Man pages for igraph/rigraph
Network Analysis and Visualization

aaa-igraph-packageThe igraph package
add_edgesAdd edges to a graph
add.edgesAdd edges to a graph
add_layout_Add layout to graph
add.vertex.shapeVarious vertex shapes when plotting igraph graphs
add_verticesAdd vertices to a graph
add.verticesAdd vertices to a graph
adjacent.trianglesFind triangles in graphs
adjacent_verticesAdjacent vertices of multiple vertices in a graph an evolving random graph with preferential...
aging.barabasi.gameGenerate an evolving random graph with preferential...
aging.prefatt.gameGenerate an evolving random graph with preferential...
all_simple_pathsList all simple paths from one source
alpha_centralityFind Bonacich alpha centrality scores of network positions
alpha.centralityFind Bonacich alpha centrality scores of network positions
are_adjacentAre two vertices adjacent?
are.connectedAre two vertices adjacent?
arpackARPACK eigenvector calculation
articulation_pointsArticulation points and bridges of a graph
articulation.pointsArticulation points and bridges of a graph
as_adjConvert a graph to an adjacency matrix
as_adjacency_matrixConvert a graph to an adjacency matrix
as_adj_listAdjacency lists
as_biadjacency_matrixBipartite adjacency matrix of a bipartite graph
as_directedConvert between directed and undirected graphs
as.directedConvert between directed and undirected graphs
as_edgelistConvert a graph to an edge list
as_graphnelConvert igraph graphs to graphNEL objects from the graph...
as_idsConvert a vertex or edge sequence to an ordinary vector
as.igraphConversion to igraph
as_incidence_matrixAs incidence matrix
as_long_data_frameConvert a graph to a long data frame
as.matrix.igraphConvert igraph objects to adjacency or edge list matrices
as_membershipDeclare a numeric vector as a membership vector
assortativityAssortativity coefficient
assortativity.degreeAssortativity coefficient
assortativity.nominalAssortativity coefficient
as.undirectedConvert between undirected and unundirected graphs
asymmetric.preference.gameTrait-based random generation
authority.scoreKleinberg's hub and authority centrality scores.
autocurve.edgesOptimal edge curvature when plotting graphs
automorphism_groupGenerating set of the automorphism group of a graph
automorphismsNumber of automorphisms
average.path.lengthShortest (directed or undirected) paths between vertices
ba.gameGenerate random graphs using preferential attachment
barabasi.gameGenerate random graphs using preferential attachment
betweennessVertex and edge betweenness centrality
bfsBreadth-first search
biconnected_componentsBiconnected components
biconnected.componentsBiconnected components
bipartite_mappingDecide whether a graph is bipartite
bipartite.mappingDecide whether a graph is bipartite
bipartite_projectionProject a bipartite graph
bipartite.projectionProject a bipartite graph
bipartite.projection.sizeProject a bipartite graph
bipartite.random.gameBipartite random graphs
blockGraphsCalculate Cohesive Blocks
bonpowFind Bonacich Power Centrality Scores of Network Positions
callaway.traits.gameGraph generation based on different vertex types
canonical_permutationCanonical permutation of a graph
canonical.permutationCanonical permutation of a graph
categorical_palPalette for categories
centralization.betweennessCentralize a graph according to the betweenness of vertices
centralization.betweenness.tmaxTheoretical maximum for betweenness centralization
centralization.closenessCentralize a graph according to the closeness of vertices
centralization.closeness.tmaxTheoretical maximum for closeness centralization
centralization.degreeCentralize a graph according to the degrees of vertices maximum for degree centralization
centralization.evcentCentralize a graph according to the eigenvector centrality of...
centralization.evcent.tmaxTheoretical maximum for betweenness centralization
centralizeCentralization of a graph
centralize.scoresCentralization of a graph
centr_betwCentralize a graph according to the betweenness of vertices
centr_betw_tmaxTheoretical maximum for betweenness centralization
centr_cloCentralize a graph according to the closeness of vertices
centr_clo_tmaxTheoretical maximum for closeness centralization
centr_degreeCentralize a graph according to the degrees of vertices
centr_degree_tmaxTheoretical maximum for degree centralization
centr_eigenCentralize a graph according to the eigenvector centrality of...
