
Defines functions VB1FitObj setAlpha setXtrain setDifMat getAlpha getXtrain getDifMat setAlpha.default setXtrain.default setDifMat.default getAlpha.default getXtrain.default getDifMat.default setAlpha.VB1FitObj setXtrain.VB1FitObj setDifMat.VB1FitObj setKernel.VB1FitObj setOptMeth.VB1FitObj getAlpha.VB1FitObj getXtrain.VB1FitObj getDifMat.VB1FitObj getKernel.VB1FitObj getOptMeth.VB1FitObj

Documented in getAlpha getAlpha.default getAlpha.VB1FitObj getDifMat getDifMat.default getDifMat.VB1FitObj getKernel.VB1FitObj getOptMeth.VB1FitObj getXtrain getXtrain.default getXtrain.VB1FitObj setAlpha setAlpha.default setAlpha.VB1FitObj setDifMat setDifMat.default setDifMat.VB1FitObj setKernel.VB1FitObj setOptMeth.VB1FitObj setXtrain setXtrain.default setXtrain.VB1FitObj VB1FitObj

#### Function to fit using the first version of the ranking approach

# function vanbelle1Fit implements the first version of the ranking approach of svm for
# survival time analysis. This version is called ranksvmc in my master thesis
# @param X [matrix(1)]
#   Data set containing the training points
# @param Y [vector(1)]
#   vector of survival times
# @param delta [vector(1)]
#   statut vector: 1 for not censored
# @param kernel_type [character(1)]
#   indicates which kernel type will be used to build the kernel matrix
# @param kernel_pars [vector(1)]
#   vector containing the kernel parameter, when required. See the function kernel_matrix
#   for more details
# @param bin_cat [vector(1)]
#   set of index indicating which columns of the training set X muss treated as binar or
#   categorial varibales. Only required by additive kernel. See the function
#   kernel_matrix for more details
# @param makediff [function(1)]
#   names the function that muss be invoking to construct the matrix of differences on
#   all the comparable pairs
# @param opt_alg [character(1)]
#   tells which function muss be invoked to solve the quadratic optimisation problem
# @param  sgf_sv[integer(1)]
#   indicates how long the decimal part of the solutions muss be rounded
# @param sigf [integer(1)]
#   used by 'ipop' when required. See 'ipop' for more details
# @param maxiter [integer(1)]
#   used by 'ipop' when required. See 'ipop' for more details
# @param margin [integer(1)]
#   used by 'ipop' when required. See 'ipop' for more details
# @param bound [integer(1)]
#   used by 'ipop' when required. See 'ipop' for more details
# @return [VB1FitObj(1)]
#              alpha.fact [vector(1)] estimated factors
#              Xtrain [matrix(1)] number of support vectors
#              Dc [matrix(1)]
#              kernel_type [character] kernel used during fitting phase
#              kernel_pars [vector(1)] parameters used to construict the kernel matrix
#' fits the 'vanbelle1' version of the ranking approach of survival support vector ananlysis.
#' @title survivalsvm (ranking approach)
#' @param X [\code{matrix(1)}]\cr
#' Matrix of training data points.
#' @param Y [\code{vector(1)}]\cr
#' Vector of survival times.
#' @param delta [\code{vector(1)}]\cr
#' Vector of status: 1 = not censored.
#' @param meth_par [numeric(1)]\cr
#' Parameter of regularization.
#' @param kernel_type [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' Kernel that will be used to fit the model. The handled type are: linear kern ('lin_kern'), additive kernel ('add_kernel'),
#' radial basis kernels ('rbf_kernel' and 'rbf4_kernel') and the polynomial kernel ('poly_kernel').
#' @param kernel_pars [\code{numeric(1)|vector(1)}]\cr
#' Parameters of kernel, when required.
