
  depends = "RcppArmadillo",
  "arma::vec getEigenValues(arma::mat M) {
            return arma::eig_sym(M);

# =========================================================================================#
#' generate_structured_corrmat
#' parameters:
#' @param g random graph
#' @param num.variables number of independent variables in data matrix
#' @param hi.cor upper baseline pairwise functional correlation in control group
#' @param lo.cor lower baseline pairwise functional correlation in control group
#' @param graph.type either Erdos-Renyi or Scale-Free graph
#' @param plot.graph logical indicating whether to plot graph or not
#' @param make.diff.cors logical indicating whether case correlation matrix for differential correlation is being created or not
#' @param nbias number of functional interaction variables
#' @param use.Rcpp if true use Rcpp to correct negative eigenvalues
#' @return A list containing:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{cor.mat}{structured correlation matrix}
#'   \item{deg.vec}{degree vector corresponding to network adjacency}
#'   \item{A.mat}{adjacency matrix corresponding to network}
#'   \item{sig.vars}{indices of functional variables}
#' }
#' @examples
#' @export
generate_structured_corrmat <- function(g = NULL,
                                        num.variables = 100,
                                        hi.cor.tmp = 0.8,
                                        lo.cor.tmp = 0.2,
                                        graph.type = "Erdos-Renyi",
                                        plot.graph = F,
                                        make.diff.cors = F,
                                        nbias = 1, use.Rcpp = F) {
  if (abs(as.integer(num.variables) - num.variables) > 1e-9) {
    stop("generate_structured_corrmat: num.variables should be a positive integer")

  p <- num.variables

  kvec <- degree(g)

  # make plot of random graph
  if (plot.graph) {
    plot(g, vertex.size = 1, vertex.label.color = kvec)

  # which variables are not connected in network
  idx.not.connected <- which(kvec == 0)

  # which variables are connected in network
  if (length(idx.not.connected) > 0) { # if any are not connected
    idx.connected <- seq(1, length(kvec), by = 1)[-idx.not.connected]
  } else { # if all are connected
    idx.connected <- seq(1, length(kvec), by = 1)

  # functional variables are randomly defined from connected variables
  if (length(idx.connected) >= nbias) { # if number connected at least nbias
    diff.cor.vars <- sample(idx.connected, size = nbias, replace = F)
  } else { # if too few are connected
    n.add.vars <- nbias - length(idx.connected)
    diff.cor.vars <- c(idx.connected, sample(idx.not.connected, size = n.add.vars, replace = F)) # add some from unconnected

  ## make make noisy covariance matrix form structure of adjacency matrix
  Adj <- as.matrix(get.adjacency(g))

  # if simply generating a correlation matrix without between-group differential correlation
  if (!make.diff.cors) {
    tmp <- Adj[upper.tri(Adj)] # upper triangle of adjacency
    tmp2 <- (hi.cor.tmp + rnorm(length(tmp), sd = .1)) * tmp # connected (high) correlations
    tmp3 <- -(tmp - 1) # additive inverse of adjacency upper triangle
    tmp4 <- (lo.cor.tmp + rnorm(length(tmp3), sd = .1)) * tmp3 # non-connected (low) correlations

    upper.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(Adj)[1], ncol = dim(Adj)[1]) # initialize connected correlations matrix
    lower.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(Adj)[1], ncol = dim(Adj)[1]) # initialize non-connected correlations matrix

    upper.mat[upper.tri(upper.mat)] <- tmp2 # load upper triangle of connected matrix
    lower.mat[upper.tri(lower.mat)] <- tmp4 # load upper triangle of non-connected matrix
    new.mat <- upper.mat + lower.mat # add connected/non-connected to get full matrix
    new.mat <- new.mat + t(new.mat) # make symmetric
    diag(new.mat) <- 1 # 1's on the diagonal

    # if generating correlation matrix and between-group differential correlation
  } else {

    # find connections of functional attributes, store connections in list,
    # and create binary matrix for functional and connections only (Subset of Adj)
    adj.tmp1 <- Adj * 0 # initialize binary matrix
    connected.list <- list() # list for functional connections
    for (i in 1:length(diff.cor.vars)) { # for each functional,
      connected.list[[i]] <- which(abs(Adj[diff.cor.vars[i], ] - 1) < 1e-9) # find connections,
      adj.tmp1[diff.cor.vars[i], connected.list[[i]]] <- 1 # make connections 1's in binary matrix, and
      adj.tmp1[connected.list[[i]], diff.cor.vars[i]] <- 1 # make symmetric

    adj.tmp2 <- Adj - adj.tmp1 # binary matrix for all non-functional connections (Subset of Adj)

    adj.tmp3 <- -(Adj - 1) # additive inverse of Adjacency for all non-connections

    tmp <- adj.tmp1[upper.tri(adj.tmp1)] # functional connections only (upper triangle)
    tmp2 <- (hi.cor.tmp + rnorm(length(tmp), sd = .1)) * tmp # functional connections correlations matrix
    tmp3 <- (lo.cor.tmp + rnorm(length(adj.tmp3[upper.tri(adj.tmp3)]), sd = .1)) * adj.tmp3[upper.tri(adj.tmp3)] # non-connections correlations matrix
    tmp4 <- (hi.cor.tmp + rnorm(length(adj.tmp2[upper.tri(adj.tmp2)]), sd = .1)) * adj.tmp2[upper.tri(adj.tmp2)] # non-functional connections correlations matrix

