
Defines functions write_report write_list_report format_sht_names check_fix_dupe_name create_sheets

Documented in check_fix_dupe_name create_sheets format_sht_names write_list_report write_report

#' write_report
#' Export a dataframe to an excel and csv file. Typically used to share
#' aggregated raw data.
#' @param df the dataframe to be output
#' @param output_full_path_fname the full name of the path and file name
#' @param opt_sheetName the name of the sheet and table will
#' @param opt_header_title the name of the header (only visible when printed)
#' @return NULL
#' @import data.table
#' @export
write_report <- function(df,
                         opt_header_title) {

  if (missing(output_full_path_fname)) {
    output_folder_path <- rstudioapi::selectDirectory(caption = "Select Folder for output",
                                                      label = "Select",
                                                      path = "./")
    output_folder_path <- paste0(output_folder_path, "/")
    output_file_name <- readline(prompt = "Enter File Name: ")
    output_full_path_fname <- paste0(output_folder_path, output_file_name)

  if (missing(opt_sheetName)) {
    if (exists(output_file_name)) {
      opt_sheetName <- gsub(" ",
      opt_sheetName <- tolower(opt_sheetName)
      sheetName <- opt_sheetName
    } else {
      sheetName <- basename(output_full_path_fname)
      sheetName <- gsub(" ", "_", sheetName)
  } else sheetName <- opt_sheetName

  if (missing(opt_header_title)) {
    header_title <- sheetName
  else {
    header_title <- opt_header_title

  # this writes the csv file obviously
  data.table::fwrite(x = df,
                     file = paste0(output_full_path_fname, ".csv"),
                     append = FALSE,
                     sep = ",",
                     col.names = TRUE)

  # write.xlsx(x = df,
  #            file = paste0(output_name_path, ".xlsx"),
  #            creator = "Montana State University - Bozeman",
  #            zoom = 90,
  #            startRow = 2,
  #            colNames = TRUE,
  #            rowNames = FALSE,
  #            firstActiveRow = 3,
  #            firstActiveCol = 3)

  # setup appropriate classes for column formating
  #class(df$`Date Entered Job Title`) <- "Date"
  #class(df$`Hire Date`) <- "Date/POSIXt"

  header_row <- 2
  data_sht <- 1
  wb_active <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()

  #options("openxlsx.borderColour" = "#4F80BD")
  #options("openxlsx.borderStyle" = "thin")
  #options("openxlsx.dateFormat" = "mm/dd/yyyy")

  options("openxlsx.datetimeFormat" = "mm/dd/yyyy")
                           fontSize = 10,
                           fontName = "Segoe UI")
                         sheetName = sheetName,
                         zoom = 85,
                         header = c("Montana State University - Bozeman",
                                    paste0("Compiled on ", Sys.Date())),
                         orientation = "landscape")

                       sheet = data_sht,
                       firstActiveRow = header_row + 1,
                       firstActiveCol = 2)

                           sheet = data_sht,
                           x = df,
                           tableName = sheetName,
                           colNames = TRUE,
                           rowNames = FALSE,
                           tableStyle = "TableStyleLight1",
                           startRow = header_row,
                           withFilter = TRUE,
                           bandedRows = TRUE)

  # format the header
  header_style <- openxlsx::createStyle(textDecoration = "bold",
                                        wrapText = TRUE,
                                        border = "bottom")
                          sheet = data_sht,
                          rows = header_row,
                          heights = 12.75 * 3)
                         sheet = data_sht,
                         cols = 1:ncol(df),
                         widths = 16)
                     sheet = data_sht,
                     style = header_style,
                     rows = header_row,
                     cols = 1:ncol(df))
                         sheet = data_sht,
                         cols = 1:ncol(df),
                         widths = "auto")
                         file = paste0(output_full_path_fname, ".xlsx"),
                         overwrite = TRUE)

#' write_list_report
#' Export a list of dataframes to an excel workbook. Each sheet contains a
#' dataframe in the list. The list should be named. If not, will be given
#' defaults df_1, df_2, ... df_n.
#' @param df_list the list of dataframes
#' @param output_name_path the full name of the folder and file name to be
#'   exported
#' @return NULL
#' @export
write_list_report <- function(df_list,
                              output_name_path) {

  if (missing(output_name_path)) {
    output_name_path <- paste0(rstudioapi::selectDirectory(caption = "Select folder for output",
                                                           label = "Select",
                                                           path = "./"),
                               rstudioapi::showPrompt("Enter File Name",
                                                      "Enter File Name",
                                                      default = "default"))


  if (is.null(names(df_list))) {
    warning("Unnamed list written to report.\n",
            "  Assign names to be used for Sheetnames\n",
            "  Using sheetnames df1, df2, ... dfn")
    for (i in seq(length(df_list))) {
      names(df_list)[i] <- paste0("df_", i)}

  wb_active <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
  #options("openxlsx.borderColour" = "#4F80BD")
  #options("openxlsx.borderStyle" = "thin")
  #options("openxlsx.dateFormat" = "mm/dd/yyyy")

  options("openxlsx.datetimeFormat" = "mm/dd/yyyy")
                           fontSize = 10,
                           fontName = "Segoe UI")

  # add names to the dataframes in the list if there are none already assigned
  # give a warning to the user that the names were automatically added. these
  # names are used to determine sheetnames and table names
  if (is.null(names(df_list))) {
    n_items <- length(df_list)
    names(df_list) <- letters[1:n_items]
  names(df_list) <- format_sht_names(names(df_list))

