
Defines functions identify_global organize_database clean_moderators match_variables_df match_variables fix_df

Documented in organize_database

fix_df <- function(df){
          as.data.frame(lapply(as.list(df), function(x){
               if(is.matrix(x) | is.data.frame(x)){
          }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

match_variables <- function(call, arg, data,
                            arg_name = NULL, as_array = FALSE, allow_multiple = FALSE) {
  x  <- tryCatch(eval(call, data, enclos=sys.frame(sys.parent())),
                 error = function(e) e)
  if (inherits(x, "error")) {
    stop(paste0("Column `", call, "` not present in `data`."), call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (is.character(x)) {
      if (any(x %in% colnames(data)) & (length(x) == 1 | allow_multiple) & !anyDuplicated(x)) {
        d <- tryCatch(data[,x], error = function(e) e)
        if (inherits(d, "simpleError")) {
                     paste0("`", x[!x %in% colnames(data)], "`", collapse = ", "),
                     "not present in `data`."))
        } else {
      } else {
        if (!is.null(arg_name) & length(x) == 1) {
          if(x == arg_name){
            x <- NULL
          } else {
    } else {
      if (as_array & is.null(dim(x))) {
        setNames(as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
      } else {
  } else {

## Under development
# match_variables2 <- function(arg, data, name, arg_name, as_df = FALSE){
#         do_postprocess <- TRUE
#         if(length(name) == 1 & !name[1] %in% colnames(data)){
#                 do_postprocess <- FALSE
#         } else if (inherits(try(arg, silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
#                 arg <- tryCatch(dplyr::select(data, {{arg}}),
#                                 error = function(e) stop(paste0("The variable `", name, "` supplied as the `" , arg_name, "` argument is not in `data`."), call. = FALSE)
#                 )
#         } else if (is.matrix(arg)) {
#                 if (is.null(colnames(arg))) {
#                         arg <- setNames(as.data.frame(`arg`,
#                                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
#                                         paste(name,
#                                               1:ncol(`arg`), sep = "_"))
#                 } else {
#                         arg <- as.data.frame(arg,
#                                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#                 }
#         } else if (is.list(arg)) {
#                 if (is.null(names(arg))) {
#                         arg <- setNames(as.data.frame(arg,
#                                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
#                                         paste(name,
#                                               1:length(arg), sep = "_"))
#                 } else {
#                         arg <- as.data.frame(arg,
#                                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#                 }
#         } else {
#                 if (length(arg) == nrow(data)) {
#                         arg <- setNames(as.data.frame(arg,
#                                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
#                                         name)
#                 } else {
#                         arg <- try(dplyr::select(data, name))
#                         if (inherits(arg, "try-error"))
#                                 stop(paste0("`", arg_name, "` appears to reference variable(s) not included in `data`.\nIf providing the `", arg_name,"` argument as a vector, `length(", arg_name, ")` must match `nrow(data)`."), call. = FALSE)
#                 }
#         }
#         if(do_postprocess){
#                 if(!is.null(data))
#                         if (nrow(arg) != nrow(data))
#                                 stop("`length(arg)` must match `nrow(data)`.", call. = FALSE)
#                 if(!as_df){
#                         if(ncol(arg) > 1) stop(paste0("Argument `", arg_name, "` must be a single variable."), call. = FALSE)
#                         arg <- setNames(c(unlist(arg)), NULL)
#                 }
#         }
#         return(arg)
# }