    mat1 <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(Adj)[1], ncol = dim(Adj)[1]) # initialize functional correlation matrix
    mat2 <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(Adj)[1], ncol = dim(Adj)[1]) # initialize non-connection correlation matrix
    mat3 <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(Adj)[1], ncol = dim(Adj)[1]) # initialize non-functional connection correlation matrix

    mat1[upper.tri(mat1)] <- tmp2 # load upper triangle of functional matrix
    mat2[upper.tri(mat2)] <- tmp3 # load upper triangle of non-connection matrix
    mat3[upper.tri(mat3)] <- tmp4 # load upper triangle of non-functional matrix

    new.mat <- mat1 + mat2 + mat3 # combine all correlations in single matrix
    new.mat <- new.mat + t(new.mat) # make symmetric
    diag(new.mat) <- 1 # 1's on diagonal
  R <- new.mat

  # correct for negative eigenvalues to make matrix positive definite
  if (use.Rcpp) { # compute eigenvalues and make diag matrix
    R.d <- Matrix(diag(sort(c(getEigenValues(R)), decreasing = T)), sparse = T)
  } else {
    R.d <- Matrix(diag(eigen(R)$values), sparse = T)
  tmp <- c(diag(R.d)) # vector of eigenvalues

  if (any(tmp < 0)) { # if any eigenvalues are negative
    R.V <- Matrix(eigen(R)$vectors, sparse = T) # compute eigenvectors,
    tmp[tmp < 0] <- 1e-7 # make negative into small positive,
    diag(R.d) <- tmp # replace in R.d,
    R.fix <- R.V %*% R.d %*% t(R.V) # compute new correlation matrix, and
    R <- R.fix # store in R
  R <- as.matrix(R)

  # make 1's on diagonal of R
  inv.diag <- 1 / diag(R) # multiplicative inverse of diag(R)
  mydiag <- diag(length(inv.diag)) # initialize diagonal matrix for inv.diag
  diag(mydiag) <- inv.diag # swap 1's for inv.diag
  mydiag <- sqrt(mydiag) # take sqrt of diag matrix
  R <- mydiag %*% R %*% mydiag # compute corrected correlation matrix with 1's on diagonal (Still Pos. Def.)

  # return correlation matrix, degree vector, adjacency matrix, and functional variables
  list(corrmat = R, deg.vec = kvec, A.mat = Adj, sig.vars = diff.cor.vars)

# =========================================================================================#
#' createSimulation2
#' @param num.samples number of samples
#' @param num.variables number of variables (features)
#' @param pct.imbalance fraction of num.samples that are cases
#' @param pct.signals fraction of num.variables that are functional
#' @param main.bias approximate effect size for main effect simulations
#' @param interaction.bias approximate effect size for interaction effects
#' @param hi.cor parameter to use for network-connected pairwise correlations
#' @param lo.cor parameter to use for network-non-connected pairwise correlations
#' @param label should just be "class" for binary response
#' @param sim.type a character that determines the type of simulation:
#' mainEffect/mainEffect_Erdos-Renyi/mainEffect_Scalefree/interactionErdos/interactionScalefree/mixed
#' @param pct.train fraction of num.samples used for training
#' @param pct.holdout fraction of num.samples used for holdout
#' @param pct.validation fraction of num.samples used for validation
#' @param save.file logical but not currently being used
#' @param mix.type character that determines the type of mixed effects simulation:
#' main-interactionErdos/main-interactionScalefree
#' @param pct.mixed fraction of functional variables with interaction effects
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether to display time required to generate simulation
#' @param plot.graph logical indicating whether to plot networks
#' @param use.Rcpp if true use Rcpp to correct negative eigenvalues
#' @return A list with:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{train}{traing data set}
#'   \item{holdout}{holdout data set}
#'   \item{validation}{validation data set}
#'   \item{label}{the class label/column name}
#'   \item{signal.names}{the variable names with simulated signals}
#'   \item{elapsed}{total elapsed time}
#'   \item{A.mat}{adjacency matrix for random network (for interaction/mixed/main plus correlation)}
#'   \item{main.vars}{indices of main effect variables (for mixed simulations)}
#'   \item{int.vars}{indices of interaction effect variables (for mixed simulations)}
#' }
#' @examples
#' num.samples <- 100
#' num.variables <- 10
#' dataset <- createSimulation2(
#'   num.samples = num.samples,
#'   num.variables = num.variables,
#'   pct.imbalance = 0.5,
#'   pct.signals = 0.2,
#'   main.bias = 0.4,
#'   interaction.bias = 1,
#'   hi.cor = 10,
#'   lo.cor = 0.2,
#'   mix.type = "main-interactionErdos",
#'   label = "class",
#'   sim.type = "mainEffect_Erdos-Renyi",
#'   pct.mixed = 0.5,
#'   pct.train = 0.5,
#'   pct.holdout = 0.5,
#'   pct.validation = 0,
#'   plot.graph = F,
#'   verbose = T
#' )
#' @export
createSimulation2 <- function(num.samples = 100,
                              num.variables = 100,
                              pct.imbalance = 0.5,
                              pct.signals = 0.1,
                              main.bias = 0.4,
                              interaction.bias = 0.4,
                              hi.cor = 0.8,
                              lo.cor = 0.2,
                              label = "class",
                              sim.type = "mainEffect",
                              pct.train = 0.5,
                              pct.holdout = 0.5,
                              pct.validation = 0,
                              save.file = NULL,
                              mix.type = NULL,
                              pct.mixed = 0.5,
                              verbose = FALSE,
                              plot.graph = F, use.Rcpp = F) {
  ptm <- proc.time() # start time

