
Defines functions var2_nvd var_nvd mean.nvd sample2_sbm is_nvd as_nvd nvd

Documented in as_nvd mean.nvd nvd sample2_sbm var2_nvd var_nvd

#' Network-Valued Data Constructor
#' This is the constructor for objects of class \code{nvd}.
#' @param model A string specifying the model to be used for sampling networks
#'   (current choices are: `"sbm"`, `"k_regular"`, `"gnp"`, `"smallworld"`,
#'   `"pa"`, `"poisson"` and `"binomial"`). Defaults to `"smallworld"`.
#' @param n An integer specifying the sample size. Defaults to `1L`.
#' @param num_vertices An integer specifying the order of the graphs to be
#'   generated (i.e. the number of nodes). Defaults to `25L`.
#' @param model_params A named list setting the parameters of the model you are
#'   considering. Defaults to `list(dim = 1L, nei = 4L, p = 0.15)` which sets
#'   defaults parameters for the Watts-Strogatz small-world model generator.
#' @param seed An integer specifying the random generator seed. Defaults to
#'   `1234`.
#' @return A \code{nvd} object which is a list of \code{\link[igraph]{igraph}}
#'   objects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' smallworld_params <- list(dim = 1L, nei = 4L, p = 0.15)
#' nvd(model_params = smallworld_params)
nvd <- function(model = "smallworld",
                n = 1L,
                num_vertices = 25L,
                model_params = list(dim = 1L, nei = 4L, p = 0.15),
                seed = 1234) {
  if (!is.null(seed))

  model <- match.arg(
    c("sbm", "k_regular", "gnp", "smallworld", "pa", "poisson", "binomial")

  if (!rlang::is_named2(model_params))
    cli::cli_abort("The {.code model_params} list should be named after the parameters of the model you are considering but is not.")

  if (model == "poisson") {
    if (!all(c("lambda") %in% names(model_params)))
      cli::cli_abort("The {.code model_params} list should contain the field {.field lambda} to use the Poisson generator.")
      rpois_network(n = n, num_vertices = num_vertices, !!!model_params)

  if (model == "binomial") {
    if (!all(c("size", "prob") %in% names(model_params)))
      cli::cli_abort("The {.code model_params} list should contain the fields {.field size} and {.field prob} to use the binomial generator.")
      rbinom_network(n = n, num_vertices = num_vertices, !!!model_params)

  if (model == "sbm" && !all(c("pref.matrix", "block.sizes") %in% names(model_params)))
    cli::cli_abort("The {.code model_params} list should contain the fields {.field pref.matrix} and {.field block.sizes} to use the SBM generator.")

  if (model == "k_regular" && !all(c("k") %in% names(model_params)))
    cli::cli_abort("The {.code model_params} list should contain the field {.field k} to use the k-regular model generator.")

  if (model == "gnp" && !all(c("p") %in% names(model_params)))
    cli::cli_abort("The {.code model_params} list should contain the field {.field p} to use the GNP model generator.")

  if (model == "smallworld" && !all(c("dim", "nei", "p") %in% names(model_params)))
    cli::cli_abort("The {.code model_params} list should contain the fields {.field dim}, {.field nei} and {.field p} to use the Watts-Strogatz small-world model generator.")

  if (model == "pa" && !all(c("power", "m", "directed") %in% names(model_params)))
    cli::cli_abort("The {.code model_params} list should contain the fields {.field power}, {.field m} and {.field directed} to use the Barabasi-Albert scale-free model generator.")

  obj <- replicate(n, {
      "sbm" = igraph::sample_sbm(
        n = num_vertices,
      "k_regular" = igraph::sample_k_regular(
        no.of.nodes = num_vertices,
      "gnp" = igraph::sample_gnp(
        n = num_vertices,
      "smallworld" = igraph::sample_smallworld(
        size = num_vertices,
      "pa" = igraph::sample_pa(
        n = num_vertices,
  }, simplify = FALSE)


#' Coercion to Network-Valued Data Object
#' This function flags a list of \code{\link[igraph]{igraph}} objects as an
#' \code{\link{nvd}} object as defined in this package.
#' @param obj A list of \code{\link[igraph]{igraph}} objects.
#' @return An \code{\link{nvd}} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gnp_params <- list(p = 1/3)
#' as_nvd(nvd(model = "gnp", n = 10L, model_params = gnp_params))
as_nvd <- function(obj) {
  if (!is.list(obj))
    cli::cli_abort("Input should be a list.")

