
Defines functions windsim hourlyncep_convert plotresults soilk layerinterp layeraverage layermerge

Documented in hourlyncep_convert layeraverage layerinterp layermerge plotresults soilk windsim

#' Determines whether canopy air layers should be merged
#' @description Determines whether the time step and heat conductance between specified air
#' layers within the canopy are such that temperatures would equalise and hence
#' layers should be merged.
#' @param z vector of heights representing nodes at the mid-point of each canopy layer (m)
#' @param gt conductance by tubulent heat transfer between each node and that below it (see details) (mol / m^2 / s).
#' @param hgt canopy height (m)
#' @param timestep time step of model (s)
#' @param ph molar density of air as returned by [phair()] (mol / m^3)

#' @details
#' The first value of `gt` is conductance between the ground and the lowest node.
#' Subsequent values are for between nodes, as returned by [gcanopy()].
#' The final value is the conductance between the heighest node and a point 2 m above the
#' canopy representing conductance in series between the heighest node and the top of
#' the canopy and the top of the canopy and the air above it, the latter returned
#' by [gturb()].
#' @return a list of with the following components:
#' @return `mrge` a vector of integers for each layer. Those with the same number represent
#' layers that should be merged.
#' @return `zth` thickness of each (unmerged layer)
#' @return `u` vector of unique layer after merging
#' @export
layermerge<-function(z, gt, hgt, timestep, ph = rep(42.24, length(z))){
  for (i in 2:(m-1)) zth[i]<-(z[i]+z[i+1])/2-(z[i]+z[i-1])/2
  zthi<-zth[m]; gtx<-1/gt[m+1]
  for (i in m:1) {
    gmx<-(zthi*ph[i])/timestep; gtx<-1/((1/gt[i])+(1/gtx))
  return(list(mrge=mrge, zth=zth, u=u))
#' Merges canopy air layers and calculates average properties
#' @description Merges canopy airlayers and calculates average molar conductances,
#' vapour, temperature, leaf area etc
#' @param lmm list of layers to merge as returned by [layermerge()]
#' @param tc air temperature of unmerged canopy layers (dec C)
#' @param hgt height of canopy (m)
#' @param gha molar heat conductance between leaf and air (mol / m^2 / sec)
#' @param gt molar heat conductance between air layers due to turbulent convection (mol / m^2 / sec)
#' @param zla mean leaf-air distance (m)
#' @param z height above ground of canopy nodes (m)
#' @param Vo mole fraction of water vapour in air in previous time-step (mol / mol)
#' @param ea vapur pressure in current timestep
#' @param X temperature to add during timestep (deg C)
#' @param vden  Volumetric density of vegetation (m^3 / m^3.
#' @param pk air pressure (kPa)
#' @param PAI Vector of Plant Area Indices for each canopy layer
#' @param TT Cumulative conductivity time to each canopy node (s)
#' @return A list of average values for merged canopy layers of the following components:
#' @return `tc` air temperature (deg C)
#' @return `gha` molar heat conductance between leaf and air (mol / m^2 / sec)
#' @return `gt` molar heat conductance between air layers due to turbulent convection (mol / m^2 / sec)
#' @return `zla` mean leaf-air distance (m)
#' @return `z` height above ground of canopy nodes (m)
#' @return `ph` molar density of air layers (mol / m3)
#' @return `cp` specific heat of air layer at constant pressure (J / mol / K)
#' @return `Vo` mole fraction of water vapour in air (mol / mol)
#' @return `ea` vapur pressure in current time step (kPa)
#' @return `lambda` Latent heat of vapourization of water (J / mol)
#' @return `X` Heat to add during time step (deg C)
#' @return `vden` Volumetric density of vegetation (m^3 / m^3.
#' @return `m` number of merged canopy layers
#' @return `PAI` Plant Area Index (m^2 / m^2)
#' @return `TT` Cumulative conductivity time to each canopy node (s)
#' @export
layeraverage<-function(lmm, tc, hgt, gha, gt, zla, z, Vo, ea, X, vden, pk, PAI, TT) {
  # Air variables
  wdv <- 0; for (i in 1:m2) wdv<-c(wdv,rep(awgts[i],lwgts[i]))
  # Conductances (in series)
  gha2<-1/aggregate(1/gha[sel],by=list(mrge),mean)$x  # Need to check
  # Other variables
  zla2 <- aggregate(zla[sel],list(mrge),mean)$x
  ph2 <-phair(tc2,pk); cp2 <-cpair(tc2)
  mult2<- aggregate(mult[sel],list(mrge),mean)$x
  # PAI needs to be leaf area per metre
  PAI2 <- aggregate(c(PAI,0)/c(lmm$zth,2),list(lmm$mrge),mean)$x
  z2 <- aggregate(z[sel],list(mrge),mean)$x; z2<-c(0,z2,hgt+2)
  # Other variables
  lambda2<- -42.575*tc2+44994
  TT2 <- aggregate(TT[sel],list(mrge),mean)$x
#' Interpolates values from merged canopy layers
#' @description interpolates temperature of vapour concentrations from merged canopy layers
#' to derlive values for the original canopy layers
#' @param y1 Conductance times from ground to each merged canopy node (s)
#' @param y2 Conductance times from ground to each unmerged canopy node (s)
#' @param x1 value to be interpolated (temperature or vapour)
#' @return interpolated value (temperature of vapour)
#' @export
layerinterp <- function(y1, y2, x1) {
  x2 <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(y2)) {
    sel <- which(y1 < y2[i])
    d1 <- abs(y1[max(sel)]-y2[i])
