
Defines functions cleanIAT.noprac

Documented in cleanIAT.noprac

#' Data analysis function: Cleans the IAT without Practice Blocks
#' @description A variant of \code{cleanIAT()}. Inputs and outputs are identical, except that this function accepts only two blocks. This can be used when practice blocks are omitted from the IAT.
#' @param crit1 A vector of that same kind of critical responses (e.g., compatible critical), one per participant.
#' @param crit2 A vector of that same kind of critical responses (e.g., incompatible critical), one per participant.
#' @param timeout.drop (Required, set \code{TRUE} by default). Tells the procedure to drop trials over a certain duration; recommended by Greenwald et al. (2003).
#' @param timeout.ms (Required if \code{timeout.drop=TRUE}; set to 10000 by default). Following the Greenwald et al. (2003), individual trials over 10000 ms are dropped (scored as missing). Ignored if \code{timeout.drop=FALSE}.
#' @param fastprt.drop (Required, set \code{TRUE} by default). If enabled, follows Greenwald et al. (2003) in which participants who have more than 10 percent of responses (\code{fastprt.percent = .10}) faster than 300 ms (\code{fastprt.ms=300}) are dropped entirely.
#' @param fastprt.percent (Required if \code{fastprt.drop=TRUE}; set to .10 by default). Set the proportion threshold for \code{fastprt.drop}, above. Ignored if \code{fastprt.drop=FALSE}.
#' @param fastprt.ms (Required if \code{fastprt.drop=TRUE}; set to 300 ms by default). Sets the time threshold for for \code{fastprt.drop}, above. Ignored if \code{fastprt.drop=FALSE}.
#' @param fasttrial.drop (Required, set \code{FALSE} by default). Tells the procedure to drop trials under a certain duration. Not recommended but was validated by Greenwald et al. (2003) as an alternative to dropping fast participants.
#' @param fasttrial.ms (Required if \code{fasttrial.drop=TRUE}; set to 400 ms by default). The threshold for \code{fastprt.drop}, above. Ignored if \code{fastprt.drop=FALSE}.
#' @param error.penalty (Required, set \code{FALSE} by default). Logical value stating whether an error penalty is added. This should be disabled if forced error correction was used in the IAT and enabled otherwise (Greenwald et al., 2003).
#' @param error.penalty.ms (Required if \code{error.penalty=TRUE}; set to \code{error.penalty.ms=600} by default). Following the D600 procedure, IAT errors are scored as the correct-trial block mean plus an error penalty of 600 ms. Can be manually set to any desired value. One can also use the 2SD penalty [Greenwald et al., 2003, p 214, right column] by setting  \code{error.penalty.ms="2SD"}. Ignored if \code{error.penalty=FALSE}.
#' @param inclusive.sd Unused parameter.
#' @importFrom stats median sd
#' @importFrom stringr str_count str_length str_locate str_replace_all str_sub
#' @return Returns a list containing several important elements.
#' @export
#' @seealso See the help for \code{cleanIAT()}.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' ### Collapse  IAT critical blocks  down ####
#' clean <- cleanIAT.noprac(dat$compatible.crit, dat$incompatible.crit)
#' }
cleanIAT.noprac <- function(crit1, crit2, timeout.drop = TRUE, timeout.ms = 10000, fasttrial.drop = FALSE, fasttrial.ms = 400, fastprt.drop = TRUE, fastprt.percent = .10, fastprt.ms = 300, error.penalty = FALSE, error.penalty.ms = 600, inclusive.sd = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(crit1)) {
    stop("One of your input variables does not exist. Please check your data / variable names and try again.")
  if (is.null(crit2)) {
    stop("One of your input variables does not exist. Please check your data / variable names and try again.")

  if (all(is.na(crit1))) {
    stop("One of your input variables is empty")
  if (all(is.na(crit2))) {
    stop("One of your input variables is empty")

  ## Declare local function to add leading zeros. Needed if the first two characters contain C or X
  add.leading.zeros <- function(temp) {
    if (stringr::str_count(stringr::str_sub(temp, 1, 2), "C") == 1 | stringr::str_count(stringr::str_sub(temp, 1, 2), "X") == 1) {
      temp <- paste("0", temp, sep = "")

