
coxlr.fit<-function (x, y, strata, offset, init, control, weights, method, 
    rownames,maxiter = NULL) 
    n <- nrow(y)
    if (is.matrix(x)) 
        nvar <- ncol(x)
    else {
        if (length(x) == 0) 
            nvar <- 0
        else nvar <- 1
    time <- y[, 1]
    status <- y[, 2]
    if (length(strata) == 0) {
        sorted <- order(time)
        strata <- NULL
        newstrat <- as.integer(rep(0, n))
    else {
        sorted <- order(strata, time)
        strata <- strata[sorted]
        newstrat <- as.integer(c(1 * (diff(as.numeric(strata)) != 0), 1))
    if (missing(offset) || is.null(offset)) 
        offset <- rep(0, n)
    if (missing(weights) || is.null(weights)) 
        weights <- rep(1, n)
    else {
        if (any(weights <= 0)) 
            stop("Invalid weights, must be >0")
        weights <- weights[sorted]
    stime <- as.double(time[sorted])
    sstat <- as.integer(status[sorted])
    if (nvar == 0) {
        x <- as.matrix(rep(1, n))
        nullmodel <- TRUE
        nvar <- 1
        init <- 0
        maxiter <- 0
    else {
        nullmodel <- FALSE
        if(is.null(maxiter)) maxiter <- control$iter.max
        if (!missing(init) && !is.null(init)) {
            if (length(init) != nvar) 
                stop("Wrong length for inital values")
        else init <- rep(0, nvar)
    storage.mode(weights) <- storage.mode(init) <- "double"
    coxfit <- .Call("coxfit6", as.integer(maxiter), stime, sstat, 
        x[sorted, ], as.double(offset[sorted]), weights, newstrat, 
        as.integer(method == "efron"), as.double(control$eps), 
        as.double(control$toler.chol), init, as.integer(1), PACKAGE = "seqMeta")
    if (nullmodel) {
        score <- exp(offset[sorted])
       list(loglik = coxfit$loglik[1], linear.predictors = offset, 
            residuals = NA, method = c("coxph.null", "coxph"))
    else {
        var <- matrix(coxfit$imat, nvar, nvar)
        coef <- coxfit$coef
        if (coxfit$flag < nvar) 
            which.sing <- diag(var) == 0
        else which.sing <- rep(FALSE, nvar)
        infs <- abs(coxfit$u %*% var)
        if (maxiter > 1) {
            if (coxfit$flag == 1000) 
                warning("Ran out of iterations and did not converge")
            else {
                infs <- ((infs > control$eps) & infs > control$toler.inf * 
                if (any(infs)) 
                  warning(paste("Loglik converged before variable ", 
                    paste((1:nvar)[infs], collapse = ","), "; beta may be infinite. "))
        names(coef) <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
              list(coefficients = coef, var = var, loglik = coxfit$loglik, 
            score = coxfit$sctest, iter = coxfit$iter, linear.predictors = NA, 
            residuals = NA, means = coxfit$means, concordance = NA, 
            method = "coxph")
izhbannikov/seqMetaPlus documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:14 a.m.