  nbias <- pct.signals * num.variables # number of functional attributes

  if (sim.type == "mainEffect") { # simple main effect simulation

    # new simulation:
    # sd.b sort of determines how large the signals are
    # p.b=0.1 makes 10% of the variables signal, bias <- 0.5 <- privateEC::createMainEffects(
      n.e = num.variables,
      n.db = num.samples,
      pct.imbalance = pct.imbalance,
      label = label,
      sd.b = main.bias,
      p.b = pct.signals
    dataset <- cbind(t($datnobatch),$S)

    # make numeric matrix into a data frame for splitting and subsequent ML algorithms
    dataset <-

    signal.names <- paste("mainvar", 1:nbias, sep = "") # functional names
    background.names <- paste("var", 1:(num.variables - nbias), sep = "") # non-functional names
    var.names <- c(signal.names, background.names, label) # all variable names
    colnames(dataset) <- var.names # replace column names with variable names
  } else if (sim.type == "mainEffect_Erdos-Renyi") { # main + Erdos-Renyi network

    # create main-effect simulation <- privateEC::createMainEffects(
      n.e = num.variables,
      n.db = num.samples,
      pct.imbalance = pct.imbalance,
      label = label,
      sd.b = main.bias,
      p.b = pct.signals
    dataset <- cbind(t($datnobatch),$S)

    e <- 1 # fudge factor to the number of nodes to avoid giant component
    prob <- 1 / (num.variables + e) # probability of a node being connected to another node is less than 1/N to avoid giant component

    g <-, prob) # Erdos-Renyi network

    # generate correlation matrix from g
    network.atts <- generate_structured_corrmat(
      g = g,
      num.variables = num.variables,
      hi.cor.tmp = hi.cor,
      lo.cor.tmp = lo.cor,
      graph.type = "Erdos-Renyi",
      plot.graph = plot.graph,
      nbias = nbias, use.Rcpp = use.Rcpp

    R <- as.matrix(network.atts$corrmat) # correlation matrix

    A.mat <- network.atts$A.mat # adjacency from graph

    U <- t(chol(R)) # upper tri cholesky
    tmp <- t(U %*% t(dataset[, -ncol(dataset)])) # correlated data
    tmp <- cbind(tmp, dataset[, ncol(dataset)]) # combine with phenotype
    dataset <- tmp # main-effect data with correlation

    # make numeric matrix into a data frame for splitting and subsequent ML algorithms
    dataset <-

    signal.names <- paste("mainvar", 1:nbias, sep = "") # functional variable names
    background.names <- paste("var", 1:(num.variables - nbias), sep = "") # non-functional variable names
    var.names <- c(signal.names, background.names, label) # all variable names
    colnames(dataset) <- var.names # replace column names with variable names
  } else if (sim.type == "mainEffect_Scalefree") { # main + Scale-Free network

    # create main-effect simulation <- privateEC::createMainEffects(
      n.e = num.variables,
      n.db = num.samples,
      pct.imbalance = pct.imbalance,
      label = label,
      sd.b = main.bias,
      p.b = pct.signals
    dataset <- cbind(t($datnobatch),$S)

    e <- 1 # fudge factor to the number of nodes to avoid giant component
    prob <- 1 / (num.variables + e) # probability of a node being connected to another node is less than 1/N to avoid giant component

    g <-, directed = F) # scale-free network

    # generate correlation matrix from g
    network.atts <- generate_structured_corrmat(
      g = g,
      num.variables = num.variables,
      hi.cor.tmp = hi.cor,
      lo.cor.tmp = lo.cor,
      graph.type = "Scalefree",
      plot.graph = plot.graph,
      nbias = nbias, use.Rcpp = use.Rcpp
    R <- as.matrix(network.atts$corrmat) # correlation matrix

    A.mat <- network.atts$A.mat # adjacency from graph

    U <- t(chol(R)) # upper tri cholesky
    tmp <- t(U %*% t(dataset[, -ncol(dataset)])) # correlated data
    tmp <- cbind(tmp, dataset[, ncol(dataset)]) # combine with phenotype
    dataset <- tmp # main-effect data with correlation

