interpolation.db = function( ip=NULL, DS=NULL, p=NULL,
varnames = c("snowcrab.large.males_abundance", "snowcrab.large.males_presence_absence"), annot.cex=2 ) {
stop( "this method uses stmv .. no longer supported")
if (DS %in% c( "fishable.biomass", "fishable.biomass.redo" )) {
outdir = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "modelled", "biomass" )
dir.create(path=outdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)
fn = file.path( outdir, "biomass.rdata" )
if (DS=="fishable.biomass") {
if ( file.exists( fn) ) load(fn)
return (B)
bm = snowcrab_stmv( p=p, DS="baseline", ret="mean", varnames=varnames )
bl = snowcrab_stmv( p=p, DS="baseline", ret="lb", varnames=varnames )
bu = snowcrab_stmv( p=p, DS="baseline", ret="ub", varnames=varnames )
m = bm[[1]] * bm[[2]] # biomass (density)
lb = bl[[1]] * bl[[2]]
ub = bu[[1]] * bu[[2]]
h = bm[[2]] # habitat
hl = bl[[2]]
hu = bu[[2]]
bm=bu=bl = NULL
# respect the bounds of input data (no extrapolation)
# set = aegis.survey::survey_db( p=p, DS="filter" ) # mature male > 95 mm
# qn = quantile( set$totwgt_adjusted, probs=c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm=TRUE )
# bm[ bm > qn[2] ] = qn[2] # truncate .. do not extrapolate
# bm[ bm < qn[1] ] = 0 # these are assumed to be below detection limit
# bm[ bl < qn[1] ] = 0 # these are assumed to be below detection limit
bm[ h < p$habitat.threshold.quantile ] = NA
bm[ hl < p$habitat.threshold.quantile ] = NA
if(0) {
bs = bathymetry_db(p=p, DS="baseline")
levelplot( m[,16] ~ plon+plat, bs, aspect="iso")
for (i in 1:16) print(levelplot( m[,i] ~ plon+plat, bs, aspect="iso"))
# limit range of extrapolation to within a given distance from survey stations .. annual basis
set = snowcrab.db( DS="set.clean")
bs = bathymetry_db(p=p, DS="baseline")
bb = array_map( "xy->1", bs, gridparams=p$gridparams )
if (0) {
# annual mask
for (iy in 1:p$ny ) {
S = set[ which(set$yr==p$yrs[iy]), c("plon", "plat") ]
S = S[ !duplicated(S),]
nn = array_map( "xy->1", S, gridparams=p$gridparams )
overlap = match( nn, bb )
overlap = overlap[ which( is.finite( overlap ))]
o = bs[overlap,]
# add corners as buffer
ot = t(o) # reshape to make addition simpler using R's cycling rules
o = rbind( t( ot + p$threshold.distance*c( 1, 1) ),
t( ot + p$threshold.distance*c(-1,-1) ),
t( ot + p$threshold.distance*c( 1,-1) ),
t( ot + p$threshold.distance*c(-1, 1) )
o = o[ !duplicated(o),]
boundary= non_convex_hull( o, lengthscale=p$threshold.distance*4, plot=FALSE )
outside.polygon = which( bs[,1], bs[,2], boundary[,1], boundary[,2] ) == 0 )
m[outside.polygon,iy] = NA
ub[outside.polygon,iy] = NA
lb[outside.polygon,iy] = NA
h[outside.polygon,iy] = NA
hl[outside.polygon,iy] = NA
hu[outside.polygon,iy] = NA
# a static mask
S = set[ , c("plon", "plat") ]
S = S[ !duplicated(S),]
nn = array_map( "xy->1", S, gridparams=p$gridparams )
overlap = match( nn, bb )
overlap = overlap[ which( is.finite( overlap ))]
o = bs[overlap,]