match_variables_df <- function(moderators, data, name) {
        if (inherits(try(moderators, silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
                moderators <- tryCatch(dplyr::select(data, {{moderators}}),
                                       error = function(e) stop("`moderators` included variables not included in `data`.", call. = FALSE)
        } else if (is.matrix(moderators)) {
                if (is.null(colnames(moderators))) {
                        moderators <- setNames(as.data.frame(moderators,
                                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                                                     1:ncol(moderators), sep = "_"))
                } else {
                        moderators <- as.data.frame(moderators,
                                                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        } else if (is.list(moderators)) {
                if (is.null(names(moderators))) {
                        moderators <- setNames(as.data.frame(moderators,
                                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                                                     1:length(moderators), sep = "_"))
                } else {
                        moderators <- as.data.frame(moderators,
                                                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        } else {
                if (length(moderators) == nrow(data)) {
                        moderators <- setNames(as.data.frame(moderators,
                                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                } else {
                        moderators <- try(dplyr::select(data, {{moderators}}))
                        if (inherits(moderators, "try-error"))
                                stop("`moderators` included variables not included in `data`.\n  If providing moderator vectors directly, `length(moderators)` must match `nrow(data)`.", call. = FALSE)
        if (nrow(moderators) != nrow(data))
                stop("`length(moderators)` must match `nrow(data)`.", call. = FALSE)


clean_moderators <- function(moderator_matrix, cat_moderators, es_vec,
                             moderator_levels = NULL, moderator_names = NULL,
                             presorted = FALSE){
     .moderator_names <- moderator_names
          if(is.null(dim(moderator_matrix))) moderator_matrix <- data.frame(Moderator = moderator_matrix, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          es_vec <- unlist(es_vec)

               if(nrow(moderator_matrix) != length(es_vec))
                    stop("moderator_matrix must contain as many cases as there are effect sizes in the meta-analysis", call. = FALSE)

          moderator_names <- colnames(moderator_matrix)
               moderator_names <- paste("Moderator", 1:ncol(moderator_matrix), sep = "_")
               moderator_names[moderator_names == ""] <- paste("Moderator", which(moderator_names == ""), sep = "_")
          colnames(moderator_matrix) <- moderator_names

               cat_moderator_matrix <- moderator_matrix[,cat_moderators]
                    cat_moderator_matrix <- as.data.frame(cat_moderator_matrix, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                    colnames(cat_moderator_matrix) <- colnames(moderator_matrix)[cat_moderators]

                    for(i in 1:ncol(cat_moderator_matrix))
                         cat_moderator_matrix[,i] <- factor(cat_moderator_matrix[,i], levels = moderator_levels[[i]])

                    moderator_matrix[,cat_moderators] <- cat_moderator_matrix
               cat_moderator_matrix <- NULL
          cat_moderator_matrix <- NULL

          colnames(moderator_matrix) <- .moderator_names[["all"]]
          colnames(cat_moderator_matrix) <- .moderator_names[["cat"]]

     list(moderator_matrix = moderator_matrix,
          cat_moderator_matrix = cat_moderator_matrix)

#' Organize a database of multi-construct or moderated information
#' @param es_data Matrix of effect-size data to be used in meta-analyses.
#' @param sample_id Optional vector of identification labels for studies in the meta-analysis.
#' @param citekey Optional vector of bibliographic citation keys for samples/studies in the meta-analysis (if multiple citekeys pertain to a given effect size, combine them into a single string entry with comma delimiters (e.g., "citkey1,citekey2").
#' @param construct_x Vector of construct names for construct initially designated as X.
#' @param construct_y Vector of construct names for construct initially designated as Y.
#' @param facet_x Vector of facet names for construct initially designated as X.
#' @param facet_y Vector of facet names for construct initially designated as Y.
#' @param data_x Additional data (e.g., artifact information) specific to the variables originally designated as X.
#' @param data_y Additional data (e.g., artifact information) specific to the variables originally designated as Y.
#' @param moderators Matrix, dataframe, or vector of moderators.
#' @param use_as_x Vector of construct names to be categorized as X constructs - cannot overlap with the contents of 'use_as_y'.
#' @param use_as_y Vector of construct names to be categorized as Y constructs - cannot overlap with the contents of 'use_as_x'.
#' @param construct_order Vector indicating the order in which variables should be arranged, with variables listed earlier in the vector being preferred for designation as X.
#' @param cat_moderators Logical vector identifying whether each variable in moderators is a categorical variable (TRUE) or a continuous variable (FALSE).
#' @param moderator_levels Optional list of factor levels to be applied to the categorical moderators.
#' @return A reorganized list of study data
#' @keywords internal
organize_database <- function(es_data, sample_id = NULL, citekey = NULL,
                              construct_x = NULL, construct_y = NULL,
                              facet_x = NULL, facet_y = NULL,
                              measure_x = NULL, measure_y = NULL,
                              data_x = NULL, data_y = NULL, moderators = NULL,
                              use_as_x = NULL, use_as_y = NULL, construct_order = NULL, cat_moderators = TRUE, moderator_levels = NULL){

