
Defines functions get_joint_decomposition get_individual_decomposition get_final_decomposition get_joint_scores get_sv_threshold ajive

Documented in ajive get_final_decomposition get_individual_decomposition get_joint_decomposition get_joint_scores get_sv_threshold

#' Angle based Joint and Individual Variation Explained
#' Computes the JIVE decomposition.
#' @param blocks List. A list of the data matrices.
#' @param initial_signal_ranks Vector. The initial signal rank estimates.
#' @param full Boolean. Whether or not to store the full J, I, E matrices or just their SVDs (set to FALSE to save memory).
#' @param n_wedin_samples Integer. Number of wedin bound samples to draw for each data matrix.
#' @param n_rand_dir_samples Integer. Number of random direction bound samples to draw.
#' @param joint_rank Integer or NA. User specified joint_rank. If NA will be estimated from data.

#' @return The JIVE decomposition.
#' @examples
#' blocks <- sample_toy_data(n=200, dx=100, dy=500)
#' initial_signal_ranks <- c(2, 2)
#' jive_decomp <- ajive(blocks, initial_signal_ranks)
#' joint_scores <- jive_decomp[['joint_scores']]
#' J_1 <- jive_decomp[[1]][['joint']][['full']]
#' U_individual_2 <- jive_decomp[[2]][['individual']][['u']]
#' individual_rank_2 <- jive_decomp[[2]][['individual']][['rank']]
#' @export
ajive <- function(blocks, initial_signal_ranks, full=TRUE, n_wedin_samples=1000, n_rand_dir_samples=1000, joint_rank=NA){

    K <- length(blocks)

    if(K < 2){
        stop('ajive expects at least two data matrices.')

    if(sum(sapply(blocks,function(X) any(is.na(X)))) > 0){
        stop('Some of the blocks has missing data -- ajive expects full data matrices.')

    # TODO: should we give the option to center the data?
    # if(center){
    #     blocks <- lapply(blocks,function(X) scale(X, center=T, scale=FALSE))
    # }

    # step 1: initial signal space extraction --------------------------------
    # initial estimate of signal space with SVD

    block_svd <- list()
    sv_thresholds <- rep(0, K)
    for(k in 1:K){

        block_svd[[k]] <- get_svd(blocks[[k]])

        sv_thresholds[k] <- get_sv_threshold(singular_values = block_svd[[k]][['d']],


    # step 2: joint sapce estimation -------------------------------------------------------------

    out <- get_joint_scores(blocks, block_svd, initial_signal_ranks, sv_thresholds,
    joint_rank_sel_results <- out$rank_sel_results
    joint_scores <- out$joint_scores

    joint_rank <- out[['rank_sel_results']][['joint_rank_estimate']] # dim(joint_scores)[2]

    # step 3: final decomposition -----------------------------------------------------

    block_decomps <- list()
    for(k in 1:K){
        block_decomps[[k]] <- get_final_decomposition(X=blocks[[k]],

    jive_decomposition <- list(block_decomps=block_decomps)
    jive_decomposition[['joint_scores']] <- joint_scores
    jive_decomposition[['joint_rank']] <- joint_rank

    jive_decomposition[['joint_rank_sel']] <- joint_rank_sel_results

#' The singular value threshold.
#' Computes the singluar value theshold for the data matrix (half way between the rank and rank + 1 singluar value).
#' @param singular_values Numeric. The singular values.
#' @param rank Integer. The rank of the approximation.
get_sv_threshold <- function(singular_values, rank){

    .5 * (singular_values[rank] + singular_values[rank + 1])

#' Computes the joint scores.
#' Estimate the joint rank with the wedin bound, compute the signal scores SVD, double check each joint component.
#' @param blocks List. A list of the data matrices.
#' @param block_svd List. The SVD of the data blocks.
#' @param initial_signal_ranks Numeric vector. Initial signal ranks estimates.
#' @param sv_thresholds Numeric vector. The singular value thresholds from the initial signal rank estimates.
#' @param n_wedin_samples Integer. Number of wedin bound samples to draw for each data matrix.
#' @param n_rand_dir_samples Integer. Number of random direction bound samples to draw.
#' @param joint_rank Integer or NA. User specified joint_rank. If NA will be estimated from data.
#' @return Matrix. The joint scores.
get_joint_scores <- function(blocks, block_svd, initial_signal_ranks, sv_thresholds,
                             n_wedin_samples=1000, n_rand_dir_samples=1000,

    if(is.na(n_wedin_samples) & is.na(n_rand_dir_samples) & is.na(joint_rank)){
        stop('at least one of n_wedin_samples, n_rand_dir_samples, or joint_rank must not be NA',

    K <- length(blocks)
    n_obs <- dim(blocks[[1]])[1]

    # SVD of the signal scores matrix -----------------------------------------
    signal_scores <- list()
    for(k in 1:K){
        signal_scores[[k]] <- block_svd[[k]][['u']][, 1:initial_signal_ranks[k]]

    M <- do.call(cbind, signal_scores)
    M_svd <- get_svd(M, rank=min(initial_signal_ranks))

    # estimate joint rank with wedin bound and random direction bound -------------------------------------------------------------

    rank_sel_results  <- list()
    rank_sel_results[['obs_svals']] <- M_svd[['d']]


