
Defines functions ccdr.run ccdr_call ccdr_gridR ccdr_singleR

Documented in ccdr.run

#  ccdr-main-R.R
#  ccdr
#  Created by Bryon Aragam (local) on 2/4/15.
#  Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Bryon Aragam (local). All rights reserved.

# PACKAGE CCDR: Main CCDr methods
#     ccdr.run
#     ccdr_call
#     ccdr_gridR
#     ccdr_singleR

###--- These two lines are necessary to import the auto-generated Rcpp methods in RcppExports.R---###
#' @useDynLib ccdr
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp

#' Main CCDr Algorithm
#' Estimate a Bayesian network (directed acyclic graph) from observational data using the
#' CCDr algorithm as described in \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.0852}{Aragam and Zhou (2015), JMLR}.
#' Instead of producing a single estimate, this algorithm computes a solution path of estimates based
#' on the values supplied to \code{lambdas} or \code{lambdas.length}. The CCDr algorithm approximates
#' the solution to a nonconvex optimization problem using coordinate descent. Instead of AIC or BIC,
#' CCDr uses continuous regularization based on concave penalties such as the minimax concave penalty
#' (MCP).
#' This implementation includes two options for the penalty: (1) MCP, and (2) L1 (or Lasso). This option
#' is controlled by the \code{gamma} argument.
#' @param data Data matrix. Must be numeric and contain no missing values.
#' @param betas Initial guess for the algorithm. Represents the weighted adjacency matrix
#'              of a DAG where the algorithm will begin searching for an optimal structure.
#' @param lambdas (optional) Numeric vector containing a grid of lambda values (i.e. regularization
#'                parameters) to use in the solution path. If missing, a default grid of values will be
#'                used based on a decreasing log-scale  (see also \link{generate.lambdas}).
#' @param lambdas.length Integer number of values to include in the solution path. If \code{lambdas}
#'                       has also been specified, this value will be ignored. Note also that the final
#'                       solution path may contain fewer estimates (see
#'                       \code{alpha}).
#' @param gamma Value of concavity parameter. If \code{gamma > 0}, then the MCP will be used
#'              with \code{gamma} as the concavity parameter. If \code{gamma < 0}, then the L1 penalty
#'              will be used and this value is otherwise ignored.
#' @param error.tol Error tolerance for the algorithm, used to test for convergence.
#' @param max.iters Maximum number of iterations for each internal sweep.
#' @param alpha Threshold parameter used to terminate the algorithm whenever the number of edges in the
#'              current estimation is \code{> alpha * ncol(data)}.
#' @param verbose \code{TRUE / FALSE} whether or not to print out progress and summary reports.
#' @return A \code{\link{ccdrPath-class}} object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### Generate some random data
#' dat <- matrix(rnorm(1000), nrow = 20)
#' ### Run with default settings
#' ccdr.run(data = dat)
#' ### Optional: Adjust settings
#' pp <- ncol(dat)
#' init.betas <- matrix(0, nrow = pp, ncol = pp)              # initialize algorithm with a random initial value
#' init.betas[1,2] <- init.betas[1,3] <- init.betas[4,2] <- 1 #
#' ccdr.run(data = dat, betas = init.betas, lambdas.length = 10, alpha = 10, verbose = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
ccdr.run <- function(data,
                     lambdas.length = NULL,
                     gamma = 2.0,
                     error.tol = 1e-4,
                     max.iters = NULL,
                     alpha = 10,
                     verbose = FALSE
    ### This is just a wrapper for the internal implementation given by ccdr_call
    ccdr_call(data = data,
              betas = betas,
              lambdas = lambdas,
              lambdas.length = lambdas.length,
              gamma = gamma,
              error.tol = error.tol,
              rlam = NULL,
              max.iters = max.iters,
              alpha = alpha,
              verbose = verbose)

# ccdr_call
#   Handles most of the bookkeeping for CCDr. Sets default values and prepares arguments for
#    passing to ccdr_gridR and ccdr_singleR. Some type-checking as well, although most of
#    this is handled internally by ccdr_gridR and ccdr_singleR.
ccdr_call <- function(data,
                      verbose = FALSE
    ### Check data
    if(!check_if_data_matrix(data)) stop("Data must be either a data.frame or a numeric matrix!")
    if(count_nas(data) > 0) stop(paste0(count_nas(data), " missing values detected!"))

