
Defines functions `%||%` rownames2columns attr.range hamming.binary geneLowVarianceFilter uniReg knnSURF.balanced knnSURF

Documented in attr.range geneLowVarianceFilter hamming.binary knnSURF knnSURF.balanced rownames2columns uniReg

# =========================================================================#
#' knnSURF
#' Theoretical value for the number of expected neighbors for SURF or multiSURF
#' @param m.samples number of samples in data.
#' @param sd.frac fraction of the standard deviation from the mean of all pairwise distances, dead-band. The default value used by the SURF and multiSURF algorithms is 1/2.
#' @return knn Number of neighbors.
#' @examples
#' k.surf <- knnSURF(200, .5)
#' @export
knnSURF <- function(m.samples, sd.frac = .5) {
  # error function
  erf <- function(x) 2 * pnorm(x * sqrt(2)) - 1
  # theoretical SURF knn formulat
  knn <- floor((m.samples - 1) * (1 - erf(sd.frac / sqrt(2))) / 2)

# =========================================================================#
#' knnSURF.balanced
#' Theoretical value for the number of expected neighbors for SURF or multiSURF 
#' (fixed or adaptive radius) neighborhoods, but adjusted for imbalanced data. 
#' We use our theoretical formula with twice the size of the minority class 
#' as the input sample size.
#' @param class.vec vector of class labels to determine the minimum class size. 
#' @param sd.frac fraction of the standard deviation from the mean of all pairwise distances, dead-band. The default value used by the SURF and multiSURF algorithms is 1/2.
#' @return knn Theoretical number of neighbors.
#' @examples
#' k.surf.bal <- knnSURF.balanced(class.vec, .5)
#' @export
  knnSURF.balanced <- function(class.vec, sd.frac = .5) {
    class_table <- as.numeric(table(class.vec))
    table_len <- length(class_table)
    if (table_len > 2){    # if the class variable is numeric or 
       min.class.size <- length(class.vec)
    } else{
      min.class.size <- min(class_table)   
  # theoretical SURF knn formula but using twice the minority class size
  knn <- npdr::knnSURF(2*min.class.size - 1, 0.5)