    d2 <- abs(y1[max(sel)+1]-y2[i])
    p1 <- d2/(d1+d2)
    p2 <- d1/(d1+d2)
    x2[i] <- p1*x1[max(sel)]+p2*x1[max(sel)+1]
#' Calculates soil heat conductivity and capacity
#' @description Calculates soil heat conductivity and capacity from soil properites
#' @param timestep model time step (s)
#' @param theta volumetric soil water fraction (m^3 / m^3)
#' @param soilp a list of soil parameters as returned by [microclimc::soilinit()]
#' @return a list with the following components:
#' @return `cd` specific heat capacity of soil x height / time (W / m^2 / K)
#' @return `k` thermal conductance of soil (W / m^2 / K)
#' @export
soilk <- function(timestep, theta = 0.3, soilp) {
  c2<-1.06*soilp$rho*theta; c3<-1+2.6*soilp$Mc^-0.5
  return(list(cd=cd, k=k))
#' Function to plot temperature profile
#' @description `plotresults` optionally plots the temperature profile after running
#' [microclimc::spinup()] or while running the model to keep track of progress. It can also be used
#' to plot the results after running the model
#' @param modelout a list of model outputs as returned by [microclimc::runonestep() or [microclimc::runmodel()]]
#' @param vegp a list of vegetation parameters as returned by [habitatvars()]
#' @param climvars a list of climate variables. See example for [microclimc::runonestep()]
#' @param i optional title for plot. Usually the model iteration.
#' @import graphics
#' @export
plotresults <- function(modelout, vegp, climvars, i = "") {
  ymn <- min(zz); ymx <- max(zz)
  xmn <- floor(min(tc, modelout$tleaf)); xmx <- ceiling(max(tc, modelout$tleaf))
  plot(zz~tc, type = "l", xlab = "Temperature", ylab = "Height",
       xlim = c(xmn, xmx), ylim = c(ymn, ymx), lwd = 2, col = "red", main = i)
  plot(modelout$z~modelout$tleaf, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "",
       xlim = c(xmn, xmx), ylim = c(ymn, ymx), lwd = 2, col = "darkgreen")
#' Reformats a data frame returned by [microclima::hourlyNCEP()]
#' @details The `hourlyncep_convert` function reformats the data.frame returned by
#' [microclima::hourlyNCEP()]  for use with `microclimc`
#' @param climdata data.frame as returned by [microclima::hourlyNCEP()]
#' @param lat (declimal degrees)
#' @param long (decimal degrees)
#' @return a data.frame of hourly weather variables (see e.g. `weather`).
#' @export
#' @details The function [microclima::hourlyNCEP()] downloads the required climate and
#' radiation forcing data needed to run microclimate models from the NOAA-NCEP reanalysis
#' project and interpolates 4x daily data to hourly. Thius function reformats those data,
#' converting humdity and radiation values for use with the microclimc package.
hourlyncep_convert <- function(climdata, lat, long) {
  tme<-as.POSIXlt(climdata$obs_time, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC")
  relhum<-suppressWarnings(converthumidity(climdata$humidity, intype = "specific",
                                           tc = climdata$temperature,
                                           pk = pres)$relative)
  relhum[relhum > 100] <- 100
  jd<-jday(tme = tme)
  lt <- tme$hour + tme$min/60 + tme$sec/3600
  si<-solarcoef(0, 0, lt, lat, long, jd, merid = 0)
  raddr<-(climdata$rad_dni * si) / 0.0036
  difrad <- climdata$rad_dif / 0.0036
  swrad <- raddr + difrad
  weather <- data.frame(obs_time = tme, temp = climdata$temperature,
                        relhum = relhum, pres = pres, swrad = swrad,
                        difrad = difrad, skyem = climdata$emissivity,
                        windspeed =  climdata$windspeed,
                        winddir = climdata$winddir)
#' Simulates wind gusts
#' @description `winsim` simulates a hih temporal resoltuion time series of wind speeds
#' that it includes wind gust
#' @param u a vector of wind speeds (m/s)
#' @param timestepin duration of time interval between sucessive values of u (s)
#' @param timestepout duration of time interval between sucessive values of simulated wind speed (s)
#' @param gustduration mean duration of wind gusts
#' @param stability a stability value indicating how variable wind speeds are (1 = very gusty, 3 = fairly stable)
#' @return a vector os simulated wind speeds, incoporating gustiness.
#' @examples
#' u <- c(3.6, 6.2, 8.2, 9.3)
#' ws <- windsim(u)
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' plot(u, type = "l", ylim = c(0,30))
#' plot(ws, type = "l", ylim = c(0,30))
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats spline
windsim <- function(u, timestepin = 3600, timestepout = 1, gustduration = 30, stability = 2) {
  ws<-rweibull(10000, stability, scale = u[1])
  m <- u[1]/mean(ws)
  n <- timestepin / gustduration
  if (n%%1 != 0) {
    warning("timestep is not a multiple of gustduration in\n")
    n<-round(n, 0)
    gdr <- timestepin/n
    warning(paste("gustduration changed to",gdr,"\n"))
  wsm <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(u)) {
    ws <- rweibull(n, stability, scale = u[i]) * m
    wsm <- c(wsm, ws)
  wsm <- wsm[-1]
  no <- timestepin * length(u) * n
  wso<-spline(wsm~c(1:length(wsm)), n = no)$y
  wso[wso<0] <- 0
ilyamaclean/microctools documentation built on Jan. 25, 2023, 5:29 a.m.