# Scale categorical variable with varying interval id cols ----------------
# Inputs:
# - males: 5-calendar-year interval and 5-year age groups up to 95+
# - females: 1-calendar-year interval and 1-year age groups up to 95+
# - all sexes combined: 5-calendar year interval and 0-15, 15-60 and 60+ age
# groups. Values are double the sum of male and female values.
# Output:
# - males: row values doubled
# - females: row values doubled
# - all sexes combined: unchanged
sex_mapping <- data.table(parent = "all", child = c("female", "male"))
id_cols <- c("year_start", "year_end", "sex", "age_start", "age_end")
value_cols <- c("value")
# set up test input data.table
input_dt_male <- CJ(
year_start = 2005, year_end = 2010,
sex = "male",
age_start = seq(0, 95, 5),
value = 25
input_dt_male[age_start == 95, value := 5]
input_dt_female <- CJ(
year_start = 2005:2009,
sex = "female",
age_start = seq(0, 95, 1),
value = 1
id_cols = setdiff(id_cols, c("year_end", "age_end")),
col_stem = "year",
right_most_endpoint = 2010
input_dt_both <- CJ(
year_start = 2005, year_end = 2010,
sex = "all",
age_start = c(0, 15, 60)
input_dt_both[age_start == 0, value := 300]
input_dt_both[age_start == 15, value := 900]
input_dt_both[age_start == 60, value := 720]
input_dt <- rbind(input_dt_male, input_dt_female, input_dt_both)
gen_end(input_dt, id_cols = setdiff(id_cols, "age_end"), col_stem = "age")
setkeyv(input_dt, id_cols)
# set up expected output table
expected_dt <- copy(input_dt)
expected_dt[sex != "all", value := value * 2]
setkeyv(expected_dt, id_cols)
description <- "scaling a categorical variable with varying interval id cols
test_that(description, {
# since interval id columns are not collapsed to most common intervals
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "sex",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = sex_mapping
regexp = "expected input data is missing"
output_dt <- scale(
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "sex",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = sex_mapping,
collapse_interval_cols = T
expect_identical(output_dt, expected_dt)
description <- "error is thrown when scaling a categorical variable and
levels are missing"
test_that(description, {
new_input_dt <- input_dt[!(sex == "female" & year_start == 2008)]
dt = new_input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "sex",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = sex_mapping,
collapse_interval_cols = T
regexp = "intervals in `dt` are missing making it impossible to collapse"
new_input_dt <- input_dt[sex != "all"]
dt = new_input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "sex",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = sex_mapping,
collapse_interval_cols = T
regexp = "expected input data is missing"
description <- "error is thrown when scaling a categorical variable with missing
id interval columns or is silent and scales possible intervals if requested to
not error out"
test_that(description, {
new_input_dt <- input_dt[!(age_start == 24 & year_start == 2008) &
!(age_start == 46 & year_start == 2006)]
dt = new_input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "sex",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = sex_mapping,
collapse_interval_cols = T
regexp = "intervals in `dt` are missing making it impossible to collapse"
new_expected_dt <- copy(expected_dt)
new_expected_dt <- new_expected_dt[!(age_start == 24 & year_start == 2008) &
!(age_start == 46 & year_start == 2006)]
new_expected_dt[between(age_start, 15, 59) & sex != "all", value := value / 2]
output_dt <- scale(
dt = new_input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "sex",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = sex_mapping,
missing_dt_severity = "none",
collapse_interval_cols = T
expect_identical(output_dt, new_expected_dt)