# =========================================================================#
#' uniReg
#' Univariate logistic or linear regression for a dataset.
#' @param outcome string with name of class column or outcome vector.
#' @param dataset data matrix with predictor columns and outcome column.
#' @param regression.type "lm" or "binomial"
#' @param padj.method for p.adjust (\code{"fdr"}, \code{"bonferroni"}, ...)
#' @param covars optional vector or matrix of covariate columns for correction. Or separate data matrix of covariates.
#' @return matrix of beta, p-value and adjusted p-value, sorted by p-value.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' out_univariate <- uniReg(
#'   outcome = "class",
#'   dataset = case.control.3sets$train,
#'   regression.type = "binomial"
#' )
#' head(out_univariate)
uniReg <- function(outcome, dataset, regression.type = "lm", padj.method = "fdr", covars = "none") {
  ## parse input
  if (length(outcome) == 1) {
    # e.g., outcome="qtrait" or outcome=101 (pheno col index) and data.set is data.frame including outcome variable
    pheno.vec <- dataset[, outcome] # get phenotype
    if (is.character(outcome)) { # example column name: outcome="qtrait"
      attr.mat <- dataset[, !(names(dataset) %in% outcome)] # drop the outcome/phenotype
    } else { # example column index: outcome=101
      attr.mat <- dataset[, -outcome] # drop the outcome/phenotype
  } else { # user specifies a separate phenotype vector
    pheno.vec <- outcome # assume users provides a separate outcome data vector
    attr.mat <- dataset # assumes data.set only contains attributes/predictors
  ## set up model
  if (regression.type == "lm") {
    if (length(covars) > 1) {
      # 2 below means attribte stats (1 would be the intercept)
      model.func <- function(x) {
        as.numeric(summary(lm(pheno.vec ~ attr.mat[, x] + covars))$coeff[2, ])
    } else { # covar=="none"
      model.func <- function(x) {
        # if nrow(summary(lm(pheno.vec ~ attr.mat[,x]))$coeff) < 2 then there was an issue with the attribute
        fit <- summary(lm(pheno.vec ~ attr.mat[, x]))
        coeffs <- fit$coeff
        ## create summary stats
        if (nrow(coeffs) < 2) {
          # for example, a monomorphic SNP might result in attribute stats (row 2) not being created
          message("Regression failure. Continuing to next variable.\n")
          return(rep(NA, 4))
        } else {
          return(as.numeric(coeffs[2, ]))
      } # end this model.func
  } else { # "binomial" model
    if (length(covars) > 1) {
      # model.func <- function(x) {tidy(glm(pheno.vec ~ attr.mat[,x] + covars, family=binomial))[2,4:5]}
      model.func <- function(x) {
        fit <- summary(glm(pheno.vec ~ attr.mat[, x] + covars, family = binomial))
        coeffs <- fit$coeff
        ## create summary stats
        if (nrow(coeffs) < 2) {
          # for example, a monomorphic SNP might result in attribute stats (row 2) not being created
          message("Regression failure. Continuing to next variable.\n")
          return(rep(NA, 4))
        } else {
          return(as.numeric(coeffs[2, ]))
      } # end this model.func
    } else { # covar=="none"
      # model.func <- function(x) {tidy(glm(pheno.vec ~ attr.mat[,x], family=binomial))[2,4:5]}
      model.func <- function(x) {
        fit <- summary(glm(pheno.vec ~ attr.mat[, x], family = binomial))
        coeffs <- fit$coeff
        ## create summary stats
        if (nrow(coeffs) < 2) {
          # for example, a monomorphic SNP might result in attribute stats (row 2) not being created
          message("Regression failure. Continuing to next variable.\n")
          return(rep(NA, 4))
        } else {
          return(as.numeric(coeffs[2, ]))
      } # end this model.func
  } # end else binomial
  # class.col <- which(colnames(dataset)==outcome)
  # predictor.cols <- which(colnames(dataset)!=outcome)
  num.attr <- ncol(attr.mat)
  if (is.null(num.attr)) { # if there is just one attribute
    attr.mat <- as.matrix(attr.mat)
    num.attr <- ncol(attr.mat) # num.attr <- 1
  beta_pvals <- t(sapply(1:num.attr, model.func)) # stats for all predictors
  pvals_coerce <- as.numeric(unlist(beta_pvals[, 4])) # p.adjust - no dataframe input
  univariate.padj <- p.adjust(pvals_coerce, method = padj.method) # fdr
  univariate.padj <- as.numeric(format(univariate.padj, scientific = T, digits = 5))
  betas <- as.numeric(format(beta_pvals[, 1], scientific = F, digits = 5))
  betas.Z.att <- as.numeric(format(beta_pvals[, 3], scientific = F, digits = 5))
  pvals <- as.numeric(format(beta_pvals[, 4], scientific = T, digits = 5))
  beta_pvals <- cbind(betas, betas.Z.att, pvals, univariate.padj) # adjusted p-val column
  row.names(beta_pvals) <- colnames(attr.mat) # add predictor names
  # row.names(beta_pvals)<- colnames(dataset)[-class.col] # add predictor names
  beta_pvals_sorted <- beta_pvals[order(as.numeric(beta_pvals[, 3]), decreasing = F), ] # sort by pval
  if (num.attr == 1) { # special case of only 1 attribute
    names(beta_pvals_sorted) <- c("beta", "beta.Z.att", "pval", "p.adj")
  } else { # multiple attributes, typical
    colnames(beta_pvals_sorted) <- c("beta", "beta.Z.att", "pval", "p.adj")

# =========================================================================#
#' geneLowVarianceFilter
#' Low variance mask and filtered data for gene expression matrix.
#' @param dataMatrix data matrix with predictors only, sample x gene
#' @param percentile percentile of low variance removed
#' @return mask and filtered data
geneLowVarianceFilter <- function(dataMatrix, percentile = 0.5) {
  variances <- apply(as.matrix(dataMatrix), 2, var)
  threshold <- quantile(variances, c(percentile))
  # remove variable columns with lowest percentile variance
  mask <- apply(dataMatrix, 2, function(x) var(x) > threshold)
  fdata <- dataMatrix[, mask]
  # return the row mask and filtered data
  list(mask = mask, fdata = fdata)

# =========================================================================#
#' Hamming distance for a binary matrix
#' https://johanndejong.wordpress.com/2015/10/02/faster-hamming-distance-in-r-2/
#' @param X Original matrix.
#' @return Distance matrix with the Hamming metric.
#' @export
hamming.binary <- function(X) {
  D <- t(1 - X) %*% X
  D + t(D)

#' =========================================================================#
#' Compute denominator of the diff formula
#' for each attribute x (column) in my.mat, max(x) - min(x)
#' @param my.mat attribute matrix
#' @return Numeric vectors representing the denominators in the diff formula
attr.range <- function(my.mat) {
  apply(as.matrix(my.mat), 2, function(x) {
    max(x) - min(x)

#' Convert rownames to column.
#' Adapted from https://github.com/tidyverse/tibble/blob/516449bbb0c76925b93b703b68d7979a53d7cdee/R/rownames.R.
#' @param df Input dataframe.
#' @param var Name of new column.
#' @return A data frame with a new column of row names.
rownames2columns <- function(df, var = "rowname"){
  df <- df %>% 
    mutate(!!var := rownames(df)) %>% 
    select(!!var, everything())
  rownames(df) <- NULL

`%||%` <- function(a, b) if (is.null(a)) b else a
insilico/glmSTIR documentation built on July 7, 2023, 12:29 a.m.