
Defines functions taf.skeleton

Documented in taf.skeleton

#' TAF Skeleton
#' Create initial directories and R scripts for a new TAF analysis.
#' @param path where to create initial directories and R scripts. The default is
#'        the current working directory.
#' @param force whether to overwrite existing scripts.
#' @param pkgs packages to load at the start of each script. The default is the
#'        TAF package, i.e. \code{library(TAF)}.
#' @param model.script model script filename, either \code{model.R} (default) or
#'        \code{method.R}.
#' @param gitignore whether to write TAF entries to a \file{.gitignore} file.
#' @details
#' When \code{gitignore = TRUE}, the following entries will be written to a
#' \verb{.gitignore} file, appending if the file exists already:
#' \preformatted{
#' /boot/data
#' /boot/library
#' /boot/software
#' /data
#' /model
#' /output
#' /report
#' *.Rproj
#' .RData
#' .Rhistory
#' .Rproj.user
#' .Ruserdata
#' }
#' @return Full path to analysis directory.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{package.skeleton}} creates an empty template for a new R package.
#' \code{\link{TAF-package}} gives an overview of the package.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' taf.skeleton()
#' }
#' @export

taf.skeleton <- function(path = ".", force = FALSE, pkgs = "TAF",
                         model.script = "model.R", gitignore = TRUE)
  # only overwrite files if force = TRUE
  safe.cat <- function(..., file, force) {
    if (!file.exists(file) || force) {
      cat(..., file = file)

  # create analysis directory
  owd <- setwd(path)

  # create initial directories

  # define headers
  template <- paste0("## %s\n\n## Before:\n## After:\n\n",
                     paste0("library(", pkgs, ")", collapse = "\n"),
  headers <- list(
    data = "Preprocess data, write TAF data tables",
    model = "Run analysis, write model results",
    output = "Extract results of interest, write TAF output tables",
    report = "Prepare plots and tables for report")
  if (model.script %in% c("method", "method.R")) {
    names(headers)[2] <- "method"

  # create TAF scripts
  for (section in names(headers)) {
    safe.cat(sprintf(template, headers[[section]], section),
             file = paste0(section, ".R"),
             force = force)

  if (gitignore) {
    ignore <- c("/boot/data", "/boot/library", "/boot/software", "/data",
                paste0("/", file_path_sans_ext(model.script)), "/output",
                "/report", "*.Rproj", ".RData", ".Rhistory", ".Rproj.user",
      ignore <- ignore[!ignore %in% readLines(".gitignore")]
    write(ignore, ".gitignore", append = TRUE)

ices-tools-prod/TAF documentation built on Nov. 15, 2024, 1:01 a.m.