  # check that entries are igraph objects
  input_ok <- TRUE
  for (l in obj) {
    if (!igraph::is_igraph(l)) {
      input_ok <- FALSE

  if (!input_ok)
    cli::cli_abort("All elements in the input list should be {.cls igraph} objects.")

  # Here we handle graphs of different orders by adding as many vertices as
  # necessary to match the order of the largest graph (a.k.a pushing graphs into
  # graph space structure).
  num_vertices <- purrr::map_int(obj, igraph::gorder)
  max_num_vertices <- max(num_vertices)
  obj <- purrr::map2(obj, num_vertices, ~ igraph::add_vertices(.x, max_num_vertices - .y))

  class(obj) <- c("nvd", "list")

is_nvd <- function(obj) {
  "nvd" %in% class(obj)

#' Two-Sample Stochastic Block Model Generator
#' This function generates two samples of networks according to the stochastic
#' block model (SBM). This is essentially a wrapper around
#' \code{\link[igraph]{sample_sbm}} which allows to sample a single network from
#' the SBM.
#' @param n Integer scalar giving the sample size.
#' @param nv Integer scalar giving the number of vertices of the generated
#'   networks, common to all networks in both samples.
#' @param p1 The matrix giving the Bernoulli rates for the 1st sample. This is a
#'   KxK matrix, where K is the number of groups. The probability of creating an
#'   edge between vertices from groups i and j is given by element (i,j). For
#'   undirected graphs, this matrix must be symmetric.
#' @param b1 Numeric vector giving the number of vertices in each group for the
#'   first sample. The sum of the vector must match the number of vertices.
#' @param p2 The matrix giving the Bernoulli rates for the 2nd sample (default:
#'   same as 1st sample). This is a KxK matrix, where K is the number of groups.
#'   The probability of creating an edge between vertices from groups i and j is
#'   given by element (i,j). For undirected graphs, this matrix must be
#'   symmetric.
#' @param b2 Numeric vector giving the number of vertices in each group for the
#'   second sample (default: same as 1st sample). The sum of the vector must
#'   match the number of vertices.
#' @param seed The seed for the random number generator (default: \code{NULL}).
#' @return A length-2 list containing the two samples stored as
#'   \code{\link{nvd}} objects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n <- 10
#' p1 <- matrix(
#'   data = c(0.1, 0.4, 0.1, 0.4,
#'            0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.4,
#'            0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4,
#'            0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
#'   nrow = 4,
#'   ncol = 4,
#'   byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' p2 <- matrix(
#'   data = c(0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4,
#'            0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4,
#'            0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1,
#'            0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.4),
#'   nrow = 4,
#'   ncol = 4,
#'   byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' sim <- sample2_sbm(n, 68, p1, c(17, 17, 17, 17), p2, seed = 1234)
sample2_sbm <- function(n, nv, p1, b1, p2 = p1, b2 = b1, seed = NULL) {
  sim <- n %>%
      x = igraph::sample_sbm(nv, p1, b1),
      y = igraph::sample_sbm(nv, p2, b2)
    ) %>%
    purrr::transpose() %>%

#' Fréchet Mean of Network-Valued Data
#' This function computes the sample Fréchet mean from an observed sample of
#' network-valued random variables according to a specified matrix
#' representation. It currently only supports the Euclidean geometry i.e. the
#' sample Fréchet mean is obtained as the argmin of the sum of squared Frobenius
#' distances.
#' @param x An \code{\link{nvd}} object.
#' @param weights A numeric vector specifying weights for each observation
#'   (default: equally weighted).
#' @param representation A string specifying the graph representation to be
#'   used. Choices are adjacency, laplacian, modularity, graphon. Default is
#'   adjacency.
#' @param ... Other argument to be parsed to the \code{\link[base]{mean}}
#'   function.
#' @return The mean network in the chosen matrix representation assuming
#'   Euclidean geometry for now.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gnp_params <- list(p = 1/3)
#' x <- nvd(model = "gnp", n = 10L, model_params = gnp_params)
#' mean(x)
mean.nvd <- function(x, weights = rep(1, length(x)), representation = "adjacency", ...) {
  x <- repr_nvd(x, representation = representation)
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1, length(x))
  x <- mean_nvd_impl(x, weights)
    adjacency = as_adjacency(x),
    laplacian = as_laplacian(x),
    modularity = as_modularity(x),
    graphon = as_graphon(x)

