## Export: merge!inla
## Export: inla.merge
##! \name{inla.merge}
##! \alias{inla.merge}
##! \alias{merge.inla}
##! \title{Merge a mixture of \code{inla}-objects}
##! \description{Merge a mixture of \code{inla}-objects}
##! \usage{
##! \method{merge}{inla}(x, y, ..., prob = rep(1, length(loo)), verbose = FALSE)
##! inla.merge(loo, prob = rep(1, length(loo)), verbose = FALSE)
##! }
##! \arguments{
##! \item{x}{An \code{inla}-object to be merged}
##! \item{y}{An \code{inla}-object to be merged}
##! \item{...}{Additional \code{inla}-objects to be merged}
##! \item{loo}{List of \code{inla}-objects to be merged}
##! \item{prob}{The mixture of (possibly unnormalized) probabilities}
##! \item{verbose}{Turn on verbose-output or not}
##! }
##! \value{
##! A merged \code{inla}-object.
##! }
##! \details{
##! The function \code{merge.inla} implements method \code{merge} for
##! \code{inla}-objects. \code{merge.inla} is a wrapper for the function
##! \code{inla.merge}. The interface is slightly different, \code{merge.inla}
##! is more tailored for interactive use, whereas \code{inla.merge} is better
##! in general code.
##! \code{inla.merge} is intented for merging a mixture of \code{inla}-objects,
##! each run with the same formula and settings, except for a set of
##! hyperparameters that are fixed to different values. Using this function,
##! we can then integrate over these hyperparameters using (unnormalized)
##! integration weights
##! \code{prob}. The main objects to be merged, are the summary statistics
##! and marginal densities (like for hyperparameters, fixed, random, etc).
##! Not all entries in the object can be merged, and by default these
##! are inheritated from the first object in the list,
##! while some are just set to \code{NULL}.
##! Those objectes that are merged,
##! will be listed if run with option \code{verbose=TRUE}.
##! Note that merging hyperparameter in the user-scale is prone to
##! discretization error in general, so it is more stable to convert
##! the marginal of the hyperparameter from the merged internal scale
##! to the user-scale. (This is not done by this function.)
##! }
##! \author{Havard Rue \email{hrue@r-inla.org}}
##! \examples{
##! set.seed(123)
##! n = 100
##! y = rnorm(n)
##! y[1:10] = NA
##! x = rnorm(n)
##! z1 = runif(n)
##! z2 = runif(n)*n
##! idx = 1:n
##! idx2 = 1:n
##! lc1 = inla.make.lincomb(idx = c(1, 2, 3))
##! names(lc1) = "lc1"
##! lc2 = inla.make.lincomb(idx = c(0, 1, 2, 3))
##! names(lc2) = "lc2"
##! lc3 = inla.make.lincomb(idx = c(0, 0, 1, 2, 3))
##! names(lc3) = "lc3"
##! lc = c(lc1, lc2, lc3)
##! rr = list()
##! for (logprec in c(0, 1, 2))
##! rr[[length(rr)+1]] = inla(y ~ 1 + x + f(idx, z1) + f(idx2, z2),
##! lincomb = lc,
##! control.family = list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = logprec))),
##! control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE, link = 1),
##! data = data.frame(y, x, idx, idx2, z1, z2))
##! r = inla.merge(rr, prob = seq_along(rr), verbose=TRUE)
##! summary(r)
`merge.inla` = function(x, y, ..., prob = rep(1, length(loo)), verbose = FALSE)
return (inla.merge(loo = list(x, y, ...), prob = prob, verbose = verbose))
`inla.merge` = function(loo, prob = rep(1, length(loo)), verbose = FALSE)
nm = "disable.inla.merge.warning"
if (!exists(nm, envir = inla.get.inlaEnv())) {
warning("This function is experimental.", immediate. = TRUE)
assign(nm, TRUE, envir = inla.get.inlaEnv())
verboze = function(..., sep="") {
if (verbose) {
cat("inla.merge: ", ..., "\n", sep=sep)
merge.marginals = function(lom, prob, nx = 128, eps.y = 1e-6) {
## compute the (min, median, max) for each marginal, and then the min, median, max of
## those again.
xs = matrix(unlist(lapply(
function(m) {
xx = m[, "x"]
return (c(min(xx), median(xx), max(xx)))
})), nrow = 3)
x.min = min(xs[1, ])
x.med = median(xs[2, ])
x.max = max(xs[3, ])