# add corners as buffer
ot = t(o) # reshape to make addition simpler using R's cycling rules
o = rbind( t( ot + p$threshold.distance*c( 1, 1) ),
t( ot + p$threshold.distance*c(-1,-1) ),
t( ot + p$threshold.distance*c( 1,-1) ),
t( ot + p$threshold.distance*c(-1, 1) )
o = o[ !duplicated(o),]
boundary= non_convex_hull( o, lengthscale=25, plot=FALSE )
outside.polygon = which( bs[,1], bs[,2], boundary[,1], boundary[,2] ) == 0 )
m[outside.polygon,] = NA
ub[outside.polygon,] = NA
lb[outside.polygon,] = NA
h[outside.polygon,] = NA
hl[outside.polygon,] = NA
hu[outside.polygon,] = NA
B = list( m=m, lb=lb, ub=ub, h=h, hl=hl, hu=hu )
save( B, file=fn, compress=TRUE )
# ------------------
if (DS %in% c( "" )) {
projectdir = file.path(p$data_root, "maps", "fishable.biomass", p$spatial_domain )
dir.create (projectdir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive =TRUE)
bs = bathymetry_db(p=p, DS="baseline")
bm = interpolation.db( p=p, DS="fishable.biomass" )
fb = bm$m / 10^3 # kg/km^2 to t/km^2 .. required for biomass.summary.db
fl = bm$lb / 10^3 # kg/km^2 to t/km^2 .. required for biomass.summary.db
fu = bm$ub / 10^3 # kg/km^2 to t/km^2 .. required for biomass.summary.db
h = bm$h
qs = quantile(fb[fb>0], probs=c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm=TRUE)
datarange = seq( (qs[1]), (qs[2]), length.out=150)
cols = color.code( "seis", datarange )
fb[which(!is.finite(fb))] = qs[1]*0.99
for (iy in 1:p$ny) {
y = p$yrs[iy]
xyz = cbind( bs[, c("plon", "plat")], (fb[,iy]) )
outfn = paste( "prediction.abundance.mean", y, sep=".")
fn = file.path( projectdir, paste(outfn, "png", sep="." ) )
png( filename=fn, width=3072, height=2304, pointsize=40, res=300 )
lp = aegis_map( xyz=xyz, depthcontours=TRUE, pts=NULL, annot=y,
annot.cex=annot.cex, corners=p$planar.corners, at=datarange,
col.regions=cols, rez=c(p$pres,p$pres), plotlines="cfa.regions" )
print (fn)
qs = quantile(fl[fl>0], probs=c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm=TRUE)
qs = range(fl[fl>0], na.rm=TRUE)
datarange = seq( (qs[1]), (qs[2]), length.out=150)
cols = color.code( "seis", datarange )
fl[which(!is.finite(fl))] = qs[1]*0.99
for (iy in 1:p$ny) {
y = p$yrs[iy]
xyz = cbind( bs[, c("plon", "plat")], (fl[,iy]) )
outfn = paste( "", y, sep=".")
fn = file.path( projectdir, paste(outfn, "png", sep="." ) )
png( filename=fn, width=3072, height=2304, pointsize=40, res=300 )
lp = aegis_map( xyz=xyz, depthcontours=TRUE, pts=NULL, annot=y,
annot.cex=annot.cex, corners=p$planar.corners, at=datarange,
col.regions=cols, rez=c(p$pres,p$pres), plotlines="cfa.regions" )
print (fn)
qs = quantile(fu[fu>0], probs=c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm=TRUE)
datarange = seq( (qs[1]), (qs[2]), length.out=150)
cols = color.code( "seis", datarange )
fu[which(!is.finite(fu))] = qs[1]*0.99
for (iy in 1:p$ny) {
y = p$yrs[iy]
xyz = cbind( bs[, c("plon", "plat")], (fu[,iy]) )
outfn = paste( "prediction.abundance.ub", y, sep=".")