  # Check for people who skipped IAT or who have nonvalid data
  # Are there 3 "END" characters at end of string? If not, did not complete IAT; mark skipped
  p.crit1 <- substring(crit1, (stringr::str_length(crit1) - 2), stringr::str_length(crit1)) != "END"
  p.crit2 <- substring(crit2, (stringr::str_length(crit2) - 2), stringr::str_length(crit2)) != "END"
  crit1[p.crit1] <- ""
  crit2[p.crit2] <- ""
  # mark people who skipped IAT as such
  skipped.crit1 <- crit1 == ""
  skipped.crit2 <- crit2 == ""
  # check integrity of people who completed IAT
  p.crit1 <- (p.crit1 & !skipped.crit1)
  p.crit2 <- (p.crit2 & !skipped.crit2)

  check.me <- function(temp) {
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "END", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, ",", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "C", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "X", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "0", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "1", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "2", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "3", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "4", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "5", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "6", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "7", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "8", "")
    temp <- stringr::str_replace_all(temp, "9", "")
    return(!temp == "")
  p.crit1 <- as.logical(p.crit1 + check.me(crit1))
  p.crit2 <- as.logical(p.crit2 + check.me(crit2))

  p.prt <- as.logical(p.crit1 + p.crit2)
  index.prt <- 1:length(p.prt)
  flag <- index.prt[p.prt == TRUE]
  crit1[flag] <- ""
  crit2[flag] <- ""
  if (length(flag) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(flag)) {
      warning(paste("Participant ", flag[i], "'s web browser encountered an error during the survey. Their IAT data are not usable and not included in analysis.", sep = ""))
  # update skip counts to reflect number of validly completed IATs
  skipped.crit1 <- crit1 == ""
  skipped.crit2 <- crit2 == ""

  ## BUILD data frames
  raw.crit1 <- data.frame()
  raw.crit2 <- data.frame()
  num.raw.trials.crit1 <- numeric() # make a vector. Everyone has same number NOW but will overwrite later
  num.raw.trials.crit2 <- numeric() # make a vector. Everyone has same number NOW but will overwrite later

  ## POPULATE data frames. Make all NA if task skipped.

  # crit1
  for (i in 1:length(crit1)) {
    source <- toString(crit1[i])
    num.raw.trials.crit1[i] <- stringr::str_count(source, ",")
    if (skipped.crit1[i]) {
      raw.crit1[i, ] <- NA
    } else {
      for (j in 1:num.raw.trials.crit1[i]) {
        comma.location <- stringr::str_locate(source, ",")[1]
        raw.crit1[i, j] <- stringr::str_sub(source, 1, comma.location - 1)
        source <- stringr::str_sub(source, comma.location + 1, stringr::str_length(source))

  # crit2
  for (i in 1:length(crit2)) {
    source <- toString(crit2[i])
    num.raw.trials.crit2[i] <- stringr::str_count(source, ",")
    if (skipped.crit2[i]) {
      raw.crit2[i, ] <- NA
    } else {
      for (j in 1:num.raw.trials.crit2[i]) {
        comma.location <- stringr::str_locate(source, ",")[1]
        raw.crit2[i, j] <- stringr::str_sub(source, 1, comma.location - 1)
        source <- stringr::str_sub(source, comma.location + 1, stringr::str_length(source))

  ## ADD leading zeros on non-empty cells. Do for non-empty cells only.

  # crit1
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw.crit1)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(raw.crit1)) {
      if (!is.na(raw.crit1[i, j])) {
        raw.crit1[i, j] <- add.leading.zeros(raw.crit1[i, j])

  # crit2
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw.crit2)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(raw.crit2)) {
      if (!is.na(raw.crit2[i, j])) {
        raw.crit2[i, j] <- add.leading.zeros(raw.crit2[i, j])

  temp.crit1 <- median(num.raw.trials.crit1[num.raw.trials.crit1 != 0])
  temp.crit2 <- median(num.raw.trials.crit2[num.raw.trials.crit2 != 0])
  raw.crit1 <- raw.crit1[, 1:temp.crit1]
  raw.crit2 <- raw.crit2[, 1:temp.crit2]
  num.raw.trials.crit1[num.raw.trials.crit1 > temp.crit1] <- temp.crit1
  num.raw.trials.crit2[num.raw.trials.crit2 > temp.crit2] <- temp.crit2

