Man pages for isglobal-brge/dsOmicsClient
DataSHIELD client site Omics association functions.

checkForExpressionSetCheck if object exists on the study server and if it's an...
dot-eafPlotAuxiliary function for 'eafPlot'
dot-pzPlotggAuxiliary function for 'pzPlot'
ds.addPhenoData2eSetAdd Phenotype data to ExpressionSet
ds.alleleFrequencyAllelic frequency
ds.createRSECreate a RangedSummarizedExperiment from a RNAseq count table...
ds.DESeq2Server-side Differential Gene Expression analysis using...
ds.edgeRServer-side Differential Expression Analysis using edgeR
ds.exactHWEHardy-Weinberg Equilibrium testing
ds.fastGWASFast genome-wide association analysis (GWAS)
ds.featureDataRetrieve information on features from eSets and RSEs.
ds.featureNamesRetrieve feature names from eSets and RSEs.
ds.fvarLabelsRetrieve phenotypic data (e.g. covariates) from eSets and...
ds.genoDimensionsGet main dimensions of Genotype data
ds.GenotypeDataCreates a GenotypeData object at each server
ds.getChromosomeNamesGet names of chromosomes
ds.getSNPsRetrieve SNPs from
ds.getSNPSbyGenSubset GDS with gene(s)
ds.glmSNPLogistic regression analysis of pooled data for each SNP site...
ds.index.gdsnRetrieve phenotypic data (e.g. covariates) from eSets.
ds.limmaServer-side Differential Gene Expression analysis using limma
ds.lmFeatureLinear regression analysis of pooled data for each CpG site...
ds.make_valid_namesRename column names and character variables
ds.metaGWASGenome-wide association analysis (GWAS)
ds.methylation_array_convertConvert a Methylation ExpressionSet from EPIC to 450k Array...
ds.nFeaturesRetrieve the number of features for eSets and RSEs.
ds.nSamplesRetrieve the number of samples for eSets and RSEs.
ds.PCAPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA) on SNP genotype data
ds.PCASNPSPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA) on SNP genotype data
ds.pDataRetrieve information on experimental phenotypes recorded in...
ds.PLINKGenome-wide association analysis (GWAS) using PLINK
ds.PRSGet Ploygenic Risk Score
ds.removeOutliersFilter potential CpG outliers
ds.RNAseqPreprocFilter Genes By Expression Level
ds.snptestInterface to run SNPtest commands on a ssh connection (with...
ds.subsetExpressionSetSubset ExpressionSet
ds.table_gdsContingency tables of phenotypes
ds.varLabelsRetrieve phenotypic data (e.g. covariates) from eSets.
eafPlotEAF plot
get_EGA_urlGet EGA URL
get_ga4gh_urlGet GA4GH URL
glmSNPFits a GLM to assess association between the outcome (binary...
lambdaNPlotLambda-N plot
lmFeatureFits a LM to assess association between the features...
manhattanMannhattan Plot
metaBetaValuesMeta-analysis of beta values
metaPvaluesMeta-analysis of p-values
plot.dsLmFeatureGenerate a QQ-plot of p-values output from any omic data...
plotPCAPlot the results of a 'ds.PCA()'
plotPCASNPSPlot the results of a 'ds.PCASNPS()'
pzPlotP-Z plot
qqplotCreate a quantile-quantile plot with ggplot2.
seNPlotSE-N Plot
standardizeGenoDataGet standaridization coefficients of Genotype data
tolistPLINK arguments in the DataSHIELD required format
isglobal-brge/dsOmicsClient documentation built on March 20, 2023, 3:52 p.m.