
Defines functions UcscTrack clearSessionCache .cacheMartData .cacheGenomes .cacheTracks .doCache

Documented in clearSessionCache UcscTrack

## UcscTrack -----------------------------------------------------------------
## Strictly speaking this is not a class, but rather some sort of meta-constructor for several of the previously
## defined track types directly from UCSC data. It will fetch online data from a particular track (or a sub-table of
## a track) and feed it to one of the original constructors with user-provided argument mappings.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Constructor. The following arguments are supported:
##    o track: a character of one of the available UCSC tracks
##    o table: a character of one one of the sub-tables of the track, or NULL to fetch all
##    o trackType: a character giving the name of the constructor to pass the data to, one in
##       c("AnnotationTrack", "GeneRegionTrack", "DataTrack", "GenomeAxisTrack")
##    o genome, chromosome: the reference genome and active chromosome for the track.
##    o from: the starting and end coordinates of the track data
##    o name: the name of the track. This will be used for the title panel.
## All additional items in ... are being treated as DisplayParameters

## A simple caching mechanism for UCSC session information. The overhead for establishing a connection to UCSC is
## quite significant and we can shave off 5 to 10 seconds here by caching sessions and associated information
## for a particular genome and chromosome.
.ucscCache <- new.env()
.ensemblCache <- new.env()
.martCache <- new.env()

#' @importFrom rtracklayer ucscGenomes browserSession
#' @importMethodsFrom rtracklayer chrom close getTable "tableName<-" track
#' ucscTableQuery trackNames tableNames import import.gff import.gff1
#' import.gff2 import.gff3 import.2bit import.bed15 import.bw import.ucsc
#' import.bed import.bedGraph import.chain import.wig seqinfo
#' @export
.doCache <- function(token, expression, env, callEnv = environment()) {
    if (!token %in% base::ls(env)) {
        res <- eval(expression, envir = callEnv)
        assign(x = token, value = res, envir = env)
    } else {
.cacheTracks <- function(genome, chromosome, track, env = .ucscCache) {
    genomes <- .doCache("availableGenomes", expression(rtracklayer::ucscGenomes()), env)
    if (!genome %in% as.character(genomes[, "db"])) {
        stop("'", genome, "' is not a valid UCSC genome.")
    sessionToken <- paste("session", genome, sep = "_")
    tracksToken <- paste("tracks", genome, sep = "_")
    tablesToken <- paste("tables", track, genome, sep = "_")
    cenv <- environment()
    session <- .doCache(
            myUcscUrl <- getOption("Gviz.ucscUrl")
            tmp <- if (is.null(myUcscUrl)) browserSession() else browserSession(url = myUcscUrl)
            genome(tmp) <- genome
        }), env, cenv
    availTracks <- .doCache(tracksToken, expression(trackNames(ucscTableQuery(session))), env, cenv)
    track <- match.arg(track, sort(c(availTracks, names(availTracks))))
    if (!is.na(availTracks[track])) {
        track <- names(availTracks[track])
    availTables <- .doCache(tablesToken, expression({
        query <- ucscTableQuery(session, track)
    }), env, cenv)
    chrInfo <- seqlengths(session)
        session = session, availTracks = availTracks, availTables = availTables, track = track,
        chrInfo = chrInfo
.cacheGenomes <- function(genome = NULL, env = .ucscCache) {
    availToken <- "availableGenomes"
    genomesToken <- paste("genomeBands", genome, sep = "_")
    genomes <- .doCache(availToken, expression(rtracklayer::ucscGenomes()), env)
    bands <- NULL
    if (!is.null(genome)) {
        cenv <- environment()
        bands <- .doCache(genomesToken, expression({
            if (!genome %in% as.character(genomes[, "db"])) {
                stop("'", genome, "' is not a valid UCSC genome.")
            sessionToken <- paste("session", genome, sep = "_")
            session <- .doCache(
                    myUcscUrl <- getOption("Gviz.ucscUrl")
                    tmp <- if (is.null(myUcscUrl)) browserSession() else browserSession(url = myUcscUrl)
                    genome(tmp) <- genome
                }), env, cenv
            query <- tryCatch(ucscTableQuery(session, table = "cytoBandIdeo"), error = function(e) {
                    "There doesn't seem to be any cytoband data available for genome '", genome,
                    "' at UCSC or the service is temporarily down. Trying to fetch the chromosome length data."
                tryCatch(ucscTableQuery(session, table = "chromInfo"), error = function(e) {
                        "There doesn't seem to be any chromosome length data available for genome '", genome,
                        "' at UCSC or the service is temporarily down."
            out <- getTable(query)
            if (all(c("chrom", "size") %in% colnames(out))) {
                out <- data.frame(chrom = out$chrom, chromStart = 0, chromEnd = out$size, name = "", gieStain = "gneg", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        }), env, cenv)