        # maybe comptue wedin bound

            block_wedin_samples <- matrix(NA, K, n_wedin_samples)

            for(k in 1:K){
                block_wedin_samples[k, ] <- get_wedin_bound_samples(X=blocks[[k]],

            wedin_samples <-  K - colSums(block_wedin_samples)
            wedin_svsq_threshold <- quantile(wedin_samples, .05)

            rank_sel_results[['wedin']] <- list(block_wedin_samples=block_wedin_samples,
        } else{
            wedin_svsq_threshold <- NA

        # maybe compute random direction bound

            rand_dir_samples <- get_random_direction_bound(n_obs=n_obs, dims=initial_signal_ranks, num_samples=n_rand_dir_samples)
            rand_dir_svsq_threshold <- quantile(rand_dir_samples, .95)

            rank_sel_results[['rand_dir']] <- list(rand_dir_samples=rand_dir_samples,

        } else {
            rand_dir_svsq_threshold <- NA

        overall_sv_sq_threshold <- max(wedin_svsq_threshold, rand_dir_svsq_threshold, na.rm=TRUE)
        joint_rank_estimate <- sum(M_svd[['d']]^2 > overall_sv_sq_threshold)

        rank_sel_results[['overall_sv_sq_threshold']] <- overall_sv_sq_threshold
        rank_sel_results[['joint_rank_estimate']] <- joint_rank_estimate

    } else { # user provided joint rank
        joint_rank_estimate <- joint_rank
        rank_sel_results[['joint_rank_estimate']] <- joint_rank

    # estimate joint score space ------------------------------------

    if(joint_rank_estimate >= 1){
        joint_scores <- M_svd[['u']][ , 1:joint_rank_estimate, drop=FALSE]

        # reconsider joint score space ------------------------------------
        # remove columns of joint_scores that have a
        # trivial projection from one of the data matrices

        to_remove <- c()
        for(k in 1:K){
            for(j in 1:joint_rank_estimate){

                score <- t(blocks[[k]]) %*% joint_scores[ , j]
                sv <- norm(score)

                if(sv < sv_thresholds[[k]]){
                    print(paste('removing column', j))
                    to_remove <- c(to_remove, j)

        to_keep <- setdiff(1:joint_rank_estimate, to_remove)
        joint_rank <- length(to_keep)
        joint_scores <- joint_scores[ , to_keep, drop=FALSE]
    } else {
        joint_scores <- NA

    list(joint_scores=joint_scores, rank_sel_results=rank_sel_results)

#' Computes the final JIVE decomposition.
#' Computes X = J + I + E for a single data block and the respective SVDs.
#' @param X Matrix. The original data matrix.
#' @param joint_scores Matrix. The basis of the joint space (dimension n x joint_rank).
#' @param sv_threshold Numeric vector. The singular value thresholds from the initial signal rank estimates.
#' @param full Boolean. Do we compute the full J, I matrices or just the SVDs (set to FALSE to save memory)..
get_final_decomposition <- function(X, joint_scores, sv_threshold, full=TRUE){

    jive_decomposition <- list()
    jive_decomposition[['individual']] <- get_individual_decomposition(X, joint_scores, sv_threshold, full)
    jive_decomposition[['joint']] <- get_joint_decomposition(X, joint_scores, full)

        jive_decomposition[['noise']] <- X - (jive_decomposition[['joint']][['full']] +
    } else{
        jive_decomposition[['noise']] <- NA


#' Computes the individual matix for a data block.
#' @param X Matrix. The original data matrix.
#' @param joint_scores Matrix. The basis of the joint space (dimension n x joint_rank).
#' @param sv_threshold Numeric vector. The singular value thresholds from the initial signal rank estimates.
#' @param full Boolean. Do we compute the full J, I matrices or just the SVD (set to FALSE to save memory).
get_individual_decomposition <- function(X, joint_scores, sv_threshold, full=TRUE){

        indiv_decomposition <- get_svd(X)
    } else{
        X_orthog <- (diag(dim(X)[1]) - joint_scores %*% t(joint_scores)) %*% X
        indiv_decomposition <- get_svd(X_orthog)

    indiv_rank <- sum(indiv_decomposition[['d']] > sv_threshold)

    indiv_decomposition <- truncate_svd(decomposition=indiv_decomposition, rank=indiv_rank)

        indiv_decomposition[['full']] <- svd_reconstruction(indiv_decomposition)
    } else{
        indiv_decomposition[['full']] <- NA

    indiv_decomposition[['rank']] <- indiv_rank

#' Computes the joint matix for a data block.
#' @param X Matrix. The original data matrix.
#' @param joint_scores Matrix. The basis of the joint space (dimension n x joint_rank).
#' @param full Boolean. Do we compute the full J, I matrices or just the SVD (set to FALSE to save memory).
get_joint_decomposition <- function(X, joint_scores, full=TRUE){

        joint_decomposition <- list(full= NA, rank=0, u=NA, d=NA, v=NA)
    joint_rank <- dim(joint_scores)[2]
    J <-  joint_scores %*% t(joint_scores) %*% X

    joint_decomposition <- get_svd(J, joint_rank)

        joint_decomposition[['full']] <- J
    } else{
        joint_decomposition[['full']] <- NA

    joint_decomposition[['rank']] <- joint_rank

idc9/r_jive documentation built on Oct. 20, 2020, 4:23 p.m.