
cluster <- TRUE # run on cluster or locally
# user identifier -- only needed if running on cluster
user <- "JH"

# if TRUE, run for one fixed set of parameters;
# if FALSE, run for many combinations of parameters
run_fixed <- TRUE

# load vaxedemic package
# local directory with the vaxedemic package
package_dir <- "~/Documents/vaxedemic/"

# Where to save simulation results
outputDir <- "outputs_random_vaccinations"
if(!file.exists(outputDir)) dir.create(outputDir)
output_prefix <- "random_allocations"
output_prefix <- paste(outputDir, output_prefix, sep = "/")

# set up the arguments to be passed to the function to be run, which
# are constant across the sets of simulations.
# these arguments are
# n_runs, time_params, seasonality_params,
# life_history_params, travel_params, simulation_flags,
# vax_params,vax_production_params, vax_allocation_params,
# user_specified_cum_vax_pool_func,
# user_specified_vax_alloc_func,
# seed_params, calculate_summaries_func, postprocessing_func, other_info

## How many runs for each set of simulations?
n_runs <- 500

# if TRUE, run a short test before the full number of runs
short_test <- FALSE
# if cluster && (!test_local), run test on cluster, otherwise run locally
test_local <- FALSE
# number of runs per test
n_runs_test <- 1
# if n_runs <= n_runs_test, don't run teh test regardless of teh value of short_test set above
short_test <- short_test && (n_runs > n_runs_test)

# parameters to do with time steps in simulation
time_params <- list(tmax = 360, # Maximum time of simulation (in days) -- 
                    # needs to be multiple of seasonality_params[["days_per_block"]]
                    tdiv = 6) # Number of time steps per day

# seasonality parameters
seasonality_params <- list(tdelay = 180, # (in days) Shifts the seasonality function - changing this effectively changes the seed time.
                           # tdelay = 0 is seed at t = 0 in sinusoidal curve, roughly start of autumn in Northern hemisphere
                           days_per_block = 30, # average seasonality over blocks of this many days
                           amp = 0.3) # amplitude of seasonality

## Life history parameters, including R0
life_history_params <- list(R0=1.4, TR=2.6, LP = 1.5, case_fatality_ratio = rep(2e-2,2))

## Travel parameters
travel_params <- list(epsilon = 5e-5)

## Options for the simulation
simulation_flags <- list(ageMixing=TRUE,
                         real_data = TRUE,
                         country_specific_contact = TRUE,
                         seasonal = TRUE,
                         rng_seed = NULL)

# parameters to do with properties of the vaccine: efficacy and initial number vaccinated
vax_params <- list(efficacy = .7, propn_vax0 = 0)
# parameters to do with vaccine production. correspond to arguments of user_specified_cum_vax_pool_func
vax_production_params <- list(detection_delay = 0, production_delay = 7, 
                              production_rate = 550e06/(365/12*3), max_vax = Inf)
# parameters to do with vaccine allocation. correspond to arguments of user_specified_vax_alloc_func
vax_allocation_params <- list(priorities = NULL, period = 6 * 7, coverage = NULL)

# name of vaccine production function in vaxedemic package.  must specify as character string for to work
# see current options in get_vaxedemic_func_options()
user_specified_cum_vax_pool_func <- "produce_vax_linear_with_delay"
# name of vaccine allocation function in vaxedemic package.  must specify as character string for to work
# see current options in get_vaxedemic_func_options()
#user_specified_vax_alloc_func <- "vaccinate_by_incidence"
user_specified_vax_alloc_func <- "vaccinate_by_current_seasonal_alloc"

# parameters to do with seeding the pandemic
if(simulation_flags[["real_data"]]) {
  seedCountries <- "China"
} else {
  seedCountries <- 1

seed_params <- list(Countries = seedCountries, # where to seed
                    Sizes = c(20), # how many to seed in each country
                    Ages = 3, # which age group to seed in each country
                    RiskGroups = 1) # which risk group to seed in each country

# character string specifying function used to calculate summaries of each run.
# see current options in get_vaxedemic_func_options()
# when writing these functions, the argument names must be things that can found in the environment
# after running the main simulation
# calculate_summaries_func <- "calc_peak_times_and_attack_rates"
# calculate_summaries_func <- "calc_region_time_series"
# calculate_summaries_func <- "calc_incidence_time_series"
calculate_summaries_func <- "calc_incidence_vaccinated_peak_times_attack_rates"
# calculate_summaries_func <- "return_all_res"