  ## SAVE stimuli numbers as a data frame. NA handled naturally.

  # crit1
  raw.stim.number.crit1 <- raw.crit1
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw.stim.number.crit1)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(raw.stim.number.crit1)) {
      raw.stim.number.crit1[i, j] <- as.numeric(stringr::str_sub(raw.stim.number.crit1[i, j], 1, 2))
  } # not returning numeric -- this fixes it
  for (j in 1:ncol(raw.stim.number.crit1)) {
    raw.stim.number.crit1[, j] <- as.numeric(raw.stim.number.crit1[, j])

  # crit2
  raw.stim.number.crit2 <- raw.crit2
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw.stim.number.crit2)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(raw.stim.number.crit2)) {
      raw.stim.number.crit2[i, j] <- as.numeric(stringr::str_sub(raw.stim.number.crit2[i, j], 1, 2))
  } # not returning numeric -- this fixes it
  for (j in 1:ncol(raw.stim.number.crit2)) {
    raw.stim.number.crit2[, j] <- as.numeric(raw.stim.number.crit2[, j])

  ## SAVE trial status (correct v incorrect) as a data frame. NA handled naturally.

  # crit1
  raw.correct.crit1 <- raw.crit1
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw.correct.crit1)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(raw.correct.crit1)) {
      raw.correct.crit1[i, j] <- stringr::str_sub(raw.correct.crit1[i, j], 3, 3)

  # crit2
  raw.correct.crit2 <- raw.crit2
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw.correct.crit2)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(raw.correct.crit2)) {
      raw.correct.crit2[i, j] <- stringr::str_sub(raw.correct.crit2[i, j], 3, 3)

  ## SAVE latencies as a data frame, convert to numeric. NA handled naturally

  # crit1
  raw.latencies.crit1 <- raw.crit1
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw.latencies.crit1)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(raw.latencies.crit1)) {
      end <- nchar(raw.latencies.crit1[i, j])
      raw.latencies.crit1[i, j] <- stringr::str_sub(raw.latencies.crit1[i, j], 4, end)
  for (j in 1:ncol(raw.latencies.crit1)) {
    raw.latencies.crit1[, j] <- as.numeric(raw.latencies.crit1[, j])

  # crit2
  raw.latencies.crit2 <- raw.crit2
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw.latencies.crit2)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(raw.latencies.crit2)) {
      end <- nchar(raw.latencies.crit2[i, j])
      raw.latencies.crit2[i, j] <- stringr::str_sub(raw.latencies.crit2[i, j], 4, end)
  for (j in 1:ncol(raw.latencies.crit2)) {
    raw.latencies.crit2[, j] <- as.numeric(raw.latencies.crit2[, j])

  ## CREATE containers for clean versions
  clean.latencies.crit1 <- raw.latencies.crit1
  clean.correct.crit1 <- raw.correct.crit1
  clean.stim.number.crit1 <- raw.stim.number.crit1

  clean.latencies.crit2 <- raw.latencies.crit2
  clean.correct.crit2 <- raw.correct.crit2
  clean.stim.number.crit2 <- raw.stim.number.crit2

  ## DROP trials that are too long
  num.timeout.removed.crit1 <- 0 # create a count of timeout responses removed
  num.timeout.removed.crit2 <- 0 # create a count of timeout responses removed

  if (timeout.drop == TRUE) {
    # if enabled, removes trials over 10k ms
    # NA handling: only performs comparison logic if not NA

    # crit1
    for (i in 1:nrow(clean.latencies.crit1)) {
      for (j in 1:ncol(clean.latencies.crit1)) {
        if (!is.na(clean.latencies.crit1[i, j])) {
          if (clean.latencies.crit1[i, j] > timeout.ms) {
            clean.latencies.crit1[i, j] <- NA
            clean.correct.crit1[i, j] <- NA
            clean.stim.number.crit1[i, j] <- NA
            num.timeout.removed.crit1 <- num.timeout.removed.crit1 + 1 # counter of total removals for sample for rate analysis