    ### Get the dimensions of the data matrix
    nn <- as.integer(nrow(data))
    pp <- as.integer(ncol(data))

    ### Use default values for lambda if not specified
            stop("Both lambdas and lambdas.length unspecified: Must specify a value for at least one of these arguments!")
        } else{
            ### Check lambdas.length if specified
            if(!is.numeric(lambdas.length)) stop("lambdas.length must be numeric!")
            if(lambdas.length <= 0) stop("lambdas.length must be positive!")

            ### Even though ccdr_call should never be called on its own, this behaviour is left for testing backwards-compatibility
            stop("rlam must be specified if lambdas is not explicitly specified.")
        } else if(is.null(rlam)){
            ### rlam = NULL is used as a sentinel value to indicate a default value should be used
            rlam <- 1e-2
        } else{
            ### Check rlam if specified
            if(!is.numeric(rlam)) stop("rlam must be numeric!")
            if(rlam < 0) stop("rlam must be >= 0!")

        # If no grid of lambdas is passed, then use the standard log-scale that starts at
        #  max.lam = sqrt(nn) and descends to min.lam = rlam * max.lam
        lambdas <- generate.lambdas(lambda.max = sqrt(nn),
                                    lambdas.ratio = rlam,
                                    lambdas.length = as.integer(lambdas.length),
                                    scale = "log")

    ### Check lambdas
    if(!is.numeric(lambdas)) stop("lambdas must be a numeric vector!")
    if(any(lambdas < 0)) stop("lambdas must contain only nonnegative values!")

#     if(length(lambdas) != lambdas.length){
#         warning("Length of lambdas vector does not match lambdas.length. The specified lambdas vector will be used and lambdas.length will be overwritten.")
#     }

    ### By default, set the initial guess for betas to be all zeroes
        betas <- matrix(0, nrow = pp, ncol = pp)
        # betas <- SparseBlockMatrixR(betas) # 2015-03-26: Deprecated and replaced with .init_sbm below
        betas <- .init_sbm(betas, rep(0, pp))

        # If the initial matrix is the zero matrix, indexing does not matter so we don't need to use reIndexC here
        #   Still need to set start = 0, though.
        betas$start <- 0
    } # Type-checking for betas happens in ccdr_singleR

    # This parameter can be set by the user, but in order to prevent the algorithm from taking too long to run
    #  it is a good idea to keep the threshold used by default which is O(sqrt(pp))
        max.iters <- 2 * max(10, sqrt(pp))

    t1.cor <- proc.time()[3]
    #     cors <- cor(data)
    #     cors <- cors[upper.tri(cors, diag = TRUE)]
    cors <- cor_vector(data)
    t2.cor <- proc.time()[3]

    fit <- ccdr_gridR(cors,

    fit <- lapply(fit, ccdrFit.list)    # convert everything to ccdrFit objects
    ccdrPath.list(fit)                  # wrap as ccdrPath object

# ccdr_gridR
#   Main subroutine for running the CCDr algorithm on a grid of lambda values.
ccdr_gridR <- function(cors,
                       pp, nn,

    ### Check alpha
    if(!is.numeric(alpha)) stop("alpha must be numeric!")
    if(alpha < 0) stop("alpha must be >= 0!")

    ### nlam is now set automatically
    nlam <- length(lambdas)

    ccdr.out <- list()
    for(i in 1:nlam){
        if(verbose) message("Working on lambda = ", round(lambdas[i], 5), " [", i, "/", nlam, "]")

        t1.ccdr <- proc.time()[3]
        ccdr.out[[i]] <- ccdr_singleR(cors,
                                      pp, nn,
                                      gamma = gamma,
                                      eps = eps,
                                      maxIters = maxIters,
                                      alpha = alpha,
                                      verbose = verbose
        t2.ccdr <- proc.time()[3]

        betas <- ccdr.out[[i]]$sbm
        betas <- reIndexC(betas) # use C-friendly indexing

            test.nedge <- sum(as.matrix(betas) != 0)
            message("  Estimated number of edges: ", ccdr.out[[i]]$nedge, " / test = ", test.nedge)
            # message("  Estimated total variance: ", sum(1 / (betas$sigmas)^2))

