## Export: inla.barrier.pcmatern inla.barrier.polygon
##! \name{inla.barrier}
##! \alias{inla.barrier}
##! \alias{barrier}
##! \alias{inla.barrier.pcmatern}
##! \alias{barrier.pcmatern}
##! \alias{inla.barrier.polygon}
##! \alias{barrier.polygon}
##! \alias{inla.barrier.q}
##! \alias{barrier.q}
##! \alias{inla.barrier.fem}
##! \alias{barrier.fem}
##! \title{Functions for defining the Barrier models}
##! \description{Functions for defining Barrier models as an \code{inla rgeneric} model}
##! \usage{
##! inla.barrier.pcmatern(mesh, barrier.triangles, prior.range,
##! prior.sigma, range.fraction=0.2)
##! inla.barrier.polygon(mesh, barrier.triangles, Omega=NULL)
##! inla.barrier.q(fem, ranges, sigma=1)
##! inla.barrier.fem(mesh, barrier.triangles, Omega=NULL)
##! }
##! \arguments{
##! \item{mesh}{The mesh to build the model on, from inla.mesh.2d}
##! \item{barrier.triangles}{The numerical ids of the triangles that make up the barrier area}
##! \item{prior.range}{2 parameters \code{(range0,Prange)} for the prior spatial range.
##! If \code{Prange} is \code{NA}, then \code{range0} is used as a fixed range value (TODO).}
##! \item{prior.sigma}{2 parameters \code{(sig0,Psig)} for the prior marginal standard deviation sigma.
##! If \code{Psig} is \code{NA}, then \code{sig0} is used as a fixed sigma value (TODO).}
##! \item{range.fraction}{The length of the spatial range inside the barrier area,
##! as a fraction of the range parameter.}
##! \item{Omega}{Advanced option for creating a set of permeable barriers (not documented)}
##! }
##! \details{
##! This model is described in the ArXiv preprint arXiv:1608.03787.
##! For examples, see \url{https://haakonbakka.bitbucket.io/btopic107.html}.
##! }
##! \code{inla.barrier.pcmatern} gives the (rgeneric) model object for fitting the model in INLA,
##! \code{inla.barrier.polygon} gives the polygon around the barrier (mainly for plotting),
##! \code{inla.barrier.q} is an internal method producing the Q matrix from a result of inla.barrier.fem,
##! \code{inla.barrier.fem} is an internal method producing the Finite Element matrices.
##! }
##! \seealso{inla.spde2.pcmatern}
##! \author{Haakon Bakka \email{bakka@r-inla.org}}
inla.barrier.pcmatern = function(mesh, barrier.triangles, prior.range, prior.sigma, range.fraction=0.2)
## Give default values if absolutely needed
if (missing(prior.range)) {
warning("Arbitrary prior values chosen automatically. This may suffice for a first attempt,
but should be changed in any serious analysis.")
prior.range = c(diff(range(mesh$loc[ ,1]))/5, 0.5)
if (missing(prior.sigma)) {
warning("Arbitrary prior values chosen automatically. This may suffice for a first attempt,
but should be changed in any serious analysis.")
prior.sigma = c(1, 0.5)
## INPUT verification ###
stopifnot(class(mesh) == 'inla.mesh')
stopifnot(range.fraction > 0.000001)