    # crit2
    for (i in 1:nrow(clean.latencies.crit2)) {
      for (j in 1:ncol(clean.latencies.crit2)) {
        if (!is.na(clean.latencies.crit2[i, j])) {
          if (clean.latencies.crit2[i, j] > timeout.ms) {
            clean.latencies.crit2[i, j] <- NA
            clean.correct.crit2[i, j] <- NA
            clean.stim.number.crit2[i, j] <- NA
            num.timeout.removed.crit2 <- num.timeout.removed.crit2 + 1 # counter of total removals for sample for rate analysis
  # SUM total for final reporting
  num.timeout.removed <- sum(c(num.timeout.removed.crit1, num.timeout.removed.crit2), na.rm = T)

  ## DROP trials that are too short (for some algorithms)
  num.fasttrial.removed.crit1 <- 0
  num.fasttrial.removed.crit2 <- 0

  if (fasttrial.drop == T) {
    # removes trials under a given threshold
    # NA handling: only performs comparison logic if not NA

    # crit1
    for (i in 1:nrow(clean.latencies.crit1)) {
      for (j in 1:ncol(clean.latencies.crit1)) {
        if (!is.na(clean.latencies.crit1[i, j])) {
          if (clean.latencies.crit1[i, j] < fasttrial.ms) {
            clean.latencies.crit1[i, j] <- NA
            clean.correct.crit1[i, j] <- NA
            clean.stim.number.crit1[i, j] <- NA
            num.fasttrial.removed.crit1 <- num.fasttrial.removed.crit1 + 1 # counter of total removals for sample for rate analysis

    # crit2
    for (i in 1:nrow(clean.latencies.crit2)) {
      for (j in 1:ncol(clean.latencies.crit2)) {
        if (!is.na(clean.latencies.crit2[i, j])) {
          if (clean.latencies.crit2[i, j] < fasttrial.ms) {
            clean.latencies.crit2[i, j] <- NA
            clean.correct.crit2[i, j] <- NA
            clean.stim.number.crit2[i, j] <- NA
            num.fasttrial.removed.crit2 <- num.fasttrial.removed.crit2 + 1 # counter of total removals for sample for rate analysis
  # SUM total for final reporting
  num.fasttrial.removed <- sum(c(num.fasttrial.removed.crit1, num.fasttrial.removed.crit2), na.rm = T)


  # generate large combo dataset
  fastprt.trials <- cbind(clean.latencies.crit1, clean.latencies.crit2)
  raw.latencies.combo <- cbind(raw.latencies.crit1, raw.latencies.crit2) # fast trials may already be dropped. This compares against raw latencies to ensure we don't keep someone because we have already dropped their fast trials.

  # also need a num.raw.trials for this dataset
  num.raw.trials <- num.raw.trials.crit1 + num.raw.trials.crit2

  # create a counter variable for overly fast trials
  fastprt.trials[is.na(fastprt.trials)] <- 0 # convert all NAs (e.g., for skips, dropped trials) to zeros // else comparison fails
  raw.latencies.combo[is.na(raw.latencies.combo)] <- 0 # convert all NAs (e.g., for skips) to zeros // else comparison fails
  for (i in 1:nrow(fastprt.trials)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(fastprt.trials)) {
      if (raw.latencies.combo[i, j] < fastprt.ms) {
        fastprt.trials[i, j] <- 1
      } else {
        fastprt.trials[i, j] <- 0

  if (fastprt.drop == TRUE) {
    number.fastprt <- rowSums(fastprt.trials, na.rm = TRUE)
    drop.participant <- (number.fastprt > (num.raw.trials * fastprt.percent))

    # If we are goign to drop, drop from both practice and critical blocks

    clean.latencies.crit1[drop.participant, ] <- NA
    clean.correct.crit1[drop.participant, ] <- NA
    clean.stim.number.crit1[drop.participant, ] <- NA
    clean.latencies.crit2[drop.participant, ] <- NA
    clean.correct.crit2[drop.participant, ] <- NA
    clean.stim.number.crit2[drop.participant, ] <- NA
  } else {
    drop.participant <- rep(FALSE, nrow(fastprt.trials)) # say we're not dropping anyone

