Man pages for j-andrews7/EZscRNA
Simple Convenience Functions for High-Level scRNA-Seq Analysis

AddClonotypeAdd 10X clonotype data to seurat object
AssignCellTypeInfers and assigns nearest cell type for each cell using...
BatchCCEDAExploratory data analysis plots
ClusterDEGNormalize, scale, and regress out wanted variation
NormScoreCCNormalize counts and score cell cycle for each cell
PerformCellInferencePerforms SingleR inference
RunEnrichrPerform enrichment analyses for a gene list
RunQCCreates basic QC plots
ScoreAnnotatedMarkersScore annotated marker lists
SimpleIntegrationIntegrate Seurat objects simply and easily
VizAnnotatedMarkersVisualize an annotated marker list
VizDotPlotCreates DotPlot for gene set
VizEnrichmentsVisualize GO/pathway enrichments
VizHeatmapCreates Heatmap for gene set
VizMetaDataVisualize a Seurat object by metadata variables
VizRidgePlotCreates RidgePlots for gene set
VizScoredSetsVisualize scored gene modules
VizVDJDistVisualize clonotype distributions
VizVlnPlotCreates VlnPlots for gene set
j-andrews7/EZscRNA documentation built on Feb. 24, 2020, 10:37 a.m.