## we guess the transformation... In any case, it should not to be to bad.
if (x.min > 0 && x.max < 1) {
## probability
m1 = function(x) 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-x))
m1i = function(x) log(x/(1.0 - x))
} else if (x.min > 0) {
## this is a positive marginal. Choose the scale that make is more symmetric
if (abs((x.med - x.min)/(x.max - x.min) - 0.5) <
abs((log(x.med) - log(x.min))/(log(x.max) - log(x.min)) - 0.5)) {
## linear
m1 = m1i = function(x) x
} else {
## log
m1 = function(x) exp(x)
m1i = function(x) log(x)
} else {
## use a linear mapping
m1 = m1i = function(x) x
xx = m1(seq(m1i(x.min), m1i(x.max), len = nx))
yy = rep(0, nx)
for(i in seq_along(lom)) {
yy = yy + prob[i] * inla.dmarginal(xx, lom[[i]])
## remove points not needed
idx.keep = (yy > eps.y * max(yy))
marg = inla.smarginal(cbind(x = xx[idx.keep], y = yy[idx.keep]), factor = 2L, keep.type = TRUE)
return (marg)
merge.summary = function(los, prob) {
n = length(los)
stopifnot(length(prob) == n)
m = nrow(los[[1]])
m1 = numeric(m)
m2 = numeric(m)
prob = prob / sum(prob)
for(i in 1:n) {
m1 = m1 + prob[i] * los[[i]][, "mean"]
m2 = m2 + prob[i] * (los[[i]][, "sd"]^2 + los[[i]][, "mean"]^2)
df = data.frame(mean = m1,
sd = sqrt(pmax(.Machine$double.eps, m2-m1^2)))
if (!is.null(los[[1]]$ID)) {
df$ID = los[[1]]$ID
rownames(df) = rownames(los[[1]])
return (df)
merge.cpo = function(cpos, prob) {
n = length(cpos)
stopifnot(length(prob) == n)
m = length(cpos[[1]]$cpo)
res = matrix(0, m, 3)
if (m > 0) {
prob = prob / sum(prob)
for(i in 1:n) {
res[, 1] = res[, 1] + prob[i] * cpos[[i]]$cpo
res[, 2] = res[, 2] + prob[i] * cpos[[i]]$pit
res[, 3] = res[, 3] + prob[i] * cpos[[i]]$failure
res[, 3] = as.numeric(res[, 3] > 0)
return (list(cpo = res[, 1], pit = res[, 2], failure = res[, 3]))
merge.po = function(pos, prob) {
n = length(pos)
stopifnot(length(prob) == n)
m = length(pos[[1]]$po)
res = numeric(m)
if (m > 0) {
prob = prob / sum(prob)
for(i in 1:n) {
res = res + prob[i] * pos[[i]]$po
return (list(po = res))
stopifnot(length(prob) == length(loo))
stopifnot(all(prob > 0))
prob = prob / sum(prob)
m = length(loo)
res = loo[[1]]
verboze("Enter with prob = [", round(prob, dig = 3), "], and", m, "models", sep=" ")
## list
marginals = c(paste0("marginals.", c("hyperpar", "fixed", "lincomb", "lincomb.derived", "linear.predictor")),
## list of list
marginals2 = paste0("marginals.", c("random", "spde2.blc", "spde3.blc"))
## data.frame
summaries = c(paste0("summary.", c("hyperpar", "fixed", "lincomb", "lincomb.derived", "linear.predictor")),
## list of data.frame
summaries2 = paste0("summary.", c("random", "spde2.blc", "spde3.blc"))
## items to remove
remove = c("marginals.fitted.values", "summary.fitted.values", "dic", "waic",
"neffp", "mode", ".args", "model.matrix")
## items to remove in $misc
misc.remove = c("cov.intern", "cov.intern.eigenvalues", "cov.intern.eigenvectors",
"lincomb.derived.correlation.matrix", "lincomb.derived.covariance.matrix",
"log.posterior.mode", "stdev.corr.negative", "stdev.corr.negative",
"stdev.corr.positive", "theta.mode")
for(nm in marginals) {
idx = which(names(res) == nm)
if (length(idx) > 0) {
verboze("Merge '$", nm, "'")
nm = names(res[[idx]])
res[[idx]] = inla.mclapply(
function(k) {
margs = lapply(loo, function(x, kk) x[[idx]][[kk]], kk = k)
return (merge.marginals(margs, prob))
names(res[[idx]]) = nm
for (nm in marginals2) {
idx = which(names(res) == nm)
if (length(idx) > 0) {