#' @param bin_cat [\code{vector(1)}]\cr
#' Indexes of binary/categorical varibales
#' @param makediff [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' String indicating which of \code{'makediff1'}, \code{'makediff2'} or \code{'makediff3'}
#' will be used.
#' @param opt_alg [\code{vector(1)}]\cr
#' Program that will be used to solve the quadratic optimization problem. Either \code{\link{quadprog}} or \code{\link{ipop}}.
#' @param sgf_sv [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#' Number of decimal digits in the solution of the quadratic optimization problem.
#' @param sigf [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#' Used by \code{\link{ipop}}. See \code{\link{ipop}} for details.
#' @param maxiter [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#' Used by \code{\link{ipop}}. See \code{\link{ipop}} for details.
#' @param margin [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#' Used by \code{\link{ipop}}. See \code{\link{ipop}} for details.
#' @param bound [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#' Used by \code{\link{ipop}}. See \code{\link{ipop}} for details.
#' @param eig.tol [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#' Used by \code{nearPD} for adjusting positive definiteness. See \code{\link{nearPD}} for detail.
#' @param conv.tol [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#' Used by \code{nearPD} for adjusting positive definiteness. See \code{\link{nearPD}} for detail.
#' @param posd.tol [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#' Used by \code{nearPD} for adjusting positive definiteness. See \code{\link{nearPD}} for detail.
#' @export
#' @return [\code{VB1FitObj(1)}]
#' object of class \code{VB1FitObj} containing elements:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'    \code{Alpha} \tab solution of the quadratic optimization problem, \cr
#'    \code{Xtrain} \tab matrix of training data points,\cr
#'    \code{DifMat} \tab matrix used to maked differences between neighbor points, \cr
#'    \code{Kernel} \tab kernel matrix, an object of class \code{Kernel},\cr
#'    \code{OptMeth} \tab program used to solve the quadratic optimization problem.\cr
#'  }
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
#' @keywords internal
vanbelle1Fit <- function (X, Y, delta,
                        meth_par = 1, kernel_type = "lin_kernel",
                        kernel_pars = NA, bin_cat = integer(0),
                        makediff = makediff3, opt_alg = "quadprog", sgf_sv = 5,
                        sigf = 7, maxiter = 40, margin = 0.05, bound = 10,
                        eig.tol = 1e-06, conv.tol = 1e-07, posd.tol = 1e-08) {
  if (!(opt_alg %in% c("quadprog", "ipop"))) {
    stop("'opt_alg' must be either 'quadprog' or 'ipop'")
  i.ord <- order(Y)
  Y <- Y[i.ord]
  delta <- delta[i.ord]
  X <- X[i.ord,]
  n <- length(Y)
  if (is.na(kernel_pars) & !(kernel_type == "add_kernel" || kernel_type == "lin_kernel")) {
    kernel_pars <- rep(1/ncol(X), ncol(X))
  # Build the Kernel matrix
  Ker <- kernelMatrix(Xtrain = X, kernel_type = kernel_type, kernel_pars = kernel_pars, bin_cat = bin_cat)
  K <- getMat.Kernel(Ker)
  # Build the matrix D of comparables pairs
  md <- makediff(Y = Y, delta = delta)
  Dc <- getMat.Diffmatrix(md)
  # Solves the dual problem
  D <- crossprod(t(Dc), tcrossprod(K, Dc))
  opt <- if (opt_alg == "quadprog") {
    pracma::quadprog(C = as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(D, eig.tol = eig.tol, conv.tol = conv.tol, posd.tol = posd.tol)$mat),
                     d = rep(-1, n-1), A = -diag(n-1), b = rep(0, n-1), lb = 0, ub = meth_par)
  } else {
    kernlab::ipop(H =  D, c = t(rep(-1, n-1)), A = t(rep(1, n-1)), b = 0, l = rep(0, n-1),
         u = rep(meth_par, n-1), r = (n-1)*meth_par, sigf = sigf, maxiter = maxiter, margin = margin,
         bound = bound)
  alphapar <- if (opt_alg == "ipop") {
    round(opt@primal, sgf_sv)
  } else {
    round(opt$xmin, sgf_sv)
  vb1fo <- VB1FitObj(Alpha = alphapar, Xtrain = X, DifMat = md, Kernel = Ker, OptMeth = opt_alg)

# >>>> contuction of VB1FitObj class
#--- the constructor
#' Constructs object of class \code{VB1FitObj}.