    # make numeric matrix into a data frame for splitting and subsequent ML algorithms
    dataset <-

    signal.names <- paste("mainvar", 1:nbias, sep = "") # functional variable names
    background.names <- paste("var", 1:(num.variables - nbias), sep = "") # non-functional variable names
    var.names <- c(signal.names, background.names, label) # all variable names
    colnames(dataset) <- var.names # replace column names with variable names
  } else if (sim.type == "interactionErdos") { # simple interaction with Erdos-Renyi network <- round((1 - pct.imbalance) * num.samples) # size of case group
    m.ctrl <- round(pct.imbalance * num.samples) # size of ctrl group

    # random cases data set <- matrix(rnorm( * num.variables), nrow =, ncol = num.variables)

    # approximate effect size for pairwise correlations between functional attributes in case group
    case.hi.cor <- -hi.cor * interaction.bias + (1 - interaction.bias) * hi.cor

    e <- 1 # fudge factor to the number of nodes to avoid giant component
    prob <- 1 / (num.variables + e) # probability of a node being connected to another node is less than 1/N to avoid giant component

    g <-, prob) # Erdos-Renyi network

    # generate correlation matrix from g
    network.atts <- generate_structured_corrmat(
      g = g,
      num.variables = num.variables,
      hi.cor.tmp = case.hi.cor,
      lo.cor.tmp = lo.cor,
      graph.type = "Erdos-Renyi",
      plot.graph = plot.graph,
      make.diff.cors = T,
      nbias = nbias, use.Rcpp = use.Rcpp

    R <- as.matrix(network.atts$corrmat) # correlation matrix for cases

    sig.vars <- network.atts$sig.vars # column indices of functional features

    A.mat <- network.atts$A.mat # adjacency from graph object

    U <- t(chol(R)) # upper tri cholesky
    tmp <- t(U %*% t( # correlated case data <- tmp

    # random controls data set
    X.ctrl <- matrix(rnorm(m.ctrl * num.variables), nrow = m.ctrl, ncol = num.variables)

    # for each functional variable, find connected variables
    sig.connected.list <- list() # list for storing connected variable indices
    for (i in 1:length(sig.vars)) { # for each functional feature
      sig.connected.list[[i]] <- which(abs(A.mat[sig.vars[i], ] - 1) < 1e-9) # find and store connected features

    # create control group correlation matrix
    for (i in 1:length(sig.vars)) { # for each functional feature
      n.connected <- length(sig.connected.list[[i]]) # how many connections
      for (j in 1:n.connected) { # for each connection
        R[sig.vars[i], sig.connected.list[[i]][j]] <- min(hi.cor + rnorm(1, 0, .1), 1) # replace low correlation by high for ctrls

    # ensure that R is symmetric
    tmp <- diag(R) # diag of R
    diag(R) <- 0 # replace diag of R with 0's
    R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0 # make lower triangle zeros

    R <- R + t(R) # make symmetric
    diag(R) <- tmp # original diag of R

    # correct for negative eigenvalues so R is positive definite
    if (use.Rcpp) { # compute eigenvalues and make diag matrix
      R.d <- Matrix(diag(sort(c(getEigenValues(R)), decreasing = T)), sparse = T)
    } else {
      R.d <- Matrix(diag(eigen(R)$values), sparse = T)
    tmp <- c(diag(R.d)) # vector of eigenvalues

    if (any(tmp < 0)) { # if any eigenvalues are negative
      R.V <- eigen(R)$vectors # compute eigenvectors,
      tmp[tmp < 0] <- 1e-7 # make negative into small positive,
      diag(R.d) <- tmp # replace diag of R.d with positive eigenvalues,
      R.fix <- R.V %*% R.d %*% t(R.V) # compute new R, and
      R <- R.fix # store in R
    R <- as.matrix(R)

    # make 1's on diag of R
    inv.diag <- 1 / diag(R) # multiplicative inverse of diag(R)
    mydiag <- diag(length(inv.diag)) # initialize diagonal matrix for inv.diag
    diag(mydiag) <- inv.diag # swap 1's for inv.diag
    mydiag <- sqrt(mydiag) # compute sqrt of inv.diag
    R <- mydiag %*% R %*% mydiag # compute corrected R with 1's on diagonal (Still Pos. Def.)

    U <- t(chol(R)) # upper tri cholesky
    tmp <- t(U %*% t(X.ctrl)) # correlated ctrl data
    X.ctrl <- tmp # store in X.ctrl

    X.all <- rbind(, X.ctrl) # case/ctrl data
    X.all <- # make data.frame

    dataset <- X.all

    signal.names <- paste("intvar", 1:nbias, sep = "") # interaction variable names
    background.names <- paste("var", 1:(num.variables - nbias), sep = "") # non-functional variable names
    var.names <- c(signal.names, background.names, label) # all variable names
    colnames(dataset)[sig.vars] <- signal.names # replace functional colnames with interaction variable names
    colnames(dataset)[-sig.vars] <- background.names # replace non-functional colnames with non-functional colnames

    dataset <- cbind(dataset, c(rep(1, length =, rep(-1, length = m.ctrl))) # full data set with phenotype
    colnames(dataset)[ncol(dataset)] <- "class" # replace last colname with "class"
  } else if (sim.type == "interactionScalefree") { # simple interaction with Scale-Free network <- round((1 - pct.imbalance) * num.samples) # size of case group
    m.ctrl <- round(pct.imbalance * num.samples) # size of ctrl group

