exploitationrates = function( p, areas, labels=NULL, CFA4X.exclude.year.assessment=FALSE ){
if ( is.null(labels)) labels = areas
# ------------ fisheries data
landings = bio.snowcrab::snowcrab_landings_db()
# year is year of capture
# yr is "fishing year" relative to the assessment cycle
landings.north = landings[ which(landings$cfa =="cfanorth"), ]
ln = aggregate(landings.north$landings, list(yr=landings.north$yr), function(x) sum(x, na.rm=T))
names(ln) = c("yr", "landings")
ln = factor2number(ln, c("yr", "landings"))
ln$id = paste(ln$yr, "cfanorth", sep=".")
landings.south = landings[ which(landings$cfa =="cfasouth") , ]
ls = aggregate(landings.south$landings, list(yr=landings.south$yr), function(x) sum(x, na.rm=T))
names(ls) = c("yr", "landings")
ls = factor2number(ls, c("yr", "landings"))
ls$id = paste(ls$yr, "cfasouth", sep=".")
landings.4x = landings[ which(landings$cfa =="cfa4x" ) , ]
lx = aggregate(landings.4x$landings, list(yr=landings.4x$yr), function(x) sum(x, na.rm=T))
names(lx) = c("yr", "landings")
lx = factor2number(lx, c("yr", "landings"))
lx$id = paste(lx$yr, "cfa4x", sep=".")
# lx$landings[2:(nrow(lx))] = lx$landings[1:(nrow(lx)-1)] # offset due to the fishing season being after the Survey
la = rbind(ln, ls, lx)
la$yr = NULL
la$landings.kt = as.numeric(as.character(la$landings))/1000/1000
# ----------- biomass data
p$vars.to.model ="R0.mass"
p = parallel_run( p=p, runindex=list(y=p$yrs, v=p$vars.to.model ) )
td = interpolation.db( DS="interpolation.simulation", p=p )
td = td[ which(td$region %in% areas ), ]
td$id = paste(td$yr, td$region, sep=".")
td$biomass = td$total / 1000
td$lbound = td$total.ub / 1000
td$ubound = td$total.lb / 1000
td$total = NA
X = merge( td, la, by="id", all.x=T, all.y=F, sort=F)
td = X[ which(is.finite( X$biomass)) ,]
years= sort(unique(td$yr))
for (rs in areas) {
for (ys in years) {
i = which(td$yr == ys & as.character(td$region) == rs )
j = which(td$yr == (ys-1) & as.character(td$region) == rs )
# post-2002 surveys have surveys in autumn
if (ys >= 2002) {
td$total[i] = td$landings.kt[i] / (td$biomass[i] + td$landings.kt[i])
td$lb[i] = td$landings.kt[i] / (td$ubound[i] + td$landings.kt[i])
td$ub[i] = td$landings.kt[i] / (td$lbound[i] + td$landings.kt[i])
} else if (ys <= 2001 ) {
td$total[i] = td$landings.kt[i] / td$biomass[i]
td$lb[i] = td$landings.kt[i] / td$ubound[i]
td$ub[i] = td$landings.kt[i] / td$lbound[i]
td$region = factor(as.character(td$region), levels=areas, labels=labels)
eps = 1e-6
varstocheck = c("total", "ubound", "lbound")
for (vs in varstocheck) {
td[,vs] = td[,vs]
kk = which(td[,vs] <= eps)
if (length(kk)>0) td[kk,vs] = 0
td = td[is.finite(td$total) ,]
td = td[order(td$region,td$yr),]
if (CFA4X.exclude.year.assessment) {
td$total[ which( td$region=="4X" & td$yr==p$year.assessment) ] = NA # the fishery is ongoing
td$ub[ which(td$region=="4X" & td$yr==p$year.assessment) ] = NA # the fishery is ongoing
td$lb[ which(td$region=="4X" & td$yr==p$year.assessment) ] = NA # the fishery is ongoing
ii = which(td$region=="4X" & td$yr<2004)
td$total[ ii ] = NA
td$ub[ ii ] = NA
td$lb[ ii ] = NA
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