##' read ZIFF files
##' @param sp Numeric species code (ex: 100 for Atlantic cod). Can also be a vector of multiple numeric species codes.
##' @param path Directory where files to read are located. Ex: "//dcqcimlna01a/BD_Peches/Ziff/Format CSV/Fichiers de données/".
##' @param year Vector of years to read (ex: 2015:2020). NULL by default, meaning the function will keep data from all available years.
##' @param language Language to use for column names, either "en" (default) or "fr".
##' @import readr lubridate
##' @importFrom data.table rbindlist fread
##' @details
#' This function reads Zonal Interchange File format (ZIFF) data from .csv files "Version_totale", available from: //dcqcimlna01a/BD_Peches/Ziff/Format CSV/Fichiers de données/.
#' Notes:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{NAFO Divisions and Subareas all capitalised to ensure consistency with other databases}
#' \item{The year value reflects the year when fish were caught (capt), unless this unavailable, in which case the date of landing is used (land)}
#' \item{year, trimester and month values are from catch dates. If no catch date is provided, the landing date is used instead.}
#' \item{Data can be read in both languages (column names, province names) but catch-at-age functions require the English version.}
#' }
##' @rdname read.ziff
##' @export
read.ziff <- function(sp, path, year = NULL, language = "en"){
language <- match.arg(language, choices = c("en", "fr"))
# 1) Files to read
files <- list.files(pattern = "^Version_totale_", full.names = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE, path = path)
if(all(is.na(files))) stop('No files with string "Version_totale" in directory.')
# if only some years are requested, the function won't read all files
if(!is.numeric(year)) stop('Argument "year" needs to be a numeric vector.')
ys <- sapply(files, function(x){y <- gsub(".*totale_(.+).csv", "\\1", x)})
ys <- cbind(start = as.numeric(substring(ys, 1, 4)),
end = as.numeric(substring(ys, 5, 8)))
id <- apply(ys, 1, function(z) any(sapply(year, function(x) x %in% z[1]:z[2])))
files <- files[id]
# 2) Files reading
ziff <- lapply(1:length(files), function(x){
z <- fread(file = files[x], sep = ",")
z <- z[z$cod_esp %in% sp, ] # keep only the lines of each file for the species of interest.
ziff <- rbindlist(ziff, fill = TRUE)
ziff <- as.data.frame(ziff)
# 3) data clean up
# opano / div
ziff[ziff$opano %in% c("","XXX"), 'opano'] <- NA
ziff[ziff$div %in% c("","XXX"), 'div'] <- NA
ziff$opano <- toupper(ziff$opano) # too messy to begin with. nafo also uses upper case in data
ziff$div <- toupper(ziff$div) # idem
# dates
ziff$date_cap <- ymd(ziff$date_cap)
ziff$date_deb <- ymd(ziff$date_deb)
ziff$annee <- with(ziff, ifelse(is.na(date_cap), year(date_deb), year(date_cap)))
if(!is.null(year)) ziff <- ziff[ziff$annee %in% year, ]
ziff$annee_gestion <- ifelse(month(ziff$date_deb) <= 4 & day(ziff$date_deb) <= 15 & ziff$annee > 1999, ziff$annee - 1, ziff$annee) # starts on May 15th May since 2000
ziff$mois_cap <- month(ziff$date_cap)
ziff$mois_deb <- month(ziff$date_deb)
ziff$mois <- with(ziff, ifelse(is.na(mois_cap), mois_deb, mois_cap))
ziff$trim_cap <- quarter(ziff$date_cap)
ziff$trim_deb <- quarter(ziff$date_deb)
ziff$trim <- with(ziff, ifelse(is.na(trim_cap), trim_deb, trim_cap))
# province
provs <- data.frame(fr = c('Inconnu', 'N-É', 'N-B', 'IPE', 'QC', 'T-N'), en = c('Unknown', 'NS', 'NB', 'PEI', 'QC', 'NL'))
ziff$prov_att <- provs[, language][floor(ziff$port_att / 10000) + 1]
ziff$prov_att[is.na(ziff$prov_att)] <- provs[1, language]
ziff$prov_deb <- provs[, language][floor(ziff$port_deb / 10000) + 1]
ziff$prov_deb[is.na(ziff$prov_deb)] <- provs[1, language]
# unit
ziff[ziff$un_mes == 'P'& !is.na(ziff$un_mes), 'pd_deb'] <- ziff[ziff$un_mes == 'P' & !is.na(ziff$un_mes), 'pd_deb'] * 0.453592
levels(ziff$un_mes)[levels(ziff$un_mes) == 'P'] <- 'KfromP' # Converted langings in pounds to landings in kilograms
# general stuff
ziff[ziff == 0] <- NA # all 0s are NA
ziff[] <- lapply(ziff, function(x) if(is.factor(x)) factor(x) else x) # drop unused factor levels
# translate dataframe columns
if(language == 'en') colnames(ziff) <- c(ziff_meta_csv$en,'year', 'year.management', 'catch.month', 'land.month', 'month',
'catch.trim', 'land.trim', 'trim', 'prov.home', 'prov.land')
# add info for species
## landed species
temp <- ziff_species
val <- ziff_meta_csv[ziff_meta_csv$fr == 'cod_esp', language]
names(temp) <- c(val, paste0(val, "_en"), paste0(val, "_fr"), paste0(val, "_lat"))
ziff <- merge(ziff, temp, by = val, all.x = T)
## targeted species
temp <- ziff_species
val <- ziff_meta_csv[ziff_meta_csv$fr == 'prespvis', language]
names(temp) <- c(val, paste0(val, "_en"), paste0(val, "_fr"), paste0(val, "_lat"))
ziff <- merge(ziff, temp, by = val, all.x = T)
## main species
temp <- ziff_species
val <- ziff_meta_csv[ziff_meta_csv$fr == 'prespcap', language]
names(temp) <- c(val, paste0(val, "_en"), paste0(val, "_fr"), paste0(val, "_lat"))
ziff <- merge(ziff, temp, by = val, all.x = T)
# add info for gear
temp <- ziff_gear
val <- ziff_meta_csv[ziff_meta_csv$fr == 'engin', language]
names(temp) <- c(val, paste0(val, "_fr"), paste0(val, "_en"), paste0(val, "_fixmob"), paste0(val, "_cat"))
ziff <- merge(ziff, temp, by = val, all.x = T)
# add info for tonnage class
temp <- ziff_tonnage
val <- ziff_meta_csv[ziff_meta_csv$fr == 'cl_ton', language]
names(temp) <- c(val, paste0(val, "_desc"))
ziff <- merge(ziff, temp, by = val, all.x = T)
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