    # random cases data set <- matrix(rnorm( * num.variables), nrow =, ncol = num.variables)

    # approximate effect size for pairwise correlations between functional attributes in case group
    case.hi.cor <- -hi.cor * interaction.bias + (1 - interaction.bias) * hi.cor

    e <- 1 # fudge factor to the number of nodes to avoid giant component
    prob <- 1 / (num.variables + e) # probability of a node being connected to another node is less than 1/N to avoid giant component

    g <-, directed = F) # scale-free network

    # generate correlation matrix from g
    network.atts <- generate_structured_corrmat(
      g = g,
      num.variables = num.variables,
      hi.cor.tmp = case.hi.cor,
      lo.cor.tmp = lo.cor,
      graph.type = "Erdos-Renyi",
      plot.graph = plot.graph,
      make.diff.cors = T,
      nbias = nbias, use.Rcpp = use.Rcpp

    R <- as.matrix(network.atts$corrmat)

    sig.vars <- network.atts$sig.vars # functional variable indices

    A.mat <- network.atts$A.mat # adjacency from graph

    U <- t(chol(R)) # upper tri cholesky
    tmp <- t(U %*% t( # correlated case data <- tmp # store in

    # random controls data set
    X.ctrl <- matrix(rnorm(m.ctrl * num.variables), nrow = m.ctrl, ncol = num.variables)

    # for each functional variable, find connected variables
    sig.connected.list <- list() # list for functional connections
    for (i in 1:length(sig.vars)) { # for each functional variable
      sig.connected.list[[i]] <- which(abs(A.mat[sig.vars[i], ] - 1) < 1e-9) # find connections and store in list

    # create control group correlation matrix
    for (i in 1:length(sig.vars)) { # for each functional variable
      n.connected <- length(sig.connected.list[[i]]) # how many connections
      for (j in 1:n.connected) { # for each connection
        R[sig.vars[i], sig.connected.list[[i]][j]] <- min(hi.cor + rnorm(1, 0, .1), 1) # replace low correlations with high for ctrls

    # make sure R is symmetric
    tmp <- diag(R) # diag of R
    diag(R) <- 0 # make diag(R) 0
    R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0 # make lower triangle of R 0

    R <- R + t(R) # make symmetric
    diag(R) <- tmp # replace diag(R) with original diag

    # correct for negative eigenvalues to make R positive definite
    if (use.Rcpp) { # compute eigenvalues and make diag matrix
      R.d <- Matrix(diag(sort(c(getEigenValues(R)), decreasing = T)), sparse = T)
    } else {
      R.d <- Matrix(diag(eigen(R)$values), sparse = T)
    tmp <- c(diag(R.d)) # vector of eigenvalues

    if (any(tmp < 0)) { # if any eigenvalues are negative
      R.V <- eigen(R)$vectors # compute eigenvectors
      tmp[tmp < 0] <- 1e-7 # make negative into small positive
      diag(R.d) <- tmp # swap negative for positive eigenvalues
      R.fix <- R.V %*% R.d %*% t(R.V) # compute corrected correlation matrix
      R <- R.fix # store in R
    R <- as.matrix(R)

    # make 1's on diagonal
    inv.diag <- 1 / diag(R) # multiplicative inverse of diag(R)
    mydiag <- diag(length(inv.diag)) # initialize diag matrix for inv.diag
    diag(mydiag) <- inv.diag # swap 1's for inv.diag
    mydiag <- sqrt(mydiag) # sqrt of inv.diag
    R <- mydiag %*% R %*% mydiag # compute corrected R with 1's on diagonal (Still Pos. Def.)

    U <- t(chol(R)) # upper tri cholesky
    tmp <- t(U %*% t(X.ctrl)) # correlated ctrl data
    X.ctrl <- tmp # store in X.ctrl

    X.all <- rbind(, X.ctrl) # case/ctrl data
    X.all <- # make data.frame

    dataset <- X.all

    signal.names <- paste("intvar", 1:nbias, sep = "") # interaction variable names
    background.names <- paste("var", 1:(num.variables - nbias), sep = "") # non-functional variable names
    var.names <- c(signal.names, background.names, label) # all variable names
    colnames(dataset)[sig.vars] <- signal.names # replace functional colnames with interaction variable names
    colnames(dataset)[-sig.vars] <- background.names # replace non-functional colnames with non-functional variable names

    dataset <- cbind(dataset, c(rep(1, length =, rep(-1, length = m.ctrl))) # case/ctrl data with phenotype
    colnames(dataset)[ncol(dataset)] <- "class" # replace last colname with "class"
  } else if (sim.type == "mixed") { # main + interaction effect simulation

    if (mix.type == "main-interactionErdos") { # main + interaction with Erdos-Renyi network <- round((1 - pct.imbalance) * num.samples) # size of case group
      m.ctrl <- round(pct.imbalance * num.samples) # size of ctrl group

      num.main <- round(pct.mixed * nbias) # number of main effect attributes <- round((1 - pct.mixed) * nbias) # number of interaction effect attributes