centr_eigen_tmaxTheoretical maximum for eigenvector centralization
c.igraph.esConcatenate edge sequences
c.igraph.vsConcatenate vertex sequences
cited.type.gameRandom citation graphs
citing.cited.type.gameRandom citation graphs
clique.numberFunctions to find cliques, i.e. complete subgraphs in a graph
cliquesFunctions to find cliques, i.e. complete subgraphs in a graph
closenessCloseness centrality of vertices
cluster.distributionConnected components of a graph
cluster_edge_betweennessCommunity structure detection based on edge betweenness
cluster_fast_greedyCommunity structure via greedy optimization of modularity
cluster_fluid_communitiesCommunity detection algorithm based on interacting fluids
cluster_infomapInfomap community finding
cluster_label_propFinding communities based on propagating labels
cluster_leading_eigenCommunity structure detecting based on the leading...
cluster_leidenFinding community structure of a graph using the Leiden...
cluster_louvainFinding community structure by multi-level optimization of...
cluster_optimalOptimal community structure
clustersConnected components of a graph
cluster_spinglassFinding communities in graphs based on statistical meachanics
cluster_walktrapCommunity structure via short random walks
cocitationCocitation coupling
code.lengthFunctions to deal with the result of network community...
cohesive_blocksCalculate Cohesive Blocks
cohesive.blocksCalculate Cohesive Blocks
communitiesFunctions to deal with the result of network community...
compareCompares community structures using various metrics
complementerComplementer of a graph
componentsConnected components of a graph
component_wiseComponent-wise layout
composeCompose two graphs as binary relations
connect.neighborhoodNeighborhood of graph vertices
consensus_treeCreate a consensus tree from several hierarchical random...
consoleThe igraph console
constraintBurt's constraint
contractContract several vertices into a single one
contract.verticesContract several vertices into a single one
convex_hullConvex hull of a set of vertices
convex.hullConvex hull of a set of vertices
corenessK-core decomposition of graphs
count_automorphismsNumber of automorphisms
count_isomorphismsCount the number of isomorphic mappings between two graphs
count_motifsGraph motifs
count.multipleFind the multiple or loop edges in a graph
count_subgraph_isomorphismsCount the isomorphic mappings between a graph and the...
count_trianglesFind triangles in graphs
create.communitiesCreates a communities object.
curve_multipleOptimal edge curvature when plotting graphs
cutatFunctions to deal with the result of network community...
decomposeDecompose a graph into components
decompose.graphDecompose a graph into components
degreeDegree and degree distribution of the vertices
degree.distributionDegree and degree distribution of the vertices
degree.sequence.gameGenerate random graphs with a given degree sequence
delete_edge_attrDelete an edge attribute
delete_edgesDelete edges from a graph
delete.edgesDelete edges from a graph
delete_graph_attrDelete a graph attribute
delete_vertex_attrDelete a vertex attribute
delete_verticesDelete vertices from a graph
delete.verticesDelete vertices from a graph
dendPlotCommunity structure dendrogram plots
dfsDepth-first search
diameterDiameter of a graph
differenceDifference of two sets
difference.igraphDifference of graphs
difference.igraph.esDifference of edge sequences
difference.igraph.vsDifference of vertex sequences
dim_selectDimensionality selection for singular values using profile...
disjoint_unionDisjoint union of graphs
distancesShortest (directed or undirected) paths between vertices
diverging_palDiverging palette
diversityGraph diversity
dominator_treeDominator tree
dominator.treeDominator tree
dot-apply_modifiersApplies a set of constructor modifiers to an already...
dot-data'.data' and '.env' pronouns
dot-extract_constructor_and_modifiersTakes an argument list and extracts the constructor...
dot-igraph.progressigraph progress
dot-igraph.statusigraph status
dyad_censusDyad census of a graph
dyad.censusDyad census of a graph
EEdges of a graph
each_edgeRewires the endpoints of the edges of a graph to a random...