     if(!is.null(citekey)) es_data <- cbind(citekey = citekey, es_data) %>% mutate(citekey = as.character(citekey))
     if(!is.null(sample_id)) es_data <- cbind(sample_id = sample_id, es_data) %>% mutate(sample_id = as.character(sample_id))

               moderators <- data.frame(Moderator_1 = moderators, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

     ## Build a matrix of construct names
     if(!is.null(construct_x) | !is.null(construct_y)){
               construct_x <- rep(NA, length(construct_y))
                    warning("'construct_x' was NULL: use_as_x' is also being set to NULL", call. = FALSE)
                    use_as_x <- NULL
               construct_y <- rep(NA, length(construct_x))
                    warning("'construct_y' was NULL: use_as_y' is also being set to NULL", call. = FALSE)
                    use_as_y <- NULL
          construct_mat_orig <- cbind(construct_x, construct_y)
          construct_mat_orig <- NULL
     if(!is.null(construct_mat_orig)) if(all(is.na(construct_mat_orig))) construct_mat_orig <- NULL

     if(!is.null(construct_x)) data_x$construct_x <- construct_x
     if(!is.null(facet_x)) data_x$facet_x <- facet_x
     if(!is.null(measure_x)) data_x$measure_x <- measure_x
     data_x <- data.frame(data_x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

     if(!is.null(construct_y)) data_y$construct_y <- construct_y
     if(!is.null(facet_y)) data_y$facet_y <- facet_y
     if(!is.null(measure_y)) data_y$measure_y <- measure_y
     data_y <- data.frame(data_y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

     ## Create copies of data_x and data_y to manipulate
     data_x_reorg <- data_x
     data_y_reorg <- data_y


               keep_id <- construct_mat_orig %in% construct_order
               dim(keep_id) <- dim(construct_mat_orig)
               if(all(is.na(construct_x)) | all(is.na(construct_y))){
                         keep_id[,1] <- TRUE
                              is_x <- !keep_id[,2]

                         keep_id[,2] <- TRUE
                              is_x <- keep_id[,1]
                    is_x <- match(construct_mat_orig[,1], construct_order) < match(construct_mat_orig[,2], construct_order)
               is_x <- cbind(is_x, !is_x)
               is_y <- !is_x
               keep_id <- apply(keep_id, 1, all)
               if(!is.null(use_as_x) | !is.null(use_as_y)){
                    if(!is.null(use_as_x) & !is.null(use_as_y)){
                         ## Screen out attemps to mix and match constructs - all must have consistent X and Y designations
                         if(any(use_as_x %in% use_as_y)) stop("Construct names supplied to 'use_as_x' cannot also be supplied to 'use_as_y'", call. = FALSE)
                         if(any(use_as_y %in% use_as_x)) stop("Construct names supplied to 'use_as_y' cannot also be supplied to 'use_as_x'", call. = FALSE)

                         ## Determine which constructs in which columns should be designated X
                         is_x <- construct_mat_orig %in% use_as_x
                         dim(is_x) <- dim(construct_mat_orig)
                         if(is.null(use_as_y)) is_y <- !is_x
                         ## Determine which constructs in which columns should be designated Y
                         is_y <- construct_mat_orig %in% use_as_y
                         dim(is_y) <- dim(construct_mat_orig)
                         if(is.null(use_as_x)) is_x <- !is_y
                    keep_id <- apply(is_x, 1, sum) == 1 & apply(is_y, 1, sum) == 1
                    keep_id <- NULL