# Scale interval variable with varying interval id cols -------------------
# Inputs:
# - 1st level
# - 5-calendar-year interval and all-ages (value = 4 * 480 = 1920)
# - 2nd level (males only)
# - 5-calendar-year interval and 5-year age groups up to 90-95 (value = 2 * 25 = 50)
# - 5-calendar year interval and terminal age group 95+ (value = 2 * 5 = 10)
# - 2nd level (females only)
# - 1-calendar year interval and 5-year age groups up to 95+ (value = 2 * 5 = 10)
# - 1-calendar year interval and terminal age group 95+ (value = 2 * 1 = 2)
# - 3rd level (females only)
# - 1-calendar year interval and 1-year age groups up to 95+ (value = 1 * 1 = 1)
# Output:
# - 1st level
# - 5-calendar-year interval and all-ages (value = 4 * 480 = 1920)
# - 2nd level (males only)
# - 5-calendar-year interval and 5-year age groups up to 90-95 (value = 2 * original = 100)
# - 5-calendar year interval and terminal age group 95+ (value = 2 * original = 20)
# - 2nd level (females only)
# - 1-calendar year interval and 5-year age groups up to 95+ (value = 2 * original = 20)
# - 1-calendar year interval and terminal age group 95+ (value = 2 * original = 4)
# - 3rd level (females only)
# - 1-calendar year interval and 1-year age groups up to 95+ (value = 4 * original = 4)
id_cols <- c("year_start", "year_end", "sex", "age_start", "age_end")
value_cols <- c("value")
# total number of most detailed age and year groupings
total_age_years <- length(seq(2005, 2009, 1)) * length(seq(0, 95, 1))
# create 1st level for males
input_dt_male1 <- data.table::CJ(
year_start = 2005,
year_end = 2010,
sex = "male",
age_start = 0,
age_end = Inf,
value = total_age_years
# create 2nd level for males
input_dt_male2 <- data.table::CJ(
year_start = 2005,
year_end = 2010,
sex = "male",
age_start = seq(0, 95, 5)
gen_end(input_dt_male2, setdiff(id_cols, "age_end"), col_stem = "age")
gen_length(input_dt_male2, col_stem = "age")
input_dt_male2[is.infinite(age_length), age_length := 1]
gen_length(input_dt_male2, col_stem = "year")
input_dt_male2[, value := age_length * year_length]
input_dt_male2[, c("age_length", "year_length") := NULL]
# create 1st level for females
input_dt_female1 <- data.table::CJ(
year_start = 2005,
year_end = 2010,
sex = "female",
age_start = 0,
age_end = Inf,
value = total_age_years
# create 2nd level for females
input_dt_female2 <- data.table::CJ(
year_start = 2005:2009,
sex = "female",
age_start = seq(0, 95, 5)
input_dt_female2, setdiff(id_cols, c("age_end", "year_end")),
col_stem = "year", right_most_endpoint = 2010
gen_end(input_dt_female2, setdiff(id_cols, "age_end"), col_stem = "age")
gen_length(input_dt_female2, col_stem = "age")
input_dt_female2[is.infinite(age_length), age_length := 1]
gen_length(input_dt_female2, col_stem = "year")
input_dt_female2[, value := age_length * year_length]
input_dt_female2[, c("age_length", "year_length") := NULL]
# create 3rd level for females
input_dt_female3 <- data.table::CJ(
year_start = 2005:2009,
sex = "female",
age_start = 0:94
input_dt_female3, setdiff(id_cols, c("age_end", "year_end")),
col_stem = "year", right_most_endpoint = 2010
input_dt_female3, setdiff(id_cols, "age_end"),
col_stem = "age", right_most_endpoint = 95
gen_length(input_dt_female3, col_stem = "age")
gen_length(input_dt_female3, col_stem = "year")
input_dt_female3[, value := age_length * year_length]
input_dt_female3[, c("age_length", "year_length") := NULL]
# combine together
input_dt <- list(
"male1" = input_dt_male1,
"male2" = input_dt_male2,
"female1" = input_dt_female1,
"female2" = input_dt_female2,
"female3" = input_dt_female3
# modify values so that scaling will correct for scalars applied
input_dt[["male1"]][, value := value * 4]
input_dt[["female1"]][, value := value * 4]
input_dt[["male2"]][, value := value * 2]
input_dt[["female2"]][, value := value * 2]
# modify values expected after scaling applied
expected_dt <- copy(input_dt)
expected_dt[["male2"]][, value := value * 2]
expected_dt[["female2"]][, value := value * 2]
expected_dt[["female3"]][, value := value * 4]
# final formatting
input_dt <- rbindlist(input_dt)
setkeyv(input_dt, id_cols)
expected_dt <- rbindlist(expected_dt)
setkeyv(expected_dt, id_cols)
description <- "scaling an interval variable with varying interval id cols
testthat::test_that(description, {
output_dt <- scale(
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "age",
col_type = "interval",
collapse_interval_cols = T
testthat::expect_identical(output_dt, expected_dt)
description <- "throws error when scaling an interval variable and there are