  # the above would flag anyone as dropped who simply skipped the task. Adjust.
  skipped <- skipped.crit1 | skipped.crit2 # if any block is skipped, flag as skipped
  fastprt.trials[skipped, ] <- NA
  if (fastprt.drop == T) {
    number.fastprt[skipped] <- NA
  drop.participant[skipped] <- NA

  # calculate rates of  dropping
  timeout.rate <- num.timeout.removed / sum(num.raw.trials.crit1, num.raw.trials.crit2, na.rm = T)
  fasttrial.rate <- num.fasttrial.removed / sum(num.raw.trials.crit1, num.raw.trials.crit2, na.rm = T)
  fastprt.count <- sum(drop.participant, na.rm = T)
  fastprt.rate <- sum(drop.participant, na.rm = T) / sum(!skipped, na.rm = T)


  # Now that all trials / prts that needed dropping are dropped:
  # 1) grab SD without error penalty applied
  # 2) save a correct latencies files from correct index file
  # 3) add error penalty into incorrect trials and add into clean latencies
  # 4) calculate means and SDs
  ## this replicates order done in greenwald et al. syntax

  ## grab SD for all clean trials (without error penalty applied) for use in some penalty algorithms

  # same for crit1
  num.clean.trials.crit1 <- clean.latencies.crit1 # skip handling: make NA
  num.clean.trials.crit1[!is.na(num.clean.trials.crit1)] <- 1
  num.clean.trials.crit1 <- rowSums(num.clean.trials.crit1, na.rm = TRUE)
  num.clean.trials.crit1[skipped.crit1] <- NA
  std.nopenalty.crit1 <- numeric()
  for (i in 1:nrow(clean.latencies.crit1)) {
    row <- clean.latencies.crit1[i, ]
    avg <- sum(row, na.rm = TRUE) / num.clean.trials.crit1[i]
    std.nopenalty.crit1[i] <- sqrt(sum((row - avg)^2, na.rm = TRUE) / (num.clean.trials.crit1[i] - 1))
  std.nopenalty.crit1[std.nopenalty.crit1 == 0] <- NA # anyone who has all trials cut will have a zero SD.
  std.nopenalty.crit1[std.nopenalty.crit1 == Inf] <- NA
  std.nopenalty.crit1[is.nan(std.nopenalty.crit1)] <- NA

  # crit2
  num.clean.trials.crit2 <- clean.latencies.crit2 # skip handling: make NA
  num.clean.trials.crit2[!is.na(num.clean.trials.crit2)] <- 1
  num.clean.trials.crit2 <- rowSums(num.clean.trials.crit2, na.rm = TRUE)
  num.clean.trials.crit2[skipped.crit2] <- NA
  std.nopenalty.crit2 <- numeric()
  for (i in 1:nrow(clean.latencies.crit2)) {
    row <- clean.latencies.crit2[i, ]
    avg <- sum(row, na.rm = TRUE) / num.clean.trials.crit2[i]
    std.nopenalty.crit2[i] <- sqrt(sum((row - avg)^2, na.rm = TRUE) / (num.clean.trials.crit2[i] - 1))
  std.nopenalty.crit2[std.nopenalty.crit2 == 0] <- NA # anyone who has all trials cut will have a zero SD.
  std.nopenalty.crit2[std.nopenalty.crit2 == Inf] <- NA
  std.nopenalty.crit2[is.nan(std.nopenalty.crit2)] <- NA

  ## grab correct latencies, but ignore NA
  # crit1
  clean.correct.latencies.crit1 <- clean.latencies.crit1
  for (i in 1:nrow(clean.correct.latencies.crit1)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(clean.correct.latencies.crit1)) {
      if (!is.na(clean.correct.latencies.crit1[i, j])) { # cannot have NA in comparisons
        if (raw.correct.crit1[i, j] == "X") {
          clean.correct.latencies.crit1[i, j] <- NA