verboze("Merge '$", nm, "'")
for(k in seq_along(res[[idx]])) {
verboze(" '$", nm, "$", names(res[[idx]])[k], "'")
nm = names(res[[idx]][[k]])
res[[idx]][[k]] = inla.mclapply(seq_along(res[[idx]][[k]]),
function(kk) {
margs = lapply(loo, function(x, k, kkk) x[[idx]][[k]][[kkk]], k = k, kkk = kk)
return (merge.marginals(margs, prob))
names(res[[idx]][[k]]) = nm
for (nm in summaries) {
idx = which(names(res) == nm)
if (length(idx) > 0) {
verboze("Merge '$", nm, "'")
if (!is.null(res[[idx]]) && nrow(res[[idx]]) > 0) {
zum = lapply(loo, function(x) x[[idx]])
res[[idx]] = merge.summary(zum, prob)
if (!is.null(res$cpo)) {
verboze(paste0("Merge '$cpo'"))
nm = "disable.inla.merge.cpo.warning"
if (!exists(nm, envir = inla.get.inlaEnv())) {
warning("Merging 'cpo' and 'pit'-results are/can be, approximate only")
assign(nm, TRUE, envir = inla.get.inlaEnv())
cpo = lapply(loo, function(x) x$cpo)
res$cpo = merge.cpo(cpo, prob)
if (!is.null(res$po)) {
verboze(paste0("Merge '$po'"))
po = lapply(loo, function(x) x$po)
res$po = merge.po(po, prob)
for (nm in summaries2) {
idx = which(names(res) == nm)
if (length(idx) > 0) {
for(k in seq_along(res[[idx]])) {
verboze(paste0(" '$", nm, "$", names(res[[idx]])[k], "'"))
zum = lapply(loo, function(x) x[[idx]][[k]])
res[[idx]][[k]] = merge.summary(zum, prob)
## merge configs, if they are there
if (!is.null(res$misc$configs)) {
verboze("Merge '$misc$configs'")
res$misc$configs$nconfig = m * res$misc$configs$nconfig
res$misc$configs$config = as.list(seq_len(res$misc$configs$nconfig)) ## create the list to be filled
res$misc$configs$max.log.posterior = NA ## to be computer later
count = 1
for(k in seq_along(loo)) {
conf = loo[[k]]$misc$configs
for(kk in seq_len(conf$nconfig)) {
conf$config[[kk]]$log.posterior = conf$config[[kk]]$log.posterior +
conf$max.log.posterior + log(prob[k])
conf$config[[kk]]$log.posterior.orig = conf$config[[kk]]$log.posterior.orig +
conf$max.log.posterior + log(prob[k])
res$misc$configs$config[[count]] = conf$config[[kk]]
count = count + 1
## rescale the log.posterior's, similar code as in 'inla.collect.misc()'
res$misc$configs$max.log.posterior = max(sapply(res$misc$configs$config, function(x) x$log.posterior.orig))
for(k in seq_len(res$misc$configs$nconfig)) {
res$misc$configs$config[[k]]$log.posterior = res$misc$configs$config[[k]]$log.posterior -
res$misc$configs$config[[k]]$log.posterior.orig = res$misc$configs$config[[k]]$log.posterior.orig -
verboze(paste0("Merge '$misc$nfunc"))
res$misc$nfunc = sum(unlist(lapply(loo, function(x) x$misc$nfunc)))
verboze(paste0("Merge '$cpu.used"))
res$cpu.used = rowSums(sapply(loo, function(x) x$cpu.used))
verboze(paste0("Merge '$logfile"))
res$logfile = c()
for (k in seq_along(loo)) {
res$logfile = c(res$logfile,
paste0("### CONFIGURATION number ", k, ", prob = ", round(prob[k], dig=5)),
if (!is.null(res$joint.hyper)) {
verboze(paste0("Merge '$joint.hyper"))
res$joint.hyper = data.frame()
for (k in seq_along(loo)) {
tmp = loo[[k]]$joint.hyper
tmp[, ncol(tmp)] = tmp[, ncol(tmp)] + log(prob[k])
res$joint.hyper = rbind(res$joint.hyper, tmp)
for (nm in remove) {
verboze(paste0("Remove '$", nm, "'"))
idx = which(names(res) == nm)
if (length(idx) >0) {
res[[idx]] = NULL
for (nm in misc.remove) {
verboze(paste0("Remove '$misc$", nm, "'"))
idx = which(names(res$misc) == nm)
if (length(idx) >0) {
res$misc[[idx]] = NULL
return (res)
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