missing intervals"
testthat::test_that(description, {
# missing one single year age group in females only
new_input_dt <- input_dt[!(age_start == 24 & year_start == 2008)]
new_expected_dt <- expected_dt[!(age_start == 24 & year_start == 2008)]
gen_length(new_expected_dt, "age")
new_expected_dt[between(age_start, 20, 24) & age_length == 1,
value := value / 4]
new_expected_dt[, age_length := NULL]
dt = new_input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "age",
col_type = "interval",
collapse_interval_cols = TRUE
regexp = "intervals in `dt` are missing making it impossible to collapse"
output_dt <- scale(
dt = new_input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "age",
col_type = "interval",
missing_dt_severity = "none",
collapse_interval_cols = TRUE
expect_identical(output_dt, new_expected_dt)
# Scale multiplicative values ---------------------------------------------
sex_mapping <- data.table(parent = "all", child = c("female", "male"))
id_cols <- c("year", "sex")
value_cols <- "value"
# set up test input data.table
input_dt <- CJ(year = 2010, sex = c("female", "male"), value = 0.9)
input_dt_both <- CJ(year = 2010, sex = "all", value = 0.95)
input_dt <- rbind(input_dt, input_dt_both, use.names = T)
setkeyv(input_dt, id_cols)
# set up expected output table
expected_dt <- CJ(year = 2010, sex = c("female", "male"), value = sqrt(0.95))
expected_dt <- rbind(expected_dt, input_dt_both, use.names = T)
setkeyv(expected_dt, id_cols)
description <- "scaling using 'prod' as the aggregation function works"
test_that(description, {
output_dt <- scale(
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = "value",
col_stem = "sex",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = sex_mapping,
agg_function = prod
expect_identical(output_dt, expected_dt)
# Scale categorical variable with multiple levels in mapping --------------
# Inputs:
# - all present day & historical provinces in Iran as defined in `iran_mapping`
# includes all the nodes in the mapping https://ihmeuw-demographics.github.io/hierarchyUtils/articles/hierarchyUtils.html#aggregate-locations-1
# - each province's value is equal to the number of present day provinces that make up the province
# - Iran national is equal to 2 times the number of present day provinces
# Output:
# - Iran national is the same
# - All provinces are equal to 2 times the original value
id_cols <- c("location", "year")
value_cols <- c("value")
# set up test input data.table so that value is equal to number of child nodes
# for each location
input_dt <- CJ(
location = iran_mapping[, unique(c(child, parent))],
year = 2011,
value = 1
location %in% c(
"Tehran 2006", "Zanjan 1976-1996", "Mazandaran 1956-1996",
"East Azarbayejan 1956-1986", "Khuzestan and Lorestan 1956",
"Isfahan and Yazd 1966"
value := 2
location %in% c(
"Tehran 1986-1995", "Gilan 1956-1966", "Kermanshahan 1956",
"Khorasan 1956-1996", "Isfahan and Yazd 1956"
value := 3
input_dt[location %in% c("Markazi 1966-1976", "Fars and Ports 1956"), value := 4]
input_dt[location %in% "Markazi 1956", value := 5]
input_dt[location %in% "Iran (Islamic Republic of)", value := 31]
# multiply top node by 2 to force scaling
input_dt[location == "Iran (Islamic Republic of)", value := value * 2]
setkeyv(input_dt, id_cols)
# set up expected output table
expected_dt <- copy(input_dt)
expected_dt[location != "Iran (Islamic Republic of)", value := value * 2]
setkeyv(expected_dt, id_cols)
description <- "scaling of categorical variable with multiple levels works"
test_that(description, {
output_dt <- scale(
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "location",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = iran_mapping
expect_identical(output_dt, expected_dt)
description <- "scaling of categorical variable with missing intermediate levels
works when `collapse_missing=TRUE` and throws an error otherwise"
test_that(description, {
# only include the present day provinces and the national level
new_input_dt <- input_dt[!grepl("[0-9]+", location)]
new_expected_dt <- expected_dt[!grepl("[0-9]+", location)]
dt = new_input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "location",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = iran_mapping