  # crit2
  clean.correct.latencies.crit2 <- clean.latencies.crit2
  for (i in 1:nrow(clean.correct.latencies.crit2)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(clean.correct.latencies.crit2)) {
      if (!is.na(clean.correct.latencies.crit2[i, j])) { # cannot have NA in comparisons
        if (raw.correct.crit2[i, j] == "X") {
          clean.correct.latencies.crit2[i, j] <- NA

  ## GRAB SD of pre-penalty correct responses for imposing error the 2-SD error penalty
  # crit1
  num.clean.correct.crit1 <- clean.correct.latencies.crit1 # skip handling: make NA
  num.clean.correct.crit1[!is.na(num.clean.correct.crit1)] <- 1
  num.clean.correct.crit1 <- rowSums(num.clean.correct.crit1, na.rm = TRUE)
  num.clean.correct.crit1[skipped.crit1] <- NA
  clean.std.correct.crit1 <- numeric()
  for (i in 1:nrow(clean.correct.latencies.crit1)) {
    row <- clean.correct.latencies.crit1[i, ]
    avg <- sum(row, na.rm = TRUE) / num.clean.correct.crit1[i]
    clean.std.correct.crit1[i] <- sqrt(sum((row - avg)^2, na.rm = TRUE) / (num.clean.correct.crit1[i] - 1))
  clean.std.correct.crit1[clean.std.correct.crit1 == 0] <- NA # when fastprt.drop is off and fasttrial.drop is on, this may happen b/c all trials are cut
  clean.std.correct.crit1[clean.std.correct.crit1 == Inf] <- NA
  clean.std.correct.crit1[is.nan(clean.std.correct.crit1)] <- NA

  # crit2
  num.clean.correct.crit2 <- clean.correct.latencies.crit2 # skip handling: make NA
  num.clean.correct.crit2[!is.na(num.clean.correct.crit2)] <- 1
  num.clean.correct.crit2 <- rowSums(num.clean.correct.crit2, na.rm = TRUE)
  num.clean.correct.crit2[skipped.crit2] <- NA
  clean.std.correct.crit2 <- numeric()
  for (i in 1:nrow(clean.correct.latencies.crit2)) {
    row <- clean.correct.latencies.crit2[i, ]
    avg <- sum(row, na.rm = TRUE) / num.clean.correct.crit2[i]
    clean.std.correct.crit2[i] <- sqrt(sum((row - avg)^2, na.rm = TRUE) / (num.clean.correct.crit2[i] - 1))
  clean.std.correct.crit2[clean.std.correct.crit2 == 0] <- NA # when fastprt.drop is off and fasttrial.drop is on, this may happen b/c all trials are cut
  clean.std.correct.crit2[clean.std.correct.crit2 == Inf] <- NA
  clean.std.correct.crit2[is.nan(clean.std.correct.crit2)] <- NA

  ## grab means for correct, cleaned values and add error penalty
  # NA handling: only performs calculations for non-missing values
  # NOTE: replacing values with means and penalties may accidentally resurrect dropped trials. logic now only replaces for nonmissing values.

  # crit1
  clean.correct.means.crit1 <- rowMeans(clean.correct.latencies.crit1, na.rm = TRUE)
  clean.correct.means.crit1[is.nan(clean.correct.means.crit1)] <- NA
  for (i in 1:nrow(clean.latencies.crit1)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(clean.latencies.crit1)) {
      if (!is.na(raw.correct.crit1[i, j])) {
        if (error.penalty == TRUE && is.numeric(error.penalty.ms)) {
          if (raw.correct.crit1[i, j] == "X" && !is.na(clean.latencies.crit1[i, j])) {
            clean.latencies.crit1[i, j] <- clean.correct.means.crit1[i] + error.penalty.ms
        } else if (error.penalty == TRUE && error.penalty.ms == "2SD") {
          if (raw.correct.crit1[i, j] == "X" && !is.na(clean.latencies.crit1[i, j])) {
            clean.latencies.crit1[i, j] <- clean.correct.means.crit1[i] + 2 * clean.std.correct.crit1[i]
        } else if (error.penalty == FALSE) {
          if (raw.correct.crit1[i, j] == "X" && !is.na(clean.latencies.crit1[i, j])) {
            clean.latencies.crit1[i, j] <- clean.latencies.crit1[i, j]
        if (raw.correct.crit1[i, j] == "C") {
          clean.latencies.crit1[i, j] <- clean.correct.latencies.crit1[i, j]
      if (is.na(raw.correct.crit1[i, j])) {
        clean.latencies.crit1[i, j] <- NA
      } # should already be NA because they were dropped or missing but just to be safe