eccentricityEccentricity of the vertices in a graph
edgeHelper function for adding and deleting edges
edge_attrQuery edge attributes of a graph
edge_attr_namesList names of edge attributes
edge_attr-setSet one or more edge attributes
edge.betweennessVertex and edge betweenness centrality
edge.betweenness.communityCommunity structure detection based on edge betweenness
edge_connectivityEdge connectivity
edge.connectivityEdge connectivity
edge_densityGraph density
edge.disjoint.pathsEdge connectivity
egoNeighborhood of graph vertices
eigen_centralityEigenvector centrality of vertices
embed_adjacency_matrixSpectral Embedding of Adjacency Matrices
embed_laplacian_matrixSpectral Embedding of the Laplacian of a Graph
endsIncident vertices of some graph edges
erdos.renyi.gameGenerate random graphs according to the Erdős-Rényi model
establishment.gameGraph generation based on different vertex types
estimate_betweennessDeprecated version of 'betweenness()'
estimate_closenessDeprecated version of 'closeness()'
estimate_edge_betweennessDeprecated version of 'edge_betweenness()'
evcentFind Eigenvector Centrality Scores of Network Positions
exportPajekCalculate Cohesive Blocks
farthest.nodesDiameter of a graph
fastgreedy.communityCommunity structure via greedy optimization of modularity
feedback_arc_setFinding a feedback arc set in a graph
fit_hrgFit a hierarchical random graph model
fit_power_lawFitting a power-law distribution function to discrete data Fire Network Model
from_incidence_matrixGraph from incidence matrix
get.adjacencyConvert a graph to an adjacency matrix
get.adjedgelistAdjacency lists
get.adjlistAdjacency lists
get.all.shortest.pathsShortest (directed or undirected) paths between vertices igraph graphs from data frames or vice-versa
get.diameterDiameter of a graph
get.edgeIncident vertices of some graph edges
get.edge.attributeQuery edge attributes of a graph
get_edge_idsFind the edge ids based on the incident vertices of the edges
get.edge.idsFind the edge ids based on the incident vertices of the edges
get.edgelistConvert a graph to an edge list
get.graph.attributeGraph attributes of a graph
getIgraphOptParameters for the igraph package
get.incidenceBipartite adjacency matrix of a bipartite graph
get.shortest.pathsShortest (directed or undirected) paths between vertices
get.stochasticStochastic matrix of a graph
get.vertex.attributeQuery vertex attributes of a graph
girthGirth of a graph
global_efficiencyEfficiency of a graph
gorderOrder (number of vertices) of a graph
graphCreate an igraph graph from a list of edges, or a notable...
graph_Convert object to a graph
graph.adhesionEdge connectivity
graph.adjacencyCreate graphs from adjacency matrices
graph.adjlistCreate graphs from adjacency lists
graph.atlasCreate a graph from the Graph Atlas
graph_attrGraph attributes of a graph
graph_attr_namesList names of graph attributes
graph_attr-setSet all or some graph attributes
graph.automorphismsNumber of automorphisms
graph.bfsBreadth-first search
graph.bipartiteCreate a bipartite graph
graph_centerCentral vertices of a graph
graph.cohesionVertex connectivity
graph.complementerComplementer of a graph
graph.composeCompose two graphs as binary relations
graph.corenessK-core decomposition of graphs igraph graphs from data frames or vice-versa Bruijn graphs
graph.densityGraph density
graph.dfsDepth-first search
graph.differenceDifference of two sets
graph.disjoint.unionDisjoint union of graphs
graph.diversityGraph diversity
graph.edgelistCreate a graph from an edge list matrix
graph.eigenEigenvalues and eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix of a...
graph.emptyA graph with no edges
graph.extended.chordal.ringCreate an extended chordal ring graph
graph.famousCreate an igraph graph from a list of edges, or a notable...