#' @title survivalsvm (ranking approach)
#' @param Alpha [\code{vector(1)}]\cr
#' Solution of the quadratic optimization problem of interest.
#' @param Xtrain [\code{matrix(1)}]\cr
#' Matrix of training data points.
#' @param DifMat [\code{\link{Diffmatrix}(1)}]\cr
#' Matrix used to maked differences between neighbor points.
#' @param Kernel [\code{\link{Kernel}(1)}]\cr
#' Object of class \code{Kernel}.
#' @param OptMeth [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' Program used to solve the optimization problem.
#' @return [\code{VB1FitObj}]
#' Object of class \code{RegFitObj} containing elements:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'    \code{Alpha} \tab solution of the quadratic optimization problem, \cr
#'    \code{Xtrain} \tab matrix of training data points,\cr
#'    \code{DifMat} \tab matrix used to maked differences between neighbor points, \cr
#'    \code{Kernel} \tab kernel matrix, an object of class \code{Kernel},\cr
#'    \code{OptMeth} \tab program used to solve the quadratic optimization problem.\cr
#'  }
#' @keywords internal
VB1FitObj <- function(Alpha = NULL, Xtrain = NULL, DifMat = NULL, Kernel = NULL, OptMeth = NULL) {
  vb1o <- list(Alpha = Alpha, Xtrain = Xtrain, DifMat = DifMat, Kernel = Kernel, OptMeth = OptMeth)
  class(vb1o) <- "VB1FitObj"

#' Creator of the generic mutator \code{setAlpha}.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @param beta [\code{vector(1)}]\cr
#' New value
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
setAlpha <- function(vb1o, beta) {
  UseMethod("setAlpha", vb1o)
#' Creator of the generic mutator \code{setXtrain}.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @param sv [\code{matrix(1)}]\cr
#' new value
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
setXtrain <- function(vb1o, sv) {
  UseMethod("setXtrain", vb1o)
#' Creator of the generic mutator \code{setDifMat}.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @param dm [\code{\link{Diffmatrix}(1)}]\cr
#' new value
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
setDifMat <- function(vb1o, dm) {
  UseMethod("setDifMat", vb1o)
#' Creator of the generic accessor \code{getAlpha}.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
getAlpha <- function(vb1o) {
  UseMethod("getAlpha", vb1o)
#' Creator of the generic accessor \code{getXtrain}.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
getXtrain <- function(vb1o) {
  UseMethod("getXtrain", vb1o)
#' Creator of the generic accessor \code{getDifMat}.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
getDifMat <- function(vb1o) {
  UseMethod("getDifMat", vb1o)
#>>>> Mutators for the kernel object
#' Default mutator of the field \code{Alpha} of the object taken in an argument.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @param alpha [\code{vector(1)}]\cr
#' New offset.
#' @return [\code{VB1FitObj}]
#' The object taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
setAlpha.default <- function(vb1o, alpha) {
#' Default mutator of the field \code{Xtrain} of the object taken in an argument.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @param sv [\code{matrix(1)}]\cr
#' New value.
#' @return [\code{VB1FitObj}]
#' The object taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
setXtrain.default <- function(vb1o, sv) {
#' Default mutator of the field \code{DifMat} of the object taken in an argument.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @param dm [\code{\link{Diffmatrix}(1)}]\cr
#' New offset.