  # crit2
  clean.correct.means.crit2 <- rowMeans(clean.correct.latencies.crit2, na.rm = TRUE)
  clean.correct.means.crit2[is.nan(clean.correct.means.crit2)] <- NA
  for (i in 1:nrow(clean.latencies.crit2)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(clean.latencies.crit2)) {
      if (!is.na(raw.correct.crit2[i, j])) {
        if (error.penalty == TRUE && is.numeric(error.penalty.ms)) {
          if (raw.correct.crit2[i, j] == "X" && !is.na(clean.latencies.crit2[i, j])) {
            clean.latencies.crit2[i, j] <- clean.correct.means.crit2[i] + error.penalty.ms
        } else if (error.penalty == TRUE && error.penalty.ms == "2SD") {
          if (raw.correct.crit2[i, j] == "X" && !is.na(clean.latencies.crit2[i, j])) {
            clean.latencies.crit2[i, j] <- clean.correct.means.crit2[i] + 2 * clean.std.correct.crit2[i]
        } else if (error.penalty == FALSE) {
          if (raw.correct.crit2[i, j] == "X" && !is.na(clean.latencies.crit2[i, j])) {
            clean.latencies.crit2[i, j] <- clean.latencies.crit2[i, j]
        if (raw.correct.crit2[i, j] == "C") {
          clean.latencies.crit2[i, j] <- clean.correct.latencies.crit2[i, j]
      if (is.na(raw.correct.crit2[i, j])) {
        clean.latencies.crit2[i, j] <- NA
      } # should already be NA because they were dropped or missing but just to be safe

  ## saves clean blocks means
  clean.means.crit1 <- rowMeans(clean.latencies.crit1, na.rm = TRUE)
  clean.means.crit1[is.nan(clean.means.crit1)] <- NA
  clean.means.crit2 <- rowMeans(clean.latencies.crit2, na.rm = TRUE)
  clean.means.crit2[is.nan(clean.means.crit2)] <- NA

  ## generate inclusive SD for D score; use apply for rowSDs. Get a grand SD for psychometrics testing
  inclusive.sd.crit <- apply(cbind(clean.latencies.crit1, clean.latencies.crit2), 1, sd, na.rm = T)
  grand.sd <- apply(cbind(clean.latencies.crit1, clean.latencies.crit2), 1, sd, na.rm = T)

  ## final total for calculations
  num.clean.trials <- num.clean.trials.crit1 + num.clean.trials.crit2

  # save error rate on non-eliminated trials
  error.rate <- cbind(clean.correct.crit1, clean.correct.crit2)
  error.rate[error.rate == "C"] <- 0
  error.rate[error.rate == "X"] <- 1
  for (j in 1:ncol(error.rate)) {
    error.rate[, j] <- as.numeric(error.rate[, j])
  error.num <- rowSums(error.rate, na.rm = T)
  error.num[skipped] <- NA # drop skips!
  error.rate <- error.num / num.clean.trials
  error.rate[error.num == 0] <- 0 # make zero for people with no errors
  error.num[drop.participant == TRUE] <- NA
  error.rate[drop.participant == TRUE] <- NA
  error.rate[error.rate == Inf] <- NA