graph.formulaCreating (small) graphs via a simple interface
graph_from_adjacency_matrixCreate graphs from adjacency matrices
graph_from_adj_listCreate graphs from adjacency lists
graph_from_atlasCreate a graph from the Graph Atlas
graph_from_biadjacency_matrixCreate graphs from a bipartite adjacency matrix
graph_from_data_frameCreating igraph graphs from data frames or vice-versa
graph_from_edgelistCreate a graph from an edge list matrix
graph_from_graphdbLoad a graph from the graph database for testing graph...
graph_from_graphnelConvert graphNEL objects from the graph package to igraph
graph_from_incidence_matrixFrom incidence matrix
graph_from_isomorphism_classCreate a graph from an isomorphism class
graph_from_lcfCreating a graph from LCF notation
graph_from_literalCreating (small) graphs via a simple interface
graph.fullCreate a full graph
graph.full.bipartiteCreate a full bipartite graph
graph.full.citationCreate a complete (full) citation graph
graph.graphdbLoad a graph from the graph database for testing graph...
graph_idGet the id of a graph
graph.incidenceCreate graphs from a bipartite adjacency matrix
graph.intersectionIntersection of two or more sets
graph.isocreateCreate a graph from an isomorphism class
graph.kautzKautz graphs
graph.knnAverage nearest neighbor degree
graph.laplacianGraph Laplacian
graph.latticeCreate a lattice graph
graph.lcfCreating a graph from LCF notation
graphlet_basisGraphlet decomposition of a graph
graphlets.candidate.basisGraphlet decomposition of a graph
graphlets.projectGraphlet decomposition of a graph
graph.maxflowMaximum flow in a graph
graph.mincutMinimum cut in a graph
graph.motifsGraph motifs
graph.motifs.estGraph motifs
graph.motifs.noGraph motifs
graph.neighborhoodNeighborhood of graph vertices
graph.ringCreate a ring graph
graph.starCreate a star graph, a tree with n vertices and n - 1 leaves
graph.strengthStrength or weighted vertex degree
graph.treeCreate tree graphs
graph.unionUnion of graphs
graph_versionigraph data structure versions
greedy_vertex_coloringGreedy vertex coloring
grg.gameGeometric random graphs
groupsGroups of a vertex partitioning
growing.random.gameGrowing random graph generation
gsizeThe size of the graph (number of edges)
handle_vertex_type_argCommon handler for vertex type arguments in igraph functions
harmonic_centralityHarmonic centrality of vertices
has_eulerian_pathFind Eulerian paths or cycles in a graph
has.multipleFind the multiple or loop edges in a graph
head_ofHead of the edge(s) in a graph
head_printPrint the only the head of an R object
hits_scoresKleinberg's hub and authority centrality scores.
hrgCreate a hierarchical random graph from an igraph graph
hrg.consensusCreate a consensus tree from several hierarchical random...
hrg.createCreate a hierarchical random graph from an igraph graph
hrg.dendrogramCreate an igraph graph from a hierarchical random graph model
hrg.fitFit a hierarchical random graph model
hrg.gameSample from a hierarchical random graph model
hrg-methodsHierarchical random graphs
hrg.predictPredict edges based on a hierarchical random graph model
hrg_treeCreate an igraph graph from a hierarchical random graph model
hub_scoreKleinberg's authority centrality scores.
hub.scoreKleinberg's hub and authority centrality scores.
identical_graphsDecide if two graphs are identical
igraph-attribute-combinationHow igraph functions handle attributes when the graph changes
igraph.consoleThe igraph console
igraphdemoRun igraph demos, step by step
igraph_demoRun igraph demos, step by step
igraph-dollarGetting and setting graph attributes, shortcut
igraph-es-attributesQuery or set attributes of the edges in an edge sequence
igraph-es-indexingIndexing edge sequences
igraph-es-indexing2Select edges and show their metadata
igraph.from.graphNELConvert graphNEL objects from the graph package to igraph
igraph-minusDelete vertices or edges from a graph
igraph_optionsParameters for the igraph package
igraph.optionsParameters for the igraph package
igraph.sampleSampling a random integer sequence
igraph.shape.noclipVarious vertex shapes when plotting igraph graphs
igraph.shape.noplotVarious vertex shapes when plotting igraph graphs igraph graphs to graphNEL objects from the graph...