fn = file.path( projectdir, paste(outfn, "png", sep="." ) )
png( filename=fn, width=3072, height=2304, pointsize=40, res=300 )
lp = aegis_map( xyz=xyz, depthcontours=TRUE, pts=NULL, annot=y,
annot.cex=annot.cex, corners=p$planar.corners, at=datarange,
col.regions=cols, rez=c(p$pres,p$pres), plotlines="cfa.regions" )
print (fn)
# ------------------
if (DS=="fishable.biomass.timeseries") {
bm = interpolation.db(p=p, DS="fishable.biomass")
fb = bm$m / 10^3 # kg/km^2 to t/km^2 .. required for biomass.summary.db
fl = bm$lb / 10^3 # kg/km^2 to t/km^2 .. required for biomass.summary.db
fu = bm$ub / 10^3 # kg/km^2 to t/km^2 .. required for biomass.summary.db
h = bm$h
bs = bathymetry_db( p=p, DS="baseline")
nreg = length(p$
for (r in 1:nreg ){
aoi = polygon_inside(x=bs[ , c("plon", "plat")], region=p$[r], planar=TRUE, proj.type=p$aegis_proj4string_planar_km )
aoi = intersect( aoi, which( bs$plon > 250 ) )
out = matrix( NA, nrow=p$ny, ncol=5)
for (y in 1:p$ny) {
iHabitat = which( {h[,y] >= p$habitat.threshold.quantile } ) # any area with biomass > lowest threshold, by definition
iHabitatRegion = intersect( aoi, iHabitat )
out[ y, 1] = sum( fb[iHabitatRegion,y] , na.rm=TRUE ) # abundance weighted by Pr
out[ y, 2] = sum( fl[iHabitatRegion,y] , na.rm=TRUE )
out[ y, 3] = sum( fu[iHabitatRegion,y] , na.rm=TRUE )
out[ y, 4] = sum( h[iHabitatRegion,y] ) * (p$pres*p$pres)
out[ y, 5] = length( iHabitatRegion ) * (p$pres*p$pres)
ok = out )
names( ok) = c("total", "", "total.ub", "sa.region", "sa.crude")
ok$ = log(ok$total)
ok$ = log( ok$ # as above
ok$ = log( ok$total.ub) # as above
ok$region = p$[r]
ok$yr = p$yrs
K = rbind(K, ok)
K$density = K$total / K$sa.region
K$density.crude = K$total / K$sa.crude
return( K )
if (0){
table.view( K )
plot( total ~ yr, K[K$region=="cfanorth", ], type="b")
plot( total ~ yr, K[K$region=="cfasouth", ], type="b")
plot( total ~ yr, K[K$region=="cfa4x", ], type="b")
plot( density ~ yr, K[K$region=="cfanorth", ], type="b")
plot( density ~ yr, K[K$region=="cfasouth", ], type="b")
plot( density ~ yr, K[K$region=="cfa4x", ], type="b")
plot( density.crude ~ yr, K[K$region=="cfanorth", ], type="b")
plot( density.crude ~ yr, K[K$region=="cfasouth", ], type="b")
plot( density.crude ~ yr, K[K$region=="cfa4x", ], type="b")
if ( DS %in% c( "interpolation.simulation" ) ) {
message(" simulation-based results are not ready at present")
message(" defaulting to simple estimates based upon asymptotic assumptions" )
message(" only R0.mass is supported for now" )
out = NULL
if ( p$ == "R0.mass" ) out = interpolation.db( p=p, DS="fishable.biomass.timeseries" )
# ---------
if (DS =="habitat.temperatures") {
bm = interpolation.db( p=p, DS="fishable.biomass" )
ps = snowcrab_stmv(p=p, DS="output_data" )
bs = bathymetry_db( p=p, DS="baseline")
temp = ps$t
nreg = length(p$
for (r in 1:nreg ){
aoi = polygon_inside(x=bs[ , c("plon", "plat")], region=p$[r], planar=TRUE, proj.type=p$aegis_proj4string_planar_km )
aoi = intersect( aoi, which( bs$plon > 250 ) )
out = matrix( NA, nrow=p$ny, ncol=2)
for (y in 1:p$ny) {
iHabitat = which( bm$h[,y] >= p$habitat.threshold.quantile ) # any area with bm > lowest threshold
iHabitatRegion = intersect( aoi, iHabitat )
out[ y, 1] = mean( temp[iHabitatRegion,y] , na.rm=TRUE ) # temperature weighted by Pr
out[ y, 2] = sd( temp[iHabitatRegion,y] , na.rm=TRUE ) # temperature weighted by Pr
ok = out )
names( ok) = c("temperature", "")
ok$region = p$[r]
ok$yr = p$yrs
ok$lbound = ok$temperature - ok$*1.96 # normal assumption
ok$ubound = ok$temperature + ok$*1.96
K = rbind(K, ok)
return( K )
return ("Completed" )
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