
#' Post-hoc analysis for Friedman's Test
#' This function applies Post-hoc analysis version of Friedman's Test.
#' Note: This function doesn't handle NA's! In case of NA in Y in one of the blocks, then that entire block should be removed.
#' @author Ivo Ugrina; \cr
#' Adapted from Tal Galili's version, see: \cr
#' \code{\link{http://www.r-statistics.com/2010/02/post-hoc-analysis-for-friedmans-test-r-code/}}; \cr
#' Original credit for linking online, to the package that performs the post hoc test, goes to 'David Winsemius', see: \cr
#' \code{\link{http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e8/help/09/10/1416.html}};
#' @export friedman.posthoc
#' @param  formu is a formula of the shape: Y ~ X | block
#' @param  data is a long data.frame with three columns:    [[ Y (numeric), X (factor), block (factor) ]]
#'   \code{\link{p.adjust.methods}}.
#' @return Returns a list consisting of list(Friedman.Test = the.sym.test, PostHoc.Test = The.post.hoc.P.values)

friedman.posthoc <- function(formu, data, to.print.friedman = T, to.post.hoc.if.signif = T, 
    to.plot.parallel = T, to.plot.boxplot = T, signif.P = 0.05, color.blocks.in.cor.plot = T, 
    jitter.Y.in.cor.plot = F) {
    # Loading needed packages
    if (!require(coin)) {
        print("You are missing the package 'coin', we will now try to install it...")
    if (!require(multcomp)) {
        print("You are missing the package 'multcomp', we will now try to install it...")
    if (!require(colorspace)) {
        print("You are missing the package 'colorspace', we will now try to install it...")
    if (!require(tidyr)) {
        print("You are missing the package 'tidyr', we will now try to install it...")
    # get the names out of the formula
    formu.names <- all.vars(formu)
    Y.name <- formu.names[1]
    X.name <- formu.names[2]
    block.name <- formu.names[3]
    # In case we have a 'data' data frame with more then the three columns we need.
    # This code will clean it from them...
    if (dim(data)[2] > 3) 
        data <- data[, c(Y.name, X.name, block.name)]
    # Note: the function doesn't handle NA's. In case of NA in one of the block T
    # outcomes, that entire block should be removed.
    # stopping in case there is NA in the Y vector
    if (sum(is.na(data[, Y.name])) > 0) 
        stop("Function stopped: This function doesn't handle NA's. In case of NA in Y in one of the blocks, then that entire block should be removed.")
    # make sure that the number of factors goes with the actual values present in the
    # data:
    data[, X.name] <- factor(data[, X.name])
    data[, block.name] <- factor(data[, block.name])
    number.of.X.levels <- length(levels(data[, X.name]))
    if (number.of.X.levels == 2) {
        warning(paste("'", X.name, "'", "has only two levels. Consider using paired wilcox.test instead of friedman test"))
    # making the object that will hold the friedman test and the other.  all pairwise
    # comparisons
    the.sym.test <- symmetry_test(formu, data = data, teststat = "max", xtrafo = function(Y.data) {
        trafo(Y.data, factor_trafo = function(x) {
            model.matrix(~x - 1) %*% t(contrMat(table(x), "Tukey"))
    }, ytrafo = function(Y.data) {
        trafo(Y.data, numeric_trafo = rank, block = data[, block.name])
    # if(to.print.friedman) { print(the.sym.test) }
    if (to.post.hoc.if.signif) {
        if (pvalue(the.sym.test) < signif.P) {
            # this is the post hoc of the friedman test
            The.post.hoc.P.values <- pvalue(the.sym.test, method = "single-step")
            # plotting
            if (to.plot.parallel & to.plot.boxplot) 
                par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
            # if we are plotting two plots, let's make sure we'll be able to see both
            if (to.plot.parallel) {
                X.names <- levels(data[, X.name])
                X.for.plot <- seq_along(X.names)
                # adding some spacing from both sides of the plot
                plot.xlim <- c(0.7, length(X.for.plot) + 0.3)
                if (color.blocks.in.cor.plot) {
                  blocks.col <- rainbow_hcl(length(levels(data[, block.name])))
                } else {
                  blocks.col <- 1  # black
                data2 <- data
                if (jitter.Y.in.cor.plot) {
                  data2[, Y.name] <- jitter(data2[, Y.name])
                  par.cor.plot.text <- "Parallel coordinates plot (with Jitter)"
                } else {
                  par.cor.plot.text <- "Parallel coordinates plot"
                # adding a Parallel coordinates plot
                matplot(as.matrix(spread_(data2, block.name, Y.name)[, -1]), type = "l", 
                  lty = 1, axes = FALSE, ylab = Y.name, xlim = plot.xlim, col = blocks.col, 
                  main = par.cor.plot.text)
                title(Y.name, outer=TRUE)
                axis(1, at = X.for.plot, labels = X.names)
                axis(2)  # plot Y axis
                print(cbind(data[, Y.name], data[, X.name]))
                print(tapply(data[, Y.name], data[, X.name], median))
                points(tapply(data[, Y.name], data[, X.name], median) ~ X.for.plot, 
                  col = "red", pch = 4, cex = 2, lwd = 5)
            if (to.plot.boxplot) {
                # first we create a function to create a new Y, by subtracting different
                # combinations of X levels from each other.
                subtract.a.from.b <- function(a.b, the.data) {
                  the.data[, a.b[2]] - the.data[, a.b[1]]
                temp.wide <- reshape(data, idvar = X.name, timevar = block.name, 
                  direction = "wide")  #[,-1]
                wide.data <- as.matrix(t(temp.wide[, -1]))
                colnames(wide.data) <- temp.wide[, 1]
                Y.b.minus.a.combos <- apply(with(data, combn(levels(data[, X.name]), 
                  2)), 2, subtract.a.from.b, the.data = wide.data)
                names.b.minus.a.combos <- apply(with(data, combn(levels(data[, X.name]), 
                  2)), 2, function(a.b) {
                  paste(a.b[2], a.b[1], sep = " - ")
                the.ylim <- range(Y.b.minus.a.combos)
                # adding some space for the labels
                the.ylim[2] <- the.ylim[2] + max(sd(Y.b.minus.a.combos))
                is.signif.color <- ifelse(The.post.hoc.P.values < 0.05, "green", 
                boxplot(Y.b.minus.a.combos, names = names.b.minus.a.combos, col = is.signif.color, 
                  main = "Boxplots (of the differences)", ylim = the.ylim)
                legend("topright", legend = paste(names.b.minus.a.combos, rep(" ; PostHoc P.value:", 
                  number.of.X.levels), round(The.post.hoc.P.values, 5)), fill = is.signif.color)
                abline(h = 0, col = "blue")
            list.to.return <- list(Friedman.Test = the.sym.test, PostHoc.Test = The.post.hoc.P.values)
            if (to.print.friedman) {
        } else {
            print("The results where not significant, There is no need for a post hoc test")
iugrina/rgoodies documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:12 a.m.