
Defines functions ratio abundance fractionation_factor delta intensity iso

Documented in abundance delta fractionation_factor intensity iso ratio

#' Isotope ratio
#' Generate isotope ratio objects. See \link{isotopia} for general information on initializing
#' and converting isotope data objects.
#' @param ... - numeric vectors (can be named) to turn into isotope ratio objects
#' @param major - name of the major isotope in the single ratio or isotope system [optional]
#' @param compound - name of the compound the isotopic values belong to [optional]
#' @param weight - weight the isotope value (with a mass, concentration, etc.) for easy mass balance calculations.
#' The default value is 1, i.e. an unweighted isotope value.
#' If specified, \code{weight} must be a single value or a numeric vector of the same size as the data values. 
#' The weight of an isotope value obejct can be retrieved and (re)set with the \code{\link{weight}} function.
#' @family isotope data types
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ratio(0.1) # single value
#' ratio(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)) # multiple values
#' ratio(`13C` = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)) # named ratio
#' ratio(`33S` = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), `34S` = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6), major = "32S") # isotope system
ratio <- function(..., major = get_iso_opts("default_major"), compound = "", 
                  weight = numeric(), single_as_df = FALSE) {
    iso("Ratios", ..., attribs = list(major = major, compound = compound, weight = weight), single_as_df = single_as_df)

#' Fractional abundance
#' Generate an isotope abundance object. See \link{isotopia} for general information on initializing
#' and converting isotope data objects.
#' The \code{ab} function is a shorthand for \code{abundance} but otherwise identical.
#' @param ... - numeric vectors (can be named) to turn into isotope abundance objects
#' @param major - name of the major isotope in the isotope system [optional], 
#' only of importance if converting from abundance to ratio or delta value, 
#' and want automatic name propagation
#' @param compound - name of the compound the isotopic values belong to [optional]
#' @param notation - what notation the abundance is in ('raw' values or 'percent'),
#' see \code{\link{switch_notation}} for details
#' @family isotope data types
#' @export
abundance <- function(..., major = get_iso_opts("default_major"), compound = "", 
                      notation = get_iso_opts("default_ab_notation"),
                      weight = numeric(), single_as_df = FALSE) {
    iso("Abundances", ..., attribs = list(major = major, compound = compound, notation = notation, weight = weight), single_as_df = single_as_df)

#' @rdname abundance
#' @export
ab <- abundance

#' Fractionation factor
#' Generate a fractionation factor object. Can be initialized in \code{alpha} and
#' \code{epsilon} notation. Fractionation factors can be easily converted from values in one notation to values in 
#' another notation by using \code{\link{switch_notation}}.
#' See \link{isotopia} for general information on initializing
#' and converting to other isotope data objects.
#' The \code{ff} function is a shorthand for \code{fractionation_factor} but otherwise identical.
#' @param ... - numeric vectors (can be named) to turn into fractionation factors
#' @param major - name of the major isotope in the isotope system [optional]
#' @param notation - which notation the value is in, \code{"alpha"} (alpha value), \code{"eps"} (epsilon value),
#' \code{"permil"} (epsilon * 1000) are currently implemented for \code{fractionation_factor} values. 
#' See \code{\link{switch_notation}} on details how to convert between notations.
#' @param ctop - name of the compound representing the top isotope ratio [optional]
#' @param cbot - name of the compound representing the bottom isotope ratio [optional]
#' @family isotope data types
#' @export
fractionation_factor <- function(..., major = get_iso_opts("default_major"), 
                  notation = get_iso_opts("default_ff_notation"),
                  ctop = "", cbot = "", single_as_df = FALSE) {
    iso("FractionationFactors", ..., attribs = list(major = major, notation = notation, 
                        compound = ctop, compound2 = cbot), single_as_df = single_as_df)