#' @return [\code{VB1FitObj}]
#' The object taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
setDifMat.default <- function(vb1o, dm) {
#' Accessor for the field \code{Alpha} for the object taken in an argument.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @return \code{NULL}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
getAlpha.default <- function(vb1o) {
#' Accessor for the field \code{Xtrain} for the object taken in an argument.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @return \code{NULL}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
getXtrain.default <- function(vb1o) {
#' Accessor for the field \code{DifMat} for the object taken in an argument.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @return \code{NULL}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
getDifMat.default <- function(vb1o) {
#--- specific mutators
#' Default mutator of the field \code{Alpha} of the object taken in an argument.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object of class \code{RegFitObj} taken in the argument.
#' @param alpha [\code{vector(1)}]\cr
#' Vector of solutions.
#' @return modified version of the object taken in an argument.
#' @keywords internal
setAlpha.VB1FitObj <- function(vb1o, alpha) {
  vb1o$Alpha <- alpha
#' Default mutator of the field \code{Xtrain} of the object taken in an argument.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object of class \code{RegFitObj} taken in argument.
#' @param sv new value
#' @return [\code{VB1FitObj}]
#' Modified version of the object taken in argument.
#' @keywords internal
setXtrain.VB1FitObj <- function(vb1o, sv) {
  vb1o$SV <- sv
#' Default mutator of the field \code{DifMat} of the object taken in an argument.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object of class \code{RegFitObj} taken in the argument.
#' @param dm [\code{\link{Diffmatrix}(1)}]\cr
#' New value
#' @return Modified version of the object taken in argument.
#' @keywords internal
setDifMat.VB1FitObj <- function(vb1o, dm) {
  vb1o$Kernel <- dm
#' Default mutator of the field \code{Kernel} of the object taken in an argument.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object of class \code{RegFitObj} taken in the argument.
#' @param kernel [\code{\link{Diffmatrix}(1)}]\cr
#' New object of class \code{Kernel}.
#' @return [\code{VB1FitObj}]
#' Modified version of the object taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
setKernel.VB1FitObj <- function(vb1o, kernel) {
  vb1o$Beta <- kernel
#' Default mutator of the field \code{OptMeth} of the object taken in an argument.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object of class \code{RegFitObj} taken in the argument.
#' @param optmeth [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' New value
#' @return [\code{VB1FitObj}]
#' Modified version of the object taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
setOptMeth.VB1FitObj <- function(vb1o, optmeth) {
  vb1o$OptMeth <- optmeth
#' Creator of the generic accessor \code{Beta}.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @return [\code{vector(1)}]
#' Alpha field of the object of class \code{VB1FitObj} taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
getAlpha.VB1FitObj <- function(vb1o) {
#' #' access to the train matrix of the \code{Xtrain} field.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in the argument.
#' @return Xtrain [\code{matrix(1)}]
#' Field of the object of class \code{VB1FitObj} taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
getXtrain.VB1FitObj <- function(vb1o) {
#' access to the matrix in the \code{DifMat} field.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' object taken in argument.
#' @return DifMat [\code{\link{Diffmatrix}(1)}]
#' field of the object of class \code{VB1FitObj} taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
getDifMat.VB1FitObj <- function(vb1o) {
#' access the object of class \code{Kernel} in the \code{Kernel} field.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in argument.
#' @return Kernel [\code{\link{Kernel}(1)}]
#' Field of the object of class \code{VB1FitObj} taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
getKernel.VB1FitObj <- function(vb1o) {
#' access to the method in \code{OptMeth} field.
#' @title \code{VB1FitObj} (ranking approach)
#' @param vb1o [\code{VB1FitObj}]\cr
#' Object taken in argument.
#' @return [\code{character(1)}]
#' OptMeth field of the object of class \code{VB1FitObj} taken in the argument.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Cesaire J. K. Fouodo
getOptMeth.VB1FitObj <- function(vb1o) {
imbs-hl/survivalsvm documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:13 a.m.