    return(list(availableGenomes = genomes, bands = bands))
.cacheMartData <- function(bmtrack, chromosome = NULL, staged = FALSE) {
    uid <- .bmGuid(bmtrack)
    req <- if (!is.null(bmtrack@start) && !is.null(bmtrack@end)) GRanges(seqnames = chromosome[1], IRanges(start = bmtrack@start, bmtrack@end)) else NULL
    if (is.null(chromosome) || is.null(.martCache[[uid]])) {
        data <- .fetchBMData(bmtrack, chromosome, staged)
        if (!is.null(req)) {
            .martCache[[uid]] <- list(data = data, ranges = req)
        } else {
            req <- range(data)
        if (length(data) && .dpOrDefault(bmtrack, "verbose", FALSE)) {
            message("Loaded data from Biomart for region ", paste(sprintf("%s:%i-%i(%s)", seqnames(req), start(req), end(req), strand(req)), collapse = " and "))
    } else {
        rr <- .martCache[[uid]][["ranges"]]
        dd <- .martCache[[uid]][["data"]]
        if (!is.null(req) && suppressWarnings(req %within% rr)) {
            genes <- unique(subsetByOverlaps(dd, req)$gene)
            data <- dd[seqnames(dd) == chromosome[1] & dd$gene %in% genes]
            if (.dpOrDefault(bmtrack, "verbose", FALSE)) {
                message(sprintf("Retrieved data from cache for region %s:%i-%i(%s)", chromosome, start(req), end(req), strand(req)))
        } else {
            data <- .fetchBMData(bmtrack, chromosome, staged)
            if (is.null(req)) {
                req <- range(data)
            .martCache[[uid]][["data"]] <- suppressWarnings(c(.martCache[[uid]][["data"]], data[!(seqnames(data) == chromosome[1] & data$gene %in% dd$gene)]))
            .martCache[[uid]][["ranges"]] <- suppressWarnings(union(rr, req))
            if (length(req) && .dpOrDefault(bmtrack, "verbose", FALSE)) {
                message("Loaded data from Biomart for region ", paste(sprintf("%s:%i-%i(%s)", seqnames(req), start(req), end(req), strand(req)), collapse = " and "))

## empty the session cache
#' @export
clearSessionCache <- function() {
    assignInNamespace(".ucscCache", new.env(), ns = "Gviz")
    assignInNamespace(".ensemblCache", new.env(), ns = "Gviz")
    assignInNamespace(".martCache", new.env(), ns = "Gviz")