regexp = "expected input data is missing"
output_dt <- scale(
dt = new_input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "location",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = iran_mapping,
collapse_missing = TRUE
expect_identical(output_dt, new_expected_dt)
description <- "scaling of categorical variable with top level missing throws an
test_that(description, {
new_input_dt <- input_dt[!location %in% c("Iran (Islamic Republic of)")]
dt = new_input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "location",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = iran_mapping
regexp = "expected input data is missing"
dt = new_input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols,
value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "location",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = iran_mapping,
collapse_missing = TRUE
regexp = "expected input data is missing"
# Test `na_value_severity` argument ---------------------------------------
id_cols <- c("group", "age_start", "age_end")
value_cols <- "value"
input_dt <- data.table(
group = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2),
age_start = c(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0),
age_end = c(1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2),
value = c(NA, 1, 2, 2, 3, 10)
setkeyv(input_dt, id_cols)
expected_dt <- copy(input_dt)
expected_dt[!(age_start == 0 & age_end == 2), value := value * 2]
setkeyv(expected_dt, id_cols)
description <- "aggregation correctly accounts for NA values with the
'na_value_severity' argument"
test_that(description, {
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols, value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "age", col_type = "interval"
regexp = "input `value_cols` have 'NA' values"
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols, value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "age", col_type = "interval",
na_value_severity = "none"
regexp = "expected input data is missing"
output_dt <- scale(
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols, value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "age", col_type = "interval",
na_value_severity = "none",
missing_dt_severity = "skip"
new_expected_dt <- copy(expected_dt)
new_expected_dt <- new_expected_dt[!is.na(value)]
expect_equal(output_dt, new_expected_dt)
output_dt <- scale(
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = id_cols, value_cols = value_cols,
col_stem = "age", col_type = "interval",
na_value_severity = "skip"
new_expected_dt <- copy(expected_dt)
new_expected_dt[group == 1 & !(age_start == 0 & age_end == 2), value := NA]
expect_equal(output_dt, new_expected_dt)
# Small special case tests ------------------------------------------------
mapping <- data.table(child = 2:3, parent = 1)
input_dt <- data.table(location_id = 1:3, sex = "all")
input_dt[, value := rnorm(.N)]
test_that("scaling a numeric 'categorical' variable works", {
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = c("location_id", "sex"),
value_cols = "value",
col_stem = "location_id",
col_type = "categorical",
mapping = mapping
# set up test input data.table
# 0-4, 5-10, 0-10 age groups
input_dt <- data.table(
year = 2010,
age_start = c(0, 5, 0), age_end = c(4, 10, 10),
value = 1
description <- "scaling interval variables with weird overlapping intervals
errors out"
testthat::test_that(description, {
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = c("year", "age_start", "age_end"),
value_cols = "value",
col_stem = "age",
col_type = "interval"
regexp = "expected input data is missing"
# set up test input data.table
# 0-5, 5-10, 4-6, 0-10 age groups
input_dt <- data.table(
year = 2010,
age_start = c(0, 5, 4, 0),
age_end = c(5, 10, 6, 10),
value = 1
description <- "scaling age intervals errors out when given
weird overlapping intervals"
testthat::test_that(description, {
dt = input_dt,
id_cols = c("year", "age_start", "age_end"),
value_cols = "value",
col_stem = "age",
col_type = "interval"
regexp = "Some overlapping intervals are in `dt`"
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