               ## Only keep studies that include the variable(s) of interest
               es_data <- es_data[keep_id,]
               construct_mat_orig <- construct_mat_orig[keep_id,]
               is_x <- is_x[keep_id,]
               is_y <- is_y[keep_id,]

                    data_x <- data_x[keep_id,]
                    data_x_reorg <- data_x_reorg[keep_id,]
                    data_y <- data_y[keep_id,]
                    data_y_reorg <- data_y_reorg[keep_id,]
               if(!is.null(moderators)) moderators <- moderators[keep_id,]

               ## Determine which X variables need to be redesignated as Y variables (and vice-versa) and
               ## move data for all re-designated variables the the appropriate reorganized object
               move_y2x <- is_x[,2]
               move_x2y <- is_y[,1]

               if(!is.null(data_x_reorg) & any(move_y2x)){
                    data_x_reorg[move_y2x,] <- data_y[move_y2x,]
               if(!is.null(data_y_reorg) & any(move_x2y)){
                    data_y_reorg[move_x2y,] <- data_x[move_x2y,]

               if(!is.null(data_x_reorg)) construct_x <- data_x_reorg$construct_x
               if(!is.null(data_y_reorg)) construct_y <- data_y_reorg$construct_y

     if(!is.null(data_x)) data_x$construct_x <- data_x_reorg$construct_x <- NULL
     if(!is.null(data_y)) data_y$construct_y <- data_y_reorg$construct_y <- NULL

     if(!is.null(construct_x)) construct_x <- as.character(construct_x)
     if(!is.null(construct_y)) construct_y <- as.character(construct_y)

     if(!is.null(construct_x)) if(all(is.na(construct_x))) construct_x <- NULL
     if(!is.null(construct_y)) if(all(is.na(construct_y))) construct_y <- NULL

     construct_mat <- cbind(construct_x, construct_y)
     construct_dat <- as.data.frame(construct_mat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

     if(!is.null(use_as_x)) use_as_x <- as.character(use_as_x)
     if(!is.null(use_as_y)) use_as_y <- as.character(use_as_y)
     if(is.null(construct_order)) construct_order <- c(use_as_x, use_as_y)
          if(!is.null(construct_x)) construct_dat[,"construct_x"] <- factor(construct_dat[,"construct_x"], levels = construct_order)
          if(!is.null(construct_y)) construct_dat[,"construct_y"] <- factor(construct_dat[,"construct_y"], levels = construct_order)

               moderators <- data.frame(Moderator_1 = moderators, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

     ## Build the temporary data matrix
     temp_mat <- es_data
     if(!is.null(data_x_reorg)) temp_mat <- cbind(temp_mat, data_x_reorg)
     if(!is.null(data_y_reorg)) temp_mat <- cbind(temp_mat, data_y_reorg)
     if(!is.null(moderators)) temp_mat <- cbind(moderators, temp_mat)
     if(!is.null(construct_mat)) temp_mat <- cbind(construct_dat, temp_mat)
     temp_mat <- as.data.frame(temp_mat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

     ## Pull out the re-organized data
     es_data <- temp_mat[,colnames(es_data)]
          col_names <- colnames(construct_dat)
          construct_mat <- temp_mat[,colnames(construct_dat)]
          construct_mat <- as.data.frame(construct_mat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          colnames(construct_mat) <- col_names
          col_names <- colnames(moderators)
          moderators <- temp_mat[,colnames(moderators)]
          moderators <- as.data.frame(moderators, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          colnames(moderators) <- col_names
          col_names <- colnames(data_x_reorg)
          data_x_reorg <- temp_mat[,colnames(data_x_reorg)]
          data_x_reorg <- as.data.frame(data_x_reorg, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          colnames(data_x_reorg) <- col_names
          col_names <- colnames(data_y_reorg)
          data_y_reorg <- temp_mat[,colnames(data_y_reorg)]
          data_y_reorg <- as.data.frame(data_y_reorg, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          colnames(data_y_reorg) <- col_names