## Constructor

#' Meta-constructor for Gviz tracks fetched directly from the various
#' UCSC data sources.
#' The UCSC data base provides a wealth of annotation information. This
#' function can be used to access UCSC, to retrieve the data available there
#' and to return it as an annotation track object amenable to plotting with
#' \code{\link{plotTracks}}.
#' \code{clearSessionCache} is can be called to remove all cached items from
#' the session which are generated when connecting with the UCSC data base.
#' The data stored at the UCSC data bases can be of different formats: gene or
#' transcript model data, simple annotation features like CpG Island locations
#' or SNPs, or numeric data like conservation or mapability. This function
#' presents a unified API to download all kinds of data and to map them back to
#' one of the annotation track objects defined in this package. The type of
#' object to hold the data has to be given in the \code{trackType} argument,
#' and subsequently the function passes all data on to the respective object
#' constructor. All additional named arguments are considered to be relevant
#' for the constructor of choice, and single character scalars are replaced by
#' the respective data columns in the downloaded UCSC tables if available. For
#' instance, assuming the table for track 'foo' contains the columns 'id',
#' 'type', 'fromLoc' and 'toLoc', giving the feature identifier, type, start
#' end end location. In order to create an \code{\linkS4class{AnnotationTrack}}
#' object from that data, we have to pass the additional named arguments
#' \code{id="id"}, \code{feature="type"}, \code{start="fromLoc"} and
#' codeend="toLoc" to the \code{UcscTrack} function. The complete function call
#' could look like this:
#' \code{UcscTrack(track="foo", genome="mm9", chromosome=3, from=1000,
#' to=10000, trackType="AnnotationTrack", id="id", feature="type",
#' start="from", end="to")}
#' To reduce the bandwidth, some caching of the UCSC connection takes place. In
#' order to remove these cached session items, call \code{clearSessionCache}.
#' The \code{Gviz.ucscUrl} option controls which URL is being used to connect
#' to UCSC. For instance, one could switch to the European UCSC mirror by
#' calling \code{options(Gviz.ucscUrl="http://genome-euro.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/"}.
#' @aliases UcscTrack clearSessionCache
#' @param track Character, the name of the track to fetch from UCSC. To find
#' out about available tracks please consult the online table browser at
#' \url{http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?command=start}.
#' @param table Character, the name of the table to fetch from UCSC, or
#' \code{NULL}, in which case the default selection of tables is used. To find
#' out about available tables for a given track please consult the online table
#' browser at \url{http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?command=start}.
#' @param trackType Character, one in \code{c("AnnotationTrack",
#' "GeneRegionTrack", "DataTrack", "GenomeAxisTrack")}. The function will try
#' to coerce the downloaded data in an object of this class. See below for
#' details.
#' @param genome Character, a valid USCS genome identifier for which to fetch
#' the data.
#' @param chromosome Character, a valid USCS character identifier for which to
#' fetch the data.
#' @param name Character, the name to use for the resulting track object.
#' @param from,to A range of genomic locations for which to fetch data.
#' @param \dots All additional named arguments are expected to be either
#' display parameters for the resulting objects, or character scalars of column
#' names in the downloaded UCSC data tables that are matched by name to
#' available arguments in the respective constructor functions as defined by
#' the \code{trackType} argument. See Details section for more information.
#' @return
#' An annotation track object as determined by \code{trackType}.
#' @author Florian Hahne
#' @seealso
#' \code{\linkS4class{AnnotationTrack}}
#' \code{\linkS4class{DataTrack}}
#' \code{\linkS4class{GeneRegionTrack}}
#' \code{\linkS4class{GenomeAxisTrack}}
#' \code{\link{plotTracks}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Create UcscTrack for Known Genes from mm9 genome
#' from <- 65921878
#' to <- 65980988
#' knownGenes <- UcscTrack(
#'     genome = "mm9", chromosome = "chrX", track = "knownGene",
#'     from = from, to = to, trackType = "GeneRegionTrack",
#'     rstarts = "exonStarts", rends = "exonEnds", gene = "name",
#'     symbol = "name", transcript = "name", strand = "strand",
#'     fill = "#8282d2", name = "UCSC Genes"
#' )
#' }
#' ## if the UCSC is not accessible load prepared object
#' data(ucscItems)
#' ## knownGenes is essentially GeneRegionTrack
#' knownGenes
#' ## plotting
#' plotTracks(knownGenes, chromosome = "chrX", from = 65920688, to = 65960068)
#' @export
UcscTrack <- function(track, table = NULL,
                      trackType = c(
                          "AnnotationTrack", "GeneRegionTrack",
                          "DataTrack", "GenomeAxisTrack"
                      genome, chromosome, name = NULL, from, to, ...) {
    trackType <- match.arg(trackType)
    if (missing(genome) || !isSingleString(genome)) stop("Need to specify genome for creating a UcscTrack")
    if (missing(chromosome)) stop("Need to specify chromosome for creating a UcscTrack")
    chromosome <- .chrName(chromosome)[1]
    sessionInfo <- .cacheTracks(genome = genome, chromosome = chromosome, track = track, env = .ucscCache)
    if (missing(from)) {
        from <- 1
    if (missing(to)) {
        to <- sessionInfo$chrInfo[chromosome]
    gr <- GRanges(ranges = IRanges(start = from, end = to), seqnames = chromosome)
    suppressWarnings(genome(gr) <- unname(genome))[1]
    query <- ucscTableQuery(sessionInfo$session, sessionInfo$track, gr)
    if (!is.null(table)) {
        table <- match.arg(table, sessionInfo$availTables)
        tableName(query) <- table
    if (is.null(name)) {
        name <- if (is.null(table)) track else paste(sessionInfo$track, table)
    tableDat <- if (trackType == "DataTrack") {
        tmp <- try(track(query), silent = TRUE)
        if (is(tmp, "try-error")) {
        } else {
    } else {
        tmp <- try(getTable(query), silent = TRUE)
        if (is(tmp, "try-error")) {
        } else {
    if (is(tmp, "try-error") && nrow(tableDat) == 0) {
        stop("Error fetching data from UCSC")
    args <- lapply(list(...), function(x) {
        if (is.character(x) && length(x) == 1) {
            if (!x %in% colnames(tableDat)) x else unlist(tableDat[, x])
        } else {
    if (trackType == "GeneRegionTrack") {
        args$start <- from
        args$end <- to
    args <- lapply(args, function(x) if (!length(x)) NULL else x)
    trackObject <- do.call(trackType, args = c(list(chromosome = chromosome, genome = genome, name = name), args))
ivanek/Gviz documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 8:16 p.m.