igraph_versionQuery igraph's version string
igraph.versionQuery igraph's version string
igraph-vs-attributesQuery or set attributes of the vertices in a vertex sequence
igraph-vs-indexingIndexing vertex sequences
igraph-vs-indexing2Select vertices and show their metadata
incidentIncident edges of a vertex in a graph
incident_edgesIncident edges of multiple vertices in a graph
indent_printIndent a printout
independence.numberIndependent vertex sets
independent.vertex.setsIndependent vertex sets
induced.subgraphSubgraph of a graph
infomap.communityInfomap community finding
inside-square-errorHelpers within vertex/index sequences
interconnected.islands.gameA graph with subgraphs that are each a random graph.
intersectionIntersection of two or more sets
intersection.igraphIntersection of graphs
intersection.igraph.esIntersection of edge sequences
intersection.igraph.vsIntersection of vertex sequences
is_acyclicAcyclic graphs
is_biconnectedCheck biconnectedness
is_bipartiteChecks whether the graph has a vertex attribute called...
is.bipartiteChecks whether the graph has a vertex attribute called 'type'
is_chordalChordality of a graph
is.chordalChordality of a graph
is.connectedConnected components of a graph
is_dagDirected acyclic graphs
is.dagDirected acyclic graphs if a degree sequence is valid for a multi-graph
is_degseqCheck if a degree sequence is valid for a multi-graph
is_directedCheck whether a graph is directed
is.directedCheck whether a graph is directed
is_forestDecide whether a graph is a forest.
is_graphicalIs a degree sequence graphical? a degree sequence graphical?
is.hierarchicalFunctions to deal with the result of network community...
is_igraphIs this object an igraph graph?
is.igraphIs this object an igraph graph?
is.loopFind the multiple or loop edges in a graph
is.minimal.separatorMinimal vertex separators
is_min_separatorMinimal vertex separators
is.multipleFind the multiple or loop edges in a graph
is.mutualFind mutual edges in a directed graph
is_namedNamed graphs
is.namedNamed graphs
isomorphicDecide if two graphs are isomorphic
isomorphism_classIsomorphism class of a graph
isomorphismsCalculate all isomorphic mappings between the vertices of two...
is_printer_callbackIs this a printer callback?
is_separatorCheck whether removing this set of vertices would disconnect...
is.separatorVertex separators
is.simpleSimple graphs
is_treeDecide whether a graph is a tree.
is_weightedWeighted graphs
is.weightedWeighted graphs
ivsIndependent vertex sets
keeping_degseqGraph rewiring while preserving the degree distribution
knnAverage nearest neighbor degree
k.regular.gameCreate a random regular graph
k_shortest_pathsFind the k shortest paths between two vertices
label.propagation.communityFinding communities based on propagating labels
laplacian_matrixGraph Laplacian
largest.cliquesFunctions to find cliques, i.e. complete subgraphs in a graph
largest.independent.vertex.setsIndependent vertex sets
lastcit.gameRandom citation graphs
layout_Graph layouts
layout_as_bipartiteSimple two-row layout for bipartite graphs
layout_as_starGenerate coordinates to place the vertices of a graph in a...
layout_as_treeThe Reingold-Tilford graph layout algorithm
layout.autoChoose an appropriate graph layout algorithm automatically
layout.bipartiteSimple two-row layout for bipartite graphs
layout.circleGraph layout with vertices on a circle
layout.davidson.harelThe Davidson-Harel layout algorithm
layout.drlThe DrL graph layout generator
layout.fruchterman.reingoldThe Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithm
layout.fruchterman.reingold.gridGrid Fruchterman-Reingold layout, this was removed from...
layout.gemThe GEM layout algorithm
layout.graphoptThe graphopt layout algorithm
layout.gridSimple grid layout
layout.grid.3dSimple grid layout
layout_in_circleGraph layout with vertices on a circle.