dt.create.prior.log.exp = function (prior.param) {
## This is the log-prior for the internal parametrisation theta
## Both log of probability and log of exponential dist
## theta = log(sigma), log(range1), log(range2), ...
## Input
## parameters are the lambdas in the exponential distribution
## - the first is for sigma
## - the second is for all the ranges
## Move to current scope (environment)
prior.param = prior.param
log.prior = function(theta) {
lambda0 = prior.param[1]
lambda1 = prior.param[2]
ntheta = length(theta)
## Prior for standard deviation
val = 0 + log(lambda0) - lambda0*exp(theta[1]) + theta[1]
## Prior for range(s)
for (i in 2:ntheta) {
val = val + log(lambda1) - lambda1*exp(-theta[i]) + -theta[i]
## - this environment includes the prior parameters
## - this function is the model component definition in the rgeneric inla framework
## - see inla.doc('rgeneric')
barrier.rgeneric.model = function(cmd = c("graph", "Q", "mu", "initial",
"log.norm.const", "log.prior", "quit"),
theta = NULL) {
## Input
## theta
## Assumed functions
## log.prior(theta)
graph = function(theta) {
ntheta = length(initial())
G1 = Q(theta=(1:ntheta)/3.217233456)
G1[G1 != 0] = 1
G2 = Q(theta=(1:ntheta)^2/12.1543534)
G2[G2 != 0] = 1
return (G1+G2)
Q = function(theta) {
return(inla.barrier.q(fem=fem, ranges=exp(theta[2])*c(1, range.fraction), sigma=exp(theta[1])))
mu = function(theta) numeric(0)
initial = function(theta) {
initial.theta = rep(0, 2)
return (initial.theta)
log.norm.const = function(theta) numeric(0)
quit <- function(theta) invisible()
val = do.call(match.arg(cmd), args = list(theta))
return (val)
## Create a valid Omega from the barrier.triangles
barrier.triangles = unique(barrier.triangles)
t = length(mesh$graph$tv[,1])
## - all triangles
remaining = setdiff(1:t, barrier.triangles)
Omega = list(remaining, barrier.triangles)
## Create the barrier model
if (!is.na(prior.sigma[2]) && !is.na(prior.range[2])) {
log.prior = dt.create.prior.log.exp(
prior.param = c(-log(prior.sigma[2])/prior.sigma[1], -log(prior.range[2])*prior.range[1]))
## - The prior parameters are the lambdas in the exponential
## priors for standard deviation and inverse-range
## - the first is log(prob)/exceed, the second log(prob)*exceed
## - the second is exponential for inverse range, therefore multiplication!
fem = inla.barrier.fem(mesh, barrier.triangles = barrier.triangles)
barrier.model = inla.rgeneric.define(model = barrier.rgeneric.model,
log.prior=log.prior, inla.barrier.q=inla.barrier.q,
fem=fem, range.fraction = range.fraction)
} else if (!is.na(prior.sigma[2]) && is.na(prior.range[2])) {
stop("Input not supported (TODO)")
} else {
stop("Input not supported (TODO)")
inla.barrier.polygon = function(mesh, barrier.triangles, Omega=NULL)
## - constructs SpatialPolygons for the different subdomains (areas)
stopifnot(class(mesh) == 'inla.mesh')
## - requires an inla mesh to work
## - required package
if (missing(barrier.triangles)) {
## Use Omega
} else {
## Create a valid Omega
barrier.triangles = unique(barrier.triangles)
t = length(mesh$graph$tv[,1])
## - all triangles
remaining = setdiff(1:t, barrier.triangles)
if (!is.null(Omega)) warning("Omega is replaced by barrier.triangles")
Omega = list(remaining, barrier.triangles)
Omega.SP.list = list()
for (j in 1:length(Omega)) {
poly.list = list()
for (tri in Omega[[j]]) {
px = mesh$graph$tv[tri, ]
temp = mesh$loc[px, ] # is a 3 by 3 matrix of node locations
poly.list = c(poly.list , Polygon(rbind(temp[ ,1:2], temp[1, 1:2]), hole=F))
mesh.polys = SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(poly.list, ID='noid')))
Omega.SP.list[[j]] = gUnaryUnion(mesh.polys)
if (missing(barrier.triangles)) {
} else {
## I.e. Solve the differential equation (the SPDE)
inla.barrier.q <- function(fem, ranges, sigma=1)
## - This function computes a specific precision matrix
## - fem represents the Barrier model or the Different Terrains model
## - fem contains all the needed matrices to solve the SPDE
## - the ranges and sigma are the hyperparameters that determine Q
if (is.null(ranges)) stop("ranges cannot be NULL")
if (any(is.na(ranges))) stop("No range can be NA")
xi = length(ranges)
if (xi != length(fem$D)) {
print('dt.precision has encountered an error. Will stop.')
stop ('Ranges do no correspond to fem')
if (any(ranges < 0.001)) {
warning('This hyper parameter value will probably fail. A very small maximum edge length needed in the mesh.')