      # make cases data set <- matrix(rnorm( * num.variables), nrow =, ncol = num.variables)

      # approximate effect size for pairwise correlations between functional attributes in case group
      case.hi.cor <- -hi.cor * interaction.bias + (1 - interaction.bias) * hi.cor

      e <- 1 # fudge factor to the number of nodes to avoid giant component
      prob <- 1 / (num.variables + e) # probability of a node being connected to another node is less than 1/N to avoid giant component

      # generate random Erdos-Renyi network
      g <-, prob)

      # generate correlation matrix from g
      network.atts <- generate_structured_corrmat(
        g = g,
        num.variables = num.variables,
        hi.cor.tmp = case.hi.cor,
        lo.cor.tmp = lo.cor,
        graph.type = "Erdos-Renyi",
        plot.graph = plot.graph,
        make.diff.cors = T,
        nbias =, use.Rcpp = use.Rcpp

      R <- as.matrix(network.atts$corrmat) # case correlation matrix

      sig.vars <- network.atts$sig.vars # functional attribute indices

      A.mat <- network.atts$A.mat # adjacency from graph

      # determine which variables are not connected in graph
      degs <- degree(g)
      n.unconnected.vars <- length(which(degs == 0))
      if (n.unconnected.vars > 0) {
        unconnected.vars <- which(degs == 0)
      } else {
        unconnected.vars <- NA

      U <- t(chol(R)) # upper tri cholesky
      tmp <- t(U %*% t( # correlated case data <- tmp # store in

      # make controls data set
      X.ctrl <- matrix(rnorm(m.ctrl * num.variables), nrow = m.ctrl, ncol = num.variables)

      # find connections for functional attributes
      sig.connected.list <- list() # list for functional attribute connections
      for (i in 1:length(sig.vars)) { # for each functional feature
        sig.connected.list[[i]] <- which(abs(A.mat[sig.vars[i], ] - 1) < 1e-9) # find all connections

      # make high correlations for ctrls
      for (i in 1:length(sig.vars)) { # for each functional variable
        n.connected <- length(sig.connected.list[[i]]) # how many connections
        for (j in 1:n.connected) { # for each connection
          R[sig.vars[i], sig.connected.list[[i]][j]] <- min(hi.cor + rnorm(1, 0, .1), 1) # replace with high correlation

      # ensure that R is symmetric
      tmp <- diag(R) # diag of R
      diag(R) <- 0 # make diag(R) 0
      R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0 # make lower triangle of R 0

      R <- R + t(R) # make symmetric
      diag(R) <- tmp # swap for original diag

      # correct for negative eigenvalues so R is positive definite
      if (use.Rcpp) { # compute eigenvalues and make diag matrix
        R.d <- Matrix(diag(sort(c(getEigenValues(R)), decreasing = T)), sparse = T)
      } else {
        R.d <- Matrix(diag(eigen(R)$values), sparse = T)
      tmp <- c(diag(R.d)) # vector of eigenvalues

      if (any(tmp < 0)) { # if any eigenvalues are negative
        R.V <- eigen(R)$vectors # compute eigenvectors,
        tmp[tmp < 0] <- 1e-7 # make negative into small positive,
        diag(R.d) <- tmp # swap diag of R.d with positive eigenvalues,
        R.fix <- R.V %*% R.d %*% t(R.V) # compute new correlation matrix, and
        R <- R.fix # store in R
      R <- as.matrix(R)

      # make 1's on diagonal
      inv.diag <- 1 / diag(R) # multiplicative inverse of diag(R)
      mydiag <- diag(length(inv.diag)) # initialize diag matrix for inv.diag
      diag(mydiag) <- inv.diag # swap 1's for inv.diag
      mydiag <- sqrt(mydiag) # compute sqrt of inv.diag
      R <- mydiag %*% R %*% mydiag # compute corrected R with 1's on diagonal (Still Pos. Def.)

      U <- t(chol(R)) # upper tri cholesky
      tmp <- t(U %*% t(X.ctrl)) # correlated ctrl data
      X.ctrl <- tmp # store in X.ctrl

      X.all <- rbind(, X.ctrl) # case/ctrl data
      X.all <- # make data.frame

      dataset <- X.all

      # create main-effect simulation for num.main attributes <- privateEC::createMainEffects(
        n.e = num.main,
        n.db = num.samples,
        pct.imbalance = pct.imbalance,
        label = label,
        sd.b = main.bias,
        p.b = 1

      # check dimensions to see if is a matrix or just a vector
      check.dim <- is.null(dim($datnobatch))
      if (check.dim) {
        main.cols <-$datnobatch
      } else {
        main.cols <- t($datnobatch)
      dataset.tmp <- cbind(main.cols,$S)

      # determine indices of main effect variables in full data set
      nonsig.vars <- seq(1, num.variables, by = 1)[-sig.vars]
      alternate.vars <- seq(1, num.variables, by = 1)[-unique(c(unlist(sig.connected.list), sig.vars))]
      if (length(na.omit(unconnected.vars)) >= num.main) { # if there are enough non-connected to choose from
        main.vars <- sample(c(na.omit(unconnected.vars)), size = num.main, replace = F) # sample randomly from non-connected
      } else { # if there are too few non-connected to choose from
        main.vars <- sample(unique(c(c(na.omit(unconnected.vars)), alternate.vars)), size = num.main, replace = F) # sample randomly from unconnected and non-interaction variables