  # rename for use as prt variable
  error.num.prt <- error.num
  error.rate.prt <- error.rate

  # calcualte for whole sample
  error.rate <- sum(error.num, na.rm = T) / sum(num.clean.trials, na.rm = T)

  # save error rate on non-eliminated trials - crit1
  error.rate.crit1 <- cbind(clean.correct.crit1)
  error.rate.crit1[error.rate.crit1 == "C"] <- 0
  error.rate.crit1[error.rate.crit1 == "X"] <- 1
  for (j in 1:ncol(error.rate.crit1)) {
    error.rate.crit1[, j] <- as.numeric(error.rate.crit1[, j])
  error.num.crit1 <- rowSums(error.rate.crit1, na.rm = T)
  error.num.crit1[skipped] <- NA # drop skips!
  error.rate.crit1 <- error.num.crit1 / num.clean.trials.crit1
  error.rate.crit1[error.num.crit1 == 0] <- 0 # make zero for people with no errors
  error.num.crit1[drop.participant == TRUE] <- NA
  error.rate.crit1[drop.participant == TRUE] <- NA
  error.rate.crit1[error.rate.crit1 == Inf] <- NA
  error.rate.crit1 <- sum(error.num.crit1, na.rm = T) / sum(num.clean.trials.crit1, na.rm = T)

  # save error rate on non-eliminated trials - crit2
  error.rate.crit2 <- cbind(clean.correct.crit2)
  error.rate.crit2[error.rate.crit2 == "C"] <- 0
  error.rate.crit2[error.rate.crit2 == "X"] <- 1
  for (j in 1:ncol(error.rate.crit2)) {
    error.rate.crit2[, j] <- as.numeric(error.rate.crit2[, j])
  error.num.crit2 <- rowSums(error.rate.crit2, na.rm = T)
  error.num.crit2[skipped] <- NA # drop skips!
  error.rate.crit2 <- error.num.crit2 / num.clean.trials.crit2
  error.rate.crit2[error.num.crit2 == 0] <- 0 # make zero for people with no errors
  error.num.crit2[drop.participant == TRUE] <- NA
  error.rate.crit2[drop.participant == TRUE] <- NA
  error.rate.crit2[error.rate.crit2 == Inf] <- NA
  error.rate.crit2 <- sum(error.num.crit2, na.rm = T) / sum(num.clean.trials.crit2, na.rm = T)

  ## Dscore

  diff.crit <- clean.means.crit2 - clean.means.crit1

  D <- diff.crit / inclusive.sd.crit

    skipped = skipped,
    raw.latencies.crit1 = raw.latencies.crit1,
    raw.latencies.crit2 = raw.latencies.crit2,
    raw.stim.number.crit1 = raw.stim.number.crit1,
    raw.stim.number.crit2 = raw.stim.number.crit2,
    raw.correct.crit1 = raw.correct.crit1,
    raw.correct.crit2 = raw.correct.crit2,
    timeout.drop = timeout.drop,
    timeout.ms = timeout.ms,
    num.timeout.removed = num.timeout.removed,
    timeout.rate = timeout.rate,
    num.timeout.removed.crit1 = num.timeout.removed.crit1,
    num.timeout.removed.crit2 = num.timeout.removed.crit2,
    fasttrial.drop = fasttrial.drop,
    fasttrial.ms = fasttrial.ms,
    num.fasttrial.removed = num.fasttrial.removed,
    fasttrial.rate = fasttrial.rate,
    num.fasttrial.removed.crit1 = num.fasttrial.removed.crit1,
    num.fasttrial.removed.crit2 = num.fasttrial.removed.crit2,
    fastprt.drop = fastprt.drop,
    fastprt.ms = fastprt.ms,
    fastprt.percent = fastprt.percent,
    drop.participant = drop.participant,
    fastprt.count = fastprt.count,
    fastprt.rate = fastprt.rate,
    error.penalty = error.penalty,
    error.num.prt = error.num.prt,
    error.rate.prt = error.rate.prt,
    error.rate = error.rate,
    error.rate.crit1 = error.rate.crit1,
    error.rate.crit2 = error.rate.crit2,
    clean.latencies.crit1 = clean.latencies.crit1,
    clean.latencies.crit2 = clean.latencies.crit2,
    clean.stim.number.crit1 = clean.stim.number.crit1,
    clean.stim.number.crit2 = clean.stim.number.crit2,
    clean.correct.crit1 = clean.correct.crit1,
    clean.correct.crit2 = clean.correct.crit2,
    clean.means.crit1 = clean.means.crit1,
    clean.means.crit2 = clean.means.crit2,
    diff.crit = diff.crit,
    inclusive.sd.crit = inclusive.sd.crit,
    grand.sd = grand.sd,
    D = D
iatgen/iatgen documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 10:55 a.m.