Cdiag = ranges[1]^2* fem$C[[1]] # already raised to power 2
if (xi > 1) {
for (k in 2:xi) {
Cdiag = Cdiag + ranges[k]^2*fem$C[[k]]
N = length(Cdiag)
Cinv = sparseMatrix(i=1:N, j = 1:N, x=1/Cdiag, dims = c(N,N), giveCsparse=FALSE)
A = fem$I
for (k in 1:xi) {
A = A + (ranges[k]^2/8)*fem$D[[k]]
Q = t(A)%*%Cinv%*%A*(1/sigma^2)/(pi/2) * 4
Q = inla.as.dgTMatrix(Q)
return (Q)
`inla.barrier.fem` = function(mesh, barrier.triangles, Omega = NULL)
stopifnot(class(mesh) == 'inla.mesh')
dt.fem.matrices <- function(mesh, Omega) {
## - This function computes the Finite Element matrices
## - - this is needed to compute the precision matrix Q later
xi = length(Omega)
fem = list()
fem$I = dt.fem.identity(mesh)
fem$D = list()
fem$C = list()
for (k in 1:xi) {
fem$D[[k]] = dt.fem.laplace(mesh, Omega[[k]])
for (k in 1:xi) {
fem$C[[k]] = dt.fem.white(mesh, Omega[[k]])
fem$hdim = xi
dt.fem.white <- function(mesh, subdomain) {
## - This function computes the Finite Element matrix of the white noise on ONE subdomain (area)
## - This matrix is a diagonal matrix
## Pre-allocation
Ck = rep(0, mesh$n)
for (t in subdomain) {
## Node indexes for triangle t:
px = mesh$graph$tv[t, ]
temp = mesh$loc[px, ] # is a 3 by 3 matrix of node locations
p1 = t(t(temp[1, c(1,2)]))
p2 = t(t(temp[2, c(1,2)]))
p3 = t(t(temp[3, c(1,2)]))
Ts = cbind(p2-p1, p3-p1) # is the transformation to reference triangle
area= abs(det(Ts)) * 0.5
for (i in 1:3) {
Ck[px[i]] = Ck[px[i]] + area
return (Ck)
dt.fem.identity <- function(mesh) {
## - this function computes the Finite Element matrix for the '1' in the SPDE (the identity operator)
## - this operator does not depend on the subdomains
## Preallocation
len = length(mesh$graph$tv[,1])
index.i = rep(0,len * 6)
index.j = rep(0,len * 6)
Aij = rep(0,len * 6) # matrix values
counter = 1
for (t in 1:len) {
## Node indexes for triangle t:
px = mesh$graph$tv[t, ]
temp = mesh$loc[px, ] # is a 3 by 3 matrix of node locations
p1 = t(t(temp[1, c(1,2)]))
p2 = t(t(temp[2, c(1,2)]))
p3 = t(t(temp[3, c(1,2)]))
Ts = cbind(p2-p1, p3-p1) # is the transformation to reference triangle
twiceArea= abs(det(Ts))
for (i in 1:3) {
index.i[counter] = px[i]
index.j[counter] = px[i] # same
Aij[counter] = (twiceArea)*1/12
counter = counter + 1
for (i in 1:2) {
for (j in (i+1):3)
index.i[counter] = px[i]
index.j[counter] = px[j]
Aij[counter]= (twiceArea)*1/24
counter=counter + 1
# symmetry:
index.i[counter] = px[j]
index.j[counter] = px[i]
Aij[counter]= (twiceArea)*1/24
counter=counter + 1
I = sparseMatrix(i=index.i, j = index.j, x=Aij, dims = c(mesh$n, mesh$n), giveCsparse=FALSE)
return (I)
dt.fem.laplace <- function(mesh, subdomain) {
## - This function computes the Finite Element matrix of the laplace operator on ONE subdomain (area)
## - This matrix is very sparse
## The nabla phi's
Nphix = rbind(c(-1,-1), c(1,0), c(0,1))
len = length(subdomain)
index.i = rep(0,len * 9)
index.j = rep(0,len * 9)
Aij = rep(0,len * 9) # matrix values
counter = 1
for (tri in subdomain) {
px = mesh$graph$tv[tri, ]
temp = mesh$loc[px, ] # is a 3 by 3 matrix of node locations
p1 = t(t(temp[1, c(1,2)]))
p2 = t(t(temp[2, c(1,2)]))
p3 = t(t(temp[3, c(1,2)]))
Ts = cbind(p2-p1, p3-p1) # is the transformation to reference triangle
TTTinv = solve(t(Ts)%*%Ts)
area= abs(det(Ts)) * 0.5
for (k in 1:3) {
for (m in 1:3) {
tmp = (3*m+k-4)*length(subdomain)
index.i[(tmp + counter)] = px[k]
index.j[(tmp + counter)] = px[m]
Aij[(tmp + counter)] = area*Nphix[k, c(1,2) ]%*%TTTinv%*%as.matrix(Nphix[m, c(1,2) ])
counter = counter + 1
Dk = sparseMatrix(i=index.i, j = index.j, x=Aij, dims = c(mesh$n, mesh$n), giveCsparse=FALSE)
return (Dk)
if (missing(barrier.triangles) && is.null(Omega)) stop("Input barrier triangles")
if (missing(barrier.triangles)) {
## Use Omega
} else {
## Create a valid Omega
barrier.triangles = unique(barrier.triangles)
t = length(mesh$graph$tv[,1])
## - all triangles
remaining = setdiff(1:t, barrier.triangles)
if (!is.null(Omega)) warning("Omega is replaced by barrier.triangles")
Omega = list(remaining, barrier.triangles)
fem = dt.fem.matrices(mesh, Omega)
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