# character string specifying function to do postprocessing
# see current options in get_vaxedemic_func_options()
# postprocessing_func <- "postprocessing_peak_times_and_attack_rates"
postprocessing_func <- "postprocessing_incidence_vaccinated_peak_times_attack_rates"
# postprocessing_func <- "postprocessing_simple_save"

# certain postprocessing funcs require certain summaries to be calculated -- check
if((postprocessing_func == "postprocessing_country_attack" && calculate_summaries_func != "calc_country_attack") ||
   (postprocessing_func == "postprocessing_plot_peak_times" && calculate_summaries_func != "calc_peak_times") ||
   (postprocessing_func == "postprocessing_peak_times_and_attack_rates" && calculate_summaries_func != "calc_peak_times_and_attack_rates")) {
  stop("postprocessing function does not match summary function")

# other_info provides any other information needed, such as to calculate the summaries
# or post-process results.
# in this case, we need region and latitude information for each country to make the plots.
regionDat <- read.csv("data/regions_clean.csv")
latitudeDat <- read.csv("data/latitudes_intersect.csv")
other_info <- list(regionDat = regionDat,
                   latitudeDat = latitudeDat)

if(cluster) {
  # Setup an interface to the cluster
  # sometimes fails with "Error in buildr_http_client_response(r) : Not Found (HTTP 404)" -- just re-run
  obj1 <- setup_cluster(user,expire=1e10)
} else if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {

if(run_fixed) {
  # run for fixed parameters
  run_func <- "run_fixed_params_and_postprocess"
  if(cluster) {
    # submit to cluster
    args_list <- make_arg_list(runs = NULL, run_func, obj)
    saveRDS(args_list, paste0(output_prefix,"_args_list.rds"))
    if(short_test) {
      if(test_local) {
        args_list_temp <- make_arg_list(runs = NULL, run_func, obj = NULL)
        args_list_temp <- shorten_runs(args_list_temp, n_runs_test), args_list_temp)
      } else {
        args_list_temp <- args_list
        args_list_temp <- shorten_runs(args_list_temp, n_runs_test)
        job_test <- obj$enqueue(, args_list_temp))

    job <- obj$enqueue(, args_list))
  } else {
    # run a single job
    args_list <- make_arg_list(runs = NULL, run_func, obj = NULL)
    saveRDS(args_list, paste0(output_prefix,"_args_list.rds"))
    if(short_test) {
      args_list_temp <- args_list
      args_list_temp <- shorten_runs(args_list_temp, n_runs_test), args_list_temp)
    }, args_list)
} else {
  # run for different combinations of parameters
  # the function to be run to vary parameters. write your own in run_funcs.R
  # must specify as character string for to work
  # see current options in get_vaxedemic_func_options()
  run_func <- "random_vacc_allocations"

  ## Generate all combinations of these two parameters
  ## Generate a data frame for these parameters and a run name
  ## identifier for each combination. The column names for this 
  ## data frame must correspond to the first 
  ## arguments of run_func
  runs <- paste0("data/random_coverage_tables/",list.files("data/random_coverage_tables/"))
  #runs <- runs[1:3]
  runs <- data.frame("runName"=paste0("coverage_table_",1:length(runs)),"coverage_filename"=runs,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  runs$runName <- as.character(runs$runName)
  # run in cluster or locally
  if(cluster) {
    # submit to cluster
    args_list <- make_arg_list(runs, run_func, obj)
    saveRDS(args_list, paste0(output_prefix,"_args_list.rds"))
    if(short_test) {
      if(test_local) {
        # run test for first parameter set only
        args_list_temp <- make_arg_list(runs, run_func, obj = NULL)
        args_list_temp <- args_list_temp[[1]]
        args_list_temp <- shorten_runs(args_list_temp, n_runs_test), args_list_temp)
      } else {
        args_list_temp <- args_list[[1]]
        args_list_temp <- shorten_runs(args_list_temp, n_runs_test)
        job_test <- obj$enqueue(, args_list_temp))
    jobs <-, args_list)
  } else {
    # run locally
    args_list <- make_arg_list(runs, run_func, obj = NULL)
    saveRDS(args_list, paste0(output_prefix,"_args_list.rds"))
    if(short_test) {
        args_list_temp <- args_list[[1]]
        args_list_temp <- shorten_runs(args_list_temp, n_runs_test), args_list_temp)
    lapply(args_list, function(x), x))
jameshay218/vaxedemic documentation built on Jan. 30, 2020, 2:58 a.m.