
Defines functions mgcca

Documented in mgcca

#' Generalized canonical correlation with missing individuals
#' @param x list of matrices. Each matrix should have the ids in the
#' rownames. Missing is not allowed (see details)
#' @param nfac ...
#' @param scale ...
#' @param pval should p-values of correlation between variables and shared canonical variates be computed? Default is TRUE.
#' @param scores should canonical variables be computed for each table?
#'               Default is FALSE. See details
#' @param method ...
#' @param lambda ...
#' @param mc.cores ...
#' @details
#' eigen with Rfast hd.eigen select number of components speed up process (RSpectra?)
#' rownames matrices ... si hay distintos ordena - si no, no.
#' missings ...  dos opciones#'
#' scores .. si queremos correlation with each table!
#' inversa ...
#' "solve" para n>>p (pero lento) (solve function)
#' "penalized" penalized adding lambda*I (rfunctions cgls). Requires lambda

#' "geninv" n<p generalized inverse (rfunctions geninv)
#' "ginv" generalized inverse (MASS ginv)
#' @return a list consisting of
#'   \item{Y}{canonical components for the shared space}
#'   \item{corsY}{correlation between variables and shared canonical components}
#'   \item{scores}{canonical componets for each table}
#'   \item{p.values}{p-values of correlation between variables and shared canonical components}
#'   \item{AVE}{indicators of model quality based on the Average Variance Explained (AVE): AVE for each table, AVE_outer (average accross tables), AVE_inner(for the shared component).}
#' @examples
#' see vignette
#' @export
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom rfunctions geninv cgls
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @importFrom RSpectra eigs eigs_sym

mgcca <- function(x, nfac=2, scale=TRUE, pval=TRUE, scores=FALSE,
                  method="solve", lambda, mc.cores=1, ...) {

  inv.type <- c("solve", "penalized")
  inv.method <- charmatch(method, inv.type, nomatch = 0)
  if (inv.method == 0)
    stop("method should be 'solve' or 'penalized' \n")

  n <- length(x) # number of tables

  if (inv.method == 2){
    if (missing(lambda))
      stop("penalized method requires lambda parameter \n")
        stop("lambda must be a vector of length equal to the number of tables \n")

  nas <- sapply(x, function(x) any(is.na(x)))

  if (any(nas))
   stop("Missing values are not allowed. Either use 'impute' package or
        use tables with complete cases.")

  if (scale)
    x <- lapply(x, scale)

  if (!is.list(x))
    stop("x must be a list containing the different matrices")

  if (any(unlist(lapply(x, function(x) !is.matrix(x)))))
    x <- lapply(x, as.matrix)

  ns <- sapply(x, nrow)
  if(max(ns)==min(ns)) # check whether there are missing individuals
    rn <- Reduce('union', lapply(x, rownames))
    rn <- sort(Reduce('union', lapply(x, rownames)))
  m <- length(rn)  # get the maximum number of individuals

  XK <- mclapply(x, getK, ids=rn, m=m, mc.cores=mc.cores)
  X <- lapply(XK, '[[', 1)
  K <- lapply(XK, '[[', 2)

  p <- sapply(X, ncol) # number of variables per table
  numvars <- min(p) # minimum number of variables

  # Get the required XKX product and inverse that is computed multiple times
  XKX <- getXKX(X, K, inv.method, lambda=lambda, mc.cores=mc.cores)

  Mi <- mclapply(1:n, solution, XX=X, K=K, XKX=XKX, mc.cores=mc.cores)
  M <- Reduce('+', Mi)
  Ksum <- Reduce('+', K)

  # old computation M<-Ksum05%*%M%*%Ksum05
  # Ksum05 <- Ksum
  # diag(Ksum05) <- diag(Ksum05)^(-.5)

  # ... this is much faster! (new function mult_wXw)
  Ksum05 <- diag(Ksum)^(-0.5)
  MKsum05 <- mult_wXw(M, Ksum05)

    eig <- eigs_sym(MKsum05, k=nfac, ...)
    eig <- eigs(MKsum05, k=nfac, ...)

  Yast <- Re(eig$vectors)

  # Y<-sqrt(n)*Ksum05%*%Yast
  Y <- sqrt(n)*mult_wX(Yast, Ksum05)
  colnames(Y) <- paste0("comp", 1:ncol(Y))
  rownames(Y) <- rn

  if (scores) {
    A <- mclapply(1:n, productXKY, Y=Y, XKX=XKX, mc.cores=mc.cores)
    As <- mclapply(1:n, getWeights, A=A, XX=X, K=K, mc.cores=mc.cores)
    scores <- mclapply(1:n, getScores, dat=X, As=As, mc.cores=mc.cores)
    for (i in 1:n){
      rownames(A[[i]]) <- rownames(As[[i]]) <- colnames(x[[i]])
      colnames(A[[i]]) <- colnames(As[[i]]) <- paste0("comp", 1:ncol(A[[i]]))
  else {
    scores <- NULL

    corsY <- mclapply(x, function(x, y) cor(x, y), y=Y, mc.cores=mc.cores)
    ff <- function(x, y){
      o <- intersect(rownames(x), rownames(y))
      ans <- cor(x[o,], y[o,])
    corsY <- mclapply(x, ff, y=Y, mc.cores=mc.cores)

  if (pval)
    pval.cor <- mclapply(corsY, cor.test.p, n=m, mc.cores=mc.cores)
    pval.cor <- NULL

    names(x) <- paste0("df", 1:length(x))

  names(corsY) <- names(x)

    names(scores) <- names(x)
    names(pval.cor) <- names(x)

  AVE_X <- lapply(corsY, function(x) apply(x^2, 2, mean))
  outer <- matrix(unlist(AVE_X), nrow = nfac)
  AVE_outer <- sapply(1:nfac, function(j, p) sum(p * outer[j,])/sum(p),
  AVE_inner <- Re(eig$values)
  AVE <- list(AVE_X = AVE_X,
              AVE_outer_model = AVE_outer,
              AVE_inner_model = AVE_inner)

  ans <- list(Y=Y, corsY=corsY, scores=scores,
              pval.cor=pval.cor, AVE=AVE)
  class(ans) <- "mgcca"
isglobal-brge/GCCA documentation built on Feb. 19, 2022, 9:21 a.m.