        # 7-16-14: Added code below to check edge threshold via alpha parameter
        if(ccdr.out[[i]]$nedge > alpha * pp){
            if(verbose) message("Edge threshold met, terminating algorithm with ", ccdr.out[[i-1]]$nedge, " edges.")

    ccdr.out[1:(i-1)] # only return up to i - 1 since the last (ith) model would not have finished running anyway

# ccdr_singleR
#   Internal subroutine for handling calls to singleCCDr: This is the only place where C++ is directly
#    called. Type-checking is strongly enforced here.
ccdr_singleR <- function(cors,
                         pp, nn,
                         alpha,     # 2-9-15: No longer necessary in ccdr_singleR, but needed since the C++ call asks for it
                         verbose = FALSE

    ### Check cors
    if(!is.numeric(cors)) stop("cors must be a numeric vector!")
    if(length(cors) != pp*(pp+1)/2) stop(paste0("cors has incorrect length: Expected length = ", pp*(pp+1)/2, " input length = ", length(cors)))

    ### Check dimension parameters
    if(!is.integer(pp) || !is.integer(nn)) stop("Both pp and nn must be integers!")
    if(pp <= 0 || nn <= 0) stop("Both pp and nn must be positive!")

    ### Check betas
    if(check_if_matrix(betas)){ # if the input is a matrix, convert to SBM object
        betas <- SparseBlockMatrixR(betas) # if betas is non-numeric, SparseBlockMatrixR constructor should throw error
        betas <- reIndexC(betas) # use C-friendly indexing
    } else if(!is.SparseBlockMatrixR(betas)){ # otherwise check that it is an object of class SparseBlockMatrixR
        stop("Incompatible data passed for betas parameter: Should be either matrix or list in SparseBlockMatrixR format.")

    ### Check lambda
    if(!is.numeric(lambda)) stop("lambda must be numeric!")
    if(lambda < 0) stop("lambda must be >= 0!")

    ### Check gamma
    if(!is.numeric(gamma)) stop("gamma must be numeric!")
    if(gamma < 0 && gamma != -1) stop("gamma must be >= 0 (MCP) or = -1 (Lasso)!")

    ### Check eps
    if(!is.numeric(eps)) stop("eps must be numeric!")
    if(eps <= 0){
        if(eps < 0) stop("eps must be >= 0!")
        if(eps == 0) warning("eps is set to zero: This may cause the algorithm to fail to converge, and maxIters will be used to terminate the algorithm.")

    ### Check maxIters
    if(!is.integer(maxIters)) stop("maxIters must be an integer!")
    if(maxIters <= 0) stop("maxIters must be > 0!")

    ### alpha check is in ccdr_gridR

    # if(verbose) cat("Opening C++ connection...")
    t1.ccdr <- proc.time()[3]
    ccdr.out <- singleCCDr(cors,
                           c(gamma, eps, maxIters, alpha),
                           verbose = verbose)
    t2.ccdr <- proc.time()[3]
    # if(verbose) cat("C++ connection closed. Total time in C++: ", t2.ccdr-t1.ccdr, "\n")

    # Convert output back to SBM format
    ccdr.out <- list(sbm = SparseBlockMatrixR(list(rows = ccdr.out$rows, vals = ccdr.out$vals, blocks = ccdr.out$blocks, sigmas = ccdr.out$sigmas, start = 0)),
                     lambda = ccdr.out$lambda,
                     nedge = ccdr.out$length,
                     pp = pp,
                     nn = nn,
                     time = t2.ccdr - t1.ccdr)
    ccdr.out$sbm <- reIndexR(ccdr.out$sbm)

    # ccdrFit(ccdr.out)
itsrainingdata/ccdr documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:12 a.m.