Defines functions `SNPHWE`

    if (length(x)<3) {
        p <- NA
    } else {
        obs_hom1 <- x[1]
        obs_hets <- x[2]
        obs_hom2 <- x[3]
        if (obs_hom1 < 0 || obs_hom2 < 0 || obs_hets < 0) {
        # total number of genotypes
        N <- obs_hom1 + obs_hom2 + obs_hets
        # rare homozygotes, common homozygotes
        obs_homr <- min(obs_hom1, obs_hom2)
        obs_homc <- max(obs_hom1, obs_hom2)
        # number of rare allele copies
        rare  <- obs_homr * 2 + obs_hets
        # Initialize probability array
        probs <- rep(0, 1 + rare)
        # Find midpoint of the distribution
        mid <- floor(rare * ( 2 * N - rare) / (2 * N))
        if ( (mid %% 2) != (rare %% 2) ){ 
            mid <- mid + 1
        probs[mid + 1] <- 1.0
        mysum <- 1.0
        # Calculate probablities from midpoint down 
        curr_hets <- mid
        curr_homr <- (rare - mid) / 2
        curr_homc <- N - curr_hets - curr_homr
        while ( curr_hets >=  2) {
            probs[curr_hets - 1]  <- probs[curr_hets + 1] * curr_hets * (curr_hets - 1.0) / (4.0 * (curr_homr + 1.0)  * (curr_homc + 1.0))
            mysum <- mysum + probs[curr_hets - 1]
            # 2 fewer heterozygotes -> add 1 rare homozygote, 1 common homozygote
            curr_hets <- curr_hets - 2
            curr_homr <- curr_homr + 1
            curr_homc <- curr_homc + 1
        # Calculate probabilities from midpoint up
        curr_hets <- mid
        curr_homr <- (rare - mid) / 2
        curr_homc <- N - curr_hets - curr_homr
        while ( curr_hets <= rare - 2) {
            probs[curr_hets + 3] <- probs[curr_hets + 1] * 4.0 * curr_homr * curr_homc / ((curr_hets + 2.0) * (curr_hets + 1.0))
            mysum <- mysum + probs[curr_hets + 3]
            # add 2 heterozygotes -> subtract 1 rare homozygtote, 1 common homozygote
            curr_hets <- curr_hets + 2
            curr_homr <- curr_homr - 1
            curr_homc <- curr_homc - 1
        # P-value calculation
        target <- probs[obs_hets + 1]
        p <- min(1.0, sum(probs[probs <= target])/ mysum)
        #plo <- min(1.0, sum(probs[1:obs_hets + 1]) / mysum)
        #phi <- min(1.0, sum(probs[obs_hets + 1: rare + 1]) / mysum)
isglobal-brge/SNPassoc documentation built on May 15, 2023, 8:10 p.m.