layout.kamada.kawaiThe Kamada-Kawai layout algorithm
layout.lglLarge Graph Layout
layout.mdsGraph layout by multidimensional scaling
layout.mergeMerging graph layouts
layout_nicelyChoose an appropriate graph layout algorithm automatically
layout.normNormalize coordinates for plotting graphs
layout_on_gridSimple grid layout
layout_on_sphereGraph layout with vertices on the surface of a sphere
layout.randomRandomly place vertices on a plane or in 3d space
layout_randomlyRandomly place vertices on a plane or in 3d space
layout.reingold.tilfordThe Reingold-Tilford graph layout algorithm
layout.sphereGraph layout with vertices on the surface of a sphere
layout.springSpring layout, this was removed from igraph
layout.starGenerate coordinates to place the vertices of a graph in a...
layout.sugiyamaThe Sugiyama graph layout generator
layout.svdSVD layout, this was removed from igraph
layout_with_dhThe Davidson-Harel layout algorithm
layout_with_drlThe DrL graph layout generator
layout_with_frThe Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithm
layout_with_gemThe GEM layout algorithm
layout_with_graphoptThe graphopt layout algorithm
layout_with_kkThe Kamada-Kawai layout algorithm
layout_with_lglLarge Graph Layout
layout_with_mdsGraph layout by multidimensional scaling
layout_with_sugiyamaThe Sugiyama graph layout generator
leading.eigenvector.communityCommunity structure detecting based on the leading...
line.graphLine graph of a graph
list.edge.attributesList names of edge attributes
list.graph.attributesList names of graph attributes
list.vertex.attributesList names of vertex attributes
local_scanCompute local scan statistics on graphs
make_Make a new graph
make_bipartite_graphCreate a bipartite graph
make_chordal_ringCreate an extended chordal ring graph
make_clustersCreates a communities object.
make_de_bruijn_graphDe Bruijn graphs
make_empty_graphA graph with no edges
make_from_pruferCreate an undirected tree graph from its Prüfer sequence
make_full_bipartite_graphCreate a full bipartite graph
make_full_citation_graphCreate a complete (full) citation graph
make_full_graphCreate a full graph
make_graphCreate an igraph graph from a list of edges, or a notable...
make_kautz_graphKautz graphs
make_latticeCreate a lattice graph
make_line_graphLine graph of a graph
make_ringCreate a ring graph
make_starCreate a star graph, a tree with n vertices and n - 1 leaves
make_treeCreate tree graphs
match_verticesMatch Graphs given a seeding of vertex correspondences
max_cardinalityMaximum cardinality search
maxcohesionCalculate Cohesive Blocks
max_flowMaximum flow in a graph
maximal.cliquesFunctions to find cliques, i.e. complete subgraphs in a graph
maximal.cliques.countFunctions to find cliques, i.e. complete subgraphs in a graph
maximal.independent.vertex.setsIndependent vertex sets
maximal_ivsMaximal independent vertex sets in the graph
maximum.cardinality.searchMaximum cardinality search
merge_coordsMerging graph layouts
min_cutMinimum cut in a graph size vertex separators
minimum.size.separatorsMinimum size vertex separators
minimum.spanning.treeMinimum spanning tree
min_separatorsMinimum size vertex separators
min_st_separatorsMinimum size vertex separators
mod.matrixModularity of a community structure of a graph
modularity.igraphModularity of a community structure of a graph
motifsGraph motifs
mstMinimum spanning tree
multilevel.communityFinding community structure by multi-level optimization of...
