
Defines functions extract_soil_map_data

Documented in extract_soil_map_data

#' @title Extract soil properties from Flemish soil map
#' @description This function queries the
#' \href{https://www.geopunt.be/catalogus/datasetfolder/5c129f2d-4498-4bc3-8860-01cb2d513f8f}{the Flemish soil map} # nolint
#' attributes at a given coordinate,
#' by using the affiliated WFS service provided by DOV.
#' The user can pick the properties of interest.
#' See the examples section to see how to obtain a full list of possible
#' properties of interest.
#' Coordinates should be given in the 'Belge 1972 / Belgian Lambert 72'
#' (\href{https://epsg.io/31370}{EPSG:31370}) coordinate reference system.
#' When outside the Flemish region, an NA value is given for each of the
#' properties.
#' @param x_lam The numeric value of the X coordinate in CRS
#' 'Belge 1972 / Belgian Lambert 72' (EPSG:31370).
#' @param y_lam The numeric value of the Y coordinate in CRS
#' 'Belge 1972 / Belgian Lambert 72' (EPSG:31370).
#' @param properties_of_interest A vector or properties, as a subset of these
#' provided by the webservice (see the examples section for how to obtain the
#' list).
#' Default `Bodemserie`, `Unibodemtype` and `Bodemtype`.
#' @return A `data.frame` with the properties as column headers.
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @export
#' @family download_functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(inborutils)
#' extract_soil_map_data(173995.67, 212093.44)
#' # code to obtain list of all possible soil properties
#' library(ows4R)
#' library(purrr)
#' wfs <- "https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/geoserver/bodemkaart/bodemtypes/wfs"
#' wfs_client <- WFSClient$new(wfs,
#'   serviceVersion = "1.1.0"
#' )
#' wfs_client$
#'   getCapabilities()$
#'   findFeatureTypeByName("bodemkaart:bodemtypes")$
#'   getDescription() %>%
#'   map_chr(function(x) {
#'     x$getName()
#'   })
#' extract_soil_map_data(173995.67, 212093.44,
#'   properties_of_interest = c(
#'     "Eenduidige_legende",
#'     "Textuurklasse"
#'   )
#' )
#' }
extract_soil_map_data <- function(x_lam,
                                  properties_of_interest) {
  if (missing(properties_of_interest)) {
    properties_of_interest <- c(
      paste0("Defaulting to Bodemserie, Unibodemtype, Bodemtype. ",
      "To avoid this message provide properties of interest in the",
      "function call.")
  # dealing with point data inside a certain polygon of the soil map:
  wfs_bodemtypes <-
  query <- list(
    service = "WFS",
    request = "GetFeature",
    version = "1.1.0",
    typeName = "bodemkaart:bodemtypes",
    outputFormat = "json",
    propertyname = as.character(paste(properties_of_interest,
      collapse = ","
    CRS = "EPSG:31370",
    CQL_FILTER = sprintf(
      "INTERSECTS(geom,POINT(%s %s))",
      x_lam, y_lam

  result <- GET(wfs_bodemtypes, query = query)
  if (grepl("ExceptionText", content(result, "text"))) {
      paste(properties_of_interest, collapse = ", "),
      "is not available for bodemkaart:bodemtypes.",
      "The possible propertyName values are: [gid, id_kaartvlak, geom, Bodemtype
      , Unibodemtype, Bodemserie, Beknopte_omschrijving_bodemserie,
      Substraat_legende, Gegeneraliseerde_legende, Substraat_code,
      Substraat_Vlaanderen, Textuurklasse_code, Textuurklasse,
      Drainageklasse_code, Drainageklasse, Profielontwikkelingsgroep_code,
      Profielontwikkelingsgroep, Fase_code, Fase,
      Variante_van_het_moedermateriaal_code, Variante_van_het_moedermateriaal,
      Variante_van_de_profielontwikkeling, Substraat_code_zeepolders,
      Substraat_zeepolders, Streek_code, Streek, Serie_code, Serie,
      Subserie_code, Subserie, Type_code, Type, Subtype_code, Subtype,
      Eenduidige_legende_titel, Eenduidige_legende, Scan_analoge_bodemkaarblad,
      Scan_toelichtingsboekje, Scan_bodemkaart5000, Scan_stippenkaart5000,
      Type_classificatie, Bodemtype_per_streek, Kaartbladnr, codeid]"
  parsed <- fromJSON(content(result, "text"))
  soil_info_df <- parsed$features$properties
  # if else to catch cases where a point falls outside the map
  if (is.null(soil_info_df)) {
      matrix(rep(NA, length(properties_of_interest)),
        nrow = 1,
        dimnames = list(NULL, properties_of_interest)
  } else {
inbo/inborutils documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:42 a.m.