
# iotc.R - DESC
# tunadata/data/raw/iotc.R

# Copyright European Union, 2016
# Author: Iago Mosqueira (EC JRC) <>
# Distributed under the terms of the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) V.1.1.


IOTC_KEY <- Sys.getenv("IOTC_KEY")

# NC {{{

# LOAD ionc
ionc <- getNC(key=IOTC_KEY)

# fleet
# GET values in field
fleet <- getCodeList("Fleet", key=IOTC_KEY)
# SUBSET values to those in DB
ionc <- fleet[ionc, on="fleetCode"]

# species
species <- getCodeList("Species", key=IOTC_KEY)
ionc <- species[ionc, on="speciesCode"]

# speciesGroup
speciesGroup <- getCodeList("SpeciesGroup", key=IOTC_KEY)
ionc <- speciesGroup[ionc, on="speciesGroupCode"]

# fisheryType
fisheryType <- getCodeList("FisheryType", key=IOTC_KEY)
ionc <- fisheryType[ionc, on="fisheryTypeCode"]

# fisheryGroup
fisheryGroup <- getCodeList("FisheryGroup", key=IOTC_KEY)
ionc <- fisheryGroup[ionc, on="fisheryGroupCode"]

# fishery
fishery <- getCodeList("Fishery", key=IOTC_KEY)
ionc <- fishery[ionc, on="fisheryCode"]

# quality
quality <- getCodeList("QualityCode", key=IOTC_KEY, name="quality")
ionc <- quality[ionc, on="qualityCode"]

# cpc
cpc <- getCPCCodeList(key=IOTC_KEY, name="fleet")
ionc <- cpc[ionc, on="fleetCode"]

# area
area <- data.table(areaCode=c("IRWESIO", "IREASIO"),
  area=c("Western Indian Ocean", "Eastern Indian Ocean"))
ionc <- area[ionc, on="areaCode"]

# REORDER columns
setcolorder(ionc, c("year", "speciesGroupCode", "speciesGroup",
  "speciesCode", "species", "areaCode", "area", "fleetCode", "fleet",
  "cpc", "cpcCode", "fisheryGroupCode", "fisheryGroup", "fisheryTypeCode",
  "fisheryType", "fisheryCode", "fishery", "qualityCode", "quality", "catches"))

# RENAME columns
setnames(ionc, c("year", "spgcde", "spg",
  "sppcde", "spp", "areacde", "area", "fleetcde", "fleet", "cpc", "cpccde",
  "fishgrcde", "fishgr", "fishtycde", "fishty",
  "fishcde", "fishery", "qualcde", "quality", "catch"))

setkey(ionc, spgcde, sppcde, areacde, fleetcde, cpccde, fishgrcde,
  fishtycde, fishcde, qualcde, year)

# SAVE iotc
save(ionc, file="../data/iotc.RData", compress="xz") 

# }}}

# TODO CONVERT to web services
# CE {{{

ce <- fread("iotc/IOTC-2016-WPNT06-DATA04-CELongline.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE)

# cen
cen <- ce[, c(names(ce)[1:11], grep("-NO", names(ce), value=TRUE)), with=FALSE]
names(cen) <- sub("-NO", "", names(cen))
cen <- melt(cen, id.vars=c(1:11), measure.vars=c(12:34),"spp","no")

# cet
cet <- ce[, c(names(ce)[1:11], grep("-MT", names(ce), value=TRUE)), with=FALSE]
names(cet) <- sub("-MT", "", names(cet))
cet <- melt(cet, id.vars=c(1:11), measure.vars=c(12:34),"spp","catch")

# BIND cell
cell <- cbind(cen, cet[,list(catch)])

# SUBSET cols and SET names
cell <- cell[,c("Fleet", "Gear", "Year", "MonthStart", "MonthEnd", "Grid",
  "Effort", "EffortUnits", "spp", "no", "catch"), with=FALSE]
names(cell) <- c("flcde", "grcde", "year", "msta", "mend", "grid",
  "effort", "effunits", "spp", "no", "catch")

# CLEAN flcde
cell[, flcde := gsub(" ", "", flcde)]

# ADD cpcde
cell[, cpcde := ifelse(grepl("EU*", flcde), "EU", flcde)]

# SAVE iotc
# save(ionc, cell, file="../iotc.RData", compress="xz") 

# -- EXAMPLE 1 - Efforty by year for LL (HOOKS)
dat <- cell[effunits == "HOOKS", .(effort=sum(effort)), by=list(flcde, year)]
ggplot(dat, aes(x=year, y=effort)) + geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~ flcde, scales="free")

# -- EXAMPLE 2 - Effort of JPN by year
dat <- cell[flcde == "JPN", .(effort=sum(effort)/1000), by=list(year)]
ggplot(dat, aes(x=year, y=effort)) + geom_line() +
  geom_point(data=subset(dat, year == 2014), size=2) +
  geom_point(data=subset(dat, year == min(year)), size=2, shape=1) +
  ylab("Effort (000s hooks)") + xlab("")

ce <- fread("iotc/IOTC-2016-WPNT06-DATA05-CESurface.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE)

# cen
cen <- ce[, c(names(ce)[1:11], grep("-NO", names(ce), value=TRUE)), with=FALSE]
names(cen) <- sub("-NO", "", names(cen))
cen <- melt(cen, id.vars=c(1:11), measure.vars=c(12:34),"spp","no")

# cet
cet <- ce[, c(names(ce)[1:11], grep("-MT", names(ce), value=TRUE)), with=FALSE]
names(cet) <- sub("-MT", "", names(cet))
cet <- melt(cet, id.vars=c(1:11), measure.vars=c(12:34),"spp","catch")

# ce
cell <- cbind(cen, cet[,list(catch)])

ce <- fread("iotc/IOTC-2016-WPNT06-DATA06-CECoastal.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE)

# FC

nmsfc <- c("flcde", "fleet", "year", "ficde", "fishery",
  "grgrp", "grcde", "gear", "loa", "boats") 

iofc <- fread("iotc/iofc_results_5832c68550a44.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE)

# SELECT cols
cols <- c("FlCde", "Fleet", "Year_An", "TFCde", "TypeFishery", "GrGroup",
  "GrCde", "Gear", "LOA_LHT", "noBoats_nBateaux")

iofc <- iofc[, cols, with=FALSE]
names(iofc) <- nmsfc

# cpc
iofc[, cpcde := ifelse(grepl("EU.*", iofc$fleet), "EU", iofc$flcde)]
iofc[, cpc := ifelse(grepl("EU.*", iofc$fleet), "European Union", iofc$fleet)]

setkey(iofc, "cpcde", "flcde", "ficde", "grgrp", "grcde", "year")

# SAVE iotc
save(ionc, iofc, file="../iotc.RData", compress="xz") 

# }}}
iagomosqueira/tunadata documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:27 a.m.