#' Fréchet Variance of Network-Valued Data Around a Given Network
#' This function computes the Fréchet variance around a specified network from
#' an observed sample of network-valued random variables according to a
#' specified distance. In most cases, the user is willing to compute the sample
#' variance, in which case the Fréchet variance has to be evaluated w.r.t. the
#' sample Fréchet mean. In this case, it is important that the user indicates
#' the same distance as the one (s)he used to separately compute the sample
#' Fréchet mean. This function can also be used as is as the function to be
#' minimized in order to find the Fréchet mean for a given distance.
#' @param x An \code{\link{nvd}} object listing a sample of networks.
#' @param x0 A network already in matrix representation around which to
#'   calculate variance (usually the Fréchet mean but not necessarily). Note
#'   that the chosen matrix representation is extracted from this parameter.
#' @param weights A numeric vector specifying weights for each observation
#'   (default: equally weighted).
#' @param distance A string specifying the distance to be used. Possible choices
#'   are: hamming, frobenius, spectral or root-euclidean. Default is frobenius.
#'   When the Fréchet mean is used as \code{x0} parameter, the distance should
#'   match the one used to compute the mean. This is not currently checked.
#' @return A positive scalar value evaluating the amount of variability of the
#'   sample around the specified network.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gnp_params <- list(p = 1/3)
#' x <- nvd(model = "gnp", n = 10L, model_params = gnp_params)
#' m <- mean(x)
#' var_nvd(x = x, x0 = m, distance = "frobenius")
var_nvd <- function(x, x0, weights = rep(1, length(x)), distance = "frobenius") {
  if (!is_nvd(x))
    stop("The input x should be of class nvd.")
  if (!is.matrix(x0))
    stop("The input x0 should be of class matrix.")
  representation <- attributes(x0)$representation
  if (representation == "")
    stop("The input x0 matrix should have an attribute named representation.")
  x <- purrr::map(x, format_input, representation = representation)
  ssd <- switch(
    hamming = purrr::reduce2(x, weights, function(.v, .x, .y, .x0) {
      d <- dist_hamming_impl(.x, .x0)
      .v + .y * d^2
    }, .x0 = x0, .init = 0),
    frobenius = purrr::reduce2(x, weights, function(.v, .x, .y, .x0) {
      d <- dist_frobenius_impl(.x, .x0)
      .v + .y * d^2
    }, .x0 = x0, .init = 0),
    spectral = purrr::reduce2(x, weights, function(.v, .x, .y, .x0) {
      d <- dist_spectral_impl(.x, .x0)
      .v + .y * d^2
    }, .x0 = x0, .init = 0),
    "root-euclidean" = purrr::reduce2(x, weights, function(.v, .x, .y, .x0) {
      d <- dist_root_euclidean_impl(.x, .x0)
      .v + .y * d^2
    }, .x0 = x0, .init = 0)
  ssd / sum(weights)

#' Fréchet Variance of Network-Valued Data from Inter-Point Distances
#' This function computes the Fréchet variance using exclusively inter-point
#' distances. As such, it can accommodate any pair of representation and
#' distance.
#' @param x An \code{\link{nvd}} object listing a sample of networks.
#' @param representation A string specifying the graph representation to be
#'   used. Choices are adjacency, laplacian, modularity, graphon. Default is
#'   adjacency.
#' @param distance A string specifying the distance to be used. Possible choices
#'   are: hamming, frobenius, spectral or root-euclidean. Default is frobenius.
#' @return A positive scalar value evaluating the variance based on inter-point
#'   distances.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gnp_params <- list(p = 1/3)
#' x <- nvd(model = "gnp", n = 10L, model_params = gnp_params)
#' var2_nvd(x = x, representation = "graphon", distance = "frobenius")
var2_nvd <- function(x, representation = "adjacency", distance = "frobenius") {
  if (!is_nvd(x))
    stop("The input x should be of class nvd.")
  x <- repr_nvd(x, representation = representation)
  var_nvd_impl(x, distance)
ilovato/nevada documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 8:12 a.m.