#' @rdname fractionation_factor
#' @export
ff <- fractionation_factor

#' Delta value
#' Generate an isotope delta value object. See \link{isotopia} for general information on initializing
#' and converting isotope data objects. Delta values can be easily converted from values in one notation to values in 
#' another notation by using \code{\link{switch_notation}}.
#' For mass balance calculations with delta values, simply add the appropriate weights (if different from
#' the default) and use \code{delta(...) + delta(...)}. 
#' @param ... - numeric vectors (can be named) to turn into delta values
#' @param major - name of the major isotope in the isotope system [optional]
#' @param compound - name of the compound the isotopic values belong to [optional]
#' @param ref - name of the reference material
#' @param ref_ratio - value of the reference material
#' @param notation - which notation the value is in, \code{"permil"} (1000x multiplicaiton),  
#' \code{"raw"} (raw value, i.e. no multiplication) and \code{"ppm"} (10^6 multiplicaiton)
#' are currently implemented for \code{delta} values. See \code{\link{switch_notation}} on
#' details how to convert between notations.
#' @param weight - weight the isotope value (with a mass, concentration, etc.) for easy mass balance calculations.
#' The default value is 1, i.e. an unweighted isotope value.
#' If specified, \code{weight} must be a single value or a numeric vector of the same size as the data values. 
#' The weight of an isotope value obejct can be retrieved and (re)set with the \code{\link{weight}} function.
#' @family isotope data types
#' @examples
#' delta(50, notation = "permil") # enter as permil value
#' delta(0.05, notation = "raw") # enter as non-permil value
#' @export
delta <- function(..., major = get_iso_opts("default_major"), compound = "", 
                  ref = "", ref_ratio = numeric(), notation = get_iso_opts("default_delta_notation"),
                  weight = numeric(), single_as_df = FALSE) {
    iso("Deltas", ..., attribs = list(major = major, compound = compound, compound2 = ref, ref_ratio = ref_ratio, notation = notation, weight = weight), single_as_df = single_as_df)

#' Ion intensity
#' Generate an ion intensity object (e.g. ion counts or signal intensity). 
#' See \link{isotopia} for general information on initializing and converting isotope data objects.
#' @param ... - numeric vectors (can be named) to turn into ion intensity objects
#' @param major - name of the major isotope in the isotope system [optional], 
#' @param compound - name of the compound the isotopic values belong to [optional]
#' @param unit - units of the measurement (e.g. #, V, mV)
#' @family isotope data types
#' @export
intensity <- function(..., major = get_iso_opts("default_major"), compound = "", 
                      unit = "", single_as_df = FALSE) {
    iso("Intensities", ..., 
        attribs = list(major = major, compound = compound, unit = unit), single_as_df = single_as_df)

#' create an isotope value object (this function is not exported and should
#' be access via the appropriate wrapper functions, e.g. \code{ratio}, \code{abundance}, etc.)
#' @param class_isosys name of the class for an isotope system (which holds the info on which isoval class belongs to the system as well)
#' @param attribs named list of attributes to pass to the isotope data object constructors
#' @param ... values (can be single data frame or list)
#' @param single_as_df whether to return a single value as a data frame
#' @note the setup for this function also means that you can modify
#' e.g. an existing ratio with the paramters passed in (say to set the name later on)
iso <- function(class_isosys, ..., attribs = list(), single_as_df = FALSE) {
    values <- list(...)
    # type checks
    if (!extends(class_isosys, "Isosys"))
        stop("not an Isosys class: ", class_isosys, call. = FALSE)
    class_isoval <- new(class_isosys)@isoval_class
    # function to make a new isotope value object
    new_isoval <- function(data, isoname) {
        if (!is (data, class_isoval)) {
            # initialize new if not already the right object
            notation <- new("Notation_raw")
            if (!is.null(attribs$notation) && attribs$notation != "raw") {
                # test if this notation is legal for the data type throws an error if there is trouble
                convertible <- switch_notation(new(class_isoval, numeric()), attribs$notation) 
                notation <- convertible@notation
            data <- new(class_isoval, data, notation = notation)
        if (length(isoname) == 0 || nchar(isoname) == 0) 
            isoname <- get_iso_opts("default_minor")
        obj <- update_iso(data, attribs = c(list(isoname = isoname), attribs)) # update attributes
        validObject(obj) # test validity
    # no values passed at all --> initialize with empty numeric
    if (length(values) == 0)
        values <- list(numeric()) 
    # list with single value --> go single
    if (is(values[[1]], 'list') && length(values[[1]]) == 1L)
        values <- values[[1]]
    if (length(values) == 1L && (is(values[[1]], 'data.frame') || is(values[[1]], 'list'))) {
        # argument is a single data frame or list
        values <- values[[1]]
    } else if (length(values) == 1L && !single_as_df) {
        # single isotope value object as vector
        value <- suppressWarnings(if (is.isoval(values[[1]])) values[[1]] else as.numeric(values[[1]]))
        return(new_isoval(value, isoname = names(values)[1]))
    # system of values / data frame 
    if (!all((val <- sapply(values, length)) == length(values[[1]])))
        stop("Not the same number of measurements provided for each isotope: ", paste(val, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
    # tansform to numeric and check completeness
    values <- suppressWarnings(lapply(values, function(i) if (is.isoval(i)) i else as.numeric(i)))
    if (!all(vals <- complete.cases(values))) {
        message("incomplete values in isotope system:")
        stop("NA is not a valid isotope data type", call. = FALSE)
    # initialize each value 
    if (is.null(isonames <- names(values))) isonames <- ""
    values <- mapply(new_isoval, values, isonames, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    # isotope system object
    new(class_isosys, data.frame(values, stringsAsFactors = F))
isoverse/isotopia documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 2:40 p.m.