neighborhood.sizeNeighborhood of graph vertices
neighborsNeighboring (adjacent) vertices in a graph
no.clustersConnected components of a graph
normalizeNormalize layout
norm_coordsNormalize coordinates for plotting graphs
optimal.communityOptimal community structure
page_rankThe Page Rank algorithm
page.rankThe Page Rank algorithm
pathHelper function to add or delete edges along a path
path.length.histShortest (directed or undirected) paths between vertices
permutePermute the vertices of a graph
permute.verticesPermute the vertices of a graph
piecewise.layoutMerging graph layouts
pipeMagrittr's pipes
plot.commonDrawing graphs
plot_dendrogram.communitiesCommunity structure dendrogram plots
plot_dendrogram.igraphHRGHRG dendrogram plot
plotHierarchyCalculate Cohesive Blocks
plot.igraphPlotting of graphs
plot.sirPlotting the results on multiple SIR model runs
plus-.igraphAdd vertices, edges or another graph to a graph
power_centralityFind Bonacich Power Centrality Scores of Network Positions a power-law distribution function to discrete data
predict_edgesPredict edges based on a hierarchical random graph model
preference.gameTrait-based random generation
printer_callbackCreate a printer callback function
print.igraphPrint graphs to the terminal
print.igraph.esPrint an edge sequence to the screen
print.igraphHRGPrint a hierarchical random graph model to the screen
print.igraphHRGConsensusPrint a hierarchical random graph consensus tree to the...
print.igraph.vsShow a vertex sequence on the screen
radiusRadius of a graph
random_walkRandom walk on a graph
read_graphReading foreign file formats
read.graphReading foreign file formats
realize_bipartite_degseqCreating a bipartite graph from two degree sequences,...
realize_degseqCreating a graph from a given degree sequence,...
reciprocityReciprocity of graphs
remove.edge.attributeDelete an edge attribute
remove.graph.attributeDelete a graph attribute
remove.vertex.attributeDelete a vertex attribute
rep.igraphReplicate a graph multiple times
reverse_edgesReverse edges in a graph
rev.igraph.esReverse the order in an edge sequence
rev.igraph.vsReverse the order in a vertex sequence
rewireRewiring edges of a graph
rglplot3D plotting of graphs with OpenGL
r_palThe default R palette
running_meanRunning mean of a time series
running.meanRunning mean of a time series
sample_Sample from a random graph model
sample_bipartiteBipartite random graphs
sample_chung_luRandom graph with given expected degrees
sample_correlated_gnpGenerate a new random graph from a given graph by randomly...
sample_correlated_gnp_pairSample a pair of correlated G(n,p) random graphs
sample_degseqGenerate random graphs with a given degree sequence
sample_dirichletSample from a Dirichlet distribution
sample_dot_productGenerate random graphs according to the random dot product...
sample_fitnessRandom graphs from vertex fitness scores
sample_fitness_plScale-free random graphs, from vertex fitness scores
sample_forestfireForest Fire Network Model
sample_gnmGenerate random graphs according to the G(n,m) Erdős-Rényi...
sample_gnpGenerate random graphs according to the G(n,p) Erdős-Rényi...
sample_grgGeometric random graphs
sample_growingGrowing random graph generation
sample_hierarchical_sbmSample the hierarchical stochastic block model
sample_hrgSample from a hierarchical random graph model
sample_islandsA graph with subgraphs that are each a random graph.
sample_k_regularCreate a random regular graph
sample_last_citRandom citation graphs
sample_motifsGraph motifs
sample_paGenerate random graphs using preferential attachment
sample_pa_ageGenerate an evolving random graph with preferential...
sample_prefTrait-based random generation
sample_sbmSample stochastic block model
sample_seqSampling a random integer sequence
sample_smallworldThe Watts-Strogatz small-world model
sample_spanning_treeSamples from the spanning trees of a graph randomly and...
sample_sphere_surfaceSample vectors uniformly from the surface of a sphere
sample_sphere_volumeSample vectors uniformly from the volume of a sphere
sample_traits_callawayGraph generation based on different vertex types
sample_treeSample trees randomly and uniformly
sbm.gameSample stochastic block model
scan_statScan statistics on a time series of graphs
sequential_palSequential palette
set_edge_attrSet edge attributes
set.edge.attributeSet edge attributes
set_graph_attrSet a graph attribute
set.graph.attributeSet a graph attribute
set_vertex_attrSet vertex attributes
set.vertex.attributeSet vertex attributes
shapesVarious vertex shapes when plotting igraph graphs
shortest.pathsShortest (directed or undirected) paths between vertices
showtraceFunctions to deal with the result of network community...