     facet_x <- facet_y <- measure_x <- measure_y <- NULL
          if(any(colnames(data_x_reorg) == "facet_x")){
               facet_x <- as.character(data_x_reorg[,"facet_x"])
               data_x_reorg$facet_x <- NULL
          if(any(colnames(data_y_reorg) == "facet_y")){
               facet_y <- as.character(data_y_reorg[,"facet_y"])
               data_y_reorg$facet_y <- NULL

          if(any(colnames(data_x_reorg) == "measure_x")){
               measure_x <- as.character(data_x_reorg[,"measure_x"])
               data_x_reorg$measure_x <- NULL
          if(any(colnames(data_y_reorg) == "measure_y")){
               measure_y <- as.character(data_y_reorg[,"measure_y"])
               data_y_reorg$measure_y <- NULL

     if(ncol(data_x_reorg) == 0) data_x_reorg <- NULL
     if(ncol(data_y_reorg) == 0) data_y_reorg <- NULL

          sample_id <- as.character(es_data[,"sample_id"])
          es_data <- es_data[,colnames(es_data) != "sample_id"]

          citekey <- as.character(es_data[,"citekey"])
          es_data <- es_data[,colnames(es_data) != "citekey"]

     moderators_cleaned <- clean_moderators(moderator_matrix = moderators, cat_moderators = cat_moderators, es_vec = es_data[,1], moderator_levels = moderator_levels)

     ## Return the reorganized data
     list(es_data = es_data,
          sample_id = sample_id,
          citekey = citekey,
          construct_x = construct_x,
          construct_y = construct_y,
          facet_x = facet_x,
          facet_y = facet_y,
          measure_x = measure_x,
          measure_y = measure_y,
          data_x = data_x_reorg,
          data_y = data_y_reorg,
          complete_moderators = moderators_cleaned$moderator_matrix,
          categorical_moderators = moderators_cleaned$cat_moderator_matrix)

identify_global <- function(sample_id,
                            construct_x, construct_y,
                            facet_x, facet_y,
                            measure_x, measure_y){

     valid_facet <- !is.na(facet_x) | !is.na(facet_y)

     global_labels <- c("overall", "global", "total")
     global_x <- tolower(facet_x) %in% global_labels
     global_y <- tolower(facet_y) %in% global_labels
     global_both <- global_x & global_y
     global_either <- global_x | global_y
     global_one <- global_either & !global_both
     global <- global_either

     if(is.null(measure_x)) measure_x <- rep(NA, length(construct_x))
     .measure_x <- measure_x[global_x]
     .measure_x[is.na(.measure_x)] <- "No measure specified"
     measure_x[global_x] <- .measure_x

     if(is.null(measure_y)) measure_y <- rep(NA, length(construct_y))
     .measure_y <- measure_y[global_y]
     .measure_y[is.na(.measure_y)] <- "No measure specified"
     measure_y[global_y] <- .measure_y

     construct_mat <- t(apply(cbind(construct_x, construct_y), 1, sort))
     sample_construct_pairs <- paste(sample_id, construct_mat[,1], construct_mat[,2])

     pairs_both <- sample_construct_pairs[global_both]
     pairs_either <- sample_construct_pairs[global_either]
     pairs_one <- sample_construct_pairs[global_one]

     .pairs_one <- pairs_one[pairs_one %in% pairs_both]
     global[sample_construct_pairs %in% .pairs_one & global_one] <- FALSE

     pairs_global <- sample_construct_pairs[global]
     eliminate <- rep(FALSE, length(global))
     eliminate[sample_construct_pairs %in% pairs_global & !global_either] <- TRUE

     list(global = global,
          retain = !eliminate)
jadahlke/psychmeta documentation built on June 29, 2024, 5:43 a.m.