      # insert main effects into data set
      main.idx <- sample(c(1:num.main), size = num.main, replace = F)
      for (i in 1:length(main.vars)) {
        dataset[, main.vars[i]] <- dataset.tmp[, main.idx[i]]

      main.names <- paste("mainvar", 1:num.main, sep = "") # main effect variable names
      int.names <- paste("intvar",, sep = "") # interaction effect variable names

      signal.names <- c(main.names, int.names) # all functional variable names
      background.names <- paste("var", 1:(num.variables - nbias), sep = "") # all non-functional variable names
      var.names <- c(signal.names, background.names, label) # all variable names

      colnames(dataset)[sig.vars] <- int.names # replace interaction colnames with interaction variable names
      colnames(dataset)[main.vars] <- main.names # replace main colnames with main variable names
      colnames(dataset)[-c(sig.vars, main.vars)] <- background.names # replace non-functional colnames with non-functional variable names

      dataset <- cbind(dataset, c(rep(1, length =, rep(-1, length = m.ctrl))) # full data set with phenotype
      colnames(dataset)[ncol(dataset)] <- "class" # replace last colname with "class"
    } else if (mix.type == "main-interactionScalefree") { # main + interaction with Scale-Free network <- round((1 - pct.imbalance) * num.samples) # number of cases
      m.ctrl <- round(pct.imbalance * num.samples) # number of ctrls

      num.main <- round(pct.mixed * nbias) # number of main effect attributes <- round((1 - pct.mixed) * nbias) # number of interaction effect attributes

      # make cases data set <- matrix(rnorm( * num.variables), nrow =, ncol = num.variables)

      # approximate effect size for pairwise correlations between functional attributes in case group
      case.hi.cor <- -hi.cor * interaction.bias + (1 - interaction.bias) * hi.cor

      e <- 1 # fudge factor to the number of nodes to avoid giant component
      prob <- 1 / (num.variables + e) # probability of a node being connected to another node is less than 1/N to avoid giant component

      # generate random Scale-Free network
      g <-, directed = F)

      # generate case group correlation matrix
      network.atts <- generate_structured_corrmat(
        g = g,
        num.variables = num.variables,
        hi.cor.tmp = case.hi.cor,
        lo.cor.tmp = lo.cor,
        graph.type = "Scalefree",
        plot.graph = plot.graph,
        make.diff.cors = T,
        nbias =, use.Rcpp = use.Rcpp

      R <- as.matrix(network.atts$corrmat) # cases correlation matrix

      sig.vars <- network.atts$sig.vars # functional attribute indices

      A.mat <- network.atts$A.mat # adjacency from graph

      # find non-connected variables from graph
      degs <- degree(g)
      n.unconnected.vars <- length(which(degs == 0))
      if (n.unconnected.vars > 0) {
        unconnected.vars <- which(degs == 0)
      } else {
        unconnected.vars <- NA

      U <- t(chol(R)) # upper tri cholesky
      tmp <- t(U %*% t( # correlated case data <- tmp # store in

      # make controls data set
      X.ctrl <- matrix(rnorm(m.ctrl * num.variables), nrow = m.ctrl, ncol = num.variables)

      # find all functional connections
      sig.connected.list <- list() # list for storing functional connections
      for (i in 1:length(sig.vars)) { # for each functional variable
        sig.connected.list[[i]] <- which(abs(A.mat[sig.vars[i], ] - 1) < 1e-9) # find all connections

      # make high correlations matrix for ctrls
      for (i in 1:length(sig.vars)) { # for each functional variable
        n.connected <- length(sig.connected.list[[i]]) # how many connections
        for (j in 1:n.connected) { # for each connection
          R[sig.vars[i], sig.connected.list[[i]][j]] <- min(hi.cor + rnorm(1, 0, .1), 1) # replace low correlation with high correlation

      # ensure that R is symmetric
      tmp <- diag(R) # diag of R
      diag(R) <- 0 # make diag(R) 0
      R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0 # make lower triangle of R 0

      R <- R + t(R) # make symmetric
      diag(R) <- tmp # swap for original diag

      # correct for negative eigenvalues to make R positive definite
      if (use.Rcpp) { # compute eigenvalues and make diag matrix
        R.d <- Matrix(diag(sort(c(getEigenValues(R)), decreasing = T)), sparse = T)
      } else {
        R.d <- Matrix(diag(eigen(R)$values), sparse = T)
      tmp <- c(diag(R.d)) # vector of eigenvalues

      if (any(tmp < 0)) { # if any eigenvalues are negative
        R.V <- eigen(R)$vectors # compute eigenvectores,
        tmp[tmp < 0] <- 1e-7 # make negative into small positive,
        diag(R.d) <- tmp # replace diag R.d with positive eigenvalues
        R.fix <- R.V %*% R.d %*% t(R.V) # compute new correlation matrix, and
        R <- R.fix # store in R
      R <- as.matrix(R)

      # make 1's on diagonal
      inv.diag <- 1 / diag(R) # multiplicative inverse of diag(R)
      mydiag <- diag(length(inv.diag)) # initialize diag matrix for inv.diag
      diag(mydiag) <- inv.diag # swap 1's for inv.diag
      mydiag <- sqrt(mydiag) # sqrt of inv.diag
      R <- mydiag %*% R %*% mydiag # compute corrected R with 1's on diagonal (Still Pos. Def.)