similaritySimilarity measures of two vertices
similarity.diceSimilarity measures of two vertices (Dice)
similarity.invlogweightedSimilarity measures of two vertices (inverse log-weighted)
similarity.jaccardSimilarity measures of two vertices (Jaccard)
simplifiedConstructor modifier to drop multiple and loop edges
simplifySimple graphs
sirSIR model on graphs
spectrumEigenvalues and eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix of a...
spinglass.communityFinding communities in graphs based on statistical meachanics
split_join_distanceSplit-join distance of two community structures graphs from vertex fitness scores random graphs, from vertex fitness scores
st_cutsList all (s,t)-cuts of a graph
stCutsList all (s,t)-cuts of a graph
st_min_cutsList all minimum (s,t)-cuts of a graph
stMincutsList all minimum \((s,t)\)-cuts of a graph
stochastic_matrixStochastic matrix of a graph
strengthStrength or weighted vertex degree
subcomponentIn- or out- component of a vertex
subgraphSubgraph of a graph
subgraph_centralityFind subgraph centrality scores of network positions
subgraph.centralityFind subgraph centrality scores of network positions
subgraph.edgesSubgraph of a graph
subgraph_isomorphicDecide if a graph is subgraph isomorphic to another one
subgraph_isomorphismsAll isomorphic mappings between a graph and subgraphs of...
sub-.igraphQuery and manipulate a graph as it were an adjacency matrix
sub-sub-.igraphQuery and manipulate a graph as it were an adjacency list
tail_ofTails of the edge(s) in a graph
tkplotInteractive plotting of graphs
tkplot.canvasInteractive plotting of graphs
tkplot.centerInteractive plotting of graphs
tkplot.closeInteractive plotting of graphs
tkplot.export.postscriptInteractive plotting of graphs plotting of graphs
tkplot.getcoordsInteractive plotting of graphs
tkplot.offInteractive plotting of graphs
tkplot.reshapeInteractive plotting of graphs
tkplot.rotateInteractive plotting of graphs
tkplot.setcoordsInteractive plotting of graphs
topological.sortTopological sorting of vertices in a graph
topo_sortTopological sorting of vertices in a graph
to_pruferConvert a tree graph to its Prüfer sequence
transitivityTransitivity of a graph
triad_censusTriad census, subgraphs with three vertices
triad.censusTriad census, subgraphs with three vertices
unfold_treeConvert a general graph into a forest
unfold.treeConvert a general graph into a forest
unionUnion of two or more sets
union.igraphUnion of graphs
union.igraph.esUnion of edge sequences
union.igraph.vsUnion of vertex sequences
unique.igraph.esRemove duplicate edges from an edge sequence
unique.igraph.vsRemove duplicate vertices from a vertex sequence
upgrade_graphigraph data structure versions
VVertices of a graph
vertexHelper function for adding and deleting vertices
vertex_attrQuery vertex attributes of a graph
vertex_attr_namesList names of vertex attributes
vertex_attr-setSet one or more vertex attributes
vertex_connectivityVertex connectivity
vertex.connectivityVertex connectivity
vertex.disjoint.pathsVertex connectivity
vertex.shape.pieUsing pie charts as vertices in graph plots
vertex.shapesVarious vertex shapes when plotting igraph graphs
voronoi_cellsVoronoi partitioning of a graph
walktrap.communityCommunity structure via short random walks
watts.strogatz.gameThe Watts-Strogatz small-world model
weighted_cliquesFunctions to find weighted cliques, i.e. vertex-weighted...
which_multipleFind the multiple or loop edges in a graph
which_mutualFind mutual edges in a directed graph
with_edge_Constructor modifier to add edge attributes
with_graph_Constructor modifier to add graph attributes
with_igraph_optRun code with a temporary igraph options setting
without_attrConstrutor modifier to remove all attributes from a graph
without_loopsConstructor modifier to drop loop edges
without_multiplesConstructor modifier to drop multiple edges
with_vertex_Constructor modifier to add vertex attributes
write_graphWriting the graph to a file in some format
write.graphWriting the graph to a file in some format
igraph/rigraph documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 6:29 p.m.