" = {
                                dim <- grDevices::dev.size("in")
                                    file = f,
                                    width = dim[1],
                                    height = dim[2],
                                    useDingbats = FALSE,
                                    onefile = FALSE
                                dim <- grDevices::dev.size("px")
                                    file = f,
                                    width = dim[1],
                                    height = dim[2]


                function(h, ...) {
                    svalue(fExt) <- gsub(".+\\(|\\)", "", svalue(fileType))
iNZightVIT/iNZight documentation built on April 8, 2024, 10:23 a.m.