
Defines functions fn

#' @title Visualize and Evaluate multiple Benchmarks
#' @description
#' Visualize and Evaluate multiple Benchmarks
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object
#' @export
##' @param res.list [\code{list}]\cr
##'   List of BenchmarkResult Objects
##' @param benchmarks [\code{list}]\cr
##'   List of Benchmarks.
##'   Will be matched with res.list entries.
BenchMultiVis = R6Class("BenchMultiVis",

  public = list(
    # public member
    thresholds.dt = NULL,
    op.dt = NULL,

    # constructor
    initialize = function(res.list, benchmarks) {
      assertList(res.list, types = "BenchResult", any.missing = FALSE)
      assertList(benchmarks, types = "Benchmark", any.missing = FALSE)
      bench.tab = data.table(
        bench.hash = map_chr(benchmarks, "hash"),
        bench.id = map_chr(benchmarks, "id"),
        bench.max.evals = map_dbl(benchmarks, c("termination.criterions", "evals", "vars", "max.evals"))
      #make sure bench ids are unique!
      bench.tab[, bench.id := if (.N>1) paste0(bench.id, seq_len(.N)) else bench.id, by = .(bench.hash)]
      res.tab = data.table(
        bench.hash = map_chr(res.list, "benchmark.hash"),
        bench.no = seq_along(res.list)

      # helper fun
      benchmarkById = function(bench.id) {
        benchmarks[bench.tab$bench.id == bench.id][[1]]

      res.tab = merge(bench.tab, res.tab)
      res.all = res.tab[, {
        this.benchmark = benchmarkById(bench.id[1])
        agg.res = aggregateBenchRepls(res.list = res.list[bench.no], benchmark = this.benchmark)
        lapply(agg.res, list)
      }, by = c("bench.id")]

      # unify thresholds
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(res.all))) {
        new_levels = paste0(seq(0, 100, by = 10),"%")
        if ("<NA>" == tail(levels(res.all$op.dt[[i]]$y.th), 1)) {
          new_levels_2 = c(new_levels, "<NA>")
        } else {
          new_levels_2 = new_levels
        res.all$op.dt[[i]][, y.th := lvls_revalue(res.all$op.dt[[i]]$y.th, new_levels_2)]
        res.all$thresholds.dt[[i]][, y.th := lvls_revalue(res.all$thresholds.dt[[i]]$y.th, tail(new_levels, -1))]

      # remove x columns
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(res.all))) {
        x.ids = benchmarkById(res.all$bench.id[i])$x.ids
        res.all$op.dt[[i]][, (x.ids) := NULL]
        res.all$thresholds.dt[[i]][, (x.ids) := NULL]

      # put bench id in sub tables
      if (nrow(res.all) == 1) { #FIXME: This is a workaraound for a data.table bug
        op = copy(res.all$op.dt[[1]])
        op[, bench.id := res.all$bench.id[1]]
        res.all$op.dt[[1]] = list(op)
        t.dt = copy(res.all$thresholds.dt[[1]])
        t.dt[, bench.id := res.all$bench.id[1]]
        res.all$thresholds.dt[[1]] = list(t.dt)
      } else {
        res.all$op.dt = Map(cbind, res.all$op.dt, bench.id = res.all$bench.id)
        res.all$thresholds.dt = Map(cbind, res.all$thresholds.dt, bench.id = res.all$bench.id)
      # merge to one dt
      op.dt = merge(bench.tab, rbindlist(res.all$op.dt, fill = TRUE))
      thresholds.dt = merge(bench.tab, rbindlist(res.all$thresholds.dt, fill = TRUE))

      # unify dob to progress
      #not needed atm
      #op.dt[, dob.progress := dob / max(dob)]
      thresholds.dt[, nev.progress := nev / bench.max.evals]

      self$thresholds.dt = thresholds.dt
      self$op.dt = op.dt

    # public methods
    plot_opt_path_progress = function() {
      # plot opt path progress
      g1 = ggplot(self$op.dt, aes_string(x = "dob", y = "y.dob.c", group = "algo.name.config", color = "algo.name.config", fill = "algo.name.config"))
      g1 = g1 + geom_point(size = 0.5, alpha = 0.2)
      g1 = g1 + stat_summary(fun.y = median, geom="line")
      g1 = g1 + stat_summary(fun.ymin = partial(quantile, probs = 0.1), geom="ribbon", fun.ymax = partial(quantile, probs = 0.9), alpha = 0.1, color = NA)
      g1 = g1 + facet_wrap(~bench.id, scales = "free")
    plot_threshold_progress = function() {
      # plot threshold progress
      g2 = ggplot(self$thresholds.dt, aes(x = y.th, y = nev.progress, fill = algo.name.config))
      g2 = g2 + geom_boxplot()
      g2 = g2 + geom_hline(yintercept = 1)
      g2 = g2 + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(min(self$thresholds.dt$nev.progress), 1))
    table_aggregated_for_thr = function() {

