
Defines functions spm_discrete

Documented in spm_discrete

#'Discrete multi-dimensional optimization
#'@references Akushevich I., Kulminski A. and Manton K. (2005), Life tables with covariates: Dynamic model 
#'for Nonlinear Analysis of Longitudinal Data. Mathematical Population Studies, 12(2), pp.: 51-80.
#'@param dat A data table.
#'@param theta_range A range of \code{theta} parameter (axe displacement of Gompertz function), default: from 0.001 to 0.09 with step of 0.001.
#'@param tol A tolerance threshold for matrix inversion (NULL by default).
#'@param verbose An indicator of verbosing output.
#'@return A list of two elements ("dmodel", "cmodel"): (1) estimated parameters u, R, b, Sigma, Q, mu0, theta for discrete-time model and
#'(2) estimated parameters a, f1, Q, f, b, mu0, theta for continuous-time model. Note: b and mu0 from first list are different 
#'from b and mu0 from the second list.
#'@details This function is way more faster that continuous \code{spm_continuous_MD(...)} (but less precise) and used mainly in 
#'estimation a starting point for the \code{spm_continuous_MD(...)}.
#'data <- simdata_discr(N=10)
#'#Parameters estimation
#'pars <- spm_discrete(data)
spm_discrete <- function(dat, theta_range=seq(0.02,0.2,by=0.001), tol=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
  #dat <- data
  k <- (dim(dat)[2] - 4)/2
  # Logistic regression:
  total_cols <- (1 + k + (k*(k+1))/2) + 2
  result <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=total_cols,0)
  for(theta in theta_range) {
    ethetat <- exp(theta*dat[,3])
    newdat <- dat[,2] # Outcome
    newdat <- cbind(newdat,ethetat) #x0
    cnames <- c("xi", "x0")
    # A loop for the bt coefficients:
    index_i <- 1
    for(i in seq(1,(k*2-1),2)) {
      newdat <- cbind(newdat,dat[,(4+i)]*ethetat) #x1
      cnames <- c(cnames,paste("x1","_",index_i,sep=''))
      index_i <- index_i + 1
    index_i <- 1
    index_j <- 1
    for(i in seq(1,(k*2-1),2)) {
      for(j in seq(i,(k*2-1),2)) {
        if(i != j) {
          c.dat <- 2*dat[,(4+i)]*dat[,(4+j)]*ethetat
        } else {
          c.dat <- dat[,(4+i)]*dat[,(4+j)]*ethetat
        newdat <- cbind(newdat,c.dat)
        cnames <- c(cnames,paste("x2","_", index_i,"_",index_j,sep=''))
        index_j <- index_j + 1
      index_i <- index_i + 1
      index_j <- 1
    colnames(newdat) <- cnames
    reg_formula <- as.formula(paste("1 -", cnames[1],"~", paste(cnames[2:length(cnames)],collapse='+'), "- 1"))
    res.pois <- glm(reg_formula, data=as.data.frame(newdat), family = poisson(link=log), 
                    control=list(maxit = 250, trace=verbose))
    if(verbose) {cat(coef(res.pois))}
    res <- res.pois
    tryCatch({res <- glm(reg_formula, data=as.data.frame(newdat), family = binomial(link = log), 
                         control=list(maxit = 250, trace=verbose))
             error=function(e) {if(verbose  == TRUE) {print(e)}}, 
             finally=function() {res <- res.pois}
    coef <- -1*res$coefficients 
    result <- rbind(result, c(theta, coef, logLik(res)[1]))

  parameters_glm <- result[which(result[,total_cols] == max(result[,total_cols])),]
  names(parameters_glm) <- c("theta", cnames[2:length(cnames)], "Log Lik")
  ## Least-square:
  index_i <- 1
  index_j <- 1
  parameters_lsq <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=(k+3))
  parameters_lsq_stderr <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=(k+3))
  for(i in seq(1,(k*2-1),2)) {
    newdat2 <- dat[,(5+i)]
    cnames <- c(paste("y2","_",index_i,sep=''))
    for(j in seq(1,(k*2-1),2)) {
      newdat2 <- cbind(newdat2,dat[,(4+j)]) 
      cnames <- c(cnames,paste("y1","_", index_j,sep=''))
      index_j <- index_j  + 1
    colnames(newdat2) <- cnames
    reg_formula <- paste(cnames[1],"~", paste(cnames[2:length(cnames)],collapse='+'))
    res <- lm(as.formula(reg_formula),data=as.data.frame(newdat2),na.action = na.omit)
    coef <- res$coefficients # intercept, y1
    std.err <- coef(summary(res))[, 2]
    parameters_lsq <- rbind(parameters_lsq, c(coef, sd(res$residuals), logLik(res)[1]))
    parameters_lsq_stderr <- rbind(parameters_lsq_stderr, c(std.err, sd(res$residuals), logLik(res)[1]))
    index_j <- 1
    index_i <- index_i + 1
  #Output parameters:
  parameters_glm <- unname(parameters_glm);
  theta <- parameters_glm[1]
  mu0 <- parameters_glm[2]
  b <- parameters_glm[3:(2+k)]
  Q <- matrix(nrow=k, ncol=k, 0)
  names(Q) <- NULL
  start <- 2+k+1
  end <- start + k*(k+1)/2
  utarray <- parameters_glm[start:end]
  start <- 1
  end <- k
  i <- 1
  for(ii in 1:k) {
    Q[ii,(i:k)] <- utarray[start:end]
    start <- start + k - i + 1
    end <- start + k - i - 1
    i <- i + 1
  for(i in 1:k) {
    for(j in i:k) {
      #Q[i,j] <- abs(Q[i,j])
      Q[j,i] <- Q[i,j]
  #------end of calculating of Q-matrix--------#
  parameters_lsq <- unname(parameters_lsq);
  u <- parameters_lsq[,1]
  u.std.err <- parameters_lsq_stderr[,1]
  R <- t(parameters_lsq[,2:(2+k-1)])
  R.std.err <- t(parameters_lsq_stderr[,2:(2+k-1)])
  Sigma <- parameters_lsq[,(2+k)]
  pars1 <- list(theta=theta, mu0=mu0, b=b, Q=Q, u=u, u.std.err=u.std.err, R=R, R.std.err=R.std.err, Sigma=Sigma)
  # Making a new parameter set:
  QH <- Q
  aH <- R - diag(k)
  bH <- as.matrix(Sigma, nrow=1)
  f1H <- (-1)*u %*% solve(aH, tol=tol)
  fH <- -0.5 * b %*% solve(QH, tol=tol)
  mu0H <- mu0 - fH %*% QH %*% t(fH)

  thetaH <- theta
  pars2 <- list(a=aH, f1=f1H, Q=QH, f=fH, b=bH, mu0=mu0H, theta=thetaH)
  pars <- list(dmodel=pars1, cmodel=pars2)
  class(pars) <- "spm.discrete"
izhbannikov/spm documentation built on Sept. 10, 2022, 12:15 p.m.