  # loop through the dataframes and write them into the file
  # df, wb_active, df_name, opt_header_row
  if (length(df_list) > 1) {
           df = df_list,
           df_name = names(df_list),
           MoreArgs = list(wb_active = wb_active))
  } else {


                         file = paste0(output_name_path, ".xlsx"),
                         overwrite = TRUE)

#' format_sht_names ensures that the name to be used for an execl table or
#' worksheet is properly formatted
#' Requries the length to be less than or equal to 31 (sheet max) and replaces
#' all spaces with underscores (table requirement)
#' @param name_vec a string to be used as a worksheet name and/or table name
#' @return the properly formatted string. if no formatting is needed then return
#' the input parameter string.
format_sht_names <- function(name_vec) {
  # the names will be used for the datatables within the workbook. as such, they
  # cannot contain spaces
  modified_names <- gsub("\\s", "_", name_vec)

  #they can also not be greater than 31 characters due to excel limitations
  #if any are the case, throw a warning messsage and truncate that result

  name_lengths <- nchar(modified_names)
  too_long_names_indx <- name_lengths > 31
  if (sum(too_long_names_indx) > 0) {
    warning("Worksheet Name(s) too long. ",
            "Values will be truncated to 31 characters. ",
            "Bad name(s):  \\n", modified_names[too_long_names_indx])

  modified_names[too_long_names_indx] <- substr(modified_names[too_long_names_indx],
                                                start = 1,
                                                stop = 30)
  # remove invalid characters
  replacement_str <- "_"

  # modified_names <- mapply(gsub,
  #                          pattern = regex_bad_strings,
  #                          replacement = replacement_str,
  #                          x = modified_names)
  # this is ugly, but required to remove invalid characters from sheet names
  modified_names <- gsub("\\?",replacement_str, modified_names)
  modified_names <- gsub("\\[",replacement_str, modified_names)
  modified_names <- gsub("\\]",replacement_str, modified_names)
  modified_names <- gsub("\\*",replacement_str, modified_names)
  modified_names <- gsub("\\\\",replacement_str, modified_names)
  modified_names <- gsub("\\/",replacement_str, modified_names)


#' check_fix_dupe_name checks a string vector for the existence of a particular
#' string. If found, it modifies the query string so that it does not match an
#' existing string int he vector. It does this be appending an underscore and
#' numeric value.
#' @param name the single string name that will be searched for and modified if
#' necessary
#' @param curr_names the vector of strings that will be searched for the single
#' string 'name'.
#' @return if necessary, a modified string that is not duplicated in the input
#' vector. otherwise, the input name parameter
check_fix_dupe_name <- function(name, curr_names) {
  # check to make sure that the dataframe name isn't already being used as the
  # name of a worksheet. If it is, append a '_x' where x is a number to name.
  # Recheck the length and shorten if necessary.
  while (name %in% curr_names) {
    number_suffix <- 1
    while (paste0(name, "_", number_suffix) %in% curr_names) {
      number_suffix <- number_suffix + 1
    name <- paste0(name, "_", number_suffix)
    if (nchar(name) > 31) {
      suffix_len <- nchar(number_suffix) + 1
      name <- substr(name, start = 1, stop = 31 - suffix_len)
      name <- paste0(name, "_", number_suffix)


#' create_sheets inserts a new sheet and data to the input workbook. Contains
#' the code for formatting and styles.
#' @param df the dataframe to be added
#' @param wb_active the workbook into which it will be added
#' @param df_name the name of the worksheet
#' @param opt_header_row an optional header row, default = 2
#' @return NULL as the activeworkbook is being operated on by reference
create_sheets <- function(df, wb_active, df_name, opt_header_row) {
  if (missing(opt_header_row)) {
    header_row <- 2
  } else {
    header_row <- opt_header_row

  curr_sht_names <- names(wb_active)
  if (length(curr_sht_names) > 0) {
    curr_tbl_names <- mapply(openxlsx::getTables,
                             sheet = curr_sht_names,
                             MoreArgs = list(wb = wb_active))
  } else {curr_tbl_names <- c("")}

  df_name <- format_sht_names(df_name)

  df_name <- check_fix_dupe_name(df_name, curr_sht_names)
  df_name <- check_fix_dupe_name(df_name, curr_tbl_names)

                         sheetName = df_name,
                         zoom = 85,
                         header = c("Montana State University - Bozeman - ",
                                    paste0("Compiled on ", Sys.Date())),
                         orientation = "landscape")

                       sheet = df_name,
                       firstActiveRow = header_row + 1,
                       firstActiveCol = 2)

                           sheet = df_name,
                           x = df,
                           tableName = paste0(df_name,"_tbl"),
                           colNames = TRUE,
                           rowNames = FALSE,
                           tableStyle = "TableStyleLight1",
                           startRow = header_row,
                           withFilter = TRUE,
                           bandedRows = TRUE)

  # format the header
  header_style <- openxlsx::createStyle(textDecoration = "bold",
                                        wrapText = TRUE,
                                        border = "bottom")
                          sheet = df_name,
                          rows = header_row,
                          heights = 12.75 * 3)
                         sheet = df_name,
                         cols = 1:ncol(df),
                         widths = "auto")

                     sheet = df_name,
                     style = header_style,
                     rows = header_row,
                     cols = 1:ncol(df))
iancj88/msuopa documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:07 p.m.