if (FALSE) {
  benchmarkA = generateSimpleBenchmark(makeBraninFunction())
  #benchmarkB = generateSimpleBenchmark(makeSwiler2014Function())
  #funB = makeRosenbrockFunction(7)
  funB = makeSingleObjectiveFunction(name = "test1", fn = function(x) x[[1]]^2 + sin(x[[2]]), par.set = makeNumericParamSet("x", 2, -3, 3))
  benchmarkB = generateSimpleBenchmark(funB)

  bench.cmaes = function(benchmark, repl, design, sigma = 1.5, lambda = 40) {
    fun = smoof::addLoggingWrapper(benchmark$smoof.fun, logg.x = TRUE, logg.y = TRUE)
    des = benchmark$getInitialDesignEvaluated(repl)
    start.point = unlist(des[des$y == benchmark$minmax(des$y), benchmark$x.ids, drop = TRUE])
    res = cmaesr::cmaes(
      objective.fun = fun,
      start.point = start.point,
      control = list(
        log.population = TRUE,
        sigma = sigma,
        lambda = lambda,
        stop.ons =list(
          #cmaesr::stopOnOptValue(benchmark$termination.criterions$termination.value$vars$best.y.value, tol = benchmark$termination.criterions$termination.value$vars$tol)
    logged.values = getLoggedValues(fun)
    op.dt = cbind(logged.values$pars, y = logged.values$obj.vals)
    op.dt = head(op.dt, benchmark$termination.criterions$evals$vars$max.evals)
    BenchResult$new(benchmark = benchmark, op.dt = as.data.table(op.dt), repl = repl)
  bench.optim = function(benchmark, repl) {
    fun = smoof::addLoggingWrapper(benchmark$smoof.fun, logg.x = TRUE, logg.y = TRUE)
    des = benchmark$getInitialDesignEvaluated(repl)
    start.point = unlist(des[des$y == benchmark$minmax(des$y), benchmark$x.ids, drop = TRUE])
    res = optim(par = start.point, fn = fun, control = list(maxit = benchmark$termination.criterions$evals$vars$max.evals))
    logged.values = getLoggedValues(fun)
    op.dt = cbind(logged.values$pars, y = logged.values$obj.vals)
    op.dt = head(op.dt, benchmark$termination.criterions$evals$vars$max.evals)
    BenchResult$new(benchmark = benchmark, op.dt = as.data.table(op.dt), repl = repl)
  bench.e.cmaes = BenchExecutor$new(id = "cmaesr", executor.fun = bench.cmaes, fixed.args = list(sigma = 1.5))
  bench.e.optim = BenchExecutor$new(id = "optim", executor.fun = bench.optim)
  repls.benchA1 = Map(bench.e.cmaes$execute, benchmark = list(benchmarkA), lambda = 20, repl = as.list(1:10))
  repls.benchA2 = Map(bench.e.optim$execute, benchmark = list(benchmarkA), repl = as.list(1:10))
  repls.benchB1 = Map(bench.e.cmaes$execute, benchmark = list(benchmarkB), lambda = 20, repl = as.list(1:10))
  repls.benchB2 = Map(bench.e.optim$execute, benchmark = list(benchmarkB), repl = as.list(1:10))
  res.list = c(repls.benchA1, repls.benchA2, repls.benchB1, repls.benchB2)
  benchmarks = list(benchmarkB, benchmarkA)
  brvB = BenchReplVis$new(res.list = c(repls.benchB1, repls.benchB2), benchmark = benchmarkB)
  brvA = BenchReplVis$new(res.list = c(repls.benchA1, repls.benchA2), benchmark = benchmarkA)
  res.list = c(repls.benchA1, repls.benchA2, repls.benchB1, repls.benchB2)
  bmv = BenchMultiVis$new(res.list, benchmarks = benchmarks)
jakob-r/mboBench documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11 p.m.