      U <- t(chol(R)) # upper tri cholesky
      tmp <- t(U %*% t(X.ctrl)) # correlated ctrl data
      X.ctrl <- tmp # store in X.ctrl

      X.all <- rbind(, X.ctrl) # case/ctrl data
      X.all <- # make data.frame

      dataset <- X.all

      # create main effect simulation with num.main features <- privateEC::createMainEffects(
        n.e = num.main,
        n.db = num.samples,
        pct.imbalance = pct.imbalance,
        label = label,
        sd.b = main.bias,
        p.b = 1

      # check dimensions to determine if is a matrix or vector
      check.dim <- is.null(dim($datnobatch))
      if (check.dim) {
        main.cols <-$datnobatch
      } else {
        main.cols <- t($datnobatch)
      dataset.tmp <- cbind(main.cols,$S)

      # determine indices of main effect variables
      nonsig.vars <- seq(1, num.variables, by = 1)[-sig.vars]
      alternate.vars <- seq(1, num.variables, by = 1)[-unique(c(unlist(sig.connected.list), sig.vars))]
      if (length(na.omit(unconnected.vars)) >= num.main) { # if there are enough non-connected variables
        main.vars <- sample(c(na.omit(unconnected.vars)), size = num.main, replace = F) # randomly sample from non-connected variables
      } else { # if there are not enough non-connected variables
        main.vars <- sample(unique(c(c(na.omit(unconnected.vars)), alternate.vars)), size = num.main, replace = F) # randomly sample from non-connected and non-functional variables

      # insert main effects into data set
      main.idx <- sample(c(1:num.main), size = num.main, replace = F)
      for (i in 1:length(main.vars)) {
        dataset[, main.vars[i]] <- dataset.tmp[, main.idx[i]]

      main.names <- paste("mainvar", 1:num.main, sep = "") # main effect variable names
      int.names <- paste("intvar",, sep = "") # interaction effect variable names

      signal.names <- c(main.names, int.names) # all functional variable names
      background.names <- paste("var", 1:(num.variables - nbias), sep = "") # non-functional variable names
      var.names <- c(signal.names, background.names, label) # all variable names

      colnames(dataset)[sig.vars] <- int.names # replace interaction colnames with interaction variable names
      colnames(dataset)[main.vars] <- main.names # replace main colnames with main variable names
      colnames(dataset)[-c(sig.vars, main.vars)] <- background.names # replace non-functional colnames with non-functional variable names

      dataset <- cbind(dataset, c(rep(1, length =, rep(-1, length = m.ctrl))) # full data set with phenotype
      colnames(dataset)[ncol(dataset)] <- "class" # replace last colname with "class"

  # split data into train, holdout, and validation sets <- privateEC::splitDataset( = dataset,
    pct.train = pct.train,
    pct.holdout = pct.holdout,
    pct.validation = pct.validation,
    label = label

  if (!is.null(save.file)) {
    if (verbose) cat("saving to data/", save.file, ".Rdata\n", sep = "")
    save(, pct.signals, main.bias, interaction.bias, sim.type, file = save.file)

  elapsed <- (proc.time() - ptm)[3]
  if (verbose) cat("createSimulation elapsed time:", elapsed, "\n")

  # depending on sim.type, we have different potentially important outputs
  if (sim.type %in% c("interactionErdos", "interactionScalefree")) {

    # for interaction simulation only
      train =$train,
      holdout =$holdout,
      validation =$validation,
      label = label,
      signal.names = signal.names,
      elapsed = elapsed,
      sig.vars = sig.vars,
      A.mat = A.mat
  } else if (sim.type == "mixed") {

    # for mixed simulation (main+interaction)
      train =$train,
      holdout =$holdout,
      validation =$validation,
      label = label,
      signal.names = signal.names,
      elapsed = elapsed,
      int.vars = sig.vars,
      main.vars = main.vars,
      A.mat = A.mat
  } else if (sim.type == "mainEffect_Erdos-Renyi") {

    # for main effect + correlation simulation (Erdos-Renyi Network)
      train =$train,
      holdout =$holdout,
      validation =$validation,
      label = label,
      signal.names = signal.names,
      elapsed = elapsed,
      A.mat = A.mat
  } else if (sim.type == "mainEffect_Scalefree") {

    # for main effect + correlation simulation (Scale-Free Network)
      train =$train,
      holdout =$holdout,
      validation =$validation,
      label = label,
      signal.names = signal.names,
      elapsed = elapsed,
      A.mat = A.mat
  } else {

    # for simple main effect simulation
      train =$train,
      holdout =$holdout,
      validation =$validation,
      label = label,
      signal.names = signal.names,
      elapsed = elapsed
insilico/npdr documentation